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FULL MATCH_ Roman Reigns vs. Randy Orton vs. Kane vs. John Cena –Title Match_ WWE Battleground 2014


00:00Introducing the challengers first, from St. Louis, Missouri,
00:06weighing 245 pounds, he is the Viper, Randy Orton.
00:13The first WWE World Heavyweight Champion.
00:19Next, weighing 323 pounds, King.
00:27From Pensacola, Florida,
00:33weighing 265 pounds, Roman Reigns.
00:41And from West Newbury, Massachusetts,
00:47weighing 251 pounds, he is the current
00:53WWE World Heavyweight Champion, John Cena.
01:03So again, ladies and gentlemen, all four men in the ring at the same time.
01:06Every man for himself, first man to gain pinfall or
01:09submission becomes the WWE World Heavyweight Champion.
01:13Cena does not have to be involved in the decision to lose the titles.
01:18Huge match, huge stipulation here.
01:23Orton and Kane perhaps discussing strategy, but
01:25at the end of the day, it's every man for himself.
01:33And we're underway.
01:34Kane and Reigns, Orton and John Cena.
01:37Any strategy, John, to look for out of any of these men here?
01:40You gotta be there to survive.
01:43Orton and Cena take the fight right outside the ring.
01:45You don't wanna spend too much time outside the ring, though.
01:49In case the pinfall or
01:50submission has to happen inside the ring.
01:53Yeah, you know, this is one of those, the old expression,
01:55you gotta have eyes in the back of your hand.
01:57You gotta take care of your own business, but
01:59you gotta watch at all times what's going on behind you.
02:02And you don't necessarily have to do the damage,
02:04you capitalize on whoever does do it.
02:06It's true.
02:07Roman Reigns unwrapped Randy Orton.
02:09They've developed quite the rivalry since the night
02:12Rollins turned his back on the shield.
02:17Orton turning his anger to Reigns that night.
02:21And now Kane with a right hand.
02:27Devil's favorite demon.
02:31And a fight for Randy Orton.
02:33Working as a unit here.
02:35It's so funny, we're making our predictions and
02:38making our picks on who's gonna win this thing.
02:41Nobody, it's almost like Kane is an afterthought.
02:44But the Devil's favorite demon,
02:46he could walk out of here tonight as the WWE World Heavyweight Champion.
02:50Cena making his way back to the apron.
02:52Kane driving him back to the barricade as Reigns and Randy Orton.
02:55And now Kane.
02:56Reigns caught him in the face, big boot.
03:05You're right about Kane, but for John Cena,
03:08you hate a fatal four-way as a champion.
03:10Oh yeah, your chances are definitely reduced.
03:13And you don't have to be beat, you don't have to be pinned,
03:15you don't even have to be involved in the finish to lose that championship.
03:18Guys, he's surprised by the way that Orton and Kane have been working together
03:21in the early part of this matchup.
03:23Oh, and I think that's why nobody picked Kane initially,
03:26because they thought he'd be there to help Randy Orton.
03:29And again, did you notice-
03:30That was interesting, I know what you're gonna say, Michael.
03:32When Orton went into the cover and Kane immediately went to the ropes
03:35to make sure Cena didn't get back into the match.
03:37I saw it.
03:38To get involved.
03:39Almost standing guard was Kane for the Viper.
03:44And there's Cena, from behind, goes right up to Randy Orton.
03:47Finish him in suplex by John Cena.
03:49Into the cover, hooks the leg on Orton, and it's Kane saving the matchup.
03:56And now Kane and Orton turn their attention to Cena
03:59as Roman Reigns has been taken out momentarily.
04:02Well, this has got to please Triple H and the Authority.
04:05This is exactly what he hoped for.
04:08This is exactly the way he wanted this match to go.
04:13Roman Reigns, bounced off the steel post.
04:16Meanwhile, inside the ring, John Cena running Bulldog to Randy Orton.
04:20And Kane right back in the ring.
04:22And side slam by Kane.
04:25And Kane off the side slam, rolls away again,
04:28allows Orton to go into the cover as he stands guard.
04:31Man, guys, this is just the way the Authority wants it to go down.
04:38That's why they're the Authority.
04:44I didn't think it was going to happen.
04:56Roman Reigns, spent a lot of time outside on the floor.
05:02And Orton stomping away at the WWE World Heavyweight Champion.
05:06Kane had turned his attention to Roman Reigns.
05:08And every time Randy Orton's in trouble, guys,
05:10Kane comes back in the ring to help out the Viper.
05:13And it seems like Kane is now falling back into line
05:16with the orders of the Authority.
