• last year


00:00And I take a step to leave and walk into my destiny and I hear this noise.
00:09It was coming from my thighs. You see, there were two words I failed to take
00:14into consideration when purchasing those pants. Chub rub.
00:21Some of you were like, I don't know what that is.
00:24Yes, bless your heart. It sounded like I was chewing on glass.
00:37Thinking, what am I going to do? I had nothing to change into. All I had was a pair of yoga
00:41pants I'd worn on the way over that I wear everywhere, except yoga.
00:48Now, I can be somewhat fashion challenged, as many of you have figured out already.
00:52I can be a little tacky, a little bit over the top. So it would make sense, if you know me,
00:57that I would get online and for this important networking event, I would purchase a pair of
01:02bright silver sequined palazzo pants. I know what you're thinking. That's a lot of sequins.
01:12Kind of like bedazzling a walrus.
01:15Honey, if you're going to make them in my size, don't be judging me for wearing them.
01:22I almost left, but I was like, Kelly, you spent a lot of money on this ticket.
01:25Can't you figure something out? So I decided, I said, okay, here's what I'm going to do. I'm
01:29going to go in the back door. I'm going to just kind of slide in. I'm going to stand off to the
01:32side, let everybody sort of wave at me as they pass and it'll be fine. I'll just wait till
01:36everybody's gone before I leave. I thought that was a good plan. I swear they all turned and
01:40looked at me at once with this exaggerated raised eyebrow. And I was suddenly terrified
01:46because sitting in that room was the exact same people in my mind that had been in every
01:51cafeteria I had walked in every day of my childhood. And they terrified me.
01:58And I sat there having a moment where this one voice in my head is like, get out of here, run,
02:08walk, run. You don't belong. See, we've been telling you this your whole life. You aren't
02:18good enough. These people are better. They're smarter. They have more money. They've done
02:22better things. They're skinnier. You don't fit. Look at you. You're an idiot. Leave
02:30and just step back in your comfort zone where you belong.
02:34And then that other voice is getting louder and louder and older. I get,
02:37I just turned on 50 and now she's starting to yell through life.
02:42And she says, is that how you're going to play this? You're going to write a story that says
02:48you failed before you've even started. When are you going to start believing the words you say?
02:53So I took a deep breath. I stood up and I said, thighs do your thing. And I began to march.
03:14I marched with power. I marched with emphasis. I clapped my thighs together on purpose.
03:23I owned it. I stopped at every table. I passed out my card. Sequins were jumping ship left and right.
03:34I was the first one out there on that dance floor that night,
03:37dancing, the light hitting my pants. I looked like a strobe light.
03:42People are gathered around me. They're laughing. They're high-fiving. They're going,
03:46chub rub girl. And they're sharing their stories. And many of them have chub rub,
03:52just like me. And some of them even worse. And then they're sharing other stories of the quirks
03:56that they have and the ways that they feel not good enough and the ways they feel left out,
04:00sharing the delicious things that make us human. And there probably were a couple of people on the
04:07outskirts smirking, pointing, but that's okay. Because for the first time, it wasn't my problem.
04:16It was theirs. A moment standing in the full glory of knowing I am exactly where I'm supposed
04:27to be. And I'm realizing that the very things that made me different had become the things
04:35that had made me great. Trust your gifts. Don't doubt the spirit that dwells inside of you.
04:43This is your turn to walk down that aisle. Change your story.