INDIA'S GOT LATENT | EP 01 hahahaha

  • last month
00:00Hello and welcome to India's Got Latent
00:03एक unnecessary reality show
00:04इस show का कोई point नहीं है
00:06Just like life
00:11It is a pointless reality show
00:12But it has a very interesting point system
00:15इंडिया के कोने कोने से लोग इस show में अपना talent दिखाने के लिए आएंगे
00:18उनके पास केवल 90 second होंगे अपना talent दिखाने के लिए
00:21Thank you so much, thank you so much all of you for giving us this show
00:23Time, time शुरू हो गया है भाई
00:24लेकिन अपना talent दिखाने से पहले उन्हें खुद को 10 में से score देना होगा
00:28Talent दिखाने के बाद हमारे judges भी उनको score देंगे
00:31अगर judges का average score वही निकल गया
00:33जो participant ना खुद को दिया था perform करने से पहले
00:35तो वो participant शो जीद जाएगा
00:37और उस दिन शो के ticket sales का सारा पैसा उनका हो जाएगा
00:45इस शो से हमें पता चलेगा की कौन कितना self aware है
00:55और इस शो के YouTube view से हमें पता चलेगा की कौन कितना fear हो जाया
01:02तो बस शुरू करते हैं
01:08क्या बात है भाई?
01:09Hello, hello, hello, Raftaar bhai, how are you?
01:11बस दोस्ती निबार हूँ
01:12दोस्ती निबार हूँ भाई, क्या बात है भाई?
01:14कोई नहीं, बात में आगे आपे distract लगाओंगा मैं भी
01:18Are you guys excited?
01:19First of all, let me introduce the people
01:21First of all, the man who needs no introduction
01:23Raftaar bhai toh आप जानते ही हैं
01:24Balraj bhai है, Balraj bhai owns this place
01:26ये जो habitat है इनके पाबा का है
01:30ये इनकी qualification है
01:32And then we have Sahil Kaale guys
01:34He is my good friend and that's all
01:37Just through nepotism got us
01:39I was Samay's manager and now I am happy
01:41So yeah, that's what I am
01:43So Raftaar bhai, Rohdees, MTV Hustle
01:47Dance India Dance
01:48Dance India Dance and now to India's Got Latent
01:53आपका करिया खराब चल रहे है कि मेरा अच्छा चल रहे है?
01:55आपका करिया खराब चल रहे है कि मेरा अच्छा चल रहे है?
02:01हमारी दोस्ती अच्छी चल रही है भाई
02:03Should we begin India's Got Latent? Let's go!
02:07सबसे पहले है हमारा...
02:09Can we make some noise for Kaayos?
02:13Kaayos, you have 90 seconds
02:14It's chaos, by the way
02:15It's chaos, sorry bro
02:25आपका करिया खराब चल रहे है कि मेरा अच्छा चल रहे है कि मेरा अच्छा चल रहे है?
02:50Can we make some noise for Kaayos?
02:53तो रफतार भाई, यह तो आपकी expertise है, कैसे लगा आपको यह?
02:56यह मेरी expertise नहीं है, तबी मैं rap करता हूँ
03:00But भाई, बहुत अच्छा करते हूँ आप यार
03:01Thank you so much
03:02I think issue ये कि ये बदलाबूर में रहते है
03:04बदलाबूर में इसको खासना बोलते है बस
03:07नहीं नहीं, society में एक बार perform किया था,
03:09हांटिया crazy हो गई थी
03:10हांटिया crazy हो गई थी, क्या बोल रहती है हांटिया?
03:12Go down on me
03:15This is something you are doing full time?
03:17ना, पढ़ाई कर रहा हूँ वैसे तो
03:19Currently pursuing my bachelor's in mass media
03:21St. Andrews, Bandra
03:22So like I travel everyday
03:23Oh, अच्छा you are from St. Andrews?
03:25Then why you said oh?
03:26He said Bandra
03:28He said Bandra, तो इसमें अच्छा नहीं गया था
03:29Why is Bandra funny man?
03:30I was like, okay sorry
03:31नहीं नहीं, बोल ला, बोल ला
03:35The way he said Bandra, I was like
03:37I didn't roll my R's
03:39That was like, पढ़ाई कर रहा हूँ बांड्रा
03:41आ, आप कहाँ से हैं?
03:43भाट कोपर
03:47Sister, this is supposed to be about me
03:49तो बलराज मैं, what did you think of this performance?
03:57Honestly, this is a really good beatboxer right here
04:01I think that I'd really give him a very good rating
04:03Urban clap से आ गया हो?
