A Deep Dive into the Ababil Bird in Islam

  • last month
The Ababil Bird in Islam is renowned for its miraculous role in protecting the Kaaba from destruction, an event deeply rooted in Islamic history. This video explores the fascinating story of how a flock of small birds, known as Ababil, played a pivotal role in a divine intervention that safeguarded the holy site from an invading army. We’ll dive into the details of this incredible event, uncovering the spiritual significance behind it and its lasting impact on Islamic teachings. Whether you're familiar with the story or discovering it for the first time, this video offers a comprehensive and insightful look into one of Islam's most powerful miracles. Learn about the symbolism of the Ababil Bird, its connection to faith, and why it remains a significant symbol in the Islamic world today.

00:00Ababil is a bird mentioned in Surah Al-Fil in the Quran
00:06Basically, this incident is related to Abraha
00:10who was a king of Yemen and along with war elephants
00:13he tried to attack and destroy Nauzubillah and Mecca
00:21According to the Quran, when Abraha's army reached near Mecca
00:26Allah sent a group of birds named Ababil
00:30and they had small stones in their beak
00:34When the birds dropped these stones on Abraha's army
00:37they were completely destroyed
00:40So, this miraculous incident in the Quran
00:43is also considered as a sign of Allah's protection of the Ka'bah
00:48Allah has taken the responsibility of protecting this holy place
00:53I would like to tell you one more thing
00:55Ababil is a bird which can fly for 10 months without landing on the ground
01:02It is the only bird in the world which can sleep in the air while flying
01:07Ababil flies in the air while gliding
01:13Ababil can live for 15 to 20 years
01:17and it can eat air in its food
01:20Ababil is also a bird which can fly for 14,000 km without stopping
01:25This bird is a very charismatic bird
01:29When I was in Malim Jabba, I saw this bird in the room where I took this video
01:36So, I thought to capture it and share it with you
01:39I hope you liked this video
01:42Thanks for watching
