مسلسل لــمــعــي الــقــط الحلقة 26

  • last month
00:00The following footage is from our vault of classics, taken ten years ago.
00:20What's up, brother?
00:23I'm fine, brother.
00:25Fine? What's the news?
00:27The news isn't good, brother.
00:30It's obvious that the world is getting away from you, and that's a threat to all of us.
00:34Getting away from me? What happened, brother?
00:37What happened is that Rabeh talked to me on the phone.
00:41How did Rabeh talk to you on the phone?
00:45Who did he mean by that?
00:47What do you mean who? That's your business, not mine.
00:50You're the one who answered that question.
00:52What did he say?
00:53He didn't say anything. It's obvious that someone took the phone from him.
00:57Did you take the number of the person who talked to you on the phone?
01:00Of course I did, and I brought it to you.
01:02I don't get it.
01:04Could it be someone else?
01:06Or could it be someone who talked to his family as well?
01:09Hurry up, brother.
01:11And look at what's happening behind you.
01:13It's obvious that the world is getting away from all of us.
01:16Don't worry, brother.
01:18If the world is getting away, it's getting away from us.
01:23And you have nothing to do with this.
01:26We have an agreement.
01:28And I will never change my agreement.
01:32Just give me the phone number so I can get out of here.
01:35Hurry up, brother.
01:37And don't talk to me on the phone these days.
01:40And if you want to tell me something,
01:42I'll put it in the box in the middle.
01:44If anything happens, brother,
01:46I don't know you, and I've never seen you.
01:50I understand.
01:51Let's go, brother.
01:53And as I told you before,
01:55let's never change our agreement.
01:59I don't want to regret the days I chose you.
02:02You won't regret it, brother.
02:04But if you get any information that will help me,
02:06let me know.
02:08What information?
02:10I mean, if someone talks to his family, anything will help me.
02:13Of course.
02:15Of course, if I get anything, I'll talk to you.
02:17Okay, brother.
02:19How are you, brother?
02:21Aren't you going to take the phone number?
02:24No, I forgot, brother.
02:27My brain is out of order.
02:29I'm sorry.
02:47What are you doing?
02:49It's obvious, I'm going to hit you right now.
02:51You didn't give me the permission to do what I wanted.
02:53I tried to be a man, Sheikh.
02:55You'll get married, sister.
02:57If Mahmoud sees you here, he'll throw you out.
02:59I can't understand how you're talking to me like this.
03:01Don't you understand?
03:03You don't know why I'm talking to you?
03:05I'm trying to tell you that there's no need to know anything.
03:07Even though they don't have a caller ID at home,
03:09and they say they don't know anything.
03:11So, are you going to dig into it or what?
03:13And what do you know that they know or don't know?
03:15If they knew, they would have reached you,
03:17or even called you to find out.
03:19You don't know. My address is not here.
03:21My address is on my mother.
03:23If they go to arrest him, they'll go to arrest my father.
03:25Mom, if they reached you, they would have called you to tell you.
03:27What do you mean?
03:29Do you mean I didn't tell him anything useful?
03:31I've been telling you since this morning, don't worry.
03:33But I honestly think you should go and tell him.
03:35So that he believes the right way.
03:37Honestly, I'm not worried.
03:39I'm just very scared.
03:41Don't worry, Mom.
03:43I'm telling you, don't worry.
03:45And what are you worried about?
03:47Your hands are in the cold water.
03:49If it weren't for me, you'd be more scared than this.
03:51Fifi, your intention is to get the family back.
03:53That's their family.
03:55Your intention is to do good.
03:57God will surely bring you only good.
03:59And what do I have to do?
04:01All these people say, do good, do evil, you'll find.
04:03That's not true.
04:05I'm going to listen to you.
04:07And God will bring them back to me, right?
04:09Good for you.
04:11And as soon as Makhloul comes, I'll tell him to go to my mom.
04:13And I'll run to the manager.
04:15And I'll tell him right away.
04:17And I'll tell him to wait for someone to come and talk to him now.
04:19And I'll tell him to go to the Hajj.
04:21And I'll run to the manager.
