King The Land S01E04 1080p Kdrana Hindi Emerging Feelings .

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. Sa-rang’s Internal Conflict:

Episode 4 begins with Cheon Sa-rang continuing to grapple with her feelings after learning that Gu Won is the heir to the King Group. While she is still determined to maintain her professionalism, she can’t ignore the growing attraction she feels towards him. This internal conflict becomes more pronounced as she tries to balance her duties at the hotel with her personal emotions.
2. Gu Won’s Growing Interest:

Gu Won, on the other hand, finds himself increasingly intrigued by Sa-rang. Her genuine nature and dedication to her work stand out in a world where most people around him are either sycophants or focused solely on their own gain. Gu Won begins to seek out opportunities to interact with Sa-rang, though he masks his interest behind a veneer of professionalism.
During these interactions, Gu Won subtly tests Sa-rang, gauging her reactions to different situations. He appreciates her straightforwardness but also notices that she’s become more guarded around him, which only deepens his curiosity.
3. The VIP Guest Returns:

The VIP guest from the previous episode, impressed by Sa-rang’s service, returns to the King Hotel and specifically requests her assistance. This not only boosts Sa-rang’s confidence but also brings her into closer contact with Gu Won, who is keenly aware of the guest’s preferences.
The guest’s high expectations add pressure to Sa-rang’s work, but she handles the situation with grace. Her ability to manage difficult clients while maintaining a warm and welcoming demeanor further impresses Gu Won, who continues to observe her closely.
4. Gu Hwa-ran’s Schemes:

Meanwhile, Gu Hwa-ran continues her machinations to gain more control within the King Group. She starts planting seeds of doubt about Gu Won’s capabilities, suggesting that he might not be suited to take over the family business. Hwa-ran’s manipulations create tension within the company and add another layer of pressure on Gu Won.
Gu Won, although aware of his sister’s intentions, remains focused on his own goals. However, the power struggle within the family is beginning to take its toll, especially as Gu Won becomes more involved in the daily operations of the hotel.
5. Sa-rang’s Personal Life:

Sa-rang’s personal life is also explored further in this episode. Her close friends, Oh Pyung-hwa and Kang Ji-eun, continue to provide support as she navigates her complicated feelings for Gu Won. They offer her advice, both encouraging her to pursue her ambitions and warning her about the potential pitfalls of getting involved with someone of Gu Won’s status.
Sa-rang’s relationship with her family is briefly touched upon, showing her background and the values that have shaped her character. Her modest upbringing contrasts sharply with the luxurious world she now works in, highlighting the differences between her and Gu Won.
6. A Turning Point:

The episode’s turning point comes during a significant event at the hotel. A misunderstanding leads to a
00:01:25Are you still mad at me?
00:01:27I promise it won't happen again.
00:01:29Do you even know what you did?
00:01:31Yes, I know. I'm sorry.
00:01:33For what?
00:01:34For everything that happened. I'm sorry.
00:01:39Forget it.
00:01:41It's your habit to make mistakes.
00:01:43I don't want anything from you now.
00:01:45I told you I won't do it.
00:01:47I'll change myself.
00:01:48We'll go on a trip next week.
00:01:51You wanted to go to Gangneung, right?
00:01:53Yes, Sukh Chow.
00:01:55Yes, Sukh Chow.
00:01:56And we'll go to the jungle.
00:02:00Khamsa Suebi.
00:02:01Yes, that's it.
00:02:03We'll go together, okay?
00:02:19Let's go somewhere. I need to talk to you.
00:02:22What do you want to talk about?
00:02:24I'll tell you there.
00:02:26Why don't we talk here?
00:02:29I have to meet someone at the club.
00:02:31I have some important work.
00:02:39That means you're not here to apologize to me.
00:02:43You're here to meet your friends.
00:02:45Apology is just an excuse.
00:02:46Why are you saying that?
00:02:48I was waiting for you.
00:02:50I know.
00:02:51You're not perfect.
00:02:52That's why I was adjusting.
00:02:54I loved you so much.
00:02:55That's why I've been forgiving you.
00:02:59But when you don't value me,
00:03:01it doesn't mean anything.
00:03:04You're not worthy of my love.
00:03:08I understand.
00:03:09I'll call them and tell them I'll be late.
00:03:11Then we'll go out for dinner.
00:03:12You'll have gimbap, right?
00:03:21You go ahead.
00:03:28What's wrong?
00:03:29You don't want gimbap?
00:03:36Not anymore.
00:03:39I can't take it anymore.
00:03:42What are you saying?
00:03:44Too much compromise
00:03:46ruins people.
00:03:48And I ruined you.
00:03:51I'm here to meet you.
00:03:53And you're thinking about yourself.
00:03:59Wait a minute.
00:04:03Everyone's here?
00:04:05You go ahead. I'll be there.
00:04:08No, I'm almost there.
00:04:12I have some important work.
00:04:18Wait, I'm almost done.
00:04:21You can order anything.
00:04:22But you have to pay me first.
00:04:24Okay, I'll hang up.
00:04:51That means
00:04:53I'm jealous of her.
00:04:57How is that possible?
00:05:00Jealous of me?
00:05:05What happened?
00:05:09It's the first time.
00:05:18Let's go.
00:05:37Excuse me.
00:05:38You threw this box on the road, right?
00:05:40License, please.
00:05:41Here you go.
00:05:43Pick up this box.
00:06:03Throw it somewhere else.
00:06:04It's not my job to throw garbage.
00:06:06I'm so sorry.
00:06:11You brought it for your girlfriend, right?
00:06:14No, not at all.
00:06:15You brought a gift for her and then threw it away.
00:06:17Something must have happened.
00:06:18It's nothing like that.
00:06:19Did your girlfriend leave with someone else?
00:06:22You must be wondering how I know all this.
00:06:24I meet a lot of people like you.
00:06:27Is she very beautiful?
00:06:30I don't know.
00:06:32I don't know.
00:06:33Is she very beautiful?
00:06:43She's very beautiful.
00:06:44Very beautiful.
00:06:49That's her job.
00:06:50The girls who smile a lot
00:06:52are easily trapped by boys.
00:06:56Before they ruin you completely,
00:06:58control yourself.
00:06:59But she's not like that.
00:07:00What are you saying?
00:07:01That means your job is done.
00:07:04take this
00:07:05and leave.
00:07:06Why are you letting me go?
00:07:07You were going to fine me, right?
00:07:08I feel sorry for people like you.
