Yuri!!! on Ice S01 E05

  • le mois dernier


00:00Can you hear my heartbeat ? Tired of feeling never enough
00:07I close my eyes and tell myself that my dreams will come true
00:13There'll be no more darkness when you believe in yourself
00:18You were unstoppable, where your destiny lies
00:23Dancing on the blaze, you set my heart on fire
00:27Don't stop us now, the moment of truth
00:31We were born to make history
00:34We'll make it happen, we'll turn it around
00:37Yes we were born to make history
00:45Born to make history
00:51Born, born, born to make history
00:54Don't stop us now, the moment of truth
00:57We were born to make history
01:00We'll make it happen, we'll turn it around
01:03Yes we were born to make history
01:07We were born to make history
01:10Yes we were born to make history
01:18Hello, I'm Yuuri Katsuki, a figure skater.
01:22This year, I'll be competing in the Chūshikoku Kyūshū Championship.
01:26I'll be the oldest among the four seniors this year.
01:30Anyway, I'm the second oldest.
01:33Yuuri Katsuki, number one.
01:35I did it again.
01:36I'm always so unlucky, even in the last All Japan Championships.
01:40I can't wait to see Yuuri-kun in his best form again.
01:47Don't tell me you don't remember me !
01:49Miss Parisian !
01:50Yes, I'm Minami Kenjiro.
01:52Who am I ?
01:53I did it ! I'm number four !
01:56You're blushing !
01:57It's your first competition !
01:58The Chūshikoku Kyūshū Championship !
02:01I'm in good shape, so there's no problem.
02:04I'm sure you'll do your best today.
02:08I've said it many times, but I didn't make any mistakes last year.
02:11People were worried that I was injured, but I didn't feel bad at all.
02:15I just lost because I was mentally weak.
02:18Wow !
02:20I haven't been competing since last year's All Japan Championships.
02:23Makachin is cheering for you !
02:25I've been practicing with Victor, but...
02:27Be more happy !
02:28To be honest, I'm still worried.
02:31I have to make sure that I'm at the level I can fight in the Grand Prix Series.
02:35I don't care about what the other competitors think.
02:39I feel a strange gaze...
02:41Minami-kun ! Concentrate !
02:42Remember the concentration you had in the All Japan Championships !
02:44Don't be swallowed by the atmosphere around you !
02:47Concentrate, concentrate...
02:51Wow ! He's amazing !
02:53He was amazing from the official practice this morning.
02:55Yuri, are you okay ? You tend to get nervous before a match.
02:58Ah !
02:59Did you see Victor ?
03:00The match is about to start...
03:02Sorry to keep you waiting !
03:03Why are you dressed like that ?
03:05Today, I'm going to show off my flamboyant coach.
03:08I have to look good.
03:10That's right !
03:11That Russian coach stands out more than the competitors.
03:16What should I do when the coach sends me off before the match ?
03:20That's what I'm thinking about.
03:23I'm aiming for the Grand Prix Final.
03:25This is not the time to be nervous !
03:29He's nervous...
03:30Practice time is over.
03:32Contestants, please go to the rink.
03:39Why is Victor so nervous ?
03:41Yuri, turn around.
03:42Huh ?
03:43Just turn around !
03:44Like this ?
03:55Use all your strength to seduce me.
03:57If you can seduce me, everyone here will fall in love with you.
04:02You always say that during practice, don't you ?
04:05Good job !
04:08Do as you always do.
04:15I will become a beautiful action !
04:38Hey, everyone !
04:39Your reaction is too weak !
04:41If you love hot springs, you should have reacted better when you skated here.
04:46If it's Victor, he will like this step !
04:52Yuri !
04:53Use more of your body !
04:55Yes !
04:57Dance like you're seducing me.
05:00I see...
05:01I'm going to seduce a man.
05:03I'm going to seduce a man.
05:05I'm going to seduce a man.
05:07I'm going to seduce a man.
05:09The first jump is a triple axel from the eagle.
05:14Good !
05:15With this momentum, I'm going to do a quad salchow !
05:22He's going all out !
05:25The reason I was attracted to Yuri
05:27was because of her skating skill, like playing music from her body.
05:30Yuri, you're perfect !
05:32The last jump is a combination jump with the highest score.
05:36A quad salchow, then a triple axel.
05:38It's a double axel.
05:41This is the last element.
05:46I'm going to seduce a man and a woman.
05:49What was it ?
05:51I'm going to seduce the man I just seduced.
05:53I'm going to seduce the next man.
05:58Yuri, you're so cool !
06:00So cool !
06:01Who is it ?
06:03It's over.
06:05Was it okay ?
06:10The first half was really good.
06:12But the second half was a bit too much.
06:14I don't like that.
06:17Why are you angry ?
06:18The audience was so enthusiastic.
06:21I'm going to get a personal best.
06:23Yuri Katsuki's score is 94.36.
06:27She's currently in first place.
06:30So cool !
06:32It's not an official record, but it's the highest score in the history of the world.
