• el año pasado
Cuando este personaje de DC se pone en modo bestia, ¡apártate de su camino! Para esta lista veremos las escenas de lucha más vengativas, impresionantes y salvajes del caballero oscuro en películas y televisión.


00:00Believe me, I'll do it!
00:05I believe you.
00:30And you're not too bright.
00:48Why Bates, Master Wayne?
00:50Bates frightened me.
00:52This time my enemies shared my dread.
01:01A group of loyal criminals to the criminal chief Carmine Falcone
01:05are moving illegal goods in the docks.
01:08Suddenly, one of them disappears in the darkness.
01:11As the scene progresses, more gangsters are victims of the mysterious attacker.
01:16Only when the henchmen are really terrified is Batman revealed.
01:22Where are you?
01:25He eliminates them with a whirlwind of blows so fast and efficient
01:29that they don't even have time to defend themselves.
01:32After all the gang members are down,
01:35his intimidating introduction ends with two legendary words.
01:39I'm Batman.
01:43Number 19.
01:44When he hit Red Hood.
01:46Batman Under The Red Hood.
01:48After Lazarus' well brings back to life the former Robin, Jason Chard,
01:52he becomes a judge who doesn't care about killing.
01:56When Batman fails to make him come to his senses,
01:59he decides to give him some sense as a younger fighter.
02:02The Knight of the Night keeps relatively calm
02:05until his battle leads them to a bathroom.
02:11Enough! It's over!
02:13Once there, Batman loses his cool and begins to destroy Jason and the place.
02:18The Dark Knight breaks several furniture with the face of his former partner.
02:22And to put an end to his fight, Batman hits his protégé through a wall.
02:27You say you want to be better than me, but it won't happen.
02:30Not like this!
02:33If the revelation that the Joker had been captured didn't distract Bruce,
02:37Jason could have needed another visit to Lazarus' well
02:41to recover from his mentor's beating.
02:44Number 18.
02:45When he almost breaks his only rule.
02:47Batman Hush.
02:48The patience of the Dark Knight reached its limit
02:51when he discovered that his childhood friend, Tommy Elliot,
02:54was lying dead at the feet of the Joker.
02:57And he didn't waste time before starting to hit the clown with all his strength.
03:03You know what the joke is here?
03:05I'm totally innocent.
03:07That doesn't even sound right, does it?
03:09During this brutal beating, the Joker continues to insist that he is innocent.
03:14But Batman ignores his enemy's pleas and continues to inflict blows.
03:18The lack of calm and words makes him look like a wild animal.
03:22Although this brutal scene could have ended with the Joker's death,
03:26Jim Gordon takes Bruce out of the abyss.
03:29We've seen Batman beat the clown in movies like Batman Beyond, Return of the Joker.
03:35If you don't like the movie, I've got slides.
03:45However, his harsh actions towards the Joker in Batman Hush felt much more brutal.
03:52Number 17.
03:53When he defeated a bunch of villains.
03:57You see, there's this nasty little rumor we don't like to stomp out.
04:03You have to save me.
04:05I know.
04:07Thanks to the actions of a judge named Rumor,
04:10Batman and Robin are forced to fight against a group of villains at the same time.
04:14Fortunately, the heroes were up to the challenge.
04:17Batman knocks down fierce opponents like Black Mask and Killer Croc with just a few blows.
04:22He also manages to capture Riddler and Mr. Cold with strength and strategy.
04:27While Batman needs Robin's help to catch the bad guys that are missing,
04:31the Dark Knight does many things alone.
04:34The fact that he overcame some of the most dangerous criminals of Gotham without much effort
04:39showed that he's way above them.
04:42Batman never has to prepare to stop these criminals.
04:46He's always ready.
04:49Number 16.
04:50When he distributed a dose of revenge.
05:00I'm vengeance.
05:02Almost all the criminals that are desperate for Robert Pattinson's Batman
05:06end up at the mercy of the relentless blows of the hero.