04:05So now, it's time for the judges' score
04:08I have given 8, Raftaar's 8.5, Balraj 8, Sahil Kale's 7.5
04:13Average is 8
04:18बच गए
04:20Almost bro, almost there
04:22Make some noise for Kaos everyone
04:24So let's give it up for Jyoti Sharma
04:37अधूरा पानी से बेटर है तुझे पुरा खो दू
04:40जब तेरी इच्छा ही नहीं तो मैं क्यों तुझे रोकू
04:43I hope you are free now, जा चैन की नीं सो दू
04:45You ain't the same person who I used to talk to
04:48चल माना changes हैं ज़रूरी
04:50पर बाते जो अधूरी वो तो कर पूरी
04:52शुरू में I was the best but अब लगती हूँ बूरी
04:55लगे बोच तो छोड़ दे if you can't carry
04:58दिक्ता परिशान अब तु मेरे बरताव से
05:01Leaving me on scene तु है किस ताओं में जब जाना ही था
05:05तो क्यों दिया छाओ ये रखा दिल हाद पे
05:07मरहम लगाया घाओ पे
05:10दिक्कते कम होने का लेती नहीं नाम
05:12मेरा loss नहीं हुआ तू नाकाम
05:15याद करके रख ले वो हर सुहानी शाम
05:17कोई बात हो अगर तु कर लेना याद
05:21आ जाओ तेरे काम तु बस लेना मेरा नाम
05:25वो कहता प्यार व्यार होगा नहीं इस बार
05:27मत रख मुझे से तु कोई भी expectation
05:30फिर के खुश हो जाता है तु देख के
05:32मेरे face के cute से expressions
05:35तंग है तु इस दुनिया से मैं जानती हूँ देदू warm hug
05:38और कम करूँ तेरा aggression
05:40and if you don't want this मुझे कोई need नहीं है
05:42another lesson
05:43all right all right make some noise
05:47for Shristi Tawde from Misho
05:51तो जोती शर्मा जी आगेन ये तो आपका expertise है भाई
05:53भाई तेरे bag में joint जरूर पकड़ा चाएगा
05:55नहीं नहीं भाई
05:56वो करती क्या है वो पढ़े एक बरी
05:57क्या करती है वो इसमें क्या लिखा है
06:00आप लगेश करते हैं एरपोर्ट पर
06:02नहीं भाई मतलब
06:03जो मशीन है जिस पर तुम bag करते हो न
06:05उसमें कोई भी technical fault आया है तो
06:07we look after this
06:08I am the engineer
06:09but not a printer engineer
06:13अच्छा recently went through a breakup
06:15यहाँ पर लिखा है मतलब
06:16मैं नहीं ऐसे random stalk नहीं कर रहा था आपको
06:18अच्छा recently went through a breakup
06:19यहाँ पर लिखा है मतलब
06:21मैं नहीं ऐसे random stalk नहीं कर रहा था आपको
06:23यहाँ पर लिखा है मतलब
06:24जो जोती जी क्या हुआ था breakup में
06:26इसने किया हो गया
06:27औरे उसको थड़ा
06:29आज कल चल रहा है न
06:30उसको थोड़ा आजकल चल रहा है न
06:32उसको इंटेस्ट आया था मॉमीज में
06:34तो आज उसके देटी कर रहा है एक 30 वाल वॉमन
06:36और उसके 23 वाल है
06:38क्या? मॉमीज का कहा चल रहा है आजकल यह?
06:40कहा चल रहा है भाई
06:42इससे देखा जाते तो उसकी मज़े है
06:45भाई चल रहा है यह सब मॉमीज का
06:48कहा मिलती है यह मॉमीज
06:50कोई बात नहीं या पर तो आज आज आज आज आज आज आज आज आज आज आज आज आज आज आज आज आज आज आज आज आज आज आज आज आज आज आज आज आज आज आज आज आज आज आज आज आज आज आज आज आज आज आज आज आज आज आज आज आज आ�
07:20नहीं नहीं नहीं नहीं नहीं नहीं नहीं नहीं नहीं नहीं नहीं नहीं नहीं नहीं नहीं नहीं नहीं नहीं नहीं नहीं नहीं नहीं नहीं नहीं नहीं नहीं नहीं नहीं नहीं नहीं नहीं नहीं नहीं नहीं नहीं नहीं नहीं नहीं नहीं नहीं नहीं नहीं नहीं नहीं �
07:51वेस्ट हो गया याँ
08:03याबाद अब वो अच्छी विन्स अच्छी फ़किंग दे
08:06हमने सोचा था दस एपिसोड के बाद शायद विनर मिलेगा
08:09लोड़े लग गया प्रोड़क्शन की अभी
08:11करो एडिट अभी द्रेन के लोड़ो में
08:13नहीं साथ का विश्चा था तो पर बदशन बढ़ा था
08:19आपने बाद है कि देखिंग है कि वेस्ट पर बढ़ा है
08:21मैं वो भी प्रोड़ कर नहीं था
08:24मैं एक दुखाना देखा चाहिए?
08:26मेरे को एक टेमपरेरी स्टेज नेम देते ना रफतार भाई प्लीज
08:30बढ़िया से जोचके बताओंगा पक्का
08:31तेरा नमबर यहीं लिखा हुआ
08:32नहीं यार आप लोग फिर रिप्लाय नहीं करते यार
08:34आप लोग
08:35आप लोग मतलब बड़े लोग
08:37बड़े लोग तो आपके एक्स को रिप्लाय कर रहे हैं भाई
08:43तो अल्लाइब यहाँ जोधी शर्मा गाईस विनर था
08:46अल्लाइब यहाँ जोधी शर्मा गाईस विनर था
08:50अभी घर चलो सब अपने
08:51अब क्या कर रहे हैं लेकिन सच में
08:53एडिट एडिट में समभालेंगे
08:54एक तो नारियल पानी भी नहीं आ रहा
08:55आ भाई नारियल पानी भी नहीं आ रहा भाई
08:57तो आप एक काम करते हैं भाई ठीक है
08:5820,000 और मैं अपने से लगाता हूँ
09:20आपको नारियल पानी तो ले आओ
09:21भाई नारियल पानी ले आओ भाई यहाँ भे भाई
09:23आपको नारियिल पानी ले आओ भाई यहाँ भे भाई
09:25आपको नारियिल पानी ले आओ भाई यहाँ भे भाई
09:26आपको नारियिल पानी ले आओ भाई यहाँ भे भाई
09:27संधीपन गांगुली
09:57अब अकड से बड़ी बिमारी भी क्या
09:59जूट से बड़ा दिलासा ही क्या
10:01तूटा था दिल तो वो करता भी क्या
10:03हालत बे जानो वो करता भी क्या
10:05लिखे दो गीत, सुने दो संगीत
10:07जाने अंजाने में चल गया मील
10:09चला थोड़ी देर आगे आए एक बस्ती
10:11चलना ना लगे बस की, बैट गया नीचे
10:13और भूँक से पीड़ित वो पड़ गया
10:15सोच में की कर बेटा गलती, आखे उठी
10:17तो फिर देखा सामने, हुआ ऐसा की
10:19वो सेहना सका, छोटा सा बालक क्यू
10:21रो रहा सड़क पे बिना उससे पूछे
10:23क्या हुआ तुझे क्यू रो रहा तू
10:25ऐसा भी हुआ क्या जो सेहन गया तू
10:27बोला हुई नोक चोक घर पे मेरे
10:29चोट लगे कम पर दाग है गेहरे
10:31पापी ये दारू वो रह नपाया
10:33मा पे उठाया हाथ मैं सेहन नपाया
10:35बीच में मैं बोला क्योंकि चिन्ता थी
10:37मा की मुझे फेक दिया घर से और जेवे थी खाली
10:39और ये वो अच्छा था लेज़ लो
10:43Can I please get some water?
