Genz Ep 38 hindi dubbed

  • last month


00:00How long are you going to depend on him?
00:03Come, I'll teach you.
00:08It's not possible.
00:11Why is it not possible?
00:13My legs aren't working, my brain isn't working.
00:17You know, I'm no less than your teacher.
00:21Is that so?
00:23Then tell me one thing.
00:25How did you fall?
00:30That's all I remember.
00:31See, you don't remember anything old.
00:33Then how are you going to teach me acupuncture?
00:35Look, I'll read you a book and teach you.
00:39Yes, do one thing.
00:40Take my test and see.
00:42That's it, you take rest.
00:44If the teacher doesn't reply by 8 o'clock,
00:48I won't be able to do anything.
00:50You take rest.
00:51If the teacher doesn't reply by 8 o'clock,
00:55we'll follow tomorrow's treatment.
00:57You're a very obedient student.
00:59You listen to everything the teacher says.
01:04Is it hot?
01:07Who was my mother?
01:11Was she Little Lock?
01:18I understand.
01:21You won't even remember this.
01:24Still, I'll keep asking you.
01:26One day, you'll have to tell me.
01:30Why don't you ask your teacher about this?
01:39As soon as I ask, he also loses his memory.
01:43I think he can tell you the truth.
01:46What's the truth?
01:47What is it?
01:49Have you really forgotten everything?
01:51Or are you pretending?
01:54You're confusing me.
01:55I think I'll also lose my memory soon.
01:59Why would I pretend?
02:01Even your teacher knows that I'm not okay.
02:04Listen, come here soon.
02:06I want to talk to my wife.
02:08I want to know how my mother is.
02:11Why are you doing this?
02:12Come on, call her.
02:13Let me talk to her.
02:18Tianzhen, have you read the news?
02:21How's the situation there?
02:23Mr. New and his son's case has been confirmed.
02:26You've quarantined them, right?
02:28The situation is under control here, mom.
02:30But we couldn't save Mr. New's son.
02:33Mr. New is fine.
02:34He's in the hospital right now.
02:36How's everyone at home?
02:38We're fine. Don't worry about us.
02:40Take care of yourself, son.
02:42Yes, mom.
02:43Dad is also here.
02:44He has helped a lot.
02:46His prescription has helped a lot.
02:48I've given dad's medicine to everyone here.
02:50And I've stopped the sick from coming here.
02:53You have a face mask, right?
02:54Always wear it.
02:55Yes, I'm wearing a mask.
02:57Tianzhen, is the medicine over there?
03:00Chinese New Year is coming.
03:02The courier company won't be able to deliver the parcels on time.
03:05If you want, order it now.
03:06And yes, the flu sashes are very effective.
03:09Wear them.
03:10I've worn them.
03:12Look at this, Nanu.
03:15Look, son.
03:16You shouldn't come back at this time.
03:20Stay there, okay?
03:22Thank God your dad is there.
03:24That's why we're not worried.
03:25Take care of yourself.
03:31Let me talk to your dad.
03:35I'll tell him.
03:36Actually, he lives in a separate room.
03:39Why does he live separately?
03:42Because of social distancing.
03:44He lives in the next room.
03:45Click his photo and send it to me.
03:47That's too much, mom.
03:48If you want to talk, call him directly.
03:50Don't drag me into this.
03:52Ren Tianzhen.
03:54Where's your dad?
03:58Don't lie to me. Tell me the truth.
04:03Dad has gone to Wuhan.
04:04What did you say?
04:05What did I say?
04:06There's a pandemic out there.
04:07Why did you let him go there?
04:15Stop calling me.
04:27Have you reached Wuhan?
04:30Yes, I have.
04:32Many doctors are infected.
04:34There are no medical supplies either.
04:37Do one thing.
04:38Send face masks and sanitizers for us.
04:41And shut down the medical center.
04:43Send as many face masks as possible.
04:46There are no masks left for anyone here.
04:49Yes, I understand.
04:50I'll start packing right away.
04:53Do one thing.
04:54Keep two boxes for mom and dad.
04:57Don't worry about us.
04:58We're inside the house, son.
05:00Take care of yourself there.
05:01Your life is in danger.
