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00:00That is so difficult. Well done Dexter, that was very difficult.
00:16Mark says could you clean the pink please.
00:21Well hang on.
00:22There we go.
00:26Alan's not amused. What a fluke.
00:30Ring 999, there's been a robbery!
00:35Ring 999, there's been a robbery.
00:48God bless to you.
00:49Well good luck putting them back.
01:04This is where you earn your money as a reference.
01:08Okay well the ball's back in your court.
01:14Don't forget the black.
01:19Well done.
01:21Definitely deserves a round of applause for that.
01:24She's done a great job.
01:28Well done.
01:35Wants to entertain the crowd when the frames are one.
01:38One, two, three.
01:44And that shows John Trump still has his sense of humour.
01:48And it's a lot easier to smile when you've limited the damage.
01:55Oh he's unlucky.
02:00Open says me.
02:03You might be a magician but you can't open the reds with your hands.
02:07He's from County Antrim in Northern Ireland.
02:10It's the pistol Mark Williams!
02:38Who does this job?
02:40What's your second name again?
02:42Mike Allen, ladies and gentlemen!
02:49Your break, Luca.
02:52Well, eventually Ken, we got the names right.
03:02Well that was toppy.
03:05It's clearly troubling, Murphy, isn't it?
03:08I think you either are or you're not scared of spiders.
03:11Simple as that.
03:13And I think these three all are.
03:15I think the spider's probably more scared of Sean than the other way around.
03:19Thank you, Monica.
03:21Monica's not only, she's just picked it up.
03:23Which colour?
03:33Oh, I did.
03:42Oh, what a hit!
03:44Great shot.
03:46Well, Sean, it might take him a few minutes to settle down from that introduction.
03:50I don't think we might have a workout tonight.
03:55What an atmosphere.
04:04Well, it was a good shot. I think he did well to straight the cue ball.
04:07Sean's players are vastly experienced with stuff like that, so...
04:12shouldn't cause too much...
04:17He's been playing in good spirit, hasn't he, so far this match?
04:27Isn't that nice to see as well, though? What a gentleman.
04:33Now, this is going to be funny.
04:35Mark's going to go round and get the yellow out himself and put it back on the table.
04:39Because the referee...
04:41Now, that is brilliant.
04:43Absolutely brilliant.
04:45Never, ever seen that before.
04:47Is that not a foul, Sean?
04:49You're not allowed to spot the balls up yourself.
04:51That's a foul then, that's a foul.
04:54Send him off, Ref.
04:56You can't set your own balls up on the table.
04:58You've got to get the referee to do it.
05:02Where's the black going?
05:12It's run safe.
05:14Would you believe it?
05:19Oh, hang on. Steady, Rob, steady.
05:21Quick, quick.
05:23You got it.
05:28I can't advise on what shot to play.
05:30He just said to the Ref, can I pop the brown?
05:33He's not actually allowed to do that.
05:35He's not actually allowed to solicit advice.
05:38He's just having a joke with him.
05:51Mark Allen, 12.
05:53You don't see it very often, but he had to get the rest out of the way so quickly there.
05:57The gentleman that he is.
05:59Well, the two great ambassadors.
06:01Not easy to clear up with a cue that length.
06:04You have to use the rest to break off time, Zenas.
06:09We had a part-time job standing on wedding cakes, didn't we, Den?
06:15Well, that's one way of clearing them up.
06:21Settle down now.
06:23I don't know who shouted that out, but
06:25come on, Mark, with a white face there.
06:28It forces a smile from Mark.
06:30He gives him the thumbs up.
06:37No, he's cracked, I'm afraid.
06:40He's cracked.
06:41It goes behind the black.
06:44It's what?
06:46Oh, sorry.
06:50This is a very awkward position
06:52for the referee to get the pink into here because...
06:59Your naughty fellow, Mark Williams,
07:02banged his cue there and scared everybody in the crucible,
07:06including the referee.
07:14I'm going to have to get on the table in particular.
07:23And Mark has reverted to tight to do the old break-off shot
07:27he was doing last year.
07:30Didn't think he did it hard enough.
07:32The two of them are killing themselves laughing.
07:35He said, Mark Williams said,
07:37you set the reds up, I'll keep the cue ball.
07:40You get the reds up.
07:42I need this cue ball to break off.
07:45He is a wind-up merchant.
07:48The referee always puts the white face on.
07:50The referee always puts the white on the ball cushion
07:53while he sets the balls up.
07:55Mark Williams, that was quite funny actually.
07:58Yeah, you're not having it, it's mine.
08:00I'm going to break off.
08:02It's my ball.
08:04I always like having a bit of fun out there.
08:06Mark, I'm just going to make you take the cue ball.
08:13The final frame of this session, Mark Williams to break.
08:20Clap, clap, clap, clap, clap, clap, clap, clap, clap, clap, clap, clap, clap, clap, clap, clap, clap, clap, clap, clap, clap, clap, clap, clap, clap, clap, clap, clap, clap, clap, clap, clap, clap, clap, clap, clap, clap, clap, clap, clap, clap, clap, clap, clap, clap, clap, clap, clap, clap, clap, clap, clap, clap, clap, clap, clap, clap, clap, clap, clap, clap, clap, clap, clap, clap, clap, clap, clap, clap, clap, clap, clap, clap, clap, clap, clap, clap, clap, clap, clap, clap, clap, clap, clap, clap, clap, clap, clap, clap, clap, clap, clap, clap, clap, clap, clap, clap, clap, clap, clap, clap, clap, clap, clap, clap, clap, clap, clap, clap, clap, clap
08:50clap, clap
08:55clap, clap, clap
09:07Oh, you might hit it.
09:08When about this for hit?
09:10Clap, clap, clap, clap, clap, clap, clap, clap, clap, clap, clap, clap, clap, clap, clap
09:15everybody smiling
09:17how many Christen's won he hit there guardload.
09:19Clear the table.
09:21A little rest shot.
09:24Even with the cue ball in bog.
09:26Get in. Go on, get in.
09:29There is only one Mark Williams.
09:32I see him use the rest of the side cushion.
09:37It's typical Mark Williams, it's brilliant.
09:40Good luck with that one.
09:49Go to Beadaholique.com for all of your beading supply needs!