10:45ये रो क्यों नाए बै?
10:47बहुत deep तुने सुना नहीं कहा
10:49तुने सुना नहीं कहा तुने बहुत
10:51अरे वो एक drunk dad था यार उसने मम्मी को पीट दिया
10:53मेरी मम्मी को नहीं, किसी की तो
10:59क्या क्या वाई मीं पीटी थी?
11:01ये लोगों के ड्रामा के बारे में क्यों बात कर रहे है?
11:03तु क्या दूसरे के ड्रामा में गाना वरा रहा है भाई?
11:05तेरे घर में सब सही है न?
11:21तो जो एक गाना लिखा है, आपने किसी neighbor के घर के बारे में लिखा है?
11:23नहीं यार, मैं बस ऐसी लिखता हूँ थोड़ा
11:25मतलब मैं प्यार व्यार नहीं लिखता हूँ, तो थोड़ा डिफरेंट लिखनी कोईश करती हूँ
11:27भाई, तेरे ख्यालों में लोग पिट क्यों रहे है?
11:29वो भी माई पिट रही है भाई
11:31सर आपने पूरे गाने में से वही नोटिस करा
11:33अल्लाइट भाई, नाँ इस time to vote for
11:35संधीबन गांगुली, मैंने दिया है 6.8
11:37यानी 7.8
11:39भाई अभी एक दो सेकेंट रुख जा, भाई अच्छा कहा आया तुने
11:43रफ्टार ने दिया है 8.3
11:45बलराज की तरफ से है
11:49क्यूं भाई बलराज?
11:51और साहिल कारल ने दिया है
11:55बहुती varied responses
11:57the average is 7.1
11:59और इसने 8.5
12:01ओके, ओके, भाई ने तो
12:03बहुत, जादा ही दे दिया खुद को
12:05Thank you so much Sandeep and Bhai for coming and
12:07Take care bro, don't worry, हार जीत होते रहती है भाई
12:093.6 क्यूं दिया भाई, ठीक ही थो था
12:11भाई मैंने बहुत musicians सुने है लाइफ में यार
12:13मतलब बहुत
12:15भाई ने बलवा दिया, so sorry यार
12:17Next we got, we are Decibel Crew
12:21Yes sir, ready
12:23एक, दो, तीन, चार
12:25तमस्टे भाईयो भाईनो
12:27हमारा नाम है Decibel
12:29हम एक Beatbox Collective है बंगवाई से
12:31और हम बहुत खुश है आज
12:33आपको सभाव करने के लिए, सब आपको खुश है
12:35हमें दिया आपको फिसंद आये
12:37हमारा आपको सभाव आये
12:39हमारा नाम है Decibel
12:41हमारा नाम है Decibel
12:43हमारा नाम है Decibel
12:45हमारा नाम है Decibel
12:47हमारा नाम है Decibel
12:49हमारा नाम है Decibel
12:51हमारा नाम है Decibel
12:53हमारा नाम है Decibel
12:55हमारा नाम है Decibel
12:57हमारा नाम है Decibel
12:59हमारा नाम है Decibel
13:01हमारा नाम है Decibel
13:03हमारा नाम है Decibel
13:05हमारा नाम है Decibel
13:07हमारा नाम है Decibel
13:09हमारा नाम है Decibel
13:11हमारा नाम है Decibel
13:13हमारा नाम है Decibel
13:15हमारा नाम है Decibel
13:17हमारा नाम है Decibel
13:19हमारा नाम है Decibel
13:21हमारा नाम है Decibel
13:23हमारा नाम है Decibel
13:25हमारा नाम है Decibel
13:27हमारा नाम है Decibel
13:29हमारा नाम है Decibel
13:31हमारा नाम है Decibel
13:53Kya saakht second me nifta hai tumne yaar
13:55bro that was perfect
13:57that had to be A to Z perfect ekdam
13:59यह अब नहीं नहीं बहुत है वेज़ा गई, मैं ज़्यारण के लिए एक भी नहीं नहीं देखे।
14:02बाव्सर लोगो भी मजा आ रहा था, वाद भी जाये जाए है...
14:05मैं नहीं बंद कर रहा हैं उनका टाइम.
14:06आप बहुत अगर्ड़ार बरही हैं!