00:07:10Think that you've saved your money.
00:07:12Take a drink and think.
00:07:14You're misunderstanding me.
00:07:15That's the limit.
00:07:16Why are you pissing me off?
00:07:18I know because this has happened to me too.
00:07:24Forget it.
00:07:25You won't understand it now.
00:07:27and do whatever you want, okay?
00:07:29When your heart breaks,
00:07:31then you'll understand me.
00:07:35Oh, man.
00:07:36I said, go.
00:07:41Come on, go.
00:07:44Now tell me everything honestly.
00:07:47How many times have you dated?
00:07:50What do you mean?
00:07:55I don't have time.
00:07:57I mean, you don't have experience,
00:07:59but you have a lot of money.
00:08:00People like you become their easy prey.
00:08:02Got it?
00:08:03But there's a limit
00:08:05when you don't know what's going on.
00:08:08You don't know
00:08:09if she likes you
00:08:11or if you love her.
00:08:12You lose your mind.
00:08:16How do I know?
00:08:22My girl was also very beautiful.
00:08:25Like an angel on earth.
00:08:29Have you...
00:08:31heard that song?
00:08:33Your eyes,
00:08:36nose, lips,
00:08:37he's yours.
00:08:38He touched me
00:08:40with the warmth of your nails.
00:08:44I haven't been able to forget her yet.
00:08:46I wanted to give my life for her
00:08:47a hundred times,
00:08:48but it's still not enough.
00:08:49I shouldn't have let her go.
00:08:53I should have told her
00:08:54that I'm the prince of her dreams,
00:08:55not that scoundrel.
00:08:56But I couldn't tell her even if I wanted to.
00:08:58She left
00:08:59and drowned
00:09:02in my love.
00:09:17Here, eat this.
00:09:22Why do I get so emotional?
00:09:24Why do I get emotional?
00:09:27Good night.
00:09:54Let's go.
00:10:13Yes, I ate.
00:10:14I checked the time.
00:10:16Did you eat?
00:10:21Can I come to you tomorrow?
00:10:24I have a day off.
00:10:27I want to eat the food you make.
00:10:33Of course,
00:10:34you have magic in your hands.
00:10:39No one can make such food.
00:10:43Should I get you something to eat?
00:10:45I'll get something.
00:10:52can I get two more sojus?
00:10:57two sojus.
00:10:58I'll get them.
00:11:01Daughter-in-law gave them
00:11:02so they must be even tastier.
00:11:03This is the last one.
00:11:04Go home and sleep after this.
00:11:06I'll have to sleep only once
00:11:07after I die.
00:11:08You've started again.
00:11:10Drink slowly.
00:11:13give me some kimchi.
00:11:15I'll get it.
00:11:17Grandma is getting it.
00:11:18Grandma is getting it.
00:11:23Now tell me,
00:11:24why are you calling
00:11:26my granddaughter as daughter-in-law?
00:11:28I said it out of love.
00:11:30She didn't mean it wrong.
00:11:33I don't have a son.
00:11:35From now on,
00:11:36no one will call my daughter
00:11:38as daughter-in-law.
00:11:40Do you understand?
00:11:43give me one more bottle.
00:11:46daughter-in-law is getting it.
00:12:05did you have any problem there?
00:12:07Not at all.
00:12:08I just wanted to meet you
00:12:10so I came here.
00:12:13Your food is amazing, grandma.
00:12:14If you care so much about me,
00:12:16then get married soon.
00:12:18Daul's daughter has grown up.
00:12:21stop it.
00:12:22Don't you have anything else to say?
00:12:23She got married early anyway.
00:12:25But she's still single.
00:12:26Now stop it.
00:12:27Don't even mention her name.
00:12:28She's very spoilt.
00:12:30I think that's why
00:12:32you're running away from marriage.
00:12:34Stop meeting her.
00:12:36If that's what you want to say,
00:12:38then I'll leave.
00:12:40I'll pack some food for you.
00:12:42Feed her too.
00:12:43Whatever her name is.
00:12:46Leave it.
00:12:51We broke up.
00:12:58We broke up yesterday.
00:13:03That's good.
00:13:04I'm happy.
00:13:07She's the one at a loss.
00:13:10I didn't tell you the reason.
00:13:12I know you.
00:13:14It must be that idiot's fault.
00:13:17Don't worry about money.
00:13:19Find a boy
00:13:20who will always keep you happy.
00:13:23It's good that you broke up.
00:13:27It's good.
00:13:31And listen.
00:13:32Whenever you're sad,
00:13:36don't keep it inside.
00:13:38Take it out.
00:13:39Get angry if you want to.
00:13:41Cry if you want to.
00:13:44But don't hide anything from me.
00:13:47Okay, grandma.
00:13:51You're so sweet.
00:13:53I feel better.
00:13:56May you always be happy.
00:14:02Very good.
00:14:09Do you know?
00:14:11My first Royal Hotel VIP Lounge
00:14:14has left King the Land of King Hotel
00:14:16behind in sales.
00:14:18Chairman Han,
00:14:19your dream has come true.
00:14:21You want to be ahead
00:14:22of King Hotel once in your life.
00:14:25It's just a lounge.
00:14:26It's not a big deal.
00:14:28You're making a bet with me?
00:14:30Let's see how many more
00:14:31lounges you make
00:14:32from this one lounge
00:14:33in the near future.
00:14:34If you want to bet,
00:14:35bet on the hotel.
00:14:36You bet on the hotel, right?
00:14:37It depends on the equalizer.
00:14:39You spent so much money
00:14:40to become number one.
00:14:42Is this business?
00:14:43This is an investment.
00:14:46Since I became number one
00:14:47instead of King Hotel,
00:14:49my way of thinking
00:14:50has changed.
00:14:54Okay, keep going.
00:14:55You'll reach my level someday.
00:15:06What's the importance
00:15:08of a lounge
00:15:09in hotel management?
00:15:10A lounge is only
00:15:11for VIP customers.
00:15:12The more the lounge sales,
00:15:13the more the hotel
00:15:14will be considered
00:15:15high-class and luxurious.
00:15:17That's why lounge sales
00:15:18are very important
00:15:19in hotel business competition
00:15:20instead of other booking sales.
00:15:21Despite knowing all this,
00:15:22you let that cheap Royal Hotel
00:15:24become number one?
00:15:26I thought you two
00:15:27would take it to a new level.
00:15:29What are you doing?
00:15:30Because to increase sales,
00:15:31they spent a lot of money
00:15:32on promotion.
