The Heiress Secret Identity

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The Heiress secret Identity


00:00:00I need you to find her, Mr. Maxwell, she's on her way.
00:00:26It's okay, I found her.
00:00:33Ah, finally, you're here.
00:00:36Where have you been?
00:00:44Who are you?
00:00:46What are you talking about? We agreed that I'd pay you $10,000 a month and you'd be my wife.
00:00:50Sir, I think you've got the wrong person. I'm here to meet my husband. It's our anniversary.
00:00:56Oh my gosh, okay, I'm so sorry, ma'am.
00:01:02What do you mean she's not coming?
00:01:03Mr. Maxwell, I'm sorry.
00:01:06How could she stand us up like this?
00:01:15Daniel, get out! Get out of the car, how could you do this on our anniversary?
00:01:22Daniel, is this even treaty?
00:01:30We're getting a divorce.
00:01:34If it wasn't for my darling Jenny here, I wouldn't have landed that $100 million deal with the Maxwell Group.
00:01:41Let's see our difference, pumpkin. What can you do for Daniel?
00:01:48You have to listen to me, I'm talking, I'm talking.
00:01:52Lady, please, your anniversary gift is all ready, it's just ready.
00:01:57I mean, with you pulling the strings, the Maxwell Group approved the $100 million deal for your husband, which Daniel is totally ill-equipped for.
00:02:09Good for him.
00:02:10Mr. Conner, will you please stop following me around, because I don't want to be recognized.
00:02:16Lady, how long are you going to pretend to be his commoner wife?
00:02:23Why don't you just come home? Duke Silas misses his daughter.
00:02:31You, you, you're a bastard.
00:02:35If it wasn't for me, you'd still be scraping coins up off the ground.
00:02:39Who the hell do you think you are?
00:02:44Who the hell are you?
00:02:46I'm Henry Maxwell, CEO of the Maxwell Group, and I'm here to ruin your sweet dreams, buddy.
00:02:58You're Henry Maxwell, who drives a scooter.
00:03:04Is this some sort of joke?
00:03:06My sources tell me that the Henry Maxwell lives out in Switzerland somewhere to avoid you commoners.
00:03:14Why don't you ditch this asshole and marry me instead?
00:03:26I'll have my lawyers call yours.
00:03:30It's not you divorcing me, it's me divorcing you.
00:03:45Thanks for saving me today.
00:03:48I'm always happy to help a lady out.
00:03:50I'm sorry, I don't think I can be married to you.
00:03:56Well, actually, I was just trying to get my parents off my back.
00:03:59There's actually someone I love already who I met online, but I've never seen her.
00:04:08Actually pretty romantic.
00:04:11Well, I might deserve to be with this princess.
00:04:15Okay, I'm in.
00:04:18I'll pretend to be your wife until you can be with your love.
00:04:22You saved my day, Angel.
00:04:25What are you doing tomorrow night?
00:04:27There's an auction and I could use a wife.
00:04:33First we need to get you something to wear.
00:04:55What do you think?
00:05:01Sir, the suit is $49,000.
00:05:03Here, no password. Bag it up for me.
00:05:10It's getting kind of late. Do you want to go home?
00:05:14To our home.
00:05:17Make yourself at home.
00:05:22Oh, yeah. You know what? I'll just take the couch.
00:05:25Oh, yeah, don't worry. I'm just going to be in the next room.
00:05:29But let me know if you need anything.
00:05:33Blue, I wish it was you I met today.
00:05:39Mr. Maxwell. Be careful.
00:05:43I'm not.
00:05:45I'm not.
00:05:47I'm not.
00:05:48I'm not.
00:05:49I'm not.
00:05:51I'm not.
00:05:53I'm not.
00:05:55I'm not.
00:05:56I'm not.
00:05:58I'm not.
00:05:59Mr. Maxwell, be careful not to overdose again.
00:06:04Depression is a hard battle, but I'm sure you'll win it.
00:06:08Remember to drop me a line whenever you feel down.
00:06:24You deserve the best in the world.
00:06:27You have the warmest soul. What has happened to you is not your fault.
00:06:31Yours, Blue.
00:06:44You make me feel like I'm not alone anymore, Blue.
00:06:58Dear Blue, how have you been lately? Can I see you sometime?
00:07:03After all these years, I can't believe he's still there.
00:07:11Dear Wheat, I've been...
00:07:14It's complicated. I have to attend an event, but we can meet up before that.
00:07:27Dana, I'm so sorry, but something just came up, so can I come by and pick you up later?
00:07:35Me too, actually. You know, how about we just meet at the auction?
00:07:38All right, okay.
00:07:45I would have never recovered from my depression without Blue's help.
00:07:48I was so broken before. I couldn't meet her.
00:07:53Then my parents forced me into marriage, and today I'm finally here.
00:07:59I must tell her I love her.
00:08:16Hey, Wheat! Hey!
00:08:18She should be here by now.
00:08:20Where is she?
00:08:27What's your password?
00:08:28None of your business! Give that back!
00:08:30I need it!
00:08:34God, I hate running.
00:08:36Damn it!
00:08:37I don't have time to be a witch.
00:08:41God, I have to get to the auction.
00:08:50Miss, please show your invite.
00:08:52Invite? I don't have an invite.
00:08:55I'm sorry, no invitation, no entry.
00:08:58I'm Henry Maxwell's wife.
00:09:03You mean, you're the wife to the richest man on earth?
00:09:07I might as well be the president.
00:09:09Leave now, or I'll call security.
00:09:13Diana, you have the audacity to show up to a place like this?
00:09:18Drive this wannabe out of here.
00:09:22Come on!
00:09:36You know, you have some nerve treating my wife this way.
00:09:38Oh, if it isn't the pumpkin and the imposter.
00:09:42Hey, watch your mouth.
00:09:43You want to suffer the consequences?
00:09:45Now, if you mess with my distinguished guests Jenny and Daniel again, you're redded.
00:09:55Mr. Myers, we've got someone making trouble here.
00:09:58Would you mind coming?
00:10:05Distinguished Mr. Maxwell, I sincerely apologize for the inconvenience caused to you by my staff member.
00:10:12You're fired!
00:10:13Now get out of my face, moron!
00:10:23Pretty lady, you look lonely.
00:10:26Do you need some company?
00:10:28She's with me.
00:10:32Excuse me.
00:10:35Mr. Myers?
00:10:37I think it's a bit cold in here.
00:10:39Maybe we could turn down the AC, get a shawl for my lady?
00:10:42Yes, thank you.
00:10:44Henry, you're being too nice.
00:10:49You look wonderful tonight.
00:10:50You look very handsome tonight, too.
00:10:55I'm sorry, Diana, there's someone else I love.
00:10:58No, yeah, you mentioned her before, right?
00:11:05What's she like?
00:11:07She's a talented artist, heart of gold.
00:11:11Brought me back from the pit of despair.
00:11:16Awesome talented artist?
00:11:19I was supposed to meet her tonight, but...
00:11:24What's her name?
00:11:25She's called...
00:11:28What are you doing here?
00:11:29Why are you always following me around wherever I go?
00:11:32I'm warning you, Daniel is my boyfriend now.
00:11:34Stop bothering him.
00:11:36Please, I'd rather count my eyelashes than follow you two around.
00:11:40I'll cut you some slack today.
00:11:43We're here to seal the deal with Mr. Maxwell.
00:11:46Don't stand in my spotlight.
00:11:51You, too.
00:11:53Make yourself useful.
00:11:56Daniel, I officially have to tell you that the Maxwell Group will no longer pay for your damages.
00:12:02Oh, no.
00:12:08That was a pretty Oscar-worthy performance, pretending to be Henry Maxwell.
00:12:13I mean, I believed it, did you?
00:12:17Mr. Maxwell, I apologize for this disturbance.
00:12:22You mean...
00:12:24You're Henry Maxwell?