04:23So wait until we celebrate Khadija's birthday and eat the cake.
04:25The girl is still young and we don't want to break her heart.
04:27Okay, Grandma.
04:29I mean, there's no birthday celebration done during the day, but okay.
04:31Come on.
04:33Oh, my God!
04:35My mom!
04:37I have to find her!
04:41Welcome, Mr. Ali.
04:43Believe me, I don't know why you're so tired.
04:45You can tell me and I'll come to you wherever you like.
04:47Oh, my God.
04:49What's wrong with you?
04:51Don't you want me to come visit you?
04:53No, how?
04:55How do you know?
04:57Your presence enlightens us.
04:59What would you like to drink?
05:00I'm not going to drink or eat.
05:02I have to go down right now.
05:04Next time, God willing, we'll eat, drink, sit down, and rest.
05:11But this visit is quick and secret.
05:16Very secret, too.
05:18I mean, I don't want anyone to know anything about it.
05:21Even my daughter Hanan.
05:23I understand, of course.
05:25At your age.
05:31These are $150,000.
05:35You're going to take them from me now,
05:38and then you'll give them to me at night while we're sitting in the chair.
05:41And I'm sure I don't know anything about them.
05:43That's impossible.
05:45That's impossible, Mr. Ali.
05:47You can't believe this.
05:49This is too much.
05:51And you're not going to give them back to me again?
05:53What if you beat me up?
05:55No, of course.
05:57Believe me, Mr. Ali.
05:58Mr. Ali, you're doing this to us.
06:01Don't say that, Magdy.
06:03There's nothing much between us.
06:05We're like family.
06:07We're on the same boat.
06:09What's important is that our children come back to us safely, God willing.
06:11Oh, God.
06:13How much longer are you going to do this?
06:16You're going to lose $50,000.
06:19And we're not quiet.
06:21And I'm sure God will help us and we'll get the rest of the money.
06:24No, I swear to God.
06:25I swear to God, if there was more, I wouldn't have been late at all.
06:31Don't say that, Mr. Ali.
06:33God knows if you were my brother or Magdy's brother,
06:36you wouldn't have been able to do more than that.
06:39Look, Janet.
06:42Between me and the Christians I've known all my life,
06:47if I said something, you wouldn't believe it.
06:51No one would believe it.
06:52No one would believe it.
06:54I'm serious.
06:56It's not like what they say on TV.
07:01Just to give you an example,
07:03I used to have a Christian friend, his name was Magdy.
07:06God bless him and bless his health.
07:09He said, Magdy, I'm not with you anymore.
07:13What do you think?
07:15I used to be somewhere else.
07:17But after a while, I had a terrible accident.
07:19I lost a lot of blood.
07:22I said, that's it, I'm going.
07:24The only one who came to save me was Magdy the Christian.
07:28I mean, his blood is still running in my veins.
07:32I said, you know what?
07:34I'm still friends with Magdy.
07:38Not just me and Magdy.
07:40We have a family relationship.
07:42I mean, his children are just like my daughter, Hanan.
07:46They go out on holidays and occasions.
07:49We talk to each other and we comfort each other.
07:52You see? It's just a simple example.
07:55I wish all people were like you, Ali.
07:57No, there are a lot of people, Janette.
08:00Like me and like Magdy.
08:02And even better than us.
08:04But, unfortunately,
08:06now we don't hear or see the good things on TV.
08:11We always focus on the bad things.
08:14The bad things only.
08:17Goodbye, Ali.
08:19It was a pleasure.
08:21Goodbye, Magdy.
08:24Goodbye, Janette.
08:26Goodbye, Mr. Ali.
08:28Next time, when your children come back,
08:31I'll kiss you like I kissed Magdy.
08:33She's with you?
08:35God knows. She's more than a mother to you.
08:37My love.
08:39Before I forget,
08:41the money comes back in the same bag.
08:43I mean, this bag is even before the money.
08:49It was a pleasure.
08:51Here you go.
08:53Hey, guys.
08:55Thank you, guys.
08:57Everything is fine, Jot.
08:59I swear, we don't do it right away in big operations.
09:02I mean, because the cost is a little high.