00:15:33But this is not
00:15:35But by doing this,
00:15:36we can be ruined.
00:15:38There's only a lounge now.
00:15:40What's the guarantee?
00:15:41How will it stop?
00:15:43No matter what I have to do,
00:15:44I want King Hotel
00:15:45to become number one again.
00:15:47Okay, Papa.
00:15:48Increase the sales
00:15:49of retail store and airline.
00:15:50Take it to such a level
00:15:52that the Royal Hotel
00:15:54can't even dream of touching.
00:15:56This will make
00:15:57King Group one of a kind.
00:15:59Or it will be divided into two.
00:16:01Did you understand?
00:16:12So what did you decide?
00:16:15They have asked you
00:16:16to work together.
00:16:18But there's no power.
00:16:20That's not right now.
00:16:21And you're never going to meet.
00:16:23So don't do anything
00:16:24that's out of your league.
00:16:27I'll take care of everything.
00:16:29Oh, so that's what you think.
00:16:31What do you mean?
00:16:32You take me lightly.
00:16:36It's nothing new for you.
00:16:40What do you think?
00:16:41Do you have any importance?
00:16:44Someone said yes.
00:16:46Everyone is the same.
00:16:47How is that possible?
00:16:48You misbehave with one
00:16:49and not the other?
00:16:50No one has the right
00:16:54to think less of the other.
00:16:56Except you.
00:16:58Because you
00:16:59have no principles.
00:17:06So don't worry about me.
00:17:17Thank you very much.
00:17:19I'm going upstairs now.
00:17:24I'm sure you know.
00:17:25Oh, no.
00:17:26You don't know anything.
00:17:28What kind of place is King the Land?
00:17:30Maybe the chairman
00:17:31made this decision
00:17:32without knowing you well.
00:17:34Remember one thing.
00:17:35You're not going to last long.
00:17:40Hello, Sumi.
00:17:41How are you?
00:17:42I'm fine.
00:17:43How are you?
00:17:44I'm fine.
00:17:45Ms. Chand Sarang.
00:17:49Welcome to King the Land.
00:17:51I'm the manager there.
00:17:52Good morning, ma'am.
00:17:53I'm Chand Sarang.
00:17:54Nice to meet you.
00:17:56Me too.
00:17:57Welcome to the team.
00:17:59But, ma'am,
00:18:00it's only been two years.
00:18:04I know.
00:18:06Come with me.
00:18:07Let's go upstairs.
00:18:22Only the richest people
00:18:24come here.
00:18:28a VVIP's one-day bill
00:18:30is more than
00:18:31the hotel's one-day booking.
00:18:34That's why it's called
00:18:35the hotel's first class.
00:18:38Everyone who works here
00:18:39dreams of reaching here.
00:18:41But they can't.
00:18:44I never even dreamed
00:18:46that I'd be able to get here.
00:18:48I never even dreamed
00:18:50that I'd be able to get here.
00:18:52I can't believe it.
00:18:56I promise
00:18:57I'll work hard
00:18:58in King the Land.
00:19:03How did you like the painting?
00:19:05I don't know much,
00:19:06but it's magnificent.
00:19:10The chairman himself
00:19:11brought it from New York.
00:19:12It's his favorite, isn't it?
00:19:16I can tell by looking at it.
00:19:17It was his decision
00:19:18to send you here.
00:19:20There must have been
00:19:21some reason.
00:19:23His decisions are never wrong.
00:19:28Don't care what people
00:19:29say behind your back.
00:19:32To gain respect,
00:19:33you have to respect yourself first.
00:19:42Your uniform is ready.
00:20:07I'm Chan Sarang.
00:20:24So, have you thought about it?
00:20:29All night long.
00:20:30And I'm still thinking.
00:20:33So, what's the plan?
00:20:35We shouldn't have let him go.
00:20:37We should have told him
00:20:38that I'm the prince of his dreams
00:20:39and not that scoundrel.
00:20:43I'm still thinking.
00:20:45You're still thinking?
00:20:47Just by thinking,
00:20:48King the Lion's sale
00:20:49won't go up.
00:20:53You're talking about sales?
00:20:54Do you know
00:20:55how the Royal Hotel
00:20:56became number one?
00:20:57For months,
00:20:58they've been following
00:20:59people looking for Jin Singh.
00:21:00And they found a very good
00:21:01Jin Singh.
00:21:02And they're selling him
00:21:03for gold.
00:21:04I'm sure
00:21:05Director Guan will do the same.
00:21:07So that
00:21:08we can defeat him.
00:21:09So, should we copy him?
00:21:10Not at all.
00:21:11Let's go with the times.
00:21:12I want to earn respect
00:21:13with honesty.
00:21:16Who said that?
00:21:18Who says that?
00:21:19Must be some poor guy.
00:21:21He's the one
00:21:22who talks like that.
00:21:23You're talking too much
00:21:24these days.
00:21:25Why don't you become
00:21:26the head manager?
00:21:27Look, I'm just worried
00:21:28that if I leave everything
00:21:29to you, I'll lose everything.
00:21:30I've given you
00:21:31a permanent job.
00:21:32That's it?
00:21:33What's next?
00:21:34I got it.
00:21:35I'm with the wrong guy.
00:21:38it's not too late.
00:21:39Get out.
00:21:40One day,
00:21:41the entire King Group
00:21:42will be in my hands.
00:21:43Don't you ever
00:21:44think about it?
00:21:49Don't you have any desire?
00:21:50Don't you have any purpose in life?
00:21:53You know me.
00:21:54You got everything
00:21:55without asking for it.
00:21:56That's why you don't know
00:21:57the value of it.
00:21:58So, give me all your wealth
00:22:00and power.
00:22:01Just think
00:22:02that I'm a garbage can.
00:22:03Think whatever you want
00:22:04but put everything in it.
00:22:05Put it in.
00:22:07Are you putting it in?
00:22:09Put everything in.
00:22:11There's only one thing
00:22:12that I want to put in the garbage
00:22:14and that is
00:22:17a witness.
00:22:19Now, leave.
00:22:20Not at all.
00:22:21I won't leave
00:22:22without filling the container.
00:22:24What about you?
00:22:25I told you to get out.
00:22:42One day,
00:22:44you came to me
00:22:47and smiled.
00:22:50Little by little,
00:22:53my heart
00:22:56fell in love with you.
00:23:05She has joined
00:23:06King The Lion today.
00:23:07So, I've come to introduce her to you.