14:08बहुत कशन रहा है नहीं
14:12उसको दीखा नहीं रहे हैं उसके बाल के पाल के
14:14बहुत ही सगीदा
14:16ये हमलो का दोनी है
14:20साथ नमबर देरे बडेंगे फिर
14:22आप इन्वेडियो सो नहीं चाहते हैं
14:24इसलिए कुछ नहीं बोलूंगुआ
14:25आप personally जानते हूँ कि नहीं आए?
14:27बहुत अच्छे से
14:27अरे वाँ
14:28Man, you are really very very talented bro
14:30What are you doing at this show?
14:31हम बहुत अच्छे जानते हूँ कि नहीं बोलूंगुआ
14:33इसलिए कुछ नहीं बोलूंगुआ
14:34इसलिए कुछ नहीं बोलूंगए
14:35इसलिए कुछ नहीं बोलूंगए
14:37बहुत सही यार
14:38आप लोग बहुत अच्छे जानते हूँ कि नहीं बोलूंगए?
14:40जबान बोला वो जबान
14:42जबान बोला वो जबान
14:43जबान बोला वो जबान
14:44जबान बोला वो जबान
14:45जबान बोला वो जबान
14:46जबान बोला वो जबान
14:47जबान बोला वो जबान
14:48जबान बोला वो जबान
14:49जबान बोला वो जबान
14:50जबान बोला वो जबान
14:51जबान बोला वो जबान
14:53हम college में मिले और हम events में मिले
14:55तो तब तक आप सिर्फ दो ही लोग कर रहे थे पहले
14:57हमारा tag team है उसका नाम BJ है
15:01Mumbai is a forward city
15:03No no it's because it's Bheem and Jaggu
15:05Bheem and Jaggu
15:07Bheem and Jaggu
15:09शुटकी के fans हैं
15:11भाई इनके बारे में भी कुछ बताओ
15:13ये क्यों चुप है भाई बताओ यार
15:18गली बॉय में आदा बंबे था
15:20तो है
15:21हमारा कृष्णा भी था भाई दिली
15:23बहुत लोग थे गली बॉय में
15:25गली बॉय में क्या कर रहे थे आप गली बॉय में
15:27पीछे ही खड़ा था आप ऐसी
15:35ऐसे तो मैं तारे जमीन पर भी था भाई
15:37मैं घर में बैटा था वो शूटिंग कर रहे था
15:39आ तो मैं भी भाई
15:41आप लोग कभी India's Got Talent में क्यों नहीं गए?
15:43It's a funny story because
15:45हम लोग का क्रू फॉर्म हुआ India's Got Talent की वज़े से
15:47So we went for an audition but they just basically told us to fuck off
15:49Oh shit
15:51क्योंकि हम लोग में कोई सी sad story नहीं है
15:53कोई मरा नहीं है न
15:55तुम्हारा किसी का पापा रिक्षा नहीं चलाता
15:57सबका सबका अच्छा चल रहे है तो वोली वोली
15:59बोलता है कोई मरा नहीं है न अपता किसा
16:01तो उसकी तरह करना था न वो दोस्ट की माग और तपड़ मागा
16:03पर ठीक है भरो यह बहुत बहुत बहुत बहुत बहुत बहुत बहुत बहुत बहुत बहुत बहुत बहुत बहुत बहुत बहुत बहुत बहुत बहुत बहुत बहुत बहुत बहुत बहुत बहुत बहुत बहुत बहुत बहुत बहुत बहुत बहुत बहुत बहुत बहुत �
16:33और शायल काले बिला 8.5
16:37भाई मतलब तू समझना यार
16:38मैं कॉंटेंट के असब्से भी शोच रहा हूँ न
16:39एपिसोड तेरा चलना चीगा यह नहीं चलना चीगा
16:41या या अन्नू मली का हमारे पानेल का तो
16:45या बहुत बहुत वाशक तो 9.3 है
16:48आखाए, आखाए, आखाए...
16:50नहीं है आगे कि आगे...
16:52नहीं है आगे कि आगे कि उपने आगे.
16:548 और भी...
16:58इतने अंडर कोन्फिटन क्यों हो भाई?
17:00तुम लोग इतने टालेंटड हो यार.
17:02मैंने उनको बोला आबे शुट राइट 10
17:04वो भी ज़्याना आया था
17:06हम 10 दे रहे थे फिर हमको लगा आप हो थोड़े
17:08मैंने तो 10 ही दिया यार देखो यार
17:10ठीक है बड़ यार ताइक यू सो मज़ डसिबल यू गाईज रेली डारेंडडड
17:12Thank you so much for coming
17:14क्या स्टोरी भाई
17:16इंडियाल गड टालेंड से रिजेक्ट हो गई इंडियाल गड लेटेंट पे भी रिजेक्ट हो गई भाई
17:18आप कहाँ जाएगे ये लोग
17:20So let's quickly get the next act
17:22मुकुल विंजुदा
17:28मुकुल विंजुदा
17:30क्यों आस रहे है भाई
17:32क्यों आस रहे है भाई
17:34मुकुल विंजुदा
17:36ये act शुरो गया क्या
17:38नहीं नहीं ये नहीं था
17:40मुझे लागा यही है भाई
17:42वायर समेट के चल जाएगा
17:4410 on 10
18:04मुकुल भाई
18:06यही अगर आपने
18:08कबड़े खोल के किया होता ना
18:10तो मज़ा आता भाई
18:12क्या बोलते हैं इस तरीके के डांस को भाई
18:14सर हिप ओप
18:16क्या भाई
18:18इसको कहते हैं तड़ापना
18:20ब्रेक अप से कोप करने के लिए डांस करते हो आप
18:22यह आपने लिखा है इदर
18:24तो यह डांस देखने के बाद
18:26ब्रेक अप हुआ था आपका
18:28पहले हुआ था
18:30पहले ब्रेक अप हुआ था फिर आपने कहा कि और ख़राब
18:32क्या कर सकता हूँ
18:34देखो यार ये तो हमारा काम है
18:36अगर मैं आपके लिए करता हूँ तो मैं इसे ख़राब करता हूँ
18:42बचपन से करता हूँ अभी?