05:25Well, we all know it.
05:27It's just sometimes we forget just how persuasive
05:30Triple H and the Authority can be when they want to be.
05:34Booker T, from our kickoff panel,
05:37said that Orton was politicking Kane earlier tonight.
05:39And it looks like that politicking's worked.
05:41Cover again by Orton.
05:42And a kick out by Cena.
05:45I'm sure it's Randy's politicking that worked.
05:49The Authority had a little something to do with it.
05:51Whatever it is, it's worked.
05:54Believe me, Triple H's had enough problems tonight
05:56with the Ambrose Rollins situation.
05:58He's got to love the fact that Orton and Kane are together.
06:02And it's made things extremely difficult for Reigns
06:04and the reigning champion, Cena.
06:06Well, if you ask me,
06:08I know it's a little unorthodox,
06:11but I think that Cena and, oh, Roman Reigns
06:14are gonna have to form some sort of alliance here.
06:21Just to survive.
06:26Hey, here's your chance.
06:28The champ's got a chance here.
06:30Kane is down.
06:32Yes, he does.
06:33The champ does.
06:34Orton's in trouble.
06:36Five-knuckle shuffle.
06:39John Cena measuring his man.
06:42Cena looking for the attitude adjustment.
06:43Randy Orton up top, hanging onto the top rope.
06:46And jumped over the top rope.
06:49And jumped over the top rope.
06:53Here we go!
07:00Well, I think Cena said the same thing,
07:02here we go, but here they come!
07:05Orton and Kane!
07:06And now Randy Orton outside the ring,
07:08targeting John Cena.
07:11Kane and Reigns in the ring.
07:13And, King, I think you're right.
07:14Sometimes you have to make an alliance.
07:15Just get down to the last two
07:17and fight it out among yourselves.
07:18Here we go.
07:19Oh, here's Kane fighting Reigns.
07:21Kane into the cover.
07:23Reigns trying to kick out.
07:24This could be a kick out by Reigns.
07:27I don't think Randy quite understands this.
07:33What you talking about?
07:34You're on the floor.
07:35What about this?
07:37What about this back there?
07:40You should have done this.
07:41You should have done this.
07:42You should have done this.
07:43You should have done this.
07:44You don't know what you're talking about.
07:46Get out of my face!
07:49It's supposed to be you watching my back,
07:51not you watching my back.
07:53Oh, so much love!
07:56The Push-Up Monster, that's what happens.
07:58Yeah, and Kane now unloading on Randy Orton.
08:00And that uneasy truce is apparently imploded here.
08:05Kane with Orton!
08:07The authority can't be too happy about this.
08:09No, not at all.
08:10Randy Orton upset that Kane would go into the cover on Roman Reigns,
08:13let Kane know about it, and Kane finally snapped.
08:16Guys, this is the best thing that John Cena or Roman Reigns could have hoped for.
08:20And now Cena and Reigns-
08:21Yeah, there you go, look at this!
08:23And now it's Cena and Reigns going after Kane and Orton here.
08:30Oh, man!
08:33Did you see that?
08:35Randy Orton landing awkwardly.
08:37Orton for the big ride!
08:39A long way down!
08:41And now Cena and Reigns squaring off once again.
08:49This is exactly what you said, JBL.
08:54Cena can't believe that Kane actually sat up,
08:56and now Cena and Reigns right back on Kane.
09:00Well, guys, this is absolutely smart on the part of John Cena and Roman Reigns.
09:05And now Randy Orton back into the fray.
09:09Backbreaker to Reigns.
09:11Boy, I said you need eyes in the back of your head in this match.
09:17And now Orton one-on-one at this juncture with Cena.
09:22Oh, Cena and Reigns!
09:23Cena and Reigns!
09:26Are you kidding me?
09:28Now that's vintage Randy Orton!
09:30Oh, man!
09:32Cover one of them, Randy!
09:34Orton gonna try to cover Roman Reigns here.
09:37But now it's Kane breaking it off!
09:40Did Kane break it off?
09:42No, he didn't.
09:43No, he didn't.
09:44No, he didn't.
09:45No, he didn't.
09:46No, he didn't.
09:47No, he didn't.
09:48No, he didn't.
09:49Did Kane just stop Randy Orton from getting a three count?
09:54You better believe he did, Kane.
09:56What in the world?
09:58And now Kane with a right hand to Randy Orton.
10:01Both these men members of The Authority.
10:03That doesn't seem to matter now.
10:07Oh, what a boot!
10:09Kane, cover for the WWE World Title to Roman Reigns!
10:12The Authority must be apoplectic right now.
10:15I wanna tell you, I can't believe it.