00:23:10Good morning, sir.
00:23:11I'm Chand Sarang.
00:23:12I'll be working
00:23:13in King The Lion from today.
00:23:14Our kind Sarang
00:23:15has reached the top.
00:23:23I've heard that people
00:23:24in King The Lion
00:23:25are given jobs
00:23:26after a lot of thought.
00:23:27Yes, and we're proud of it.
00:23:28So, what happened now?
00:23:30She has joined the team.
00:23:31As far as I know her,
00:23:32she doesn't know
00:23:33how to work
00:23:34in King The Lion.
00:23:35We'll have to work
00:23:36very hard on her
00:23:37and it'll take time.
00:23:39I'll definitely do it, sir.
00:23:41As you just said,
00:23:43I'll slowly learn
00:23:44how to work
00:23:45in King The Lion
00:23:46with you.
00:23:48Only time will tell.
00:23:49Go now.
00:23:50We'll take our leave, sir.
00:23:54Annual Business Plan.
00:23:56Let's see
00:23:57how many sales I'll get this year.
00:24:11Why did you do this
00:24:12to Sarang?
00:24:13What did I do?
00:24:14It looked like
00:24:15you were in love with her.
00:24:16What happened?
00:24:17Why did you do this?
00:24:18As if you're a school kid.
00:24:19What did you say?
00:24:22School kid?
00:24:23Of course.
00:24:24You love her
00:24:25but you don't know it.
00:24:27You want her to focus on you
00:24:29but you don't know it.
00:24:30And that's why
00:24:31you always show her
00:24:32your arrogance.
00:24:33That's what school kids do.
00:24:35What nonsense is this?
00:24:36I don't like such fake people.
00:24:38In fact, I hate
00:24:39such fake people.
00:24:42You're blushing
00:24:43as if
00:24:44you've been caught stealing.
00:24:47What can I do?
00:24:48I have no sense
00:24:49or sense of humor
00:24:50or manners.
00:24:51That's why
00:24:52no girl studies from you.
00:25:03Hello, Mr. Joe.
00:25:09This is Chhansarang.
00:25:11She'll work
00:25:12in Kingdom Land from today.
00:25:14Nice to meet you all.
00:25:15Everyone here
00:25:16lives like a family.
00:25:17You'll like it here.
00:25:19And you have to learn
00:25:20a lot from them.
00:25:21I'll be here
00:25:22if you have any problem.
00:25:24I'll work hard.
00:25:25And I'll teach you everything.
00:25:27First, sign the agreement.
00:25:29I have to go to the office.
00:25:30Yes, ma'am.
00:25:39So, our ma'am
00:25:41is very nice, right?
00:25:43She's really very nice.
00:25:44Yes, you're right.
00:25:45She treats everyone equally
00:25:47and loves everyone a lot.
00:25:49But I'm a little different.
00:25:51I think everyone
00:25:53should make a difference.
00:25:55Everyone here
00:25:56is a graduate of a university.
00:25:57But you only have
00:25:58a two-year degree.
00:26:00This is the injustice
00:26:01we've done
00:26:02to get here
00:26:03with our hard work.
00:26:04If you want to be a part of the family,
00:26:06you have to prove it first.
00:26:08You have to prove
00:26:09that you're worthy
00:26:10of living here with us.
00:26:11And this is more difficult
00:26:12than you think.
00:26:13So, are you ready?
00:26:16I'll try my best.
00:26:18Then come.
00:26:26Will anyone come here?
00:26:28Shut up.
00:26:29Our chairman has chosen her.
00:26:31I understand.
00:26:32I know such people very well.
00:26:34Such people
00:26:36shouldn't come here.
00:26:40The guests who come here
00:26:41are one of the few
00:26:42selected people in the country.
00:26:44According to this agreement,
00:26:46you won't tell anyone
00:26:47what you saw
00:26:48and what you heard here.
00:26:49Do you understand?
00:26:50If you do something like this,
00:26:51there can be a legal action
00:26:52against you
00:26:53and you may have
00:26:54to pay a heavy fine.
00:26:56Sign it.
00:27:01Are you on social media?
00:27:04Forget it.
00:27:05If I post a photo here,
00:27:07there can be a problem.
00:27:08If I don't post it,
00:27:09I can stay on social media.
00:27:11If you don't like all this,
00:27:12you can quit.
00:27:14I agree.
00:27:35Let's go.
00:27:54Is the sale of this shop
00:27:55the highest?
00:27:56Yes, the highest.
00:27:58Who is in charge here?
00:28:00I am Supervisor Do Rahi, Madam.
00:28:02Which shop do you manage?
00:28:03Inchin's Duty Free Shop,
00:28:04Gimpo and Jeju Airport
00:28:06and some other shops.
00:28:07Start working here from tomorrow.
00:28:08This is the main store
00:28:09and you have to focus here.
00:28:10I want double sales here.
00:28:13Can you do it?
00:28:14Yes, I can, Madam.
00:28:25Get ready.
00:28:26Now we are going to be in trouble.
00:28:28That means this witch
00:28:29is going to put us in trouble.
00:28:31What will we do now?
00:28:32She is so strict.
00:28:33She makes everyone stand in two ways.
00:28:35That's why she is
00:28:37Do Rahi.
00:28:38Got it?
00:28:39No problem.
00:28:40We have to work.
00:28:44Let's go.
00:28:46You know that
00:28:47I don't raise my head in front of my seniors.
00:28:56Good morning, Madam.
00:28:57Isn't this the team
00:28:58whose in-flight sales
00:28:59are the lowest?
00:29:00The sales of three teams
00:29:01are the lowest.
00:29:02This is one of them.
00:29:09How will you increase the sales?
00:29:11We will work hard.
00:29:12So, were you nodding till now?
00:29:14No, Madam.
00:29:15We will work hard
00:29:16to increase the sales.
00:29:17And how will you do that?
00:29:20We won't let any passenger
00:29:22go empty-handed, Madam.
00:29:24We will focus
00:29:25entirely on sales.
00:29:26At least the sales will be double.
00:29:28Can you promise that?
00:29:30We will try our best, Madam.
00:29:32Don't disappoint me.
00:29:34Good bye, Madam.
00:29:35Good bye, Madam.
00:29:43By the way,
00:29:44who was she?
00:29:47Here, have some water.
00:29:48My heart...
00:29:49Managing Director.
00:29:56In a hotel,
00:29:57the sales of Chinese restaurants
00:29:58are the highest.