05:02Take care of your safety.
05:05Yes, master. I know.
05:09Take care of mom and dad.
05:11The whole family is counting on you.
05:18Don't worry.
05:20Just come home safe and sound.
05:24I'll try.
05:26Hurry up.
05:27Call me if you see a patient.
05:29Hurry up.
05:30Hurry up.
05:32Give way.
05:43I want to bring Shenzhen's parents home.
05:48I'll bring Tao Tao too.
05:53I'm proud of you, dear.
05:58First, I'll send Tao Tao to take the Greeks.
06:01After that, I'll shut down the medical center.
06:06And I'll send Shadao to the hospital too.
06:08And I'll send Shadao to the hospital too.
06:10Call Tianzhen back too.
06:15He's my son.
06:16I'll decide.
06:17We'll know in this difficult time
06:20if he's capable or not.
06:22That's why I want him to stay there
06:25and fulfill his duty.
06:29I'll get ready to go.
06:37Tao Tao.
06:38Where are you?
06:40She's on me.
06:42She doesn't get scared in difficult times.
06:45She's not on you.
06:46She's on me.
06:49She's like me.
07:24Naren, if this disease isn't treated soon,
07:28we'll have to wait for the western medicine.
07:30And we don't want that.
07:32We can use both acupuncture and TCM.
07:36Mr. Liu, you called me?
07:38Come, Mr. Wong. Let me introduce you to him.
07:40He's Professor Ren from TCM University.
07:42And he's the head of the Internal Medicine Department.
07:44Hello. Nice to meet you.
07:46You're that famous Professor Ren. Am I right?
07:48Yes, I am.
07:49I've read your books. Mr. Liu keeps telling me about you.
07:52Especially about miracles.
07:56Thank you for helping us in this difficult time.
07:59It's my duty.
08:00How are things here?
08:03Very bad.
08:05We've used azithromycin and moxifloxacin.
08:09And we've also used Chinese medicine.
08:11Now it looks like deamonium glycerinate is working.
08:15But I'm not sure.
08:16Oh, I just remembered. I was on my way to the ward.
08:19A patient is getting a lot of relief from acupuncture.
08:22It's like he's got rid of his chest pain.
08:26That's what I was talking to the professor about.
08:28As soon as I took treatment from him, the patient said,
08:30he's recovered.
08:33But I don't understand.
08:35Western doctors haven't been able to find out about the virus yet.
08:38Look at the professor.
08:39He's even started treatment.
08:42Most importantly, the patient himself said
08:44he's got a lot of relief from acupuncture.
08:47He's great, Professor.
08:49Look, Western medicine cures human diseases.
08:54And Chinese medicine cures humans.
08:59The virus is like a seed.
09:02And if it wants to sprout,
09:04it needs the right environment, soil, and temperature.
09:07Then no matter who the seed is,
09:09if you don't give it the right environment,
09:12it won't be able to sprout.
09:14So according to you,
09:15a comfortable environment for this virus is the human body?
09:19Yes, you're absolutely right.
09:22If the body is cold, keep it warm.
09:25And if it's hot, keep it cold.
09:29Forget about the disease.
09:31Maintain balance.
09:33Keep the patient's immunity strong.
09:35Make it so strong
09:37that the virus can get inside the body.
09:41You're right.
09:43By the way, I want to ask you something.
09:45Yes, go ahead.
09:46Our hospital is already full.
09:49But patients keep coming in.
09:52And our department is only 300 meters away.
09:55How can we keep so many patients here?
09:57Infection can spread.
09:59A patient told me
10:01that you do acupuncture very quickly.
10:04I'm thinking
10:05that if you can do acupuncture for more patients,
10:09our pressure will be reduced.
10:11There's a shortage of medical supply here.
10:13The situation is bad.
10:14We need your help.
10:16If you say yes, I'll introduce you to the team.
10:20I'm ready.
10:21Problem solved.
10:23Professor, thank you very much.
10:25Don't thank me.
10:26This is our duty.
10:27You're really great, Professor.
10:31We should get this parcel today at any cost.
10:34The courier company will be closed from tomorrow.
10:36We'll be late.
10:41Lee Kuan.
10:42Yes, Mr. N.
10:43How is everything there?