18:46भाई मैंना तो
18:4810,000 hours वारा थियरी सुननी थी
18:5010,000 hours कुछ भी करो तो सही हो जाता है वो
18:5210,000 गंटे चूतिया पकरो तो चूतिया
18:54आप नहीं है
18:58आप विंजुला भाई नर्वस हैं?
19:00लिए करता हूँ
19:02क्यों आप विंजुला भाई नर्वस हैं?
19:0426 आप 26 हैं
19:06तो आप कोई सिबलिंग हैं?
19:08हाँ चोटा भाई
19:14मैंने दिया है 4
19:16रफ्तार के दवसे
19:20बलराज 4.2
19:22मैंने दिया है 1.1
19:24और अब वो 3.6 है
19:32विंजुला भाई नर्वस हैं
19:34मुकल विंजुला भाई
19:36मुकल भाई डाल दो अंदर
19:38और चलिए उसको भाई
19:42वेदां दागरवार
19:44बहुत बहुत बहुत बहुत बहुत बहुत बहुत बहुत
19:46टायम शुरु गया है भाई
19:50मैं एक हास्यक बाह और एक सममा जाएं
19:52मैं चाहता हो कि भी 100 रुपी गले जीए
19:54मैं आपके पाह गया हूँ
19:56बास चल रहा है और 100 रुपी गले करें
19:58आपके पाहा दी आके
20:02इसको आप folding करो
20:04And can you check if there's anything inside this envelope?
20:06Just check, put your fingers in.
20:08Enjoy mat kar bhai.
20:12Now what we'll do is,
20:13we'll seal the envelope and just put your foot up.
20:16Put your foot up, haan.
20:17Bhangle karna hai, mada maza kar raha hoon.
20:18I'll put the envelope down and step on it.
20:20Step on it.
20:21And I have a phone with me, okay.
20:23I'll open the calculator of the phone.
20:25And I want the front row to think of a two-digit number.
20:27All of you think of a two-digit number.
20:29Yes, what's the number you're thinking of?
20:3127, type in 27.
20:3327, what's the number you're thinking of?
20:35Press multiply and press 73.
20:38What is your number?
20:43And sir, if I can ask you to name a two-digit number?
20:4615, type in 15.
20:49And lastly, Raftaar sir, if you can tell a two-digit number.
20:5269, press multiply and press 69.
20:55And we have a total here.
20:57We have 50029.
20:59That's the number you all came up with, right?
21:03We did something, right, in the beginning.
21:05We had an envelope there.
21:06Alright, time is up, guys.
21:08We'll open the envelope and just hold your hand out.
21:10And just...
21:12Read out the last six digits of the serial number.
21:15The last six digits of the serial number in the mic.
21:21Don't you know how to read? Read it.
21:24The last six digits.
21:28No, no.
21:32Doesn't it match?
21:36Crazy comedy.
21:39Alright, make some noise for Vedant Agarwal.
21:43So, Vedant Agarwal.
21:45Yes, bro.
21:47You think of a number between...
21:54So, what happened, Vedant?
21:55Messed up.
21:56It got glitched in the app, right?
21:57That was really embarrassing, bro.
22:00Bro, he wrote,
22:01He's very happy with life without any reason.
22:03From today, he'll get a reason.
22:05Today, he'll get a reason.
22:07To be sad.
22:08But it's so...
22:09If the joke is bad, it's okay.
22:11If the music is bad, it's okay.
22:13Magic is bad, bro.
22:15It's really bad.
22:17Alright, that was Vedant Agarwal,
22:19magician who made the trick disappear.
22:23And we have the final scores.
22:26And it is...
22:270 from me.
22:29Raftaar also given 0.
22:310 and...
22:32Sahil Kaal is 0.1.
22:35Bro, he came to the stage.
22:36So, that's an average of 0, my brother Vedant.
22:38And what did you write?
22:42Let us guess.
22:47Can we?
22:48Show it to the audience.
22:51Bro, you'd be a real mentalist if you wrote 0 there.
22:54This is such an easy trick.
22:56Bro, you missed this one.
22:58Yeah, let's go.
23:00That was Vedant Agarwal, bro.
23:02Hello, Samay bro.
23:03Hello, Raftaar bro.
23:04The time has started, bro.
23:05Move aside, kids.
23:08Move aside, kids.
23:12Move aside, kids.
23:13It's my turn now.
23:14It's too late.
23:15I have to run a lot.
23:17Gather all the teams.
23:18I'm standing alone, that's enough.
23:19I don't like to be in the limelight.
23:20Put the artist in front of me.
23:23All the boys are dobermans.
23:24This is a fight of words.
23:26The fighter is a chopper.
23:27Hold the collar.
23:28The boy is an artist.
23:29Come on, dream checker.
23:30I'll send you to the hospital.
23:32Chakka Jam.
23:33Your house will be destroyed in my name.
23:35If I open my mouth, God will give me a hand.
23:37Don't touch me.
23:38Don't let go of my hand.
23:40Your house will be destroyed.
23:42Chakka Jam.
23:43Your house will be destroyed in my name.
23:45If I open my mouth, God will give me a hand.
23:47Don't touch me.
23:48Don't let go of my hand.