00:29:59Am I right?
00:30:00Yes, you are right.
00:30:01So, what's the problem here?
00:30:03I will taste the food here.
00:30:05The entire menu
00:30:06should change by the end of the week.
00:30:07Add new dishes to it.
00:30:09By the end of this week, Madam...
00:30:11Why? Is there a problem?
00:30:12No, it will be done.
00:30:13It will be done, Madam.
00:30:22Take it out.
00:30:23Yes, Madam.
00:30:29Take this out too.
00:30:30Yes, I understood, Madam.
00:30:35I had told you
00:30:36that today I am holding
00:30:37a meeting with the staff
00:30:38regarding sales.
00:30:39If you are holding a meeting,
00:30:40then you attend it.
00:30:41Just look at Ms. Warren.
00:30:42She is roaming around
00:30:43in every store all day
00:30:44and giving them
00:30:45the target of sales.
00:30:46That's a good thing.
00:30:47Then what's left for me?
00:30:48First of all,
00:30:49she is the one
00:30:50who is going to give
00:30:51the target of sales
00:30:52to all the customers.
00:30:53She is the one
00:30:54who is going to give
00:30:55the target of sales
00:30:56to all the customers.
00:30:57She is the one
00:30:58who is going to
00:30:59give the target of sales
00:31:00to all the customers.
00:31:01But what about you?
00:31:02Tell me that there is
00:31:03some problem.
00:31:04Everything is going
00:31:05according the plan.
00:31:06What to do, then?
00:31:09you focus on work
00:31:10and don't let any thing
00:31:11go off the track
00:31:12and just keep the regular
00:31:13business going.
00:31:14The rest is절
00:31:17Yes Madam.
00:31:20Ok, leave it.
00:31:26Nothing will happen
00:31:27if he does anything
00:31:27They won't understand how difficult it is to earn a living.
00:31:30By the way, everyone from King the Land will be present at the staff meeting, right?
00:31:34If you are taking the meeting, then everyone will have to come.
00:31:39Let's go.
00:31:41Madam, today Mr. One is meeting the entire staff about sales.
00:31:45What is he doing?
00:31:55To increase our sales, I think we should have a special promotional event for our VIP customers.
00:32:08If you don't like this, then we make our most expensive wine and limited edition whisky our main product.
00:32:14Which will increase the income of every customer.
00:32:16Good idea.
00:32:19If you don't like both, then you tell us something. We will do that.
00:32:29My choice is not important.
00:32:30You people work here, so you have a better idea about this.
00:32:33So we will go according to you.
00:32:36So tell us, what will be right according to you?
00:32:38To be honest, according to me, the sales incentive plan will be good.
00:32:47Then start the incentive plan.
00:32:48As it was last time, when we did 40 million sales, the incentive was 30,000 won.
00:32:54But this won't make any difference.
00:32:56One second.
00:32:59When we did 40 million sales, the incentive was only 30,000 won.
00:33:04This is injustice.
00:33:08So we will increase the percentage of incentive.
00:33:10When the sales target is set, inform me.
00:33:12I will check it and approve it.
00:33:17Thank you sir.
00:33:18We will try our best.
00:33:25Okay then.
00:33:27Meeting is over.
00:33:39Meeting is over.
00:34:04I want to talk to you after the work is done.
00:34:36I think she is still working.
00:34:37No, she left me on unseen.
00:34:39I think she is busy.
00:34:51Is there no network?
00:34:57I will work out.
00:35:20I will wait till she finishes.
00:35:37I will try one more time.
00:36:08Today, the managing director came.
00:36:10She ruined everyone's mood.
00:36:12She even messed up the dowel store.
00:36:15I heard she did the same in the hotel.
00:36:17I don't know.
00:36:18You don't know?
00:36:19I heard she fired two people.
00:36:22Why did she fire them?
00:36:23Where did she send them?
00:36:24How would I know?
00:36:26I heard there is a place.
00:36:27After they are fired, everyone goes there.
00:36:30I don't know.
00:36:31Whose phone is it?
00:36:33I don't know.
00:36:38Instead of caring about others, I should care about myself.
00:36:56What would you do without me?
00:36:58You are still alone.
00:36:59Why? Did you make a mistake?
00:37:01I've got a double sale target.
00:37:03If the sale doesn't increase this month, everyone will lose their jobs.
00:37:07Then how will the sale double?
00:37:08The sale only increases when there is pressure on the staff.
00:37:12I think she will listen to us.
00:37:16Didn't your target increase?
00:37:17We talked about increasing the incentive.
00:37:21That means your condition is better than us.
00:37:24How much incentive will you get?
00:37:26I don't know.
00:37:27It's not that if I get the incentive, I will work hard.
00:37:30And if I don't get it, I won't work hard.
00:37:32I will do my work with all my hard work.
00:37:35I tried my best, but I didn't get anything.
00:37:38On top of that, the pressure of the double sale.
00:37:40I am feeling suffocated.
00:37:43If there is so much pressure, then talk to Daul.
00:37:46His store was also at the top this month.
00:37:48She is right.
00:37:51I am jealous of him.
00:37:53He is the manager, the best saleswoman.
00:37:55He is married and has a daughter.
00:37:57He has everything.
00:37:58Keep going.
00:37:59Keep going.
00:38:01Keep going.
00:38:06I have come home.
00:38:07Look at this.
00:38:08Look at this.
00:38:10It's nice, isn't it?
00:38:11Listen, I am hungry.
00:38:13Serve dinner.
00:38:15Yes, I will serve.
00:38:17Are you watching?
00:38:21It's delicious.
00:38:25It's delicious.
00:38:34It's amazing.
00:38:37It's fun.
00:38:39Mom, I will go to the market.
00:38:41I have run out of things.
00:38:42You should have brought it earlier.
00:38:44Now I will have to wait for you to come.
00:38:48I had made chicken biryani on the way to work in the morning.
00:38:51I think it was stolen.
00:38:54So what should I do?
00:38:55You should have made more food and gone.
00:38:58Now you will save food too.
00:39:00Grandma, why are you telling mom?
00:39:03Aunty, uncle and family came in the afternoon and ate everything there.
00:39:08No, son, don't talk to grandma like that.
00:39:10This is not a good thing.
00:39:12Chicken wings are lying.
00:39:13Just make her soup.
00:39:16I am not even hungry properly.
00:39:18I have become very weak.
00:39:19Leave it.
00:39:20You don't feel hungry, but you eat three bowls.
