I Surprised David Dobrik With Custom Tesla-

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00:00Just bought this brand new Tesla. I'm gonna customize it and then surprise David Dobrik with it first
00:04Let's get it cleaned and ready to customize
00:10Now you might be wondering why I'm doing this David Dobrik just announced
00:13He's opening his very own pizza restaurant called Dobrik's David's also known for giving away the most extravagant cars
00:20And I'm known for customizing them
00:24What's up, I'm just putting together the Iron Man and collapsed and it went all over the room. Are you serious?
00:30I actually wanted to call you because we really need like a delivery car and I know you can create a crazy stuff
00:36I thought maybe you'd have an idea for I don't know. How long do we have a week? Okay. Yeah. Yeah, I think so
00:42Alright guys for the car design. I'm thinking we go with the Dobrik's logo with bright red and green to really make it pop
00:48I really like this. I think it looks good me too
00:50But what are we gonna do about the coin with some of the purchases of David Dobrik's pizza?
00:54You get these coins right here. So to make this car even more special
00:57I'm thinking we build a giant version of the coin put it on the roof and have it spin in a 360 motion
01:02Just like Mario. Yeah
01:04How are we gonna do that? Actually right now I have no idea how we're gonna do this
01:08But until then I'm gonna take this to the shop and have them start wrapping my car
01:13We've got our design right here. This is about to be shot through our latex 560 printer
01:17So it'll get us the best color that we can that sounds expensive. It is a very expensive printer
01:21These ones run about the same price as a Tesla
01:25After spending thousands of dollars using the world's best printer the installers could start turning the Tesla into the most insane pizza delivery car in the
01:38Wow, this thing is crazy
01:41David Dobrik is going to love this. The color is so good. We have his branding right here
01:46There's social medias the green just pops on this like crazy
01:49We made sure to add the Tesla logos back on the top find us on Sunset Boulevard
01:53We still have a lot of work left to do somehow. We have to put a spinning coin on the roof of this car
02:01This is gonna be ridiculously hard I have to make this thing a thousand times larger than this one
02:05There's nowhere to attach it to on the roof. This is an all glass roof, which means we cannot drill into it
02:10We're gonna have to use suction cups or a roof rack. We have a lot to figure out
02:14This coin is gonna be very difficult. Why do we never have time for these projects?
02:17David Dobrik is literally opening this restaurant three days
02:20We still have to build the coin
02:21Figure out a way to make it spin and we have to drive it all the way across the country to California
02:26Which is a two-day drive alone. I've been helping Alex with a motor that might work
02:29So I'm gonna go keep helping him with that. It's gonna be really hard to freehand sculpt this coin
02:32So we're gonna make a 3d model and then print it out. Well, Aaron's busy making the model
02:36I'm gonna go check on the progress Alex has made with his spinning machine for the coin
02:39This is the mechanism that will be turning our giant coin on the roof of David's car
02:43But first we're gonna be using the regular size coin to see if that works
02:46So Alex just spent tons of hours coding. This is the computer
02:50This is what makes it all run once I press this button. The coin should spin three two one
02:57It's spinning that is so sick look at that that is crazy since the car is wrapped
03:02We're gonna load it into a truck and trailer and start driving two days to California since the coin on top isn't done
03:07I'm gonna stay back and continue working on that then fly and meet the car in California and surprise David Dobrik
03:12It is currently 10 a.m. We're hitting the road now thousand miles left the guys have stayed behind
03:16So hopefully they can finish the coin if they don't finish the coin in time
03:19Then we won't be able to give David Dobrik to test it
03:21We just 3d printed David Dobrik's coin into a bunch of different pieces
03:24We're gonna use this as a reverse mold. But first we have to weld every piece together
03:30Jim and I are driving through the mountains and we're about four hours into our drive
03:34The tires are stuck in the snow. Look how deep this snow is on the truck tires right here
03:40With our coin attached that we're gonna be pouring our resin in to make a mold
03:43So this is a mold release agent with the spray it on top the coins that when it's dry
03:46We can pull the mold off of it without the coin sticking to it
03:49If we mess this up, it'll be really bad. This is thousands of dollars of resin
03:58We have over 800 miles still left to go we are currently stuck in traffic
04:09We're gonna be using this mold and putting these little steel rods inside of this forge heating it up and pouring into there so we can
04:14Have a solid metal coin
04:35I'm glad Jim's driving because I'm about to pass out
04:41What's happening? See it's way too hot for this. It's not supposed to do that. What is that stuff in the air?