23:50Your house will be destroyed.
23:52Chakka Jam.
23:53I've pushed a lot in my life.
23:54That's why I've become a big name.
23:56Because of you, I've been thrown into a mess.
23:58I'll never leave you.
23:59I was a dead body.
24:00Don't order me.
24:01I was a counter.
24:02You know that I was a chess piece.
24:03I was a chess piece.
24:04I was a fool from the start.
24:05I became a noob because I was helpless.
24:06It's not necessary to tell you this.
24:07I was helpless because I kept my hands in the card.
24:09I didn't say anything.
24:10I already...
24:11It will happen again.
24:12It will happen again.
24:13Chakka Jam.
24:14Your house will be destroyed in my name.
24:16If I open my mouth, God will give me a hand.
24:18Don't touch me.
24:19Don't let go of my hand.
24:21I kept my hands in the card.
24:22It will happen again.
24:23Chakka Jam.
24:24Your house will be destroyed in my name.
24:26If I open my mouth, God will give me a hand.
24:28Don't touch me.
24:29Don't let go of my hand.
24:30I kept my hands in the card.
24:32It will happen again.
24:33Chakka Jam.
24:48What a performance, bro.
24:49It will happen again.
24:53What an energy.
24:54The way you walked,
24:55I did not know,
24:56expect so much energy.
24:57You were applauded well in the first entry.
24:58No one came like that.
25:00that was really, really
25:01f**king fire, bro.
25:02Bro, DK4 Music was there.
25:03I had texted you.
25:04On whom?
25:05That I am not getting an audition to perform.
25:07So what did I say?
25:08That do it next time.
25:12explain to these three
25:13what happened yesterday
25:14and how did you meet?
25:17I was not selected.
25:19To perform here today.
25:20And then Balraj sir,
25:21gave me the audition.
25:22Who is that f**ker?
25:24He did not select you.
25:26You gave me the audition.
25:28So who did not select you?
25:29The tall one.
25:31I will do a round of applause for him.
25:33It will happen.
25:34It will happen.
25:35Tata Jam.
25:37So yesterday,
25:38I met Balraj sir downstairs.
25:39And I told him that
25:40I have videos.
25:41There was no beat here.
25:42So once,
25:43please performance,
25:44watch my video.
25:45He said,
25:46you come.
25:47And I will see you
25:51my latent is in
25:52finding talent.
25:54That's my latent.
25:56Tell me this,
25:57whatever you sang,
25:58is that a song that is out
25:59or it just got released?
26:00It just got released
26:01the day before yesterday.
26:02Share it bro.
26:03Tell us where to go
26:04and what to watch.
26:05On YouTube,
26:06write Dishank Garuda Rap.
26:07It will come.
26:08It is also available on Spotify.
26:09It is also available on Spotify.
26:10DK Chakka Jam.
26:11And the rest
26:12is on all streaming platforms.
26:13I will tell you why I am happy.
26:14I said,
26:15there is at least one good rapper
26:16from Pune in Habitat today.
26:19No, no, no.
26:20No, no, no.
26:21I am from Delhi.
26:22I am from Delhi.
26:24But you live in Pune.
26:25I am doing BTech there.
26:26Context is that
26:27even Sahil Kale
26:28is a rapper from Pune,
26:29by the way.
26:30From Pune.
26:31He understood the responses
26:32which he was telling
26:33after insulting us.
26:34But he is a very,
26:35you know,
26:36a good man of the heart.
26:38He is trying hard.
26:39Now let's see.
26:40It's time for voting.
26:41So I have given a 10 on 10.
26:42Raftaar has given a 10 on 10.
26:44Balraj bhai.
26:45What does it mean?
26:46Being real.
26:50And here
26:51Sahil Kale has given
26:530.8 for jealousy.
26:55Sahil Kale has given
26:56a point for jealousy.
26:57It's a 9.5.
26:58And let's see.
27:03That was close
27:04by one point.
27:05You know,
27:06I wish I had given you
27:07two less marks.
27:08No, no.
27:09Such a talented person
27:10and his underestimation
27:11will go to the donkey.
27:13give him a hug.
27:14You are really talented, bro.
27:15I didn't know
27:16he will go to the donkey.
27:17Come on.
27:18Because you underestimated
27:19yourself for the first time.
27:20You will go and hug him.
27:23did you call me last night?
27:25Not last night.
27:26I called you 2-3 days ago.
27:27Bhai, I was sleeping.
27:28He woke me up.
27:29No, no, no.
27:30I called you in the afternoon.
27:31I was sleeping in the afternoon.
27:32Sorry, sorry.
27:33I will sleep whenever I want.
27:35For now,
27:36you will have to sit on the donkey.
27:37Let's go, my brother.
27:42Up next,
27:43we have a very interesting duo.
27:44It's called Twins.
27:45Stand-up comedy tag team.
27:47Hello, we are Twins.
27:48And today,
27:49I would like to start with a poem.
27:50That she came with her tresses fluttering
27:52and got lost in my love.
27:54She came with her tresses fluttering
27:56and got lost in my love.
27:58The love was so deep
27:59that she slept with my brother.
28:03By the way, we are twins.
28:04And in the society,
28:05there are a lot of misconceptions
28:06about twins.
28:07Like people think it's a crime.
28:08He must be thinking the same thing.
28:09He must be saying the same thing.
28:11You tell me, madam.
28:12Is this possible?
28:13Two people
28:14can't say the same thing
28:15at the same time.
28:17And with us twins,
28:18there are weird incidents.
28:20For example,
28:21a small kid
28:22was running in D-Mart
28:23and grabbed our hands.