10:17I mean, I can't help but smile thinking about Triple H has gotta be living.
10:22He's gotta be beside himself.
10:23And look at this now!
10:24Samoan drop, hook to the leg.
10:25He has it!
10:26And it's Randy Orton breaking it up.
10:30Randy Orton saving him, well, saving this match for himself
10:35by keeping Kane from getting pinned.
10:39And here comes Roman Reigns!
10:44Big right hands.
10:45Yeah, first man to gain pinfall submission to the champion.
10:48Randy Orton, what a takedown by Randy.
10:50What a takedown by Randy Orton.
10:52Randy Orton now with a half crab.
10:54Man, listen, you say submission.
10:56Hadn't even thought about that that much,
10:58but this may be what we're gonna see right here.
11:00And Roman Reigns, can he power out?
11:01He does, Roman Reigns does power out.
11:04Roman Reigns, Randy Orton is now all alone.
11:06Before he had Kane helping him.
11:07And now it's Reigns!
11:08Now it's Roman Reigns with a half crab!
11:10And Reigns has got it in good.
11:12Roman Reigns has got it in good.
11:13Center of the ring is Randy Orton.
11:15And now what's Cena doing?
11:17John Cena with the STF!
11:19Cena STF!
11:20Reigns crab!
11:21If Orton taps, what happens?
11:23If Orton taps, who gets to win?
11:25A smooth point at this juncture.
11:27Kane breaking things up.
11:28Going for the attitude adjustment as John Cena connects to Kane.
11:32Oh, but Kane able to roll underneath the ropes and out onto the floor.
11:36Look out!
11:38Whoa, no!
11:39And John Cena taking Orton down.
11:42And now John Cena-
11:43No, he's got the STF in!
11:46He's got the back leg hooked this time.
11:50Orton gonna drag-
11:51Can he get to those ropes?
11:52Only had half a minute before on Reigns, but he's got it all on Randy Orton now.
11:55And Randy Orton trying to drag his way to the bottom rope.
11:57John Cena with it locked in.
11:59If Orton taps out, Cena retains the title.
12:01Oh, he's- no.
12:03Randy Orton trying to drag himself to the bottom rope.
12:06John Cena.
12:08John Cena literally drags him back.
12:09Center of the ring.
12:10And now John Cena locked in again.
12:12STF to Orton.
12:13Can Orton hang on or is Orton gonna tap out?
12:21Orton's tapped.
12:22But I think Orton may have to tap.
12:24Yeah, what's Randy Orton gonna do here?
12:26Randy Orton may have to tap out.
12:27That means Cena-
12:37Come on, Orton!
12:38He's still-
12:39Still got a ways to go.
12:40He's gonna tap.
12:41Orton may tap here.
12:42His hands up.
12:44Look at Roman Reigns.
12:45Roman Reigns playing defensive.
12:47Reigns pulling Orton in.
12:48Oh, and now Randy Orton's sitting right over the announce table.
12:53Randy Orton right over the announce table.
12:57From Roman Reigns.
13:00Holy mackerel.
13:03They got 3D real quick.
13:06And now it's back down to a faceoff between-
13:11Faceoff between Reigns and Cena now.
13:14Randy Orton sent flying over the announce table here.
13:17Taken out of the equation.
13:19And Cena and Roman Reigns exchanging blows.
13:31And now Reigns taking out Cena.
13:43Oh my gosh.
13:44Look at this.
13:51Samoa drop.
13:53Samoa drop.
14:03And look at Roman Reigns.
14:04Stalking Cena.
14:05This could be it.
14:08And Reigns went for the Superman Punch.
14:10John Cena.
14:11John Cena counters.
14:12And Cena's got him where he wants him.
14:19You can't see me.
14:21Five Knuckle Shuffle.
14:22But Reigns-
14:23Oh, Superman Punch.
14:24Right on the button.
14:25That's it.
14:27That is it.
14:28Roman Reigns could be closing in on his first world title.
14:33Roman Reigns is one spear away from being WWE World Heavyweight Champion.
14:37Guys, I don't think Cena knows where he is.
14:40He can taste it.
14:41Roman Reigns.
14:43Is it Reigns' night?
14:44Is it Reigns' moment?
14:47Roman Reigns.
14:49Hook of the leg.
14:50And it's Kane saving the match.
14:53Man, oh man.
14:55I think Roman Reigns had Cena done.
14:57And Kane broke it up.
14:59He just saved John Cena's championship.
15:01Watch this.
15:02Superman Punch.
15:03Knocked John Cena into next week.
15:05And then followed up with a spear to your right.