05:09While most of the members of the Gotham gang against whom he fights
05:13and the penguins' henchmen are beaten,
05:15a thug receives a specially severe punishment.
05:18After defeating most of Riddler's thugs,
05:21Batman receives a gunshot and it seems that everything is over.
05:25But seeing Catwoman in danger pushes him to inject a vial.
05:29In an instant, Batman's beast mode activates
05:32and unleashes all his fury on the last thug.
05:35He's so excited that he almost knocks down Jim Gordon.
05:38While the fans debated what was in the vial,
05:42he undoubtedly gave Batman enough energy to completely destroy his enemies.
05:57Number 15.
06:01At last I have a name to go with that face.
06:04So again I ask, what will you do with this knowledge?
06:10This ends before dawn.
06:28Batman continued with this impressive feat
06:31defeating Joe Chill until he left him speechless.
06:49Batman moves so fast that Chill doesn't have time to take a single hit.
06:53And after the hero shows mercy to the gunman,
06:56the Dark Knight releases his remaining anger
06:59hitting several villains again.
07:02It's obvious that Batman's thirst for revenge didn't go away after avenging his parents.
07:08Number 14.
07:09When he fought only against the Foot Clan.
07:11Batman vs Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles.
07:23Batman's first fight in this fun team movie is possibly the most impressive.
07:29When he discovers that the members of the Foot Clan are trying to rob his company,
07:33he decides to face them without backing down.
07:41Me? I always work late.
07:45Before we can blink,
07:47Batman has already left a dozen ninjas unconscious at his feet.
07:50But those soldiers are just the beginning of his tense confrontation with his leader, Shredder.
07:56The two skilled fighters exchange brutal blows without giving up a centimeter.
08:02Shredder, in the end, has to use a special technique to get Batman out of the fight and escape.
08:07Although Batman doesn't come out victorious from this melee fight,
08:10he still gave a great fight.
08:17Number 13.
08:18When he massacred a SWAT team.
08:20While Dick Grayson is inside a twisted fantasy,
08:24he discovers that he is trapped with a Batman willing to kill his enemies.
08:28The first Robin finally helps Starfire and a SWAT team
08:32to capture the corrupt Dark Knight in the Wayne mansion.
08:38I don't want to see anyone getting hurt, including you.
08:43Let's end this.
08:44But the bad Batman refuses to be captured alive.
08:47The Dark Knight kills all the SWAT team members in just a few minutes.
08:53And when the powerful Starfire appears to help,
08:56Batman freezes her to death with a cold weapon.
08:59The Dark Knight only stops massacring people when they blow up his mansion and it rains rubble.
09:05Dick's nightmare sequence gives us an idea of how many people could die
09:10if Batman ever suffered a mental breakdown.
09:17Number 12.
09:18When he crushed the Owl Court.
09:20Batman vs Robin.
09:29A loyal warrior of the Owl Court named Talon
09:32thought he had an advantage when he sent a horde of undead after Batman.
09:37However, the villain didn't realize that the batman knew how to get rid of the zombies.
09:42Batman breaks limbs, hits enemies and even makes them fly.
09:47When his strength alone is not enough to kill everyone,
09:50he gets on a big robot and kills them more efficiently.
09:54And he still left enough gasoline in the tank to cut Talon's wings.
10:02So this is gonna hurt.
10:04And I'm gonna enjoy it.
10:06If the Night Knight is always as wild as when he fights zombies,
10:10let's hope he can fight them more often.
10:13Number 11.
10:14When he knocked down the Parademons.
10:16Zack Snyder's Justice League.
10:19Shortly after the Dark Knight broke an alien force field by himself,
10:24he volunteered to fight an army of Parademons.
10:28Get to the reactor. I'll lure as many of these monsters away from here as I can.
10:32What does that mean?
10:36Don't worry about me.
10:37While the other members of the Justice League intervene to help,
10:41Batman eliminates an impressive amount of aliens on his own
10:45and shoots tons of enemies with the artillery of his batmobile.
10:49After Batman's vehicle is taken to the limit,
10:52he dodges lasers, throws artillery and makes enemies explode until he gets alien weapons.
