Prison Documentary: Teens ScaredStraight by Brutal Prison Experience HD

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00:00The teams are being taken through the jail's high security wings.
00:09Do not say a word.
00:12Do not say a word to anybody at that window.
00:20You want to fight?
00:21Come in here.
00:22You're in a place where you can fight every day.
00:23Either you're going to fight them or you're going to fight us.
00:26But you're only going to fight us one time.
00:29But you can fight them every day.
00:33You're going to get very familiar with your roommates.
00:35Very familiar.
00:36You're going to know what they smell like inside and out.
00:4317-year-old Layla and 15-year-old Whitney are being taken to the female wing, home to
00:50200 women in a variety of open dorms and cells.
00:55How many are in that one?
00:56Ten people.
00:57It just does not look normal.
01:04All the girls in there look sick.
01:08You hear that?
01:09Now imagine them doing that all night.
01:12All night long.
01:13All night.
01:14Come on around.
01:15Look in that cell right there.
01:16See how crowded it is?
01:18Just imagine.
01:19There's no love here.
01:26He can't have nobody in his room.
01:38He can't have nobody else in there with him.
01:50I've been knowing him since he was 15 years old.
01:53Edwards, how old are you right now?
01:58This ain't no game.
01:59This ain't no game, brother.
02:00This is not a game.
02:01Did you see that?
02:02He's been there since he was 15.
02:04Did you see that?
02:05He's been there since he was 15.
02:06That guy wanna fuck you up.
02:07So crazy.
02:08Imagine running around the house with him.
02:09For real, I've seen y'all laughing and shit like it's a game.
02:11This ain't no game.
02:12I ain't nothing but 18 years old.
02:13I'm one of y'all, man.
02:14Hanging around the wrong crowd is what got me here.
02:27I went to a party one night, man, and it was a big old shootout, man, and I just happened
02:34to be in the mix.
02:36Two people got killed, and my name was brought up.
02:40So now I'm facing two first-degree murders, man.
02:43I can get the death penalty.
02:44When I was 17, I moved up here to Varroa County, high school, 11th grade, 12th grade, playing
02:53Every sport you could think of, I played, because I was an athlete.
02:57See how tall I am?
02:59Mama started struggling, I didn't want to get no job.
03:01You know what I started doing?
03:02I started selling drugs, crack, cocaine, when it came to meth, I got some, heroin, I got
03:11To help my mother out, help my brothers out, I thought money was everything.
03:16As long as I had money in my pocket, nobody could tell me nothing.
03:21You know what that led to?
03:25Drug deal going bad.
03:29Which one of you said I like to fight?
03:30This one right here?
03:32You like to fight, boy.
03:33You too small to be in that room with me, boy.
03:35I'll terrorize you, boy.
03:37I'll break your jaw, your nose, knock all your teeth out, man, because you like to suck
03:43your teeth.
03:47Suck your teeth at me.
03:49Yo, suck your teeth at me.
03:52Go ahead, suck your teeth.
03:56Trust me.
03:58This ain't where you want to be, man.
04:00I'm trying to tell you, bro.
04:03Y'all got to listen.
04:06I wish I could go back to y'all shoes, man, I wouldn't be in here.
04:09Come on, man.
04:13Some nights I cried.
04:16Can't talk to my mom, can't talk to my brothers.
04:19I was in the same shoes y'all in.
04:22Same shoes.
04:24Same shoes y'all in.
04:27I just hope that y'all listen, man.
04:33Right now you're at the medical examiner's office, okay?
04:36This is the final destination when people make the wrong decisions.
04:40Come with me.
04:42We have to go through and we have to find out who do you belong to.
04:46So we would roll your body right in this section here.
04:51When your parents or your mom or your dad got here, we would then open the curtain
04:55and show them your body.
04:58Come on in here.
05:00The smell is not very good.
05:03You can come on in here.
05:05This is what happens, okay?
05:12You're stacked on a shelf.
05:14You're laid on a table.
05:18It doesn't matter what clothes you wear, how cool you are.
05:22You'll sit in here just like all of these people are doing, waiting for that time to come.
05:28When you're out there and you're doing what you're doing and you get shot,
05:32you get stabbed, you get killed, that's it.
05:37It's a wrap.
05:39Death is for real.
05:41That's my message is for sending them to the morgue.
05:45I want them to be in the room.
05:48Smell it.
05:49Feel it.
05:50Touch it.
05:51It's real.
05:52Every case on the top row is a homicide, so that means every jar up there on that top row,
05:58basically someone else took that life.
06:01You have to keep a piece of your organ just in case something comes back up.
06:06If you were to cause the death of one of these people, this is where they would be.
06:11The gentleman here, he was the victim of youth that were at a party,
06:15drinking too much and doing too many things, hit and killed him.
06:18This gentleman over here was simply coming out of a club at night,
06:22and two young youth and one female youth beat this old man up so they could be accepted in the gang.
06:27They ended up killing him, and these two teens are charged with murder.
06:30They'll never see the light of day again.
06:33That smell will always stay with you.
06:36You'll never, ever forget that, right?
06:42I don't want to be one of them.
06:44I don't want to kill anyone.
06:46You don't want to kill anyone.
06:48You don't want to be responsible for this.
06:54I need the morgue.
06:56If I cut out anything, it'll never be the morgue,
06:59because I need that to make that impact about death.
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