If you're like me, you come up with a bunch of ideas. It doesn't matter where you are. You could be in the shower. You could be watching some weird Hollywood movie where you don't have to think about it. I do that all the time... walking your dog... I walk my dog all the time, and I'm constantly coming up with ideas.
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Post: https://macjunky.com/post/how-not-to-forget-great-ideas
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00:00If you're like me, you come up with a bunch of ideas, doesn't matter where you are, you could be in the shower, you could be watching some weird Hollywood movie where you don't actually have to think about it.
00:10I do that all the time, walking your dog, I walk my dog all the time and I'm constantly coming up with ideas.
00:18Now, sometimes if I forget my phone, I forget those ideas as soon as I get back when I'm walking my dog.
00:30But a lot of the times I have my phone on me and there's one app and I'll put a link to it below.
00:35It's draft.
00:36I've used it for years and years and I use the app purely because of how simple it is to create a new note.
00:45Now, we have Apple notes.
00:47We have craft.
00:48We have notion.
00:50We have base camp.
00:51We have all of these apps and they're great doing their thing.
00:57But what what's not great about them is the amount of clicks you need and you have to do in order to just type something and just write something in a lot of people use email and that's okay.
01:11You create a new email you blah blah blah you save it and then save it as a draft.
01:17But again, loads and loads of clicks now drafts.
01:21It's in my dock on my iPhone.
01:22I click it.
01:23It gives me a brand new page.
01:25I type the thing in and forget about it.
01:28I don't even I don't do anything with it.
01:31Just leave it in the inbox.
01:32It's kind of like an inbox in there.
01:34And then when I get back, I actually have a task reminding me.
01:41Did you put anything in drafts and then I put it into the right place whether that's in my Apple notes or whatever.
01:48So having the ability to jot down your ideas your thoughts and things that you want to use for your business is is paramount to actually getting that thing done.
02:01So you have to make it as simple as possible to not lose those ideas not to kind of forget those things and draft is one thing that I highly recommend for you to check out as I said,
02:15I'll put a link down somewhere here below.
02:19Anyway, hopefully that helps if you have any questions about drafts or any other app.
02:23In fact, let me know there'll be a button to contact me.
02:26Let's have a chat.
02:27Have a great day.
02:28I'll see you in the next one.