09:05Why are you telling him all this?
09:07Tell him I'm the one who's going to pay.
09:09Don't pay.
09:11How much will you take? Don't pay.
09:13But he will pay, Uncle Afri.
09:15He will pay, Uncle Afri.
09:17He's black and naked.
09:19Is this a gun?
09:21I'm telling you, I don't want drugs or weapons.
09:23Get me a gun.
09:25This is not a gun, as you understand it.
09:27This is a tear-soaked gun.
09:30Get up and talk like you were going to get us a kilo of mangos.
09:33And a gun so you don't smell the smoke.
09:35We're going to throw the gumball
09:37and set fire to the air.
09:39If there's a bomb in front of us,
09:41you're going to run and watch.
09:43I'm going to pass without killing anyone.
09:45But we're old enough to see something from the smoke.
09:48We can run at them instead of running at them
09:50and catch them all.
09:52I'm not going to catch or kill anyone.
09:54Just write to him, he's going to die, he's going to die, Uncle Afri.
09:56It's important that we pass.
09:58Go to hell, Sheikh.
10:00God forbid you come to sit on a gumball
10:02without taking care of your own ass.
10:04What's this?
10:06You too.
10:08This was the day I saw you in the news.
10:09The sweet year of garment!
10:11The sweet year of garment!
10:14The sweet year of garment!
10:18The sweet year of garment!
10:26Happy New Year, dear Khadija.
10:27Happy New Year, Khadija!
10:29Who's the first one, Khadija?
10:36Happy New Year, Khadija!
10:38Happy New Year, Khadija!
10:40Happy New Year, Khadija!
10:42No, I don't want you to kiss me, Samir.
10:44What do you mean, Khadija? I said I'm happy.
10:46Come on, uncle, a kiss is a blessing.
10:48I don't want you to kiss me.
10:49I dare you to stay away from the house.
10:51Come on, I don't want to kiss you.
10:53Come on, cut the cake and let them eat.
10:56I dare you.
10:57I'll tell you something useful.
10:58What did the old woman say to Khadija before she died?
11:01The old woman?
11:02She said, make a wish.
11:04Which means, wish for two days.
11:06Oh, and what did you wish for, Khadija?
11:08I wished that I could call my mom and dad.
11:11God willing, my dear, you'll come back to them,
11:13and God will give you everything you wish for.
11:15I want a big one.
11:17There's no such thing as a big one or a small one.
11:19They're all the same.
11:20They're all the same.
11:22How dare you, Samir?
11:23You don't know what love is.
11:24Don't give him what he wants.
11:25I'm not giving him what he wants.
11:26The old woman will eat the cake with the cakes around it.
11:29She'll eat it with the cake and the cake.
11:31Come on, let me say what I want, but give me some time.
11:34Oh, this won't take long.
11:36No, I'll tell you what, I'll tell you what I want,
11:39and I'll tell you what I want,
11:41but I'll tell you what I want.
11:42I want to divorce Khadija.
11:44No, I won't let you kiss me, Samir.
11:46I don't want to kiss you.
11:47I want you to sing me a song for my birthday.
11:50Where are you going to talk to make me sing?
11:52I'm not talking.
11:54I'm a poet, I want to be a singer.
11:56Okay, let's hear it.
11:57I'm going to sing you a song, but when I sing,
12:00I want you to sing with me.
12:03The night has gone, the sun has risen,
12:06and the moon is shining.
12:08Shining, shining.
12:09The night has gone, the sun has risen,
12:12and the moon is shining.
12:13Hum, hum, hum.
12:14Hum, hum, hum.
12:15Hum, hum, hum.
12:21Wow, your voice is beautiful.
12:23But how can you stand here without a headdress?
12:26Where's the headdress I got for you?
12:28Go put it on and come dance with me.
12:30What are you doing to me?
12:31Don't you know what's happening?
12:33I'm determined to sing.
12:35Determined to sing?
12:36Why are you determined to sing?
12:37Do you think I'm a fool?
12:38What are you doing, Yoyo?
12:39Today is Khadija's birthday,
12:40and I'm the one who's going to fix it.