00:12:26Henry Maxwell?
00:12:27I am so sorry, I did not mean anything I said just now.
00:12:32Please, please, Henry, forgive me for everything.
00:12:35No, don't apologize to me, apologize to my wife.
00:12:41No, enough!
00:12:42I will not grovel in front of this bitch.
00:12:46We're leaving.
00:12:47This bitch has him tied around her finger.
00:12:51I'd worry about your own mistakes, Daniel.
00:12:54Ladies and gentlemen, I have an announcement to make.
00:12:58Diana is my wife.
00:13:01Anyone that has a problem with her has a problem with the Maxwell family.
00:13:10Do we have to do this?
00:13:12To play the part, the whole nine yards.
00:13:15You want them to respect you.
00:13:18I don't agree to this marriage!
00:13:22Henry, your fiancée is Maggie Redmond of the Redmond family, not this woman.
00:13:29I never agreed to your arranged marriage.
00:13:32Ladies and gentlemen, I have a second announcement to make.
00:13:35I hereby declare that my arrangement to Maggie Redmond to be cancelled.
00:13:40What were you thinking?
00:13:42The contract for Diana was arranged by the Duke of Silas' daughter.
00:13:45How could you go against the Duke?
00:13:47I won't award the contract to someone who's not worthy of it, no matter what.
00:13:50We can't afford to offend the Duke.
00:13:52Your actions will bring disaster to the Maxwell family.
00:13:54Miss Audrey, really, you don't have to worry anymore because I'm actually...
00:13:59Mom, I'd rather talk to Duke Silas' daughter personally than work with Daniel.
00:14:06But the union with the Redmond family is non-negotiable.
00:14:09They have deep connections with the mafia.
00:14:11So what? No one can interfere with my marriage.
00:14:17Oh, no.
00:14:19Is that so?
00:14:25So you're Diana.
00:14:27Well, you look like you could be somebody, but...
00:14:30Henry Maxwell is mine.
00:14:32So step away.
00:14:36What if I don't?
00:14:38What if I don't?
00:14:39You bitch!
00:14:43As long as I'm here, no one's touching her.
00:14:46Henry, you dare go against the Redmond family over her?
00:14:49Miss Redmond, please, don't misunderstand.
00:14:51Our families are key partners.
00:14:53Let's not let this insignificant matter cause a rift.
00:14:57Did you hear that, Diana?
00:14:59In the midst of the big leagues, you're just a pawn.
00:15:03Well, maybe to some families you're important,
00:15:06but to me, you're just someone who bows at my door.
00:15:09Who do you think you are, talking to me like that?
00:15:12Maggie, enough.
00:15:15Henry, you are the man I set my eyes on.
00:15:19You have to marry me.
00:15:20Well, that's too bad. I'm already married.
00:15:24Oh, Henry, who do you think you're kidding?
00:15:27You two are just pretending to be married.
00:15:32You two are just pretending to be married.
00:15:34How could she know our marriage is a contract?
00:15:37I was discreet when we got married. How did she find out?
00:15:39I knew it!
00:15:41Someone like Mr. Maxwell would never marry someone like Diana.
00:15:44So that's why you were so quick to propose after I dumped her.
00:15:49Miss Redmond, what proof do you have that our marriage is fake?
00:15:52Oh, well, I don't know you, Diana, but I do know Henry.
00:15:56And whatever he paid you, I'll offer ten times that.
00:16:02I don't take just anyone's money.
00:16:04Oh, you probably haven't seen much cash in your life.
00:16:08Five million. Divorce him.
00:16:13Ten million. How's that?
00:16:15We'll show Henry here that if you think you can buy something with money,
00:16:19then other people can have it too.
00:16:21This little money grubber wouldn't expose me for cash now, would she?
00:16:24Diana, this could be your big break. Don't be foolish.
00:16:28Don't be fooled. Henry doesn't love you.
00:16:31He's just using you to avoid his arranged marriage.
00:16:33Enough! Enough! Stop!
00:16:37Enough! Stop judging me with all of your limited perspectives.
00:16:41What's wrong? Not enough?
00:16:43All right. I'll add another ten million.
00:16:47Oh, please, Maggie, don't wave your measly twenty million dollars at me.
00:16:51I don't bow for any amount of money.
00:16:53And Henry and I are in love.
00:16:55We're not getting a divorce.
00:16:57So don't cause any trouble around here.
00:16:59Diana's calm demeanor shows she's no novice.
00:17:02Could she really be?
00:17:04Albright, the mere commoner decides to act tough.
00:17:08Well, since tonight's the auction,
00:17:11why don't we have a little fair competition?
00:17:14Fine. I'll tell you what.
00:17:17If my bid outweighs yours, you leave.
00:17:20If not, I'll leave.
00:17:24I'll leave.
00:17:26You know, the items here are priceless.
00:17:28Especially Summer Blossom, painted by Blue.
00:17:30Those weren't really that valuable?
00:17:32Well, it's more than just about the money.
00:17:33I mean, having one of her paintings means meeting Duke Silas
00:17:36and also access to incredible resources.
00:17:39That old fox, using my work to lure me back?
00:17:43I see. So, uh, it's more about the Duke's support than the paintings?
00:17:48No, no, no. I mean, I personally like the artwork itself.
00:17:51They're worth more than an entire luxurious estate that I'd never sell.
00:17:55To me, her artwork is incredible.
00:17:58Are we doing this or what? The bidding has started.
00:18:00Ladies and gentlemen, welcome.
00:18:03Let's start off proceedings with the first item on the agenda.
00:18:07Free Man, by Picasso.
00:18:09We'll start the bids at $6 million.
00:18:13$8 million.
00:18:15$9 million.
00:18:17$13 million.
00:18:19$13 million.
00:18:21Miss Redman bids $13 million.
00:18:23Do we have any higher bids?
00:18:25$13 million.
00:18:27Going once.
00:18:29Going twice.
00:18:31Sold for $13 million to Miss Redman.
00:18:42Too scared to compete?
00:18:44Why bother fighting over cheap trinkets?
00:18:47It appears you like trash.
00:18:49Suit yourself.
00:18:53I got you.
00:18:55Don't worry.
00:18:56It's her who should be worried.
00:18:58The next item on the agenda is a gilded pharaoh statue emanating from Egypt.
00:19:06We'll start the bidding at $20 million.
00:19:10$50 million.
00:19:12$50 million.
00:19:14$50 million. Going once.
00:19:17Going twice.
00:19:19Sold for $50 million.
00:19:23$62 million.
00:19:25$64 million.
00:19:27Sold. Sold.
00:19:30Sold to Miss Redman.
00:19:40If there's anything you want to bid on, just let me know.
00:19:43Nothing's caught my eye.
00:19:45Maggie's bidding on everything. I have to help you.
00:19:48I've bid over $200 million and you haven't bid on anything.
00:19:52You've lost.
00:19:54I believe there are still items left.
00:19:56They want not till the end.
00:19:59I already bought everything here.
00:20:01Even if there was anything left, you couldn't afford it.
00:20:04Hey, Maggie, you're going too far.
00:20:07Henry, this is the difference between a Redman heiress and a nobody.
00:20:14We'll see.
00:20:16Soon this charade will be over.
00:20:18Ladies and gentlemen, it's time for the highlight of this evening's auction.
00:20:22The artwork Summer Blossom by contemporary artist, Blu.
00:20:27Summer Blossom?
00:20:29I don't think they get permission to sell that.
00:20:31Seeing a Blu painting here is worth a trip.
00:20:33Only top-tier billionaires can get their hands on Blu's work.
00:20:37How did it get here?
00:20:39I'll use this painting to pay.
00:20:41How naive. Do you even know its value?
00:20:45Don't joke about that.
00:20:47I'm not joking. That painting's going to be mine.
00:20:51We will start the bidding at $100 million,
00:20:55going up in $10 million bid increments.