00:39:23I don't feel hungry, so I eat three bowls.
00:39:28Didn't you go?
00:39:29Go and come soon.
00:39:31Yes, I will go and come now.
00:39:33Son, you come with me.
00:39:38Oh my god.
00:39:43Mom, is our house a restaurant?
00:39:46Why does aunty always eat in our house?
00:39:49Because our food is tasty.
00:39:53She always eats all the food and doesn't even clean the utensils.
00:39:57She also takes all the stuff lying in the fridge.
00:40:00Should I call the police?
00:40:02That's because your mom cooks very good food.
00:40:04Please forgive her.
00:40:09Okay, listen.
00:40:10Do you want that doll?
00:40:20Yes, hello.
00:40:21Yes, where are you?
00:40:23Can you come to the supermarket?
00:40:25There is a lot of stuff.
00:40:26Please forgive me.
00:40:27I am with a client right now.
00:40:29Right now?
00:40:31Can't you come?
00:40:32No, it's very difficult.
00:40:33It's an important work.
00:40:35Okay, have dinner on time.
00:40:37Don't forget to go.
00:40:39Okay, fine.
00:40:40Listen, take some rest.
00:40:43I will be late.
00:40:44Don't wait for me.
00:41:17I want to talk to you.
00:41:28Would you like to order something, sir?
00:41:32I messaged you last night.
00:41:35Didn't you get the message?
00:41:36I even called you.
00:41:38Do you have my number?
00:41:39Yes, of course.
00:41:40I have your personal records.
00:41:42Don't you have my number?
00:41:43No, I don't have your number.
00:41:47My phone number.
00:41:48Save it.
00:41:51Tell me.
00:41:52What did you want to talk to me about?
00:41:56I wanted to ask you something.
00:42:00Yes, go ahead.
00:42:02Let's talk over dinner after your duty.
00:42:06Can't we talk over here?
00:42:09Do you remember when you called me over Gapa Island?
00:42:14You gave me that juice over there.
00:42:17I wanted to repay you for that.
00:42:18That's why I called you.
00:42:19No, let it be.
00:42:21How can I let it be?
00:42:23I don't owe anyone anything.
00:42:25But sir, I don't have any problem.
00:42:33Just once.
00:42:35Just say yes to me.
00:42:38Can you?
00:42:40Before inviting someone over for dinner,
00:42:43you should at least ask them if they are busy.
00:42:55I mean, Sarang.
00:42:56Will you come over for dinner with me tonight?
00:43:03No, I won't.
00:43:04No, I won't.
00:43:08will you come over for dinner with me?
00:43:15No, I won't.
00:43:16Why are you refusing?
00:43:17What's wrong with me?
00:43:18I didn't say that.
00:43:20I just said that I don't want to go over for dinner.
00:43:23Then, what do you want to do?
00:43:26I just don't feel comfortable going over for dinner with you.
00:43:31Do you want to order something?
00:43:33No, not at all.
00:43:36I don't want to do it anymore.
00:43:53I don't know what's wrong with him.
00:44:03show me the next one.
00:44:12I have to select a photo today.
00:44:14Everyone is equal to me.
00:44:16Everyone looks the same in every photo.
00:44:19Decide which one you want to give me.
00:44:21I have already decided.
00:44:22Thank God.
00:44:23Which one is it?
00:44:24Tonight, I am going over for dinner.
00:44:28After my duty, I will have dinner with Sarang.
00:44:30After my duty, I will have dinner with Sarang.
00:44:34Tell her that I have to come.
00:44:36What's the occasion?
00:44:38Tell her that it's a welcome dinner.
00:44:39Welcome dinner?
00:44:41Where do you want to have dinner?
00:44:49In a restaurant.
00:44:52Okay, but promise me that you will select a photo after dinner.
00:44:56Please, I beg of you.
00:45:08How are you?
00:45:09Give me a strong cup of coffee.
00:45:11You go ahead, I will bring it in the cockpit.
00:45:13No, I want to drink it here.
00:45:15You, me and a cup of hot coffee.
00:45:17No, I will bring it there.
00:45:20I like your attitude.
00:45:24will you come with me for dinner after the flight?
00:45:28Have dinner alone.
00:45:30Let me do my work.
00:45:35Why are you being so stubborn?
00:45:37If I become stubborn,
00:45:39you know what will happen to you.
00:45:43Are you still not satisfied?
00:45:45Not at all.
00:45:47This heart wants more.
00:45:58Hello, Captain.
00:45:59Do you want anything, sir?
00:46:01No, I got what I wanted.
00:46:04See you later.
00:46:17Is there any problem?
00:46:19No, nothing has happened.
00:46:23Do you have any plan for tonight?
00:46:25I will just sleep.
00:46:26Will you come with me for a beer?
00:46:29No, I am tired and not in the mood.
00:46:31Mom told me to give you good food for scarf.
00:46:35No need for that.
00:46:36It was your favor on me.
00:46:37Actually, mom is just an excuse.
00:46:39Actually, I want to have dinner with you.
00:46:47So, come with me today.
00:46:57It's nice.
00:46:59I also like it.
00:47:02I like this place.
00:47:04These waves and breeze.
00:47:08Do you know what I like the most?
00:47:10Seeing you happy.
00:47:11Do you know what I like the most?
00:47:13Seeing you happy.
00:47:25Thanks for helping me.
00:47:30Look, when my seniors are working like this,
00:47:32I can't just sit and watch them.
00:47:35I should be thanking you for making my work easy.
00:47:38So, don't thank me.
00:47:42If that's the case, I am sorry.
00:47:46I chose the wrong man.
00:47:48I am the only one who didn't choose an assistant.
00:47:51If you get promoted next year,
00:47:53I will be left alone without a promotion.
00:47:56Then I will leave the job.
00:47:59So, what's wrong with that?
00:48:02Don't ask.
00:48:03It will be bad for you to be my friend.
00:48:06So, don't do it.
00:48:07So, what's wrong with not getting a promotion?
00:48:09The more you fall, the more you get hurt.
00:48:13I want a long and exciting career.
00:48:16The best.
00:48:17I think it will be good for me to be with you.
00:48:22You will have to regret it later.
00:48:25I won't regret it at all.
00:48:38How is Meena?
00:48:40She's a nice girl, isn't she?
00:48:42Maybe she wants to know you better.
00:48:45What do you have to say about me?
00:48:49I want to know you better.
00:49:08This way, sir.
00:49:33Good evening, Mr. Bhawan.