06:39If there's no pressure, I thought I'd be in the top 100.
06:42That's right. Victor is the best in the history of the world and has been in the top 100 many times.
06:47That's right, Yuri.
06:48Tomorrow's free.
06:50Reduce the difficulty of the jump and focus on acting.
06:53You've never been successful in practice, have you ?
06:57It's not a bad thing to lower the difficulty in the first half of the season, is it ?
07:00It's important for Yuri to adjust to the Grand Prix Final.
07:05Can't you listen to what the coach says ?
07:10So cool !
07:11Yuri's pure charm is shown in the best way.
07:14Minami-kun, get ready. The first half is coming soon.
07:17Kanako-sensei, you're amazing !
07:18That triple axel !
07:19You did a good job !
07:22Minami-kun, I hope you can do a triple axel that you're not good at.
07:25Of course ! I'll show Yuri what I'm made of !
07:28I'd like to hear your enthusiasm for the free.
07:30Tomorrow's free...
07:32Of course, you'll be able to see the perfect Yuri.
07:34I did a triple axel !
07:37It was the best I've ever done !
07:39Ah ! Did you see my low angle ?
07:42Oh, I didn't see it because I was being interviewed. Sorry.
07:48Yuri-kun, you're a pro !
07:50You even copied my low angle costume !
07:53My low angle costume...
07:55Yuri-kun, you don't have any low angle costume !
07:58Don't make fun of me for chasing you !
08:01Tomorrow's free, I'll do my best.
08:04Yuri-kun, you have to do your best too !
08:06If you fail, I won't forgive you !
08:08Oh ! Minami-sensei's declaration of war !
08:11Minami-sensei, who won the championship from Katsuki-sensei in Japan last year.
08:15Minami-kun, who was always ahead of me when I did the triple axel.
08:19This is bad...
08:21Katsuki-sensei, the hero, will face Yuri-kun !
08:30The Chūshikoku Kyūshū Figure Skating Championships, the men's free, is about to start.
08:35Katsuki-sensei and his coach, Viktor Nikiforov, will be the focus.
08:38Hi !
08:39In yesterday's short, Katsuki-sensei did his personal best, 94.36 seconds.
08:43He's in the lead.
08:45In the free, Katsuki-sensei will do three quadruple axels.
08:49Viktor decided to do one quadruple axel.
08:52Quadruple axel ! I want to try it too !
08:55Are you serious ? You didn't even succeed in practice !
08:58I want to try it too !
08:59Alright, I'll do it too !
09:01The men's single free skating will start now.
09:04If you're a skater, please start practicing.
09:07You have 6 minutes to practice.
09:14No, no, I have to focus on myself.
09:18Hm ?
09:19You can't motivate others, but you can motivate yourself ?
09:24I'm disappointed in you.
09:31What's going to happen to my motivation that Viktor lowered ?
09:36Number 1, Minami Kenjiro-san, from Hakata Skate Club.
09:40Are you listening ?
09:41He's nervous !
09:43Minami-kun !
09:44Minami-kun, you can do it !
09:48You can do it !
09:51I have nothing to lose.
09:53I've practiced so much, stop fooling me !
10:02Minami-kun, do your best !
10:07Do your best !
10:10C'est parti !
10:25Minami-kun est très rapide ! Il est très populaire !
10:29D'abord le triple axel !
10:37Ah ! Je peux le faire !
10:40D'abord le quadruple axel !
10:46C'est incroyable ! C'est comme si j'étais en train de m'amuser !
10:57C'est comme si j'étais à l'époque.
11:02Je n'arrive pas à me séparer de Minami-kun.
11:10J'ai déjà les compétences nécessaires pour le figure-skate.
11:40C'est incroyable !
12:11Ah !
12:16Je peux le voir en ce moment.
12:20Tu es le principal acteur du film.
12:31Le premier prix est de Minami Kenjiro.
12:33Il a gagné 152,14 points.
12:35Il a gagné 214,16 points.
12:37C'est le meilleur personnel !
12:51Bien joué !
12:54Moi aussi !
12:56Bien joué !
13:02Bien joué ! C'est le meilleur personnel !
13:07Bien joué ! C'est le meilleur personnel !
13:10Bien joué ! C'est le meilleur personnel !
13:15Putain !
13:29J'aime ce costume.
13:31Yuri me ressemble le plus.
13:33Oh... Oh...
13:39Oh... Oh...
13:44Je lui ai dit qu'il ne ferait que une première tournée de 4...
13:48Il n'aime pas trop perdre...
13:50Yuriko, vas-y !
13:53Cette première tournée est une expression de son vie de skate,
13:59Yuri on Ice.
14:01La chanson s'intitule Victor Nikiforov.
14:14Cette première tournée commence avec Yuriko,
14:16qui a l'impression d'être en train de combattre tout seul.
14:20C'est la première tournée de 4-3.
14:23C'est un endroit où j'ai toujours décidé de faire de l'exercice.