15:08Roman Reigns had the title won.
15:11But Kane saved the day.
15:20Now it's Kane and Roman Reigns at this juncture.
15:22Reigns taking out Kane.
15:24Roman Reigns has been on fire.
15:35Reigns can only.
15:37There's what he needed.
15:38That's what Roman Reigns needed right there.
15:45Roman Reigns now outside the ring and
15:47first seat to Cena.
15:53And now Reigns to Randy Orton.
15:57And now Roman Reigns to Kane.
16:00Reigns is taking out everybody.
16:04Whoa, dripping through the barricade.
16:07Oh my God.
16:15Orton is down and out.
16:16Reigns finally getting back to his feet
16:18as he's taking a look at the spear.
16:22My gosh, what's happening?
16:25Guys, Cena's out.
16:27Kane's out.
16:28And Orton, believe me, is broken in half over here.
16:33And now Roman Reigns.
16:34This could be it right here.
16:35Roman Reigns could be closing in on the world title.
16:38Kane barely making it back to his feet.
16:41Roman Reigns stalking Kane.
16:47Roman Reigns.
16:48Kane's just not so fast.
16:49Oh, wait, wait.
16:50He's broken the grip of the devil's favorite demon.
16:54Reigns powering out of that choke.
16:57Spear for the title.
16:58For the title.
16:59He got him.
17:00And John Cena saves his title.
17:03Cena saves his title.
17:04Cover on Kane.
17:05Hook of the leg here.
17:06And now Reigns with the right hand.
17:14What a match.
17:16Look out.
17:17Cena going for the right.
17:18No, Roman Reigns sent outside.
17:19Cena's gonna win this.
17:20Kane looking to take advantage of Kane here.
17:22He's got Kane up on his shoulders.
17:23Cena on the AA.
17:24Attitude adjustment.
17:25Cover on Kane.
17:26Hook of the leg.
17:27Roman Reigns barely saving the match.
17:30And now it's Roman Reigns.
17:31We're gonna take one from Kane here.
17:32Two count.
17:33Cena breaks it up.
17:38This is amazing.
17:39It's incredible.
17:40Nail biting.
17:41Kane has been hit with everything from both of these two guys.
17:46Randy Orton broken in half.
17:49I mean, he's on.
17:51Oh, he's in La La Land.
17:52And now Roman Reigns taking it to Cena.
17:54But Cena firing right back.
17:59Hook of the AA.
18:00He got it.
18:01A to Reigns.
18:02A to Reigns.
18:03John Cena to save his title.
18:04And Kane.
18:06Make sure the matchup continues.
18:07How is Kane able to do anything?
18:10How are any of these guys able to do anything?
18:13Talk about reaching deep down.
18:15You're right.
18:16Look at the carnage.
18:19All four men laid out.
18:23Struggling to get to their feet.
18:28Kane's up.
18:29Cena's up.
18:32Kane looking for a chokeslam.
18:33Oh, man.
18:34What height.
18:36And now Kane targeting Roman Reigns.
18:38Chokeslam to Reigns.
18:40Kane for the championship.
18:42Hooks the leg at Roman Reigns.
18:43Who powers out at two.
18:45And oh, man.
18:48Kane thought he had the championship won right there.
18:53This is some tension right here.
18:55Right now.
19:02Kane back to his feet.
19:03And Kane the only one on his feet right now.
19:09Look at this.
19:16Kane saying it's over.
19:18Stalking Roman Reigns.
19:19And he's going.
19:20He's got Reigns up.
19:21Went for the two-step piledriver.
19:22Reigns landed on his feet.
19:23Now Roman Reigns off the ropes.
19:25Spear to Kane.
19:26Spear to Kane by Reigns.
19:27Hook of the leg for the championship.
19:29Now it's Randy Orton's turn.
19:30Randy Orton's back.
19:32Randy Orton.
19:33RKO to Reigns.
19:37Kane Orton on to Kane.
19:39Cover of Kane.
19:40Puts the leg.
19:41Cena repays the title.
19:43Cena repays his title.
19:45And still WWE World Heavyweight Champion, John Cena.
19:54That's not quite what the authority had expected here tonight.
19:58But John Cena retains the WWE World Heavyweight Championship
20:04after a two-step piledriver.
20:06And he's going for the two-step piledriver.
20:08And he's going for the two-step piledriver.
20:10And he's going for the two-step piledriver.
20:11John Cena returns to the WWE World Heavyweight Championship
20:15after an incredible match at Battleground.
20:17One of WWE's best big-night performers has done it again.
20:21John Cena has found a way to win.
20:24This guy is unbelievable.