00:49:35Good evening, Mr. Bhawan.
00:49:38What happened?
00:49:39What is this?
00:49:40Welcome dinner.
00:49:42For Chhansarang.
00:49:43You asked me to arrange the dinner.
00:49:49Tell her I have left.
00:49:50Why are you feeling shy now?
00:49:52Go inside.
00:49:56Mr. Bhawan, good evening.
00:50:07Why don't we take a group photo before dinner?
00:50:131, 2, 3.
00:50:18Look, Chhansarang.
00:50:19It's a great photo.
00:50:22Wait a minute.
00:50:27Mr. Bhawan.
00:50:28Thank you for welcoming our new partner.
00:50:32Please enjoy.
00:50:33Please enjoy.
00:50:34Shall we toast?
00:50:35No, you start.
00:50:37Thank you for the dinner.
00:50:39Thank you very much.
00:50:43I am very hungry.
00:51:04Ms. Chhansarang.
00:51:05Isn't the food good?
00:51:07No, sir.
00:51:08It's very good.
00:51:09How can you say it's good without eating?
00:51:12Don't you like raw fish?
00:51:14It's okay.
00:51:15Ms. Tanu.
00:51:16Order a steak for him.
00:51:18This is a Japanese restaurant.
00:51:19I know.
00:51:20Order it from a nearby restaurant.
00:51:22There is no need for that.
00:51:23If any of you don't eat this, let me know.
00:51:26It's okay, sir.
00:51:27This will do for me.
00:51:28And for me too, sir.
00:51:29I like this a lot.
00:51:30I'll go get it.
00:51:31I'll get it.
00:51:36It's not too far.
00:51:37I'll be right back.
00:51:46I am King Hogi's Western Cuisine Head,
00:51:48Edward Jung.
00:51:49This is Angus Sirloin Steak,
00:51:51Prime Grade, T-Bone Steak.
00:51:53And along with it,
00:51:54Australian Lamb Chop.
00:51:55It's very good.
00:51:58And along with it,
00:51:59Australian Lamb Chop.
00:52:00Enjoy your dinner.
00:52:02Thank you very much.
00:52:13Eat it. It'll get cold.
00:52:19I am such a fool.
00:52:20Ms. Tanu.
00:52:21Cut it for me.
00:52:22No, I can cut it myself.
00:52:28You'll eat it yourself, won't you?
00:52:31Or should I feed you?
00:52:33No, I'll eat it.
00:52:48Please eat.
00:53:16Do you know why you called me here?
00:53:17Tell me,
00:53:18why are you troubling me like this?
00:53:20Troubling you?
00:53:22Did I ask for a welcome dinner?
00:53:23And then that big piece of steak
00:53:25wanted to humiliate me in front of everyone.
00:53:27Actually, even I didn't want such a dinner.
00:53:30I asked for that steak
00:53:31because you weren't eating anything.
00:53:33How did you get humiliated?
00:53:35You've never worked, have you?
00:53:37You've always been like a king
00:53:38who's everything done by others.
00:53:41Do you know?
00:53:42Your useless hospitality
00:53:43has made me feel suffocated.
00:53:46It's already so difficult in life.
00:53:48What did I do?
00:53:50As a good host,
00:53:51I did what I could.
00:53:53Did you learn only this
00:53:54to humiliate someone?
00:53:55From now on,
00:53:56stay away from me, okay?
00:53:58Don't do anything good.
00:54:00I beg of you.
00:54:08What have I done?
00:54:25I'm sorry.
00:54:43Happy birthday!
00:54:44Happy birthday!
00:54:45Happy birthday to you!
00:54:47Happy birthday to you!
00:54:49Happy birthday to you, Sarang!
00:54:51Happy birthday to you!
00:54:55You guys are so sweet.
00:54:57No, you're the sweetest.
00:54:58Because it's your birthday.
00:54:59You're right.
00:55:00Now put out the candle
00:55:01and make a wish.
00:55:09Happy birthday!
00:55:13Did you make all this?
00:55:15It's a piece of cake for me.
00:55:18And I'm a master at cooking.
00:55:24Open your birthday present.
00:55:26That's great.
00:55:30What's going to happen?
00:55:34What's all this?
00:55:35The real birthday will be tomorrow.
00:55:37Have fun with us tonight.
00:55:39Have fun with your boyfriend tomorrow.
00:55:44He'll remember this birthday
00:55:45for the rest of the year.
00:55:46You forgot last year, right?
00:55:48Didn't I tell you?
00:55:50It's been a long time
00:55:51since we broke up.
00:55:54Why didn't you tell me earlier?
00:55:57I couldn't remember anything
00:55:58because of work.
00:55:59How can you forget to tell me this?
00:56:01Are you okay?
00:56:03I'm fine.
00:56:04I feel better.
00:56:06Now I think
00:56:07it would have been so nice
00:56:08if that hadn't happened.
00:56:10What more can I say?
00:56:11So there's no chance
00:56:12of patch-up?
00:56:14No, no chance.
00:56:16I'll get the beer.
00:56:17You play the music.
00:56:20Let's party!
00:56:45Let's party!
00:56:47Come on!
00:56:49Come on!
00:57:19Do you also think
00:57:21that I'm such a person
00:57:23who was born rich
00:57:24and I don't care about anything?
00:57:26That's true.
00:57:27But who told you
00:57:28this bitter truth?
00:57:29Who's that brave man?
00:57:34But don't worry.
00:57:36It's not your fault.
00:57:37I'm just jealous of you.
00:57:39Go sit inside.
00:57:40I'll just go to King the Land
00:57:41and come back.
00:57:42What work do you have there?
00:57:44It's Ms. Sarang's birthday.
00:57:47I'm going to give her
00:57:48some coupons for the hotel buffet.
00:57:49It's her right.
00:58:14Why are you so sad?
00:58:16I've been worried about you.
00:58:17I think you'll eat me alive.
00:58:18I won't do anything like that.
00:58:20Because I don't want to fight.
00:58:21But don't think
00:58:22that I can't fight.
00:58:24You say you don't want to fight
00:58:25and you're having a meeting
00:58:26with the staff behind my back.
00:58:28Because King the Land
00:58:29is under me.
00:58:30I'm your boss.
00:58:32And without my permission
00:58:34nothing happens here.
00:58:36Got it?
00:58:38I didn't know that.
00:58:39Where does it say
00:58:40that you're my boss?
00:58:41I don't know
00:58:42why you're here.
