When it pops!

  • last month
00:00Let's go. So putting the oil in the body and now you're getting the balloon.
00:07Legs, legs, thighs, legs, quick. Okay, here we go. Right here. Ready? Yep. Oh, that's cold. Okay. Okay, hold on, wait.
00:16Okay, hang on, get this up right there. Okay. Let it go. Okay. Whoa. Wow. Is this? Okay, I'm in.
00:23Okay, don't let the metal touch it. The rubber. Okay, there it is. Is it freezing cold? It's freezing water.
00:30Freezing cold water. Over my shoulder. Oh my gosh. Oh, okay. All right. Very careful. We don't have oil on your hair.
00:42Okay. How hard this is to stay up. It's a lot of weight pulling me down. Really? Water pulling out on all sides.
00:50You guys, everybody watch out. Oh my God.