00:20:59Let the bidding begin.
00:21:01Henry, $110 million.
00:21:03What's this? Henry, you're bidding?
00:21:06I won't let you win this easily.
00:21:08$150 million.
00:21:10$150 million.
00:21:12Miss Redman.
00:21:13This is going to be a war between the two.
00:21:16$150 million, going once.
00:21:19Going twice!
00:21:20Wait a minute!
00:21:36Diana, what are you doing?
00:21:38I'm getting that painting.
00:21:40What, just because you say so?
00:21:42Who do you think you are?
00:21:44Ladies and gentlemen, I apologize for the interruption.
00:21:47Let me clarify.
00:21:48I was just received notification from the artist Blu
00:21:52to suspend the auction of Summer Blossom.
00:21:56As a result, Diana is awarded the painting,
00:22:00free of charge.
00:22:02What? What's going on?
00:22:05Maggie Redman, you have lost.
00:22:08Who are you really?
00:22:09Why would Blu give you that painting?
00:22:11Like you said, I'm just a nobody.
00:22:14But I am married to Henry Maxwell.
00:22:17And you're not going to take him from me.
00:22:21But the Maxwell family ended the engagement first,
00:22:24so you're on the wrong side of the Redman family.
00:22:27Miss Redman, go ahead.
00:22:30I'm leaving.
00:22:35Dig up everything you can on Diana.
00:22:37There is definitely more to her than meets the eye.
00:22:41This painting's $10 billion.
00:22:44Is this even the Diana I know?
00:22:46Let's just go.
00:22:47You're going to wait for Diana to come over here and gloat in your face?
00:22:57What are you doing? You're hurting me.
00:22:59Okay, I'm sorry. I'm just anxious.
00:23:01I want to know if you're Blu or not.
00:23:05I don't want your money, and I don't want your title.
00:23:08I can take care of myself.
00:23:10Fine. You can leave under one condition.
00:23:13You can only say you're a Silas.
00:23:15Never claim to be Blu.
00:23:17If you do, you have to come back and inherit the Silas legacy.
00:23:21I swear, I will never admit that I'm Blu.
00:23:30Mr. Silas, if you do this, you'll have no form of income.
00:23:34How will she survive?
00:23:38I want her to find out how hard it is to make it on her own.
00:23:44No one's seen any photos of her.
00:23:47Even if she claims to be my daughter, who would believe her?
00:23:54I'm not Blu.
00:23:55I'm sorry, Henry.
00:23:57I can't do this.
00:23:59I want to know if you're Blu or not.
00:24:02We volunteered together once.
00:24:05I helped her out, and she gave me that card.
00:24:08Told me to turn it in for a painting whenever I wanted.
00:24:11Mr. Myers, I know what you're going to say.
00:24:15Blu said that if her sign card showed up, the auction would stop,
00:24:19and the painting would go to the cardholder.
00:24:22That's all I know.
00:24:25This is indeed her signature.
00:24:28You crossed the Redmond family today.
00:24:30I don't think that Maggie is going to let you off the hook.
00:24:32I don't care, Mother.
00:24:33In fact, I'm bringing Diana to the family dinner.
00:24:40I'm going to a Maxwell family dinner.
00:24:51You actually live here.
00:24:52No, no, no. I don't live here.
00:24:55That small apartment is way more comfortable.
00:25:04We've got some important guest.
00:25:06Mr. Conner is there.
00:25:08Why are you so late?
00:25:10Why is Mr. Conner here?
00:25:13Is this your commoner wife?
00:25:15Diana, this is my brother, Mark.
00:25:17Hi, Mark.
00:25:21I'm just going to use the restroom.
00:25:26Mr. Conner, it's a pleasure to see you.
00:25:28Oh, hello, Mr. Maxwell.
00:25:30I apologize for taking so long.
00:25:32Oh, no need to apologize.
00:25:34I've come to deliver an invitation from Duke Silas.
00:25:38He has created a matchmaking ball for his daughter.
00:25:42I hope you'll attend.
00:25:44A matchmaking ball?
00:25:47What's Dad up to?
00:25:48You ever agreed to coming back home and he's picking a husband for me?
00:25:51Is there something wrong?
00:25:52Well, uh, funny enough, I'm actually married.
00:26:05She is your wife?
00:26:08Mr. Conner!
00:26:10I'm Diana. Nice to meet you.
00:26:12Looks like Diana is still hiding her identity.
00:26:17Good evening, miss.
00:26:20Your wife.
00:26:21Very beautiful, Mr. Maxwell.
00:26:25So as you can see, I'm already taken and can't attend the ball.
00:26:29Wait a second!
00:26:31Mr. Conner.
00:26:34Please tell Duke Silas that my son, Henry Maxwell, will attend the ball as scheduled.
00:26:41But, Mother, I'm married.
00:26:43Henry, it's okay. You have my full support.
00:26:53Excuse me.
00:26:55You might get away with offending the Redman family, but if you offend the Duke, we will be finished.
00:27:01Rejecting the Silas family means disaster.
00:27:03You want to ruin us?
00:27:08What is this about a matchmaking ball?
00:27:10Well, the Duke knows all about your divorce from Daniel, so he's created a matchmaking ball to re-welcome you back and pick a husband.
00:27:19Nobody knew you would get divorced.
00:27:23Get divorced? Or remarried?
00:27:25So soon?
00:27:28Are you making fun of me?
00:27:34If the Duke's daughter figures out that you rejected her for a nobody, do you think that she will spare Diana?
00:27:40I've never met Duke Silas' daughter, but with her influence, she could crush us.
00:27:44Let alone Diana.
00:27:46Mr. Conner, I accept the invitation to the matchmaking ball and will be telling Mr. Silas personally.
00:27:59How wonderful.
00:28:02On behalf of the entire Silas family, we look forward to your arrival.
00:28:06I must also apologize. I hope Ms. Silas can forgive me.
00:28:10Oh, about that $100 million deal from Daniel?
00:28:14It was nothing.
00:28:16Oh, thank you so much. I've been worried about that.
00:28:19Now that I've delivered the invitation, I shall take my leave.
00:28:26Allow me to escort you out.
00:28:27I would love it.
00:28:33See that?
00:28:35They're seeing our future.
00:28:37Is that so?
00:28:39Then why does it feel like I just started playing the game?
00:28:42The Silas family has its eye on him.
00:28:59You need to get out of the picture before it's too late.
00:29:01Do you know how many aristocrats will be at that ball?
00:29:03I mean, what gives you the confidence?
00:29:05Just divorce him!
00:29:07You can name your price.
00:29:08See, I'm not welcome here.
00:29:10I'm out.
00:29:17Maggie's right. Something's off with Henry's marriage.
00:29:20You mean you think that he could have staged this whole thing to avoid the arranged marriage?
00:29:25Seems likely.
00:29:27Where's Diana?
00:29:29She left.
00:29:30What'd you say to her?
00:29:31Guess that you're going to marry Ms. Silas.
00:29:48Hang on.
00:29:49Henry, wait!
00:29:50I know.
00:29:53What could be that important?
00:29:54Red light. Great.
00:29:56Henry, wait!
00:29:57I know.
00:30:00What could be that important?
00:30:01Red light. Great.
00:30:03Look, I'm sorry, okay?
00:30:04I don't want to be like my brother or my mother.
00:30:07They're intolerant people and this damn light won't turn green.
00:30:14May I have the honor of taking this beautiful lady to Chef Henry's dinner?
00:30:26You may.
00:30:54I did not expect you to be such a good cook.
00:30:57When I was studying at the University of Zurich,
00:30:59I worked at a few Michelin-starred restaurants to support myself.
00:31:03I didn't want to rely on the family.
00:31:05That's in... Switzerland?
00:31:09The friend I met online, Weed, he also studied in Switzerland.
00:31:13What a coincidence.