28:24He said,
28:26buy one, get one free.
28:27We are meeting here.
28:30And do you know
28:31what the biggest problem
28:32of being twins is?
28:33After fighting with my girlfriend,
28:34I can't even say this.
28:35Go and find her.
28:36You won't find
28:37anyone else like me.
28:42By the way,
28:43there are no disadvantages.
28:44There are benefits too.
28:45For example,
28:46we took the same gym membership.
28:48He goes in the morning.
28:49I go in the evening.
28:51We don't even have a mirror at home.
28:52We look at each other
28:53and do our work.
28:55Make some noise for twins.
28:58But that was a really nice...
28:59You had some very good jokes there.
29:01we came here to dance.
29:04there wasn't enough space.
29:05So, we said,
29:06let's do stand-up.
29:07You are multi-talented.
29:08They consider
29:09dancing on skates
29:10to be a better art form
29:11than stand-up.
29:12So, we came here to dance
29:13and then we dropped down.
29:14At least,
29:15they didn't drop down to poetry.
29:18But it was really funny.
29:19And what you said about stand-up,
29:20have you ever been
29:21in your life?
29:23You must have a girlfriend.
29:25Does she get confused
29:26or does she understand?
29:27She doesn't tell me.
29:31They are very lazy.
29:32They are lazy.
29:33Are you both
29:34the same from head to toe?
29:36You can try.
29:37I can try.
29:40After the show.
29:42One of the twins
29:43is illiterate.
29:44He is like this.
29:45Both are illiterate.
29:48I want to know
29:49who is the elder
29:50and who is the younger.
29:51How long is the difference?
29:524 minutes and 40 seconds.
29:53What were you doing
29:54for 4 minutes?
29:56I will have to ask my dad.
29:57It was very good.
29:58Really funny.
29:59And congratulations.
30:00Now, it's time for votes.
30:01I have given
30:03Coming from Samay,
30:04that's rich.
30:05For Rafza, it's 10.
30:07Balraj also 10.
30:08And Sahil Kale,
30:11That makes
30:12an average of
30:17But I guess
30:18whenever you are free,
30:19please come to Habitat.
30:20Keep performing.
30:21We do not have
30:22something like this
30:23in the country right now.
30:24I think you can be
30:25the first people
30:26and you will kill it.
30:27Both of you.
30:28Even if one does it,
30:29it will look like
30:30both have done it.
30:41I feel the breeze
30:43drifting on by
30:45You know how I feel
30:48It's a new dawn
30:50It's a new day
30:52It's a new life
30:54for me
30:57And I'm feeling
31:11Stars when you shine
31:13You know how I feel
31:16Scent of the pine
31:19You know how I feel
31:21Freedom is mine
31:23And I know how I feel
31:26It's a new dawn
31:27It's a new day
31:28It's a new life
31:31It's a new dawn
31:32It's a new day
31:33It's a new life
31:35It's a new dawn
31:37It's a new day
31:38It's a new life
31:39It's a new life
31:40for me
31:44And I'm feeling
31:51There you go.
31:52That's time.
31:53Let's go.
31:56Goosebumps, bro.
31:57Oh my God.
31:58I thought we were going to be
31:59pushed off of stage.
32:00I was so scared.
32:01Yo, why do you need to tell people
32:02that you're a graphic designer?
32:03Yeah, and why do you need
32:04that guitarist behind you?
32:06Yeah, seriously, man.
32:08Bro, you guys were
32:09really, really good.
32:10I mean, you were really good.
32:13You would say the same about him
32:14if he was in a dress too, right?
32:15Oh, no, no.
32:16I'm not flirting.
32:19I already have a boyfriend, guys.
32:20She has to tell people
32:21she's a graphic designer
32:22so that people don't think
32:23she's jobless.
32:25What is this about?
32:26So, basically, every time
32:27someone's asked me
32:28like, what do you do?
32:29And I say I'm a musician.
32:30So, they always ask me
32:31what else do you do?
32:32Like, full-time.
32:33Which is something like...
32:34Just respond by saying
32:35minding my own fucking business.
32:36I'll do that next time.
32:38So, what do you do?
32:44I can't say that to him.
32:45No way.
32:46Oh, you can say that to him.
32:47What do you do?
32:51I sing.
32:52But how do you...
32:53What do you do full-time?
32:55Do you have your own songs
32:56and all that?
32:57I have a couple of originals.
32:58One is going to release this year.
32:59It's called...
33:00Name your channel and everything
33:01right now.
33:02This is the best.
33:03So, my channel is
33:04Simran Ahuja Music.
33:05Also, his channel is
33:06Siddhanth Bhusal.
33:07I don't care about him, man.
33:09Make sure you tag him
33:10and post. We'll find him.
33:12So, yeah.
33:13And my song's coming out this year.
33:14It's called Over Again.
33:15Over Again.
33:16It's about like...
33:17It's just about how
33:18whenever a breakup happens
33:19it's not like
33:20the end of the world.
33:21It doesn't happen in one go.
33:23You're the fourth breakup guy
33:24of the day.
33:25It happens to everyone.
33:26It happens to everyone.
33:27Can't help it.
33:28Not everyone gets divorced.
33:32Divorce is nothing but
33:33a glorified breakup.
33:35You get a certificate
33:36for a breakup.
33:37Certificate for a breakup.
33:38Here you go.
33:39But, yeah.
33:40That's really good.
33:41And you, my brother.
33:42Are you also single?
33:44Yeah, yeah.
33:45You're also single?
33:47Oh, nice.
33:48That's great.
33:49Where did you guys meet?
33:50We met at an open mic.
33:51And I just went in.