10:58Although the Night Knight was not as physically powerful as his superhuman allies,
11:03he showed why he deserved to be among them.
11:06Batman never let his human limits keep him away from the fight.
11:18Number 10.
11:19When he defeated his evil double.
11:21Justice League.
11:22Crisis on Two Earths.
11:24Before there was thought, there was this place.
11:27One Earth.
11:28With a single history.
11:29But with the coming of man came the illusion of free will.
11:32Here the heroes are forced to fight their evil doubles.
11:36Batman's sinister counterpart is Omen,
11:39a villain who intends to destroy the entire multiverse with a bomb.
11:43And so, the fate of all who exist is reduced to this epic fight.
11:48Batman has to defeat a villain who has all the artillery,
11:51intelligence and skills in Batman's martial arts.
11:55And also, he has to do it with a broken rib.
11:59Anyway, he manages to turn the fight around in the last second.
12:02Then he sends Omen and the bomb to an unpopulated Earth with an incredible phrase.
12:08We both looked into the abyss.
12:12But when it looked back at us,
12:15you blinked.
12:16Although Batman's double was a difficult opponent,
12:19our hero proved that no evil equivalent can beat the Knight of the Original Night.
12:26It doesn't matter.
12:31Number 9.
12:32When he messed with the mutant leader.
12:34Batman The Dark Knight Returns Part 1.
12:37It is true that a middle-aged Batman almost dies when he crossed paths for the first time with the monstrous mutant leader.
12:43But the fact did not prevent the released hero from imprisoning his corpulent opponent to get a rematch.
12:49During his second encounter, Batman equals the playing field by taking the fight to a well full of mud.
12:56I will show you who rules Gotham City!
12:59Okay, son. Show me.
13:02By encouraging the mutant leader,
13:04the old knight of the night can focus on inflicting pain slowly and deliberately.
13:10He wins ground with each blow with precision.
13:13To top it off, Batman lets the mutant leader know who will come out victorious with a lot of fun.
13:20It's an operating table.
13:23And I'm the surgeon.
13:26By winning an unequal rematch, the dark knight earned the respect of the spectators who forgot he was a beast.
13:33Number 7.
13:34Overcoming Bane. The Dark Knight Rises.
13:37So you came back to die with your city.
13:41No. I came back to stop you.
13:45The first time Batman fought Bane, the muscular villain broke the hero's back.
13:51But after an unconventional rehabilitation, he is ready for a rematch.
13:56Bane once again proves to be a fearsome and relentless fighter,
13:59but this time Batman is determined and strong enough to receive each strong blow and take revenge.
14:06By finding and aiming at Bane's only weak point, the hero can finally defeat the powerful villain.
14:12And since we are talking about Batman, he cannot resist consolidating his victory with an iconic phrase.
14:18Tell me where the trigger is. Then you have my permission to die.
14:24This victory once and for all showed that although he can break Batman's body, it is not possible to break his mind or his spirit.
14:32I broke you. How have you come back?
14:37You think you're the only one who can learn the strength to escape.
14:42Because after all, he is Batman.
14:45Number 6.
14:46When he attacked the team of Amanda Waller, Batman, Assault on Arkham.
14:50Holy crap! It's Batman!
14:54Amanda Waller thought that sending a team of undercover operations would be enough to permanently destroy Riddler,
15:00but her plans are quickly ruined when Batman appears to capture the villain alive.
15:06The hooded man begins to turn off the lights to disorient his opponents.
15:13The Riddler is mine.
15:14Then he proceeds to knock them down.
15:16Batman moves at an incredible speed, power and precision.
15:20Although the heavily armed team surpasses him in number 10 to 1, they barely manage to touch him.
15:26Batman makes these trained professionals look like children playing to be military.
15:31If Amanda Waller had any doubt that the Knight of the Night was a threat before,
15:36her brutal overthrow of the team of undercover operations convinced her that it was a force to take into account.
15:42Batman's torn the city apart trying to find it.