00:31:15He's meeting his online friend today before the auction and I'm meeting mine.
00:31:20Could it be...
00:31:27Everything okay?
00:31:28Yeah, it's...
00:31:30Sorry, I was...
00:31:32just thinking of a friend.
00:31:34Well, I feel grateful for you today.
00:31:38For what?
00:31:40Remember what you said about easy money?
00:31:42When Maggie offered you the deal, I thought...
00:31:47You thought I would betray you?
00:31:50Well, maybe somebody else would.
00:31:53But my loyalties are not so easily bought.
00:31:58Cheers to $20,000.
00:32:00To $20,000.
00:32:04Wait, look at the moon.
00:32:07It's so bright and beautiful, huh?
00:32:10Almost like it's showing off.
00:32:13Yeah, it is beautiful.
00:32:22You're everything I've been looking for.
00:32:25If you're the one, then I...
00:32:29I love you.
00:32:42What am I doing?
00:32:44I only like blue.
00:32:46But why do I feel like this for Diana?
00:32:49Pull yourself together, Henry.
00:32:50It's just the alcohol.
00:32:58What happened last night?
00:33:01We were on the balcony...
00:33:08Oh my God!
00:33:20Good morning.
00:33:21What are you doing?
00:33:29I'm weight training.
00:33:31With high heels.
00:33:34You know, we got dumbbells right over there.
00:33:37I wouldn't have been able to pick those up.
00:33:42Diana, last night...
00:33:43Oh, nothing happened.
00:33:46Should get to our room.
00:33:53Sounds like someone remembers.
00:33:59Oh, nothing happened.
00:34:02Nothing happened.
00:34:03What am I doing?
00:34:04What am I doing?
00:34:05Nothing happened.
00:34:09Hey, you're on time.
00:34:11Come and have breakfast.
00:34:12Oh, I'm sorry.
00:34:13I have to go.
00:34:14I'm going to be late.
00:34:15Oh, you volunteering today?
00:34:17Yeah, I usually do.
00:34:18Twice a week.
00:34:21Hey, about last night...
00:34:22Oh, nothing happened last night.
00:34:25I meant about the auction.
00:34:27You said you volunteer with Blue?
00:34:32What about it?
00:34:33Do you volunteer with her often?
00:34:37I've only seen her once.
00:34:40Oh, by the way.
00:34:42Your phone.
00:34:43For my wife.
00:34:58Redmond auction
00:35:04Bidding for the Bonham auction is about to start, Mr. Myers.
00:35:07So, I say we best be prepared.
00:35:09All right, sir.
00:35:10And the Redmond family is joining the bidding this year.
00:35:15Blue's volunteering there?
00:35:17Mr. Henry, are you there?
00:35:19Uh, Mr. Myers.
00:35:22Something came up.
00:35:23Something urgent.
00:35:24We'll talk later.
00:35:28Redmond auction
00:35:36Hey, John.
00:35:38I think something might be wrong.
00:35:40These lists don't match up with the items.
00:35:42I think some of the stuff is missing.
00:35:45How do you know?
00:35:47Here's to volunteer.
00:35:48Just mind your business.
00:35:51Well, it's my job to know.
00:35:53And I think someone might be stealing.
00:35:55Well, the only hands that have touched any of these products have been yours.
00:35:59So, was it you?
00:36:02If it was me, would I be telling you about it now?
00:36:05I think we should go to a higher up.
00:36:06Don't meddle.
00:36:08The sponsors are here.
00:36:09And it would be wise of you just to not stir up trouble.
00:36:13What's happening here?
00:36:15Sir, I'm so sorry.
00:36:17I got held up.
00:36:19What are you doing here dressed like that?
00:36:21I'm volunteering.
00:36:22Are you?
00:36:24Show some respect.
00:36:25It's Mr. Maxwell.
00:36:26He's our sponsorship partner.
00:36:28So, the Maxwell Group is the sponsors.
00:36:30Well, then I have something to report.
00:36:35These lists and the items, they don't match the deliveries.
00:36:41These lists and the items, they don't match the deliveries.
00:36:47More than half is missing.
00:36:49Who would dare to do this?
00:36:52That is why we should investigate thoroughly.
00:37:00Why'd you rip that up?
00:37:01That's the only evidence we had.
00:37:02You're no longer welcome here as a volunteer.
00:37:13Blue, where are you?
00:37:17Are you in on it?
00:37:19Careful with your words.
00:37:21Do you know who that is?
00:37:22You should be careful.
00:37:23Do you know who I am?
00:37:24Yeah, you're a volunteer.
00:37:27You shouldn't even be seeing any of this.
00:37:29I can make you disappear.
00:37:36Don't be so rough.
00:37:38This lady is my brother's wife.
00:37:41Mr. Maxwell, you cannot joke about that.
00:37:44What are we supposed to do now?
00:37:45It's okay.
00:37:46My brother's going to marry Miss Silas.
00:37:48Soon, she'll be nothing.
00:37:50That's fine.
00:37:51I can...
00:37:52I can deal with her then.
00:37:54Aren't you worried Henry's going to find out?
00:37:56The company has so much to manage.
00:37:58Where would he have noticed this little place?
00:38:00How long have you been doing this?
00:38:02You'll never know.
00:38:05Stupid, stupid mouth.
00:38:15It's me.
00:38:17Are you okay?
00:38:18Let me see.
00:38:20Who the fuck are you, man?
00:38:23Henry Maxwell.
00:38:24Mr. Maxwell!
00:38:26Who the fuck gave you the nerve to touch my wife?
00:38:28Mr. Maxwell, I'm so sorry.
00:38:30This is a big misunderstanding.
00:38:31Stealing the supplies.
00:38:32I saw it.
00:38:33They tried to silence me.
00:38:34Your manager wouldn't do this, so fuck hired you.
00:38:37If I choose Mark, he'll kill me.
00:38:39No one.
00:38:41It was Mark.
00:38:44My brother?
00:38:45Do you have any proof?
00:38:48An audio proof.
00:38:50I'll get them connected.
00:38:54Let's go.
00:38:56Are you okay?
00:38:57Sorry, Blue.
00:38:58Yeah, it's nothing.
00:38:59We're going to have to meet another time.
00:39:08Just hang in there because this is going to sting a bit.
00:39:15Ow, what is that?
00:39:17Ow, ow, ow.
00:39:20Oh, that hurts.
00:39:29No, I don't want it.
00:39:57We cannot find any evidence tying Mark's financials to John's.
00:40:01How is that possible?
00:40:02No, he has to be involved.
00:40:03He tried to kill me today.
00:40:04I know.
00:40:05I know.
00:40:07I'm sorry, Hannah.
00:40:08I know that was really scary.
00:40:10Just be careful around Mark from now on.
00:40:13Hey, listen.
00:40:14About earlier, I feel...
00:40:15No, I...
00:40:17It's fine.
00:40:18You have feeling for somebody else.
00:40:21You know what?
00:40:22Let me just take the medicine and I'll just handle it myself.
00:40:33Why do I feel so down?
00:40:41If he's got someone else, why did he act like that with me?
00:40:45There's actually someone I love already we met online.
00:40:49I'm sorry, Diana.
00:40:51There's someone else I love.
00:41:00This nonsense has to end.
00:41:11We should get a divorce.
00:41:17Oh, this was a contract.
00:41:18You know, you help me, I help you.
00:41:21But I think it's time we call it.
00:41:24Are you mad about the kiss?
00:41:31No, I'm not.
00:41:32Yeah, you're mad about the kiss.
00:41:38Okay, I just think it's time we call it.
00:41:40I don't think you need me to play your wife anymore.
00:41:42I do need you.
00:41:51I need you, Diana.
00:41:57You need me?
00:42:00What do you mean?
00:42:01Look, I'll admit it.
00:42:04I have feelings for you.
00:42:07And if it wasn't for this person I met online, I probably would be falling for you.