33:52And his friend was actually
33:53going to play the guitar for me.
33:54And then he said,
33:55my friend can play.
33:56And I looked at his face
33:57and I was like, no.
33:59And then,
34:00because he looks so shy and quiet,
34:01I was like,
34:02I don't know what he's going to do.
34:03She looked at his face and she was like,
34:04I don't know what he's going to do
34:05off stage.
34:06No, no, no.
34:08And then he killed it on stage,
34:10So, four years we've been
34:11performing together.
34:12Oh, let's go.
34:13That's awesome, my brother.
34:14You like her?
34:18He's like my brother.
34:22So, now we have
34:239.5 from me.
34:26Thank you.
34:279 from Raftaar.
34:2910 from Balraj.
34:328.8 from Sahil Khare.
34:35That makes a total of
34:42Bro, what is he giving me?
34:43He's giving me lyrics.
34:44He's a professional.
34:45Is he bribing me?
34:46Thank you, bro.
34:47F**k, I'm feeling jealous.
34:53Let's start the game.
34:54You're white,
34:55even if you don't like it.
34:56But I'm black, alright.
34:57D4 straight to E5.
34:59You're going to cut my horse.
35:01Knight F3.
35:02I'll take out the queen on E7.
35:04Don't hit the pawn.
35:05It's just a rook on F4.
35:06Keep it, queen.
35:09Attack with the queen.
35:10Bishop B2.
35:11You defend.
35:12Queen B2.
35:13How will you prevent?
35:14Bishop C3.
35:15Blundered it.
35:16Bishop B4.
35:17Straight to the pin.
35:18Queen D2.
35:19Why didn't you cut it?
35:20Come on, hit it.
35:21Bishop C3.
35:22Straight to the pin.
35:23Bishop C3.
35:24Queen C1.
35:27I don't like balls.
35:28I don't have time.
35:29Should I play a bullet?
35:30Should I lose?
35:31I don't have time.
35:32Life is fair.
35:33Should I do this?
35:34Should I salute the supreme leader?
35:35I don't have time.
35:36I don't like small balls.
35:37Should I play a bullet?
35:38Should I lose?
35:39I don't have time.
35:40Life is fair.
35:41Should I do this?
35:42Should I salute the blunder master?
35:44Everyone is talking.
35:45Shut your mouth.
35:46Be quiet.
35:47There are a lot of songs.
35:48Get familiar with my tune.
35:49A little laugh.
35:50Choose your death.
35:51You might be a martyr.
35:52Or my pen.
35:53You might not be able to survive.
35:55You might not be able to survive.
35:56Everyone here has time.
35:58Keep an eye on yourself.
35:59You have to move forward.
36:00You move forward.
36:01I don't have a heart.
36:02Love me with speed.
36:03Poetry from the heart.
36:04My words are like a sword.
36:05You look like a coward.
36:06Your songs are full of lies.
36:09You look like a fool.
36:19That was Magnus Carlsen.
36:21Make some noise.
36:23You said you don't like small balls.
36:26Suresh Raina.
36:29You like big balls.
36:30I don't like small balls.
36:31I don't like short balls.
36:32Suresh Raina.
36:33You don't like small balls.
36:34Suresh Raina.
36:35I thought it was weird.
36:36I didn't get the reference of this time.
36:37I had to say small balls for him.
36:39For him?
36:40Why did I have to say small balls?
36:45You just saw the great ball of Raina.
36:48Great ball of Raina.
36:50Great ball of Raina.
36:52How did you like it?
36:53I mean, sorry.
36:54How did you like it?
36:58Thank God it wasn't the beatboxer.
37:01But you really wrote a lot of bars.
37:03D5, E5.
37:04People didn't understand.
37:05You just wrote for me.
37:06You could have sent me a DM.
37:09You wrote something after this
37:10that you couldn't do.
37:11Say ratatata.
37:14Pokemon flow.
37:16Say ratatata.
37:17Pokemon flow.
37:18See rat again.
37:19Say ratatata.
37:20Pokemon flow.
37:21See rat again.
37:22Say ratatata.
37:23Pokemon flow.
37:24Say ratatata.
37:25Pokemon flow.
37:26See rat again.
37:27Say ratatata.
37:28Pokemon flow.
37:29See rat again.
37:30Evolve B.
37:32My homies.
37:33Gotta catch them all.
37:34Even if they are.
37:36Small balls.
37:40That's all I can hear.
37:41I can't hear anything else.
37:42I assume you don't have a girlfriend, right?
37:44What do I say while watching your live?
37:46She left me.
37:47Don't put it on him.
37:50You came from Delhi for this?
37:53Oh my God.
37:54You came from Delhi for this?
37:55For you, sir.
37:56Go, show it to him now.
38:00Beatboxer, guys.
38:03Raftaar bhai se mele kaise the?
38:07My vote is 8.8.
38:09If you know what I mean.
38:14And Raftaar with a 9.
38:16You know what I mean.
38:19Balraj with a 6.3.
38:21And Sahil Kaale with a 6.9.
38:25I don't know.
38:26And Sahil Kaale with a 6.9.
38:30That makes your average 7.8.
38:57Life changing moment.
39:04Thank you so much, Vedant Modi.
39:05Congratulations to you.
39:06Toh dosto aise episode mein
39:07humein mile do winners.
39:08Lekin jisne bhi isme participate kiya
39:10mere sahabse they are all winners
39:11for putting themselves out there
39:12in front of so many people.
39:13The only losers are the people
39:15who watch this until the end.
39:17Thank you so much for watching.
39:18Take care.
39:26Take care.
39:27See you in the next one.