10:45We're trying.
10:48Now I understand why you were sent there.
10:51No, sir.
10:52I don't understand.
10:53We're warriors.
10:55Would you like to help us?
11:00Yes, I will.
11:04There's a shortage of doctors here.
11:08If it's a situation like this,
11:10it's a matter of life and death.
11:12Mr. N.
11:13I've already died once.
11:15You saved me.
11:16I'm not afraid of death anymore.
11:18What's this disease?
11:20Then it's fine.
11:22My wife has prepared everything
11:24to fight this epidemic.
11:29come here in Yangshuo Hong's car.
11:35Mr. N.
11:36I should be the one to thank you.
11:45Was it Professor N's call?
11:48He called me to Wuhan.
11:50Then take my car.
11:51We'll leave all this in it.
11:53Yes, that's fine.
12:10Why did you come here?
12:12I'm going to Wuhan.
12:14I've come to meet you.
12:18Are you out of your mind?
12:20You're going to the place
12:21where everyone is stopping you.
12:23Mr. N needs me there.
12:25Why did he call you
12:26out of so many students?
12:28I have to go.
12:31I don't know
12:32if I'll be able to come back.
12:34That's why I came to meet you.
12:36I've brought this for you.
12:38It's medicine.
12:45And yes...
12:49I've made this for you.
13:12See you.
13:32Breaking news.
13:34The roads to Wuhan have been closed.
13:36We have to fight this pandemic together.
13:39Wuhan is a city of courage.
13:41We will win this battle.
13:43During Chinese New Year,
13:44all flights to Wuhan
13:46have been shut down.
13:48All doctors across the country
13:49with advanced equipment
13:50should take care
13:51of their health
13:52during this pandemic.
13:53Today, due to doctors,
13:54the infection rate has decreased
13:56and the number of deaths
13:57has also decreased.
14:12For those who know how to administer
14:14acupuncture treatment,
14:15we'll treat the right from the left
14:17and the left from the right.
14:18When you understand the position,
14:20we'll target the meridian.
14:22Is it that easy?
14:24It's as easy to learn
14:25as it is to forget.
14:28It's like removing a thorn
14:30from the skin.
14:34It's very simple.
14:36In a family setting,
14:37you can use needles
14:40instead of fingers.
14:43If you teach the patients,
14:45they won't have to come to the hospital.
14:50thank you.
14:51For what?
14:53Thank you
14:55for coming here
14:56as a messiah.
14:59Is that boy your son?
15:02He's a lovely boy.
15:04He's my student.
15:06But he's like my son.
15:08My son is treating people
15:10in the Hubei village.
15:13You're very kind.
15:15Your entire family is like you.
15:17Thank you for the compliment.
15:19I'll get Chinese medicine for you.
15:24You take rest.
15:28Professor Ren.
15:30What medicine are you giving
15:31to my husband?
15:33To fight this epidemic,
15:35I've prepared herbal soup.
15:39You take it.
15:41Professor Ren,
15:42come here.
15:43Here you go.
15:48I know TCM
15:49can read the nerves.
15:51But we don't know
15:52what kind of virus it is.
15:54How can you give
15:55the same herbal soup
15:56to everyone?
15:57What if there's a problem?
15:58I can't explain it to you now.
16:00We'll talk about it later.
16:01Let's take care of the patients first.
16:03It's cold outside.
16:04They'll get sick.
16:05Call everyone inside.
16:06Otherwise, it'll be a problem.
16:11How are you?
16:12I'm fine.
16:18Mom, dad,
16:19come in.
16:21I brought you here
16:22so that you don't have to
16:23be alone in difficult times.
16:27You haven't met your granddaughter, right?
16:31Who is she?
16:35Tau Tau,
16:36meet your grandparents.
16:41Hello, Grandpa, Grandma.
16:42I'm Professor Ren's student.
16:44I'm leaving your bag here.
16:48Is she our granddaughter?
16:51Tau Tau,
16:52Tau Tau,
16:53I'm going to see Senior Uncle.