00:42:11And this person you met online?
00:42:14Have you ever actually met them?
00:42:19Not yet.
00:42:25I'd hate for you to fall in love with me while you had her on your mind.
00:42:30That's why I've been hiding my feelings.
00:42:33It's not fair to you.
00:42:37I appreciate it.
00:42:41Is there anything else you'd like me to do as your contract wife?
00:42:47In a few days, there's going to be an auction at the Bottoms.
00:42:50And the Redmans are going to be there.
00:42:53And you're worried that Maggie Redman will see you single and push for marriage again?
00:43:02I'll go with you.
00:43:12What are they doing here?
00:43:14We're here to watch you crash and burn.
00:43:19What in God's name are you talking about?
00:43:21Maggie invited the illustrious artist, Blue.
00:43:25And the Redmans are hosting the 5A auction this year.
00:43:30When did Maggie invite me?
00:43:33He's right.
00:43:35Henry is doomed.
00:43:36And so are you, Diana.
00:43:39Maggie, where does your confidence come from?
00:43:44You don't know?
00:43:45The mysterious painter, Blue, is none other than the daughter of Duke Silas.
00:43:53Besides my dad, only Mr. Connor knows.
00:43:56Did Mr. Connor rat me out?
00:43:58Can't be.
00:43:59The Redmans are too small for him to care about.
00:44:01How do you know him, Louis?
00:44:02Actually, I have you to thank for that.
00:44:05It's because of you I got to meet her.
00:44:08You were the only one who declined the invitation to the ball hosted by Duke Silas for his daughter.
00:44:14She wanted to see who dared snub her and decided to help me take you down.
00:44:19Someone's definitely posing as me.
00:44:22Is Blue here?
00:44:25There she is.
00:44:26There she is.
00:44:36Miss Novia Silas, it's an honor to have you here.
00:44:44Novia Silas.
00:44:46So she's Blue?
00:44:48Ladies and gentlemen, this is Miss Novia Silas,
00:44:52Duke Silas' daughter and the well-known painter, Blue.
00:45:01Oh, I never would have guessed Blue was the Duke's daughter.
00:45:03It's amazing.
00:45:05This is ridiculous.
00:45:07Now, I have to call Mr. Connor.
00:45:13Henry Maxwell?
00:45:14Yeah, I'm Wheat.
00:45:17It's nice to finally meet you, Blue.
00:45:20What are you saying?
00:45:21Oh, you don't recognize me, but I'm Wheat.
00:45:28I don't care who you are, but I heard that you married a commoner and tried to reject the matchmaking ball.
00:45:35Is that true?
00:45:36Silas, that's only because...
00:45:41Henry's my husband, and you're not going to take him away from me.
00:45:47Tonight, you'll see what happens when you try to cross me.
00:45:50Pardon my bluntness, but you are Blue, right?
00:45:59Henry, you're finished.
00:46:01It doesn't count, because she's not really Blue.
00:46:05It doesn't count, because she's not really Blue.
00:46:09How dare you?
00:46:12She's Duke Silas' daughter.
00:46:14Are you asking for trouble?
00:46:15Don't you dare touch her!
00:46:17You have no authority to discipline anyone here.
00:46:19You can't protect her here.
00:46:21He's only standing up for me because you refuse to see the truth.
00:46:24Miss Silas, I think it's time you put these two in their place.
00:46:28You're saying that I'm not Blue?
00:46:30These committee members are top experts.
00:46:32You think they wouldn't realize my work?
00:46:35She brought three paintings and gave us the right to auction them.
00:46:39And she'll be attending all the Redmond's events.
00:46:42She almost never comes out in public.
00:46:44If she's backing the Redmond's, then that means the Silas family is trying to bring down the Maxwell's.
00:46:50The Maxwell family is now my enemy.
00:46:54Is that how you honor the Silas name?
00:46:57Shut up!
00:46:58As a commenter, you can't even say that name.
00:47:00Wow, Blue, so this is the real you.
00:47:03Wow, Blue, so this is the real you.
00:47:05Don't be fooled, Henry.
00:47:07She's not the real Blue.
00:47:09That's right, you met Blue, and she gave you a painting.
00:47:11Whoever dares to cooperate with the Maxwell family is now against the Silas family.
00:47:18Miss Silas, it is an honor to meet you.
00:47:20I will stand by you at your side.
00:47:32I am Jenny Davis, and I will stand by you.
00:47:36Mr. Maxwell, I've had a lot of success with your help. Thank you.
00:47:40I'm sorry it turned out this way.
00:47:42Wow, so you all choose wealth and power. The Maxwell family will remember this.
00:47:46From here on out, the Maxwell family has nothing to say.
00:47:49That's what happens when you go against the Silas family.
00:47:52You won't get away with this.
00:47:54I demand the committee re-evaluate this host.
00:47:57Who do you think you are?
00:47:59Who am I?
00:48:02I am the real Blue.
00:48:07I am the real Blue.
00:48:10I am the real Blue.
00:48:17I'm sorry, Henry, but I can't keep pretending.
00:48:20It's my fault that you got dragged into this.
00:48:22Wait, what do you mean?
00:48:30For you, I'm willing to break my promise.
00:48:33I'm sorry, but look, I had my reasons for not telling you I was Blue before.
00:48:37So you're Blue this whole time. The auction, the volunteering, all of it.
00:48:41Diana, I know who you are.
00:48:44How could you dare pretend to be Blue in front of Miss Silas?
00:48:49We'll see who's pretending soon enough.
00:48:53Miss Silas, don't worry about her.
00:48:56She's always just playing one of her tricks.
00:48:59Her tricks won't fool me.
00:49:00If you're claiming to be Blue, then where's your proof?
00:49:03You know, I don't know how you managed to get a hold of so many of my pieces.
00:49:06But that's all you have, isn't it?
00:49:08Then what do you have?
00:49:09Just that Summer Blossom you swindled last time?
00:49:12What? She swindled that Summer Blossom?
00:49:18Maybe. I bet she and Maxwell Auction House are in cahoots.
00:49:22Maxwell Auction House is completely dirty.
00:49:24Oh, maybe not before, but ever since Diana's been your wife, who knows?
00:49:31What do we do?
00:49:32Do you believe her or me?
00:49:37Navia, aren't you worried that pretending to be the Duke's daughter
00:49:41will eventually blow up when the truth comes out?
00:49:44Wait, so the Duke's daughter is also fake?
00:49:47Wait, so the Duke's daughter is also fake?
00:49:50Oh, my God.
00:49:52The steward from the Duke Silas's mansion, Mr. Connor,
00:49:55he'll be here shortly and he'll explain everything.
00:49:58Mr. Connor is Duke Silas's right-hand man.
00:50:01How did you get him to come here?
00:50:03Diana, quit stalling.
00:50:05If you can't prove you're blue, then I will sue you.
00:50:08Why? Are you scared?
00:50:10Scared of what? Afraid Mr. Connor will show up and expose all of your lies?
00:50:14Here she goes again with another one of her tricks.
00:50:19Okay, Diana, you're accusing her of being blue and Duke Silas's daughter?
00:50:23She's not. She's a total fake.
00:50:25Okay, but she has three of your paintings and helped Maggie win the bid.
00:50:28How do you explain that?
00:50:29I don't know. I don't know how she got a hold of all my pieces.
00:50:32Okay, if you're really blue, do you remember that painting you gave away?
00:50:42The one I just gave to your mother a few weeks ago?
00:50:44No, no, no. I'm not talking about that one.
00:50:47Think about it.
00:50:49Enough chit-chat. Wasting my time and you are not even qualified to request a re-bid.
00:50:53Oh, yes, she is.
00:50:56She is.
00:51:02Mr. Connor, what are you doing here?
00:51:04I'm a witness.
00:51:06Wait, you two know each other?
00:51:09Diana really got Mr. Connor down here? Who the hell is she?
