• 2 months ago
Comparison Numbers vs Letters 2024 new theory check ✔️✔️✔️✔️


00:00Numbers have been getting a lot of flack over the course of this program,
00:03so I would like to make the case in a presentation that numbers are better than letters.
00:07So I've got a number of reasons. The first is numbers do more with less.
00:12There are nine numbers, nine base numbers,
00:14one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, you might have heard of them.
00:16On the other hand, there are 26 letters.
00:18So that means there's 288% more letters than base numbers.
00:23And what are they doing with it?
00:24Well, according to the Oxford English Dictionary,
00:27there are 171,146 words currently in use in the English language.
00:32And how many numbers are there?
00:33I don't know, infinity.
00:40And for those thinking that maybe there's 10 base numbers and that zero is a number,
00:43zero is not a number.
00:44Zero is a concept that basically just means nothing.
00:47It means there's no numbers.
00:48That's a concept that letters don't have.
00:50There's no letter for no letters.
00:53You know what I mean?
00:54To communicate no letters, you need way more of them.
00:56You need, like, no letters at all, not even these ones, ignore these ones.
01:02Zero is doing all that just in one symbol.
01:04Numbers are modern.
01:05When you're in love with someone in the olden days, you sent them a letter.
01:09Nowadays, you ask for their number.
01:14Numbers have gravitas.
01:16If you count numbers backwards, 10, 9, 8,
01:19it means something huge is happening, like a rocket's about to be launched.
01:21If you say the alphabet backwards,
01:23it means you've been accused of drink driving in the United States.
01:29Numbers don't have this hierarchical thing
01:31where the first one is, like, bigger than the rest.
01:34Like, you would never see this.
01:36Numbers don't do this.
01:37Numbers are even.
01:38They're egalitarian.
01:39They're Australian.
01:44No one likes numbers more than letters themselves.
01:46Letters are obsessed with numbers, and you see this when numbers are used in places.
01:51So, like, first, for example, the STs,
01:53they finally get a chance to be next to a number,
01:55and you can tell they're excited.
01:56You can tell they're shy because they get all small.
01:59There's bias against numbers.
02:00You can put letters up on a screen and no one cares,
02:03but you put numbers up and everyone freaks out.
02:05Like, no one cares about these letters,
02:06but you put the numbers up and everyone's like...
02:09all angry about it.
02:12When societies challenge numbers, it does not end well.
02:14The Romans famously tried to change numbers into letters,
02:18and look what happened to them.
02:21They stopped existing more than M years ago.
02:27Numbers win even on letters terms.
02:29The famous game Scrabble.
02:30This is the most word game there is.
02:32Even by the scoring in that game,
02:35letters is beaten by numbers.
02:39Numbers are better than letters.
02:41Tom Cashman, everybody!