14:30Yuri !
14:31Yuriko !
14:33Il a changé la composition du jump de la première tournée à la deuxième ?
14:39Il va faire une troisième tournée ?
14:43Ou plutôt, il va revenir à la composition de la première tournée ?
14:47Il a dit qu'il allait prioritiser la compétition de la première tournée.
14:57Il a l'air fort.
14:59C'est la première tournée où j'ai apparu en tant que coach devant Yuri.
15:03Il a l'air très content.
15:11Triple Salchow !
15:14Quad Salchow !
15:15Step out !
15:23Il est revenu à la composition de la première tournée.
15:28Il a changé d'esprit.
15:37Triple jump !
15:38C'est parfait !
15:41Yuri a pu réaliser quelque chose qui ressemble à de l'amour.
15:45C'est la deuxième tournée, mais il a l'air fort.
15:49Outside Eagle.
15:53Inner Bauer.
15:55Il a l'impression qu'il est le plus beau sur l'ice.
16:00Triple Axel !
16:02C'est parfait !
16:08Ensuite, triple flip !
16:14Il n'a pas bien réalisé le jump, mais le public est enthousiaste.
16:18C'est parce que le skate est dans la musique.
16:25C'est trop tôt !
16:27Yuri est trop impatient aujourd'hui.
16:30Non, mais...
16:33C'est pour ça que je ne peux pas m'éteindre.
16:55C'est la dernière tournée, mais il n'a pas bien réalisé le jump.
17:00Yuri n'a pas bien entendu ce que le coach a dit.
17:03Qui l'a dit ?
17:24Oh, c'est moi.
17:32Si c'était Yakov, il aurait dû dire quelque chose.
17:34Je n'ai jamais fait ça.
17:36Yuri !
17:37Il a démontré le courage de l'ace du Japon !
17:55C'est pas possible !
18:02VIVAL !
18:05Les points de Katsuki Yuri sont à 165.2.
18:09Le total est de 259.5...
18:12C'est grâce à ce jump que nous avons fait ce point.
18:14Merci de nous faire prouver que nous pouvons gagner en 5 composants.
18:18Ne t'inquiètes pas, tu pourras y arriver, Yuri.
18:21Yuri-kun !
18:22Hein ?
18:22Je suis désolée !
18:24Je voulais aussi, dans la série de Grand Prix,
18:26me battre avec toi !
18:28Mais je ne veux pas arrêter !
18:30Et en plus,
18:31je veux un signe !
18:32Moi aussi !
18:33Est-ce que c'est bon ?
18:34Yuri !
18:35Je suis trop émue !
18:37Je ne peux pas me battre en tant que rival !
18:40Mais qu'est-ce que tu fais quand tu es blessé ?
18:45Au début,
18:46je voulais pas perdre,
18:48mais au fur et à mesure,
18:50c'est devenu tellement amusant,
18:52que je ne m'en souviens plus.
18:54Hein ?
18:59En tout cas,
19:01c'était le plus amusant
19:03que je n'ai jamais fait.
19:07En tout cas, je veux bien que tu ailles nous voir.
19:11Je t'aime.
19:29Qu'est-ce que t'es en train de faire, Yuri ?
19:31Ah, tu as vu les photos de Victor et Yuri du Japon, non ?
19:34Ta gueule !
19:35Euh... Katsuki-senshu ?
19:40Dans la série de Grand Prix de l'année, mon thème est l'amour.
19:45J'ai traversé ma vie de skate avec le soutien de plusieurs personnes,
19:49mais je n'ai jamais pensé à l'amour.
19:52J'étais dans un environnement qui m'accueillait,
19:55mais je n'arrivais pas à l'utiliser, et je me sentais comme si je combattais tout seul.
19:58Mais, avec l'arrivée du coach Victor, la scène dont je regardais a changé.
20:03Mon amour.
20:05Ce n'est pas un amour ou une amour simple,
20:07c'est l'amour que j'ai pour Victor,
20:09l'amour que j'ai pour ma famille, et l'amour que j'ai pour mon pays.
20:12Finalement, j'ai réalisé ce que c'était d'avoir un amour autour de moi.
20:16C'est Victor qui m'a donné envie de m'unir,
20:19c'est lui qui m'a donné envie de m'unir.
20:21Il n'y a pas de nom à cette émotion,
20:23mais j'ai décidé de l'appeler l'amour.
20:26Je suis devenu plus puissant,
20:28et j'ai gagné la finale du Grand Prix.
20:36C'était pas très bien.
20:37On t'a toujours soutenu.
20:39Quand je reviendrai, je vais brûler ce chapeau.
20:42J'achèterai un nouveau chapeau jusqu'à la compétition en Chine.
20:50Malheureusement, ce n'est pas Yuuri qui gagne la compétition en Chine,
20:54c'est vraiment Tchoulanon.
20:56C'était super !
20:58T'as filmé bien ?
21:01Quoi ?
21:02Il faut qu'on l'uploade tout de suite sur Internet.