00:51:13Well, Mr. Connor brought the invitation last time. They didn't know each other.
00:51:16What's going on here?
00:51:18Perfect timing. Mr. Connor, tell us.
00:51:22Is Novia really Duke Silas's daughter?
00:51:27Miss Silas, I wish you would have told us you were coming alone.
00:51:32If anything happened to you, the Duke would blame me.
00:51:36Mr. Connor, what are you saying?
00:51:39Diana, didn't you hear him? I'm Miss Silas.
00:51:44Diana, you insulted Duke Silas's daughter. You're done.
00:51:48Mr. Connor, please. Is Novia Duke Silas's daughter?
00:51:51Yes, she is.
00:51:57Mr. Connor?
00:52:00I'm Claire.
00:52:07She really dragged Mr. Connor off like that?
00:52:11Out, out, out.
00:52:14Mr. Connor, what is happening? How can she be Duke Silas's daughter?
00:52:19Who am I?
00:52:21Don't be mad, Diana. When you left, the Duke was very lonely.
00:52:25So he actually adopted Novia.
00:52:29So I guess she could be considered his daughter.
00:52:37Why is she pretending to be Blue?
00:52:40I think she overheard me and the Duke talking about how you couldn't reveal your true identity as an artist.
00:52:47So I think she broke into your studio and stole some of your paintings.
00:52:53She wanted to take my place and make sure I couldn't come back.
00:52:57Fine. Being the Duke's daughter. Whatever. I don't care.
00:53:03But pretending to be Blue? That's not happening.
00:53:08What do you want me to do?
00:53:11Did you bring everything I asked?
00:53:13I did.
00:53:15But if you go through with this and you out yourself as Blue...
00:53:20The promise.
00:53:22I know. I know.
00:53:25I have to come back to my family and I have to inherit my father's title.
00:53:29And I have to take over the Silas family.
00:53:33You must really care about this, Henry.
00:53:37For you to give up your freedom for him.
00:53:46What are you two whispering about?
00:53:49Are you okay?
00:53:51I'm going to help you win back the auction rights, Henry.
00:53:53The truth is out. Why are you still resisting?
00:53:56You claim to be Blue, yet all the paintings you brought?
00:53:59Those are just my demos that I painted years ago.
00:54:02Mr. Connor's brought my real work and I request a rebid.
00:54:06I don't agree. The Redmond family already won the bid. We can't redo it.
00:54:11Well, I approve.
00:54:14Mr. Connor, are you siding with her?
00:54:17This will be a place. Don't tarnish the Silas family name.
00:54:25If the bidding is determined by how many of Blue's original works we each have...
00:54:30I'll show you what I've got.
00:54:34Diana, these are all your paintings?
00:54:37I painted a lot when I was younger. But that's just the tip of the iceberg.
00:54:41They could all be fakes.
00:54:44Let's let the committee decide.
00:55:03Oh, after careful review, the committee decided that the paintings are authentic.
00:55:23Huh? But Blue never painted when she was with me.
00:55:30And I couldn't even admit that I was a painter.
00:55:33No, no, no. This is clearly a setup.
00:55:36All the evidence is right in front of you, Novia.
00:55:38If you doubt it, how about each of us paint live?
00:55:45Sunflower, the person I've been looking for for so long is Diana?
00:56:00Novia, your turn.
00:56:02I never imagined I'd get to watch Blue paint in front of me.
00:56:06I bet when you finish your painting, it'll be even better.
00:56:09I believe in you.
00:56:11Even if I'm not Blue, I'm still Duke Silas's daughter.
00:56:16What are you saying? You're not Blue?
00:56:20I've already helped you. What else do you want?
00:56:29Novia, come with me. Let me go.
00:56:37You better behave. You are adopted.
00:56:40I'm only not exposing you because of the Silas name, but don't think that gives you a free pass.
00:56:44Who are you, really?
00:56:47You mean you never even saw a picture of the person you were supposed to be replacing?
00:56:52Or did Duke Silas just never show you?
00:56:55It's you.
00:56:57Now, if you don't want to embarrass yourself further, leave.
00:57:09Where's Miss Silas?
00:57:11She's gone. Mr. Connor, if you'll please escort her home.
00:57:18Diana, why didn't you tell me that you were Blue when you were with me?
00:57:22I tried to tell you I was secretly helping you, but you didn't believe me.
00:57:31Diana, Jenny, please.
00:57:33Get lost. You disgust me.
00:57:36Jenny, wait, wait.
00:57:47Diana, you never answered my question.
00:57:49What question?
00:57:51Do you remember the painting that you painted for me all those years ago?
00:58:02Are you...
00:58:05I can't believe you kept it.
00:58:07I should have realized sooner.
00:58:09You're Blue, and it's always been you.
00:58:14I feel so foolish.
00:58:16You know, all those times...
00:58:18I don't know, all those coincidences.
00:58:21I thought you were weak, but...
00:58:24I'm not weak.
00:58:26I'm not weak.
00:58:28I'm not weak.
00:58:30All those coincidences.
00:58:32I thought you were weak, but...
00:58:34I don't know, I just denied myself.
00:58:38We found our way back to each other.
00:59:10So, Diana's the woman in blue.
00:59:14The same woman Henry's in love with.
00:59:17After it's over, I want 30%.
00:59:31There's no one else in this house, Diana.
00:59:35Come on.
00:59:37You're telling me you've never had a girl here before?
00:59:41I don't think so.
00:59:43You're a terrible actor.
00:59:46Okay, tell me, Miss $20,000-a-day actress,
00:59:49what should a guy say to something like that?
00:59:53Of course, you should say,
00:59:56yes, you and your mother.
01:00:04Mr. Maxwell, it's urgent.
01:00:06Rumors claim the science family is suppressing us,
01:00:09causing our stocks to plummet.
01:00:11Call the PR team,
01:00:12and tell them I'll be at headquarters right away.
01:00:17I gotta go to the office, so just enjoy breakfast.
01:00:28Did you forget your keys?
01:00:44Don't even bother trying.
01:00:46Who are you?
01:00:47It doesn't matter who we are.
01:00:48What matters is who you are.
01:00:50You're one of those kidnappers, huh?
01:00:52You don't want a ransom?
01:00:53Don't let her get to you.
01:00:55Hasn't she burned us enough with her tricks?
01:00:59I know who you are.
01:01:00You're just trying to use me to get to Henry Maxwell.
01:01:03How does she know?
01:01:04Shut her up.
01:01:05Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait.
01:01:06I have a secret.
01:01:07What secret?
01:01:08Tell us.
01:01:09You're trying to use me to get to Henry,
01:01:11but he doesn't even like me.
01:01:13That's a lie.
01:01:14Or else why would he jeopardize the family's interest
01:01:16just to protect you?
01:01:17I'm serious.
01:01:18I paid $20,000 to pretend to be married to him.
01:01:20He doesn't like me, Maggie.
01:01:27Your turn, Jenny.
01:01:35How'd you figure us out?
01:01:37The only two who have fallen for my tricks.
01:01:40You're the only ones that would want to know my secrets.
01:01:42Your perfume is unmistakable, and your hair.
01:01:44You are clever, Diana.
01:01:46I'll give you that.
01:01:47Don't try anything now.
01:01:49Even if you are an actress,
01:01:51Henry passed up Miss Silas for you.
01:01:54He would have done that for anyone.
01:01:56He's a fool.
01:01:57You do seem to understand him well.
01:01:59I'll give you that.
01:02:00But too bad, because once he signs those,
01:02:03he's finished.
01:02:05Typical Redmond style.
01:02:07Always try to clean up your image,
01:02:09but you're just thugs.
01:02:11Would you believe that I'd pry out your teeth?
01:02:13Maggie, remember,
01:02:16she's an artist.
01:02:18Let's chop off her hands instead.
01:02:20Go ahead. Try it.