12:42No Khadija, no Shafiqa.
12:43I don't want anyone to talk.
12:46Get inside my house.
12:47I don't want to see anyone,
12:48at least for a second.
12:50I want to go to the bathroom.
12:54Go to the bathroom,
12:57and go straight to the room.
13:01Come on, Khadija.
13:02Come on, go.
13:03Just a small room.
13:05I can't go to a small room.
13:07No, you can't.
13:08I'll punch you in the face.
13:10Get inside.
13:11Get inside.
13:12Come on.
13:13Get inside.
13:14Come on.
13:15Come on.
13:16Get inside.
13:17Come on.
13:18Get inside.
13:19I want to go to the bathroom.
13:20I want to go to the bathroom.
13:21I want to go to the bathroom.
13:27What are you doing, brother?
13:28You're not used to being a bully,
13:30and you're not even getting used to it.
13:39What's going on?
13:40What do you mean, what's going on?
13:41As you can see,
13:42we're celebrating the house's birthday,
13:44so we thought we'd have a little fun.
13:48Where's your phone?
13:51Why do you want my phone, brother?
13:53I want it.
14:02What's the password?
14:04The password?
14:06One, two, three, four.
14:10Do you want to look in my phone or what?
14:15What's this number?
14:20I don't know.
14:21You don't know?
14:26Is there someone else on this phone?
14:35That's what I want to know from you.
14:40Before you lie to me,
14:42before you lie to me,
14:44and make me confused,
14:46be careful.
14:48Come to me right now.
14:51Because this whole apartment
14:53is full of equipment.
14:56Every word you said or said
14:59or anyone said here,
15:02I'm going to hear it.
15:05I have a traitor.
15:07I told you.
15:09What are you going to tell me?
15:12And be careful.
15:14If you lie to me
15:15or say a word
15:17that I won't hear
15:19and you'll hear yourself,
15:21you'll read your own soul.
15:25Do you want to kill me, traitor?
15:27I'll burn you.
15:29I'll burn you and burn you
15:31if you lie a single word.
15:43Hey, Saeed.
15:45Tomorrow morning,
15:47at 7 a.m.,
15:48I'll leave Aswan Airport.
15:50Don't worry about me.
15:52No, no, I don't deserve it.
15:54I'll take a limousine or a taxi.
15:56I don't know, Saeed.
15:58But please,
15:59put me in your car.
16:02Okay, Saeed.
16:05I didn't put you in a taxi,
16:07or anything.
16:08I swear to God,
16:09he has no other way out.
16:11If he goes back to Egypt in a car,
16:13he'll come here.
16:14I'm sure of what I'm telling you.
16:16You're right, sir.
16:18If the airport is safe,
16:19and the bus stops are safe,
16:21there's no other way.
16:22Either you hear the news from there,
16:24or he'll come here.
16:25I heard the same thing
16:26when he was here in Ennah,
16:27and I suddenly found him in Aswan.
16:29Okay, sir.
16:30This is the fault of the people
16:31who were waiting in the exit truck.
16:33But, sir,
16:34we're all here,
16:35and your help is with us.
16:36So the percentage of the fault
16:37will be zero.
16:38What if after all this hurry,
16:40he goes somewhere else
16:41and you find him in Egypt?
16:42What should I do?
16:43I told you to bring me this.
16:44Give me until the sun goes down.
16:46And if nothing happens
16:47at night,
16:48then, sir,
16:49you do what you want.
16:51He was right in front of me.
16:53There were two lines between us.
16:55But I'm sorry.
16:56It's my fault.
16:57I shouldn't have listened to anyone.
16:59What would have happened?
17:00A murder?
17:01A massacre?
17:02We were going to die?
17:03It's better than the disaster
17:04we're in right now.
17:05We don't know if he'll make it
17:06or not.
17:07It's our bad luck.
17:08But, sir,
17:09if you can choose
17:10between death and life,
17:11then of course,
17:12you won't choose death.
17:13Believe me.
17:14My wife is pregnant,
17:15and she'll give birth next month.
17:17And honestly,
17:18I don't want my son
17:19to come to life
17:20and find himself an orphan.