04:45Well, that's our mold blowing away. Oh my goodness. It's melting our entire mold. It is so smoky in here
04:50Is this okay to breathe in? Feels like we've been driving for forever, but we're only in Utah
04:55We still have two more states to drive through 700 miles left
04:58I really hope the guys are making progress on the coin or done with it by now
05:01All of this area right here is just completely ruined just melted through so we can't even use this mold and try again
05:10This stuff takes like 24 hours to cure and we have to surprise David with this in 18 hours
05:18Let's wash it off and see what we got
05:20All those chunks right there are the details to his eyes and stuff. His eye is completely smooth now the molds ruined
05:26This day has not gone to plan at all. It's currently 1230 at night right now
05:31And the mold just burnt to shreds
05:33But luckily we are powered by G fuel to give me some energy so we can hopefully come up with a solution
05:38Well, I tell you about G fuel. Let's see if we can come up with a plan to fix this coin
05:49G fuel is a healthier energy drink that helps me stay focused and find solutions when things go wrong
05:53What did we build the mold last time the 3d printed something and just pour that around it?
05:57I don't even know if this would work, but could we possibly use like our 3d prints?
06:01And just use that as the coin that's actually genius
06:03They're not perfect since we are using them to create a mold
06:06But if we spend a little time sanding and fixing them
06:09I think this will work G fuels best sale the entire year is back for Black Friday for a limited time only you can buy
06:14One G fuel tub and get one free no code necessary. Now, let's paint this coin
06:25Take things to the next level this sale features some new incredible flavors such as grandma's apple pie and ninjas cotton candy
06:31Make sure to check out G fuels Black Friday sale using the link in my description. I love you G fuel
06:35Now I'm gonna be adding the gold flake finish. So this shines just like the real coin
06:47Am so tired, it's 1 a.m. I have the faces of the coin painted once I glue all three sections together
06:53It'll create one massive coin. Okay. So right now we're just checking out the Tesla making sure it's okay and Jim
06:57What did you just say?
06:58It's shifted. Huh? We have about two inches from the wall inside. Oh my gosh
07:05Like six inches, so it definitely shifted over there's no scratch or dings on it
07:10Another one of my biggest concerns is seeing if they will let us bring this on the plane right now
07:14We have no other option since the truck and trailer already left
07:19So unfortunately, I'll have enough time to test this and see if it actually spins I'm running late for the airport
07:24So I just have to throw this into the box and hope it works when we see David. It's 4 a.m
07:28I have the coin loaded back there
07:29I'm heading straight to the airport to meet with Hayden in California to hopefully surprise David Dobrik. I'm exhausted, but I can't let David down
07:37He's one of my heroes
07:39Next stop, California
07:42So I just linked up with Hayden, thank goodness now
07:45It's time to open up my luggage and see if the coin is completely ruined. It's a bad. Here's the most important part the coin
07:52How's that look? Yes good looks perfect
07:58Am currently 20 minutes away from surprising David Dobrik with a Tesla in my videos
08:03I don't do this a lot
08:03But when I originally started I was a gaming content creator and once I started watching David Dobrik's vlog
08:08I loved him so much and it inspired me
08:10So I started vlogging with my friends just very heavily inspired by him and I always had this crazy dream
08:15I even told my family that one day I was gonna give David Dobrik a Tesla. Everybody thought I was crazy
08:20I guess they were right. I kept working. I've spent hundreds of days in a row. I was up till 4 a.m
08:25This morning when I was a smaller youtuber like this stuff just seemed so far away
08:29What I can tell you guys is a lot of people go to college and they know they're not gonna get their degree
08:34The first day it takes four years. That's how it is with everything
08:37I first had this dream like three and a half four years ago and now here I am today making it happen
08:41I'm so incredibly touched and thankful for everything that you guys have done for me. Thank you so much
08:46Let's go give David Dobrik a Tesla
08:49So we're outside of the restaurant right now. It's time to start setting things up
08:54Gotta be quick David's gonna be here in two minutes. Push down. Ready? Yep. Go. Okay, that's on
09:02First time moving with the coin on top
09:07You got it done I did is it made out of Legos? No, it's not. I'm a little bit nervous. I'm really nervous
09:12Are you guys ready? I'm ready. Yes, you can take the blindfolds off in three two one. Check it out
09:22It looks clean
09:27That's shiny, huh, this is a ridiculous delivery car this is like elegant this is perfect
09:32You know, I mean like it's not cheesy just press that switch and it should spin
09:35This is gonna be the first time that we're testing it together
09:43Blown away by the amount of drive you have no pun intended to keep this stuff going congrats on hustling congrats on killing it
09:50The reason I started vlogging is because of what you've accomplished. So this is I'm freaking out right now. Really? Yeah, so it's crazy. Thanks