Main characters · Son Goku · Bulma · Krillin · Piccolo · Son Gohan · Vegeta · Trunks
1 Goku Black
1. Piccolo
2. Gohan
3. Buu
4. Bulma Briefs
5. Krillin
6. Android 17
7. Tien
8. Vegeta
9. Jaco
10. Goten
11. Android 18
12. Pilaf
13. Goku
14. Hercule
15. King Piccolo
16. Launch
17. Pan
18. Raditz
19. Gotenks
20. Bardock
21. Caulifla
22. Baby
23. Android 16
24. Tao
25. Kefla
26. Videl
27. Syn Shenron
28. Garlic Jr.
29. Chao-Zu
30. Beerus
31. Cooler
32. Mai
33. Announcer
34. Kale
35. Frieza
36. Future Trunks
37. Moro
38. Yajirobe
39. Whis
40. Dende
41. Commander Red
42. Tsuru-sennin
43. Zamasu
44. Monster Carrot
45. Cell
46. Janemba
47. Android 8
48. Pikkon
49. Uub
50. King Yemma
51. Nam
52. Master Roshi
53. Shuu
54. King Kai
55. Broly
56. Nappa
57. Android 20
58. Black Goku
59. Ox King
60. Bojack
61. Hit
62. Dr. Wheelo
63. Android 13
64. Tapion
65. Vegito
66. Majin Buu
67. Dr. Myuu
68. King Furry
69. Oolong
70. Giran
71. Android 19
72. Yamcha
73. Dodoria
74. Korin
75. Brianne de Chateau
76. Nail
77. Dr. Briefs
78. Snow
79. Towa
80. Nuova Shenron
81. Giru
82. Fortuneteller Baba
83. Magetta
84. Super Android 17
85. Zeno
86. Tarble
87. Colonel Violet
88. Tambourine
89. Lord Slug
90. King Cold
91. Irico
92. Gogeta
93. Turles
95. Zangya
96. Frost
97. Hirudegarn
98. Seven-Three
99. Pui Pui
100. Cui
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1 Goku Black
1. Piccolo
2. Gohan
3. Buu
4. Bulma Briefs
5. Krillin
6. Android 17
7. Tien
8. Vegeta
9. Jaco
10. Goten
11. Android 18
12. Pilaf
13. Goku
14. Hercule
15. King Piccolo
16. Launch
17. Pan
18. Raditz
19. Gotenks
20. Bardock
21. Caulifla
22. Baby
23. Android 16
24. Tao
25. Kefla
26. Videl
27. Syn Shenron
28. Garlic Jr.
29. Chao-Zu
30. Beerus
31. Cooler
32. Mai
33. Announcer
34. Kale
35. Frieza
36. Future Trunks
37. Moro
38. Yajirobe
39. Whis
40. Dende
41. Commander Red
42. Tsuru-sennin
43. Zamasu
44. Monster Carrot
45. Cell
46. Janemba
47. Android 8
48. Pikkon
49. Uub
50. King Yemma
51. Nam
52. Master Roshi
53. Shuu
54. King Kai
55. Broly
56. Nappa
57. Android 20
58. Black Goku
59. Ox King
60. Bojack
61. Hit
62. Dr. Wheelo
63. Android 13
64. Tapion
65. Vegito
66. Majin Buu
67. Dr. Myuu
68. King Furry
69. Oolong
70. Giran
71. Android 19
72. Yamcha
73. Dodoria
74. Korin
75. Brianne de Chateau
76. Nail
77. Dr. Briefs
78. Snow
79. Towa
80. Nuova Shenron
81. Giru
82. Fortuneteller Baba
83. Magetta
84. Super Android 17
85. Zeno
86. Tarble
87. Colonel Violet
88. Tambourine
89. Lord Slug
90. King Cold
91. Irico
92. Gogeta
93. Turles
95. Zangya
96. Frost
97. Hirudegarn
98. Seven-Three
99. Pui Pui
100. Cui
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Short film