01:02:22See if you live to regret it.
01:02:23Still playing games.
01:02:27Stop! Don't touch her!
01:02:30Take another step and she's dead!
01:02:32Okay, what do you want?
01:02:33Diana, remember when you said you weren't important?
01:02:36Well, Henry seems like he'd do anything for you.
01:02:39The stock agreement.
01:02:41Sign this.
01:02:42I'm gonna let her go.
01:02:45Selling my shares at a low price to some unknown company?
01:02:49Who are you working for?
01:02:50Stop stalling.
01:02:51Are you gonna sign it or not?
01:02:53Henry, don't sign it!
01:02:54Shut up!
01:02:55I'm running out of patience.
01:02:57I'm gonna count to three.
01:02:58You have three seconds,
01:02:59and if you don't sign it by then,
01:03:01she's done for.
01:03:03You don't need to count.
01:03:05Sign it.
01:03:06Let Diana go.
01:03:11All yours, buddy.
01:03:15You all right?
01:03:17Oh, hi.
01:03:21Your company.
01:03:22I messed everything up.
01:03:23No, no.
01:03:24It doesn't matter to me.
01:03:25Nothing else matters as long as you're okay.
01:03:28What about the Maxwell Group?
01:03:30I'm counting on you for that.
01:03:33You said they made you sign some agreement?
01:03:36With some unknown company?
01:03:39Mastermind's hiding the background.
01:03:42At first,
01:03:43they meant to belay public opinion
01:03:45and drive the Maxwell Group's stock price way down.
01:03:49Then they bought up all the shares cheap
01:03:51and forced me to hand mine over.
01:03:56But who could it be?
01:03:58Who'd want the company the most?
01:04:01Could it be him?
01:04:12It's finally mine.
01:04:19From now on,
01:04:20call me Mark Maxwell.
01:04:22The C-E-O.
01:04:24Mark, I don't have time for this.
01:04:27You promised me 20% of the Maxwell auction shares.
01:04:30In my cut,
01:04:31I want to cash out immediately.
01:04:39You're reneging?
01:04:42I've got something to show you.
01:04:46You set us up!
01:04:50We had a deal!
01:04:52As a law-abiding citizen like myself,
01:04:54I just had to call the police when I saw what was going down.
01:05:02do we...
01:05:04have to do this whole...
01:05:06family dinner thing?
01:05:08Whatever happens in there,
01:05:09I'll protect you.
01:05:19Good evening, Mrs. Maxwell.
01:05:21What are you two doing together still?
01:05:23I'm not leaving Diana.
01:05:25I heard a rumor that Diana's just an actress
01:05:27that you hire for $20,000 a day.
01:05:29And who told you that?
01:05:31Jenny or Maggie?
01:05:32And who told you that?
01:05:34Jenny or Maggie?
01:05:36rumors are just going around
01:05:38that you two are just pretending to be a couple.
01:05:43what difference does that make to you?
01:05:45It's between Henry and I.
01:05:47Not my business, sure.
01:05:48But if our share prices hit rock bottom because of you,
01:05:51how can we still expect to show up here?
01:05:53I don't expect...
01:05:58Can't you see?
01:05:59You don't belong here.
01:06:01you're crossing the line.
01:06:03We all know what you've done.
01:06:06Compared to your good deeds, Diana,
01:06:08I'm nothing.
01:06:09If you have a problem, you deal with me.
01:06:11Not Diana.
01:06:12Still defending her brother?
01:06:14Who made you the target
01:06:15and got the Maxwell group crushed by Novia?
01:06:17The Duke's daughter?
01:06:19You've lost everything, including your own shares.
01:06:22Are you so in love that you've lost your mind?
01:06:27Are you saying that we've lost all of our shares?
01:06:31If you've lost your shares,
01:06:33you've destroyed the Maxwell family.
01:06:35It's not Henry's fault.
01:06:36I'm sorry.
01:06:37He was just trying to...
01:06:38I don't want your apology!
01:06:40I want you to divorce Henry immediately.
01:06:43Diana, you don't need to apologize for me.
01:06:46No, Diana.
01:06:48That's too far, Mother.
01:06:52He destroys the Maxwell family
01:06:54and says I've gone too far.
01:06:57Mom, just relax.
01:06:59I've managed to secure all the family shares.
01:07:02Henry can't manage the company anymore.
01:07:08Diana, wait.
01:07:10Don't listen to them.
01:07:12They're right, Henry.
01:07:15You've lost everything because of me.
01:07:17No, no, don't talk like that.
01:07:19Then please, let's just...
01:07:21Let's get a divorce.
01:07:22Let's get...
01:07:24No, we can work this out fine.
01:07:25There's got to be a way we can talk about this.
01:07:27No, we can't, Henry!
01:07:28No, we can't!
01:07:29There's no way out, okay?
01:07:32I'm just going to keep dragging you down.
01:07:34And without me, the family will be happy.
01:07:37Everyone will be happy.
01:07:39So let's just end this.
01:07:40Diana, don't go.
01:07:43Please, there's something I have to say to you.
01:07:46Seven years ago, we met online.
01:07:49We were strangers, okay?
01:07:51But we talked every night about life,
01:07:54art, death, dreams.
01:07:57And I thought that you were the most incredible soul
01:07:59I had ever met.
01:08:01And during that time, you sent me a painting of sunflowers.
01:08:05That was during my darkest moments.
01:08:07And that's when I knew that no matter what happened to me,
01:08:10I'd still be okay because I had you by my side.
01:08:14If you have to leave,
01:08:17I'll leave you with this.
01:08:20I love you, Diana.
01:08:22And if it means losing everything,
01:08:24I'd do it a thousand times over
01:08:26because you are everything.
01:08:31I love you.
01:08:46Are you going to remind me about the deadline?
01:08:49Diana, you told the entire public you were blue.
01:08:52It's time for you to keep your promise.
01:08:54I never said I wouldn't.
01:08:56Then it's time for you to come with me
01:08:58to rule the Silas family.
01:09:02Just give me three more days.
01:09:03One day.
01:09:05One day.
01:09:06One and a half.
01:09:08Oh, fine, one day.
01:09:09But I need your help with something.
01:09:10Oh, God.
01:09:21You're not welcome here.
01:09:23Whether I'm welcome here or not isn't up to you, brother.
01:09:27Look, you already got what you want,
01:09:28so what more do you need?
01:09:29So you figured out it was me, huh?
01:09:32Why didn't you say anything?
01:09:35Because even though you're a jerk,
01:09:36you're still my family.
01:09:38You think I'd be grateful for that?
01:09:40You're wrong.
01:09:41I've always been in your shadow since birth
01:09:43because you were the heir to the family.
01:09:45Father only cares for you,
01:09:46and I had to play second fiddle.
01:09:48You owe me for that.
01:09:51Isn't that enough?
01:09:52No way.
01:09:53I'm kicking you out of the family,
01:09:54then I'm taking your place
01:09:55at the Duke's daughter's matchmaking ball.
01:09:58I'll marry Miss Sillis.
01:10:03You know what?
01:10:04I have Diana, so I'm feeling pretty good.
01:10:07And I was actually wondering how I can get out of the ball, so...
01:10:09Thanks, Mark.
01:10:11If Miss Sillis falls for you,
01:10:13she really must be blind.
01:10:15Let's see how long you can keep that smug attitude.
01:10:18Oh, Mark.
01:10:20I don't even think you'll get the chance.
01:10:21What do you mean?
01:10:24You and Jenny really should have been more careful
01:10:26when you went to that motel.
01:10:28What's on that?
01:10:30The two of you plotting to kidnap me
01:10:32and then make Henry sell all his shares.
01:10:35After it's over, I want 30%.
01:10:39Jenny suspected you from the very beginning,
01:10:41so she recorded everything for me.
01:10:44But you didn't see that coming.
01:10:46That bitch!