15:44At one point he thought Riddler might know.
15:47Later, he confirmed that it was a threat to destroy his own suicide squad.
15:52Number 5.
15:53When he saves a cardinal from the sewers.
15:56Batman, Gotham Knight.
15:58Are you in pain?
15:59I work through pain.
16:03When the men of the scarecrow kidnap a cardinal and take him to the sewers,
16:08Batman follows him to the most vulnerable part of Gotham.
16:12Unfortunately, the hero is bitten by Killer Croc and is infected with a fear toxin before he can rescue him.
16:24However, these setbacks do not prevent Batman from completing his mission.
16:28Despite the pain and hallucinations, the Dark Knight still manages to face a dozen of crazy scarecrow followers.
16:38Speak for the holy man!
16:42I can.
16:44Knock out the enemies with a single blow, dodge weapons and even cut a metal tube in half.
16:49Batman does not take a break until the cardinal is safe on the surface with Jim Gordon.
16:54Seeing the Knight of the Night fight against huge amounts of pain and villains at the same time was incredible.
17:01Number 4.
17:02Chasing the Joker.
17:03The Dark Knight.
17:04When the Joker demands that Batman take off his mask, Harvey Dent affirms that he is the hero and is attacked.
17:11Batman uses his Batmobile like a tank to help keep his ally safe.
17:27Even when the Joker damages his vehicle with a rocket launcher, the Knight of the Night refuses to give up.
17:34So he jumps on his BatBot and flies like a bat out of hell.
17:44As soon as Batman sees the Joker trailer, he uses some cables and his smart thinking to avoid an epic clash.
17:51Although Gordon is the one who finally arrests the Joker, the commissioner would not have had a chance if it were not for Batman.
17:57This is Batman in his most unbreakable and determined way.
18:04No, but I trusted him to do the right thing.
18:07Which was?
18:08Saving my ass.
18:09Number 3.
18:10When he escaped from the SWAT team.
18:13Year 1.
18:14Brendan, keep your men under control.
18:16No one fires unless I say.
18:18Not this time, Gordon.
18:19The commissioner wants a corpse.
18:21He's gonna get one.
18:23Not all commissioners love having a masked judge in Gotham.
18:27Commissioner Love hated so much the concept that he threw a bomb on a building where Batman was recovering from a bullet wound.
18:35When a SWAT team arrived to finish the job, the Dark Knight had no choice but to fight them.
18:42I like you right where you are, Brendan.
18:44Too many people have already died.
18:46Order your squads to withdraw.
18:48I can't guarantee their safety.
19:12We've made a hero out of him.
19:22My mother needs me.
19:25I'll make you a promise.
19:27Martha won't die tonight.
19:41To save Martha Kent, Batman has to open his path through a group of thugs.
19:46After disarming most of his opponents, Batman defeats each criminal in various violent ways, making sure they fall.
19:54He ends his uproar by going through a wall and causing an explosion that knocks out the remaining thugs.
19:59Believe me, I'll do it!
20:04I believe you.
20:17It's okay. I'm a friend of your son's.
20:20I figured.
20:30Very good. Let's see the first place.
20:33Number 1. When he defeats Superman.
20:49In this two-part movie, 55-year-old Batman leaves his retirement.
20:54After hitting the leader of the mutant gang and fighting the Joker, the president orders Superman to bring Bruce.
21:01The two agree to fight in Crime Alley.
21:04After conspiring with his allies, Batman puts on a powerful mechanical suit and faces Superman.
21:11This is between you and me.
21:17We don't have to do this.
21:19Sure we do.
21:20Despite his age, Bruce can cause serious injuries to Clark.
21:24With the help of his allies, Batman takes the lead.
21:27And as Superman tells him, he could have killed the Iron Man right there.
21:31But he decided not to do it.
21:33Seeing Batman defeat Superman and then talking about it is frankly wild.
21:40I want you to remember that.
21:42I wanted to remind you to stay out of my way.
21:44In all the years to come, in your most private moments, I want you to remember the one man who beat you.