17:22Do you believe in God?
17:24No, not at all, sir.
17:26I'm offering my leg
17:27and my brother's leg
17:28in this marriage
17:29because of this.
17:30One of us
17:31who ties his neck
17:32to someone
17:33doesn't know how to work.
17:34So, sir,
17:35you haven't married
17:36until now?
17:38They're calling me.
17:42Get me the marriage certificate.
17:43They're calling me.
17:46How are you, Mom?
17:48What are you up to?
17:50I really miss you.
17:52What do you mean
17:53you don't call me
17:54and you don't tell me
17:55you're not in the room yet?
17:57I'm fine, thank God.
17:59How are you?
18:01They're comforting me, Mom.
18:02They're comforting me
18:03every now and then.
18:06God bless you.
18:21Are you deaf?
18:22Get up!
18:23Yes, Mom, I'm up.
18:24Listen to me.
18:25This girl
18:26can't leave her room at all.
18:27Here's the key.
18:29if she wants to go to the bathroom,
18:30if she wants to knock on the door,
18:32open it,
18:33take her out,
18:34take her back,
18:35and lock her up again.
18:36Got it?
18:37Yes, sir.
18:38And the kids,
18:39the same thing.
18:40Got it?
18:41Yes, sir.
18:42But trust me,
18:43don't listen to me at all.
18:44You'll get yourself in trouble.
18:45It's because of her.
18:46There's no such thing at all.
18:48If you're not going to do it,
18:49how are you going to do it?
18:50You're going to do it by force.
18:51Got it?
18:52What do you mean by force?
18:53What do you mean by force?
18:54Crush her?
18:55Crush her.
18:56Kill her
18:57if necessary.
18:58Got it?
18:59Yes, sir.
19:00Listen to me.
19:01I'm going down now
19:02to find a safe place for her.
19:05And if that happens,
19:06I'll come back to you,
19:07and at night,
19:08I'm going to take the kids.
19:09Got it?
19:10Take the kids to a safe place?
19:11To a safe place as well.
19:13Listen to me.
19:14I don't want anyone
19:15to know about this at all.
19:17Just you and me.
19:18Even Abou Azza doesn't know.
19:20And Abou Azza herself
19:21doesn't know either.
19:23Lock the back door.
19:24Yes, sir.
19:34I'm going crazy.
19:35I don't know what to do today.
19:37She was right in front of me.
19:39She told me she was in front of me.
19:40She's probably talking about the cake.
19:42I think she's the one
19:43who understands me right away.
19:49What's this?
19:50It's a stand.
19:51You can find whatever you want here.
19:53What's this?
19:54Where did it come from?
19:55Instead of saying thank you?
19:57What's this?
19:58I'm going crazy.
19:59I'm going crazy.
20:00I'm going crazy.
20:01I'm going crazy.
20:02I'm going crazy.
20:03You got me.
20:05I think I got it.
20:07But I don't feel anything.
20:08Because you're not feeling anything.
20:10You got me, Uncle Sama.
20:12That's not right.
20:14Okay, thank you, Uncle Sama.
20:17But you guys are not even siblings.
20:23I'm going crazy.
20:24I'm going crazy.
20:25I'm going crazy.
20:26I'm going crazy.
20:27I'm going crazy.
20:28I'm going crazy.
20:30I'm going crazy.
20:32I'm sorry, but I have to go to the bathroom.
20:34I'm sorry, but I have to go to the bathroom.
20:35I'm sorry, but I have to go to the bathroom.
20:36I'm sorry, but I have to go to the bathroom.
20:37I'm sorry, but I have to go to the bathroom.
20:38I'm sorry, but I have to go to the bathroom.
20:39I'm sorry, but I have to go to the bathroom.
20:40I'm sorry, but I have to go to the bathroom.
20:41I'm sorry, but I have to go to the bathroom.
20:42I'm sorry, but I have to go to the bathroom.
20:43I'm sorry, but I have to go to the bathroom.
20:44I'm sorry, but I have to go to the bathroom.
20:45I'm sorry, but I have to go to the bathroom.
20:46I'm sorry, but I have to go to the bathroom.