01:10:48I should have gotten rid of her long ago and done it myself.
01:10:50I was curious why you sent those two idiots,
01:10:53Jenny and Maggie, to kidnap me.
01:10:55Because he knows me too well.
01:10:57Because he knows that if it had been anyone else,
01:10:59I would have gone to the police.
01:11:00But because it was those two,
01:11:02well, I handled it privately.
01:11:05Henry's overconfidence is his flaw,
01:11:07and that's who women hate you.
01:11:09You know, you really are clever, Mark.
01:11:12It's too bad you don't use it for good.
01:11:17You think you could catch me that easily?
01:11:19You have no proof now.
01:11:21I just called you clever.
01:11:23Do you really think we wouldn't have backups?
01:11:25So what?
01:11:26I'll just have my hackers delete the original files.
01:11:28Problem solved.
01:11:30Well, can they destroy this?
01:11:34And these?
01:11:47You don't...
01:11:48You don't have Jenny's recordings at all.
01:11:55I do now.
01:11:57And the police outside heard everything.
01:12:02You have no right to take me!
01:12:04Mark fucking Maxwell!
01:12:16Why'd you have so many USB drives?
01:12:18Well, when Mark ripped up that supply list,
01:12:21I figured he had a habit of being destructive.
01:12:24Clever girl.
01:12:27Well, this clever girl has gotten you all your shares back,
01:12:30so how will you repay her?
01:12:33Let's take a trip. How about that?
01:12:39I only have one day left.
01:12:41I know.
01:12:46You and I got married because of a contract.
01:12:49Even though we found out that I'm blue and you're wheat,
01:12:53and we love each other,
01:12:55it always started off on the wrong foot.
01:12:58It's like buttons.
01:13:00If you screw up the first one, they're all gonna be messed up.
01:13:04What are you saying?
01:13:05I think we need to unbutton them.
01:13:08I want a marriage blessed by everybody.
01:13:11I want a marriage blessed by everybody.
01:13:16Divorce is our new beginning?
01:13:24Let's get divorced.
01:13:33It's finally over.
01:13:37Henry and I will be remarrying in a couple of days.
01:13:40Wait, what?
01:13:41No, you can't get married again.
01:13:43Mother, we want your blessing.
01:13:46Diana's helped me through some incredibly hard times,
01:13:49and not to mention she's helped get back the family shares.
01:13:52What's not to like in a wife?
01:13:54She got the shares back, but she also sent Mark to prison.
01:13:58Well, I think he brought that on himself.
01:14:01I won't let Henry marry you.
01:14:05The Silas family matchmaking ball is coming up.
01:14:08You should meet the Duke's daughter,
01:14:10and you should marry into the Silas family.
01:14:13Not gonna happen.
01:14:14You have accepted their invitation.
01:14:16If you don't show up, it would cause great risk to the Maxwell family.
01:14:21Henry, you should go.
01:14:24For me.
01:14:27Even Diana wants you to go.
01:14:30What's holding you back?
01:14:36What's going on?
01:14:38Why do you insist I go to the family ball?
01:14:40Henry, if you don't go to that ball, then you lose me forever.
01:14:48What if you're not there, and my dad forces me to choose a husband?
01:14:55I'm sorry, Henry.
01:14:57I have to leave you for a little while.
01:15:02Do you remember how I couldn't tell you I was blue?
01:15:06It's because if I'm...
01:15:14made myself known to the public, then I had to go back to my family.
01:15:18Wait, so you've just been avoiding your family this whole time?
01:15:24Today's the day I have to go back.
01:15:27We didn't plan it.
01:15:28No, no, please, please, please don't try and stop me.
01:15:33I have to go.
01:15:49To the place I called home for 20 years.
01:15:52Excuse me, ma'am.
01:15:53This is a douche residence.
01:15:55No visitors allowed.
01:15:59This is my house.
01:16:02Sorry, ma'am.
01:16:03I haven't seen you before.
01:16:04I can't let you in.
01:16:05Again, Novia?
01:16:08Replace the guards to keep me out?
01:16:10Dad, I wanted to come back.
01:16:13But you won't let me in.
01:16:15So now I won't.
01:16:16I won't ever come back.
01:16:25You're an idiot.
01:16:26You're fired.
01:16:28I'm not welcome here.
01:16:29Diana, stop joking around.
01:16:32The Duke is waiting.
01:16:41You're fired.
01:16:45Don't make me come back.
01:16:58They let you in.
01:17:01You think you can just kick me out and replace me?
01:17:05Just like your paintings.
01:17:07No matter how hard you try, you will never be me.
01:17:11I don't know what you're talking about.
01:17:13Let me be clear.
01:17:15No one can stop me from coming or going.
01:17:19I will take over my father's title.
01:17:22I will run the Stillis family.
01:17:26She finally said it.
01:17:28Isn't this exciting?
01:17:35You planned this whole thing.
01:17:38If others can hire my daughter to play the wife,
01:17:41why shouldn't I hire someone to play my daughter?
01:17:44Miss Stillis, I'm sorry if I've offended you.
01:17:47Please, forgive me.
01:17:49You two...
01:17:51You two schemed against me.
01:17:53You did all this just for me to come back?
01:17:56That's right.
01:17:57I even organized a matchmaking ball for you.
01:18:00So, will your fake husband show up in the end?
01:18:07Diana insisted I have a kid.
01:18:09Didn't she plan it?
01:18:11Speak of the devil.
01:18:16I thought I'd expect to see you here.
01:18:19I mean, if I had to choose between Diana and the Duke's daughter,
01:18:22I'd choose the Duke's daughter.
01:18:24Well, not everyone's like you, Daniel.
01:18:26Oh, well, when I get married to Miss Stillis,
01:18:29I'll make sure you understand.
01:18:32Well, good luck with that.
01:18:36Mr. Connor.
01:18:37Mr. Maxwell, what a pleasure.
01:18:40I'd like to see the Duke now, please.
01:18:42By all means, follow me.
01:18:49You don't want to marry my daughter?
01:18:53I don't.
01:18:56Why don't you want to marry my daughter?
01:19:00Grace, I mean no disrespect, but there's someone else I love.
01:19:05Her name is Diana.
01:19:09Do you know what happens to those who cross the Stillis family?
01:19:12I'm sorry, but I won't give up on Diana for any circumstance.
01:19:17So you really are prepared to sacrifice everything for her?
01:19:25Even my life.
01:19:34What a fool.
01:19:36Maxwell, Mr. Maxwell, please, please.
01:19:40I really think you should have one dance with Miss Stillis
01:19:43before you make your final decision.
01:19:46Mr. Connor, I'm not interested.
01:19:49Oh, you just might.
01:19:51You just might.
01:19:53Yes, here she comes.
01:20:09Diana is Duke Stillis's...
01:20:15Lady, my pleasure.
01:20:18No way!
01:20:26Could it be?
01:20:28No way.
01:20:30Diana, how could you be Duke Stillis's daughter?
01:20:35She was telling the truth all along.
01:20:37No way!
01:20:38I told you exactly who I was.
01:20:40You just didn't believe me.
01:20:42You bastard!
01:20:45If it wasn't for me, you'd still be scraping coins together.
01:20:48If it wasn't for me, you'd still be scraping coins together.
01:20:51Oh, God, oh, God, oh, God.
01:20:54I'm stupid, stupid, stupid, stupid.
01:20:56Diana, please, please take me away.
01:20:58Please, I'll get on my knees for you.
01:21:00Security, take this trash out.
01:21:02No, please, please don't take me away.
01:21:04Please, Diana, you need to...
01:21:05There's so many things I can do.
01:21:07Diana, please.
01:21:09I don't want to hurt you.
01:21:13Henry Maxwell, may I have this dance?
01:21:18You may.
01:21:26Diana, will you marry me again?
01:21:28I will.
01:21:37You're so sweet.