17:01♪ Conquering each other's love ♪
17:08♪ Wandering through life ♪
17:13♪ Fearless of wind and rain, fearless of waves ♪
17:16♪ I'm not afraid of loneliness ♪
17:21♪ Don't be sad all the time ♪
17:28♪ Don't be sad all the time ♪
17:35♪ Don't be sad all the time ♪
17:40♪ Don't be sad all the time ♪
17:43♪ Don't be sad all the time ♪
17:47And this?
17:48Send this to Mr. Ren.
17:50He needs this.
17:52Got it?
17:54This box...
17:55No, don't keep it there.
17:57Keep it at the top.
17:58It has goggles.
17:59They'll break.
18:00Yes, yes, I understand.
18:01Keep it here.
18:02Yes, yes, keep it here.
18:05I'll check them now.
18:06Okay, listen.
18:07Did you get a call from Tianzhen?
18:09They need supplies.
18:10They have a lot right now.
18:11It's a small village.
18:12Our main focus right now is Wuhan.
18:15Li Kuan told me
18:16that there's a shortage of supplies
18:18and they don't even have masks.
18:19Our medical team
18:20will deliver the necessary supplies.
18:23You joined the medical team?
18:25I registered my name,
18:26but I got rejected.
18:27Yes, but everyone in the medical team
18:29is in constant contact with me.
18:31Kids can get sick too.
18:33Why did they reject me?
18:35They don't know
18:36how useful a pediatrician can be.
18:38Especially when he's single
18:40and no one calls him.
18:41He does his duty with all his heart.
18:43Don't say anything.
18:44You're not alone.
18:45No one calls you.
18:46I'm single like you.
18:48Stop gaining sympathy
18:49like girls for everything.
18:51It doesn't suit you.
18:52Maybe you're right.
18:54I'll be careful from now on.
18:56The pandemic is going on
18:57and you're not willing
18:58to talk to me politely.
19:01You're the only one
19:02who can say such things
19:03during a pandemic.
19:05You know,
19:06when I didn't study TCM,
19:07I only focused on myself.
19:09But now I want to focus
19:10on making everyone's lives better.
19:12You're a good talker.
19:13It's fun listening to you.
19:15Keep talking.
19:16Do some work now.
19:18Pay his delivery fee there.
19:20Hey, where are you going?
19:22I've already spoken to him.
19:23Supplies in the epidemic zone
19:25have been forgiven.
20:03Mr. Ren,
20:04I'll take care of it.
20:05You should rest.
20:06No, I'm fine here.
20:08You haven't slept for days.
20:10You'll fall sick.
20:11You should rest.
20:12I'll take care of it.
20:13This is not the time to rest.
20:15Every moment is precious.
20:16Please listen to me.
20:18You need to rest.
20:21I can't rest.
20:23I have to reply to Tatao's message.
20:26I have to tell her about the next treatment plan.
20:28She must be sleeping right now.
20:30She won't sleep without reading my reply.
20:33Sir, please...
20:34Do your work.
20:49I'm sorry.
21:05Are you okay?
21:15Everything will be fine.
21:18Yes, tell me.
21:28I've brought your parents here.
21:30They're with us now.
21:32Don't worry about them.
21:44I wanted to bring Tau-Tau here, but he refused.
21:47He needs to take care of Tau-Tau.
21:51Don't worry about him.
21:56How are things over there?
21:58Any improvement?
21:59Have you found any food supplies?
22:02It's terrible.
22:04Is everything okay in the family?
22:09It's difficult to buy groceries.
22:11The market is closed.
22:12And the building has been sealed.
22:15Everyone stays inside.
22:17Should I send more students to help you?
22:22Don't leave the house.
22:24Don't go anywhere.
22:25That's enough for me.
22:45I love you.
23:15I love you.
23:35Send all the patients on this list to A-grade hospitals.
23:38How? There's no room.
23:40Send all three of them.
23:45It's necessary.
23:47But there's no room.
23:50Are you sick?
23:52I'm fine.
23:54I have to take care of everyone.
23:56I can't fall sick.
23:59You go.
24:01Okay, I'll go.
24:03Take care.
24:42I'll give you some medicine.
24:53Drink this.
24:56I was waiting for this.
25:03Are you okay?
25:04How long have you been coughing?
25:06Let me check your pulse.
25:08Speak softly.
25:10I don't want him to hear.