20:47I'm sorry, but I have to go to the bathroom.
21:08I'm sorry, but I have to go to the bathroom.
21:15I'm sorry, but I have to go to the bathroom.
21:16I'm sorry, but I have to go to the bathroom.
21:17I'm sorry, but I have to go to the bathroom.
21:18I'm sorry, but I have to go to the bathroom.
21:19I'm sorry, but I have to go to the bathroom.
21:20I'm sorry, but I have to go to the bathroom.
21:21I'm sorry, but I have to go to the bathroom.
21:22I'm sorry, but I have to go to the bathroom.
21:23I'm sorry, but I have to go to the bathroom.
21:24I'm sorry, but I have to go to the bathroom.
21:25I'm sorry, but I have to go to the bathroom.
21:26I'm sorry, but I have to go to the bathroom.
21:27I'm sorry, but I have to go to the bathroom.
21:28I'm sorry, but I have to go to the bathroom.
21:29I'm sorry, but I have to go to the bathroom.
21:30I'm sorry, but I have to go to the bathroom.
21:31I'm sorry, but I have to go to the bathroom.
21:32I'm sorry, but I have to go to the bathroom.
21:33I'm sorry, but I have to go to the bathroom.
21:34I'm sorry, but I have to go to the bathroom.
21:35I'm sorry, but I have to go to the bathroom.
21:36I'm sorry, but I have to go to the bathroom.
21:37I'm sorry, but I have to go to the bathroom.
21:38I'm sorry, but I have to go to the bathroom.
21:39I'm sorry, but I have to go to the bathroom.
21:40I'm sorry, but I have to go to the bathroom.
21:41I'm sorry, but I have to go to the bathroom.
21:42I'm sorry, but I have to go to the bathroom.
21:43I'm sorry, but I have to go to the bathroom.
21:44I'm sorry, but I have to go to the bathroom.
21:45I'm sorry, but I have to go to the bathroom.
21:46I'm sorry, but I have to go to the bathroom.
21:47I'm sorry, but I have to go to the bathroom.
21:48I'm sorry, but I have to go to the bathroom.
21:49I'm sorry, but I have to go to the bathroom.
21:50I'm sorry, but I have to go to the bathroom.
21:51I'm sorry, but I have to go to the bathroom.
21:52I'm sorry, but I have to go to the bathroom.
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24:03I'm sorry, but I have to go to the bathroom.
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24:05I'm sorry, but I have to go to the bathroom.
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24:12I'm sorry, but I have to go to the bathroom.
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24:19I'm sorry, but I have to go to the bathroom.
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24:21I'm sorry, but I have to go to the bathroom.
24:23I'm sorry, but I have to go to the bathroom.
24:24I'm sorry, but I have to go to the bathroom.
24:25I'm sorry, but I have to go to the bathroom.
24:26I'm sorry, but I have to go to the bathroom.
24:27I'm sorry, but I have to go to the bathroom.
24:28I'm sorry, but I have to go to the bathroom.
24:29I'm sorry, but I have to go to the bathroom.
24:30I'm sorry, but I have to go to the bathroom.
24:31I'm sorry, but I have to go to the bathroom.
24:32I'm sorry, but I have to go to the bathroom.
24:33I'm sorry, but I have to go to the bathroom.
24:34I'm sorry, but I have to go to the bathroom.
24:35I'm sorry, but I have to go to the bathroom.
24:36I'm sorry, but I have to go to the bathroom.
24:37I'm sorry, but I have to go to the bathroom.
24:38I'm sorry, but I have to go to the bathroom.
24:39I'm sorry, but I have to go to the bathroom.
24:40I'm sorry, but I have to go to the bathroom.
24:41I'm sorry, but I have to go to the bathroom.
24:42I'm sorry, but I have to go to the bathroom.
24:43I'm sorry, but I have to go to the bathroom.
24:44I'm sorry, but I have to go to the bathroom.
24:45I'm sorry, but I have to go to the bathroom.
24:46I'm sorry, but I have to go to the bathroom.
24:47I'm sorry, but I have to go to the bathroom.