00:58:43But until you're here
00:58:44you'll have to face me.
00:58:45If you want money
00:58:46I can give you a lot.
00:58:48Go away.
00:58:49I have a lot too.
00:58:50Look, I don't want
00:58:51your Hashir to be like your mother.
00:58:57I mean
00:58:58no one remembers her.
00:59:01Neither do I
00:59:02nor do you.
00:59:05You know
00:59:06losers are like that.
00:59:09Stop playing with this watch.
00:59:12You're not a kid anymore.
00:59:32Are you looking for this?
00:59:34Give it back.
00:59:35No, I won't.
00:59:37Give it back.
00:59:38No, I won't.
00:59:42Give it back.
00:59:43It's mine.
00:59:44That woman left you.
00:59:47What will you do with it?
01:00:27Listen, I'll do everything there.
01:00:29Don't meddle.
01:00:32And don't try to sell anything expensive.
01:00:34Yes, I understand.
01:00:42What varieties are there in the wine?
01:00:44We have just added some expensive wines
01:00:46to the menu, sir.
01:00:47Which one do you think will be better?
01:00:49I'll call our sommelier
01:00:51and give you all the details, sir.
01:00:53We don't have that much time.
01:00:54You tell me something.
01:00:56With this food,
01:00:57anyone can be chosen
01:00:58from both the wines, ma'am.
01:01:01this year's
01:01:02best talent,
01:01:03aren't you?
01:01:06Thanks, I'm the same, sir.
01:01:08Her smile is still as beautiful.
01:01:12today we'll drink the same wine
01:01:14which will call us the best talent.
01:01:19I think you should order Jena Vintage.
01:01:23This is the best wine from Chile
01:01:25which has the aroma of dark red fruit.
01:01:28because of blackcurrant, blackberry and oak
01:01:30you'll get the vanilla flavor.
01:01:32It tastes really good
01:01:33and you'll also enjoy the wine.
01:01:36I think,
01:01:37this wine will be the best
01:01:38with the lamb steak.
01:01:39Looks like you know a lot about wine.
01:01:41You look like an expert.
01:01:43I'm a certified sommelier.
01:01:47Now I understand.
01:01:48I know how to recognize people.
01:01:51I wish she was in my company.
01:01:52Come to us,
01:01:53I'll pay you double.
01:01:57Thanks for the offer,
01:01:58but I can't come.
01:02:02shall we serve the food, sir?
01:02:04what have you done?
01:02:05Instead of 40 million whiskey,
01:02:07why did you order the wine?
01:02:09If you really wanted to do something,
01:02:11you could have
01:02:12convinced him for the whiskey.
01:02:16What could I do?
01:02:17The chairman asked me to choose.
01:02:19And you also said wine.
01:02:21And that's why,
01:02:23I think you still have a lot to learn.
01:02:25A lot.
01:02:27You have to sell more.
01:02:29Remember that.
01:02:31I'll remember that, sir.
01:02:57Mr. Wan,
01:02:58sir, if you tell me what you want,
01:03:00I can help you.
01:03:02Is it possible that
01:03:03someone's data is not in the server?
01:03:05No, sir.
01:03:06All the data from the beginning to the end
01:03:08of this company is in this.
01:03:10Then why isn't it available?
01:03:12That's impossible, sir.
01:03:13The salary and other payments
01:03:14are stored in the computer.
01:03:15No one can delete it.
01:03:21Is this the only data from 1989?
01:03:26Can I ask whose file you're looking for?
01:03:29No, you can't.
01:03:39Happy birthday!
01:03:43What are you doing here?
01:03:44Come, let's go for dinner.
01:03:51Are you still upset?
01:03:52The relationship is over.
01:03:54I told you, I don't want to see you again.
01:03:56I thought you were upset for that day.
01:03:58That's why,
01:03:59I booked a table at the best restaurant today.
01:04:02Come on, spit out your anger now.
01:04:05Do you think I'm hungry for food?
01:04:08If this was the reason,
01:04:09I would have broken up a hundred times by now.
01:04:11Do you think I did all this
01:04:12just because of food?
01:04:14Forget it now.
01:04:15I'll behave better from now on.
01:04:17Forgive me.
01:04:18Stop this drama of yours.
01:04:23If you were upset,
01:04:25none of this would have happened.
01:04:30I'm tired of you.
01:04:34Let's end it right here.
01:04:37I can't believe it.
01:04:39You're so selfish.
01:04:40You decided to leave me.
01:04:43My love is dead.
01:04:44You're free now.
01:04:48Don't come in front of me again.
01:04:50You've always been so heartless.
01:04:52You're such a bad person.
01:04:55Forget it.
01:04:57We're strangers now.
01:05:19Let's go.
01:05:49Let's go.
01:06:20This place is mine.
01:06:50I said,
01:06:53this place is mine.
01:07:19I'm sorry.
01:07:49I'm sorry.
01:08:20What are you wearing?
01:08:23Your couple is really beautiful.
01:08:25I knew it.
01:08:26But who are you?
01:08:29Stop following her.
01:08:31Why are you here?
01:08:32Why don't you answer me?
01:08:33Answer you?
01:08:34My messages.
01:08:35You did answer me.
01:08:36When did I answer you?
01:08:37I'm on duty.
01:08:40I was just acting.
01:08:43This is heart-shaped.
01:08:44It tastes really good.
01:08:45I'm sure you'll like it.
01:08:47It tastes really good.
01:08:48The food you like.
01:08:49The weather you like.
01:08:50The color you like.
01:08:51Tell me everything.
01:08:52I want to know.
01:08:54why do you want to know?
01:09:18I'm sorry.
01:09:19I'm sorry.
01:09:20I'm sorry.
01:09:21I'm sorry.
01:09:22I'm sorry.
01:09:23I'm sorry.
01:09:24I'm sorry.
01:09:25I'm sorry.
01:09:26I'm sorry.
01:09:27I'm sorry.
01:09:28I'm sorry.
01:09:29I'm sorry.
01:09:30I'm sorry.
01:09:31I'm sorry.
01:09:32I'm sorry.
01:09:33I'm sorry.
01:09:34I'm sorry.
01:09:35I'm sorry.
01:09:36I'm sorry.
01:09:37I'm sorry.
01:09:38I'm sorry.
01:09:39I'm sorry.
01:09:40I'm sorry.
01:09:41I'm sorry.
01:09:42I'm sorry.
01:09:43I'm sorry.
01:09:44I'm sorry.
01:09:45I'm sorry.