24:48I'm sorry, but I have to go to the bathroom.
24:49I'm sorry, but I have to go to the bathroom.
24:50I'm sorry, but I have to go to the bathroom.
24:52I'm sorry, but I have to go to the bathroom.
24:53I'm sorry, but I have to go to the bathroom.
24:54I'm sorry, but I have to go to the bathroom.
24:55I'm sorry, but I have to go to the bathroom.
24:56I'm sorry, but I have to go to the bathroom.
24:57I'm sorry, but I have to go to the bathroom.
24:58I'm sorry, but I have to go to the bathroom.
24:59I'm sorry, but I have to go to the bathroom.
25:00I'm sorry, but I have to go to the bathroom.
25:01I'm sorry, but I have to go to the bathroom.
25:02I'm sorry, but I have to go to the bathroom.
25:03I'm sorry, but I have to go to the bathroom.
25:04I'm sorry, but I have to go to the bathroom.
25:05I'm sorry, but I have to go to the bathroom.
25:07I'm sorry, but I have to go to the bathroom.
25:32The man is getting away from us.
25:34From where?
25:35From the tree.
25:36Look, if anything happens to the neighbor, I'll catch you.
25:39This man is exactly one meter tall.
25:51May God bless the Prophet Farhad.
25:53Ma'alem, Ma'alem.
25:55Why are you always late?
25:57I'm not late.
25:58I'm not late.
26:00Do you understand or not?
26:02What do you think?
26:03I liked it, Farhad.
26:04You're missing the guy with the hat and the Ma'alem.
26:07No, but...
26:09God bless you, Farhad.
26:10I liked it, I swear.
26:11It's original.
26:13I thought you were going to leave the coffee closed.
26:15But, to be honest, you were right.
26:17I don't care.
26:18This Ma'alem is good for me.
26:20But, I don't want to leave the coffee closed.
26:24Well said, Farhad.
26:27God bless you.
26:29God bless you.
26:31God bless you.
26:33That's nice, Farhad.
26:34I didn't like the coffee, Farhad.
26:37It made me sick.
26:39Why did you turn the office upside down?
26:41Because I couldn't sell drugs.
26:43The guys used to come here to drink and smoke.
26:46But now they drink milk tea.
26:49What are we going to do with this Ma'alem?
26:51I don't know, Alaa.
26:53If I was married, or if I had a family, I would have sold it.
26:56No one would buy it from me.
27:00I have an idea.
27:02We can open a coffee shop in Afrah.
27:04But it's small.
27:06It will be in Afrah, Orfi.
27:08How long will it take?
27:09Two months.
27:10Do you think it's a good idea?
27:11Congratulations, Farhad.
27:13God bless you.
27:14Thank God we found it.
27:15Thank God.
27:16Thank God.
27:17No, but there's a problem.
27:19The Orfi coffee shop doesn't need a coffee shop.
27:22It's not profitable.
27:23I see.
27:24It's not profitable.
27:26I have an idea.
27:28Tell me, Farhad.
27:29We can turn it into a bee bus.
27:31Do you know what you're talking about?
27:33No, I'm kidding.
27:34No, it's not profitable.
27:35I see.
27:36It's not profitable.
27:38I have a great idea, Farhad.
27:42We can open a coffee shop.
27:44A coffee shop?
27:46It's a great idea, right?
27:47Yes, of course.
27:48Do you know how to make coffee?
27:51This is great.
27:52I'm tired of thinking about it, Farhad.
27:55Thank God.
27:58We're counting on God.
27:59We're counting on God.
28:01But we're counting on God for...
28:04For what?
28:05For the coffee bus.
28:06What does a coffee bus mean?
28:07It's a bus that carries money.
28:11Farhad, I don't think this is a good idea.
28:12You can't carry the last 20,000 or 30,000 pounds.
28:15My friend, I'm with you.
28:16You're with me?
28:18No, of course not.
28:19Farhad, I'm here to talk to you about this so I can drink my coffee for free.
28:22No, man.
28:23Shut up.
28:24Shut up, man.
28:25Shut up.
28:26Shut up.
28:27I know you don't mean what you say, Farhad.