25:12How long have you been coughing?
25:15It hasn't been long.
25:17I'm suffocating.
25:19But don't tell him.
25:22Don't tell my husband.
25:26Don't tell him.
25:28I won't.
25:37You need an acupuncture treatment.
25:40You're sick.
25:44I'll take the treatment later.
25:50When he was admitted,
25:52I quarantined myself.
25:54I'll be fine.
25:58The doctor told me not to worry.
26:02But I'll be admitted tomorrow.
26:13Today is a beautiful day.
26:17But I don't know
26:19if I'll be able to see tomorrow.
26:33What's this?
26:35What's wrong with you?
26:38You're coughing a lot.
26:44Professor Ren, are you okay?
26:58What happened?
26:59Dad has fainted.
27:01He's infected.
27:03The doctor said he's infected.
27:06He's taking care of himself.
27:08He's very weak.
27:11But does he have a fever?
27:14He has a high fever.
27:15But he's still taking his medicines.
27:20Mr. Ren!
27:21Do the tests again.
27:22Mr. Ren!
27:23What if the new report is negative?
27:26Mom, a patient is here.
27:27I'll hang up now.
27:37What happened?
27:39Is he infected?
27:50You should go.
27:56He needs you.
27:58Your body is here.
28:01But your heart is with him.
28:04You should go.
28:08He told me not to go.
28:11So what?
28:13You're a doctor too.
28:14You should go.
28:16The patients need you.
28:20But who will take care of you?
28:22Your dad and I are fine.
28:24We'll be fine.
28:27But his parents are my responsibility.
28:30We'll take care of them.
28:32Your dad and I are doctors.
28:34You should trust us.
28:37No, that's not true, mom.
28:41Then what is it?
28:46All the roads to Wuhan are closed.
28:48How can I go there?
28:51I never thought about that.
28:53Do you really want to go there?
28:57Yes, I do.
28:59Where do you want to go?
29:03Then don't worry.
29:05You'll find a way.
29:08It's easy to say, mom.
29:12We received this letter today.
29:15It's from the local authority.
29:17Take it with you.
29:22We arranged for you to leave yesterday.
29:26Go now.
29:30Don't be late.
29:37That's enough.
29:39Don't worry about us.
29:45Master, can you see?
29:47Look behind you.
29:48Did you see?
29:53He's standing on his feet.
29:56Yes, he stood up all of a sudden.
29:58I was surprised too.
30:01Be careful.
30:03He's already crazy.
30:05Put him in a helmet.
30:07Yes, I will.
30:09I'll put him in a helmet that matches his color.
30:13One more thing.
30:15Don't fall.
30:18Do you know?
30:19When you told me for the first time
30:21that God has a hand on doctors,
30:25I didn't think
30:27You're right.
30:28It sounded like a movie.
30:30But now I understand.
30:32I felt that hand on my head.
30:36That's great.
30:41How did you feel?
30:43I feel very special.
30:46I can't believe that
30:48we cured uncle again.
30:51That means you didn't lie to me.
30:54Why would I lie to you?
30:57It's obvious.
30:59You lied to me.
31:01Now tell me the truth.
31:04Tell me.
31:05How long will you hide it?
31:07He's a stubborn man.
31:11Shazao, you're like Narada Muni.
31:15You lost your memory,
31:17but you're still naughty.
31:19I don't know what you'll do when you recover.
31:21You're right.
31:27Tata, you've become an expert.
31:31You have to become a great doctor.
31:35Don't let the situation
31:37overpower you.
31:39Master, what happened?
31:41Why are you coughing?
31:43It's not winter yet.
31:45Do you have an infection?
31:47Tell me.
31:48Don't say anything.
31:50Don't say anything.
31:58I have a fever.
32:00I'll hang up.
32:01No, I'm not done.
32:10He hung up.
32:15Senior uncle,
32:17why do I feel like
32:21my master has an infection?
32:23Don't say anything.
32:25Nothing has happened.
32:27Don't worry.
32:41This is the situation.
32:43That's why I'm going there right now.
32:45You and Ms. Hong
32:47will take care of the medical center.
32:49Don't worry and go there.
32:51The medical center is closed.
32:53We're inside.
32:55We'll leave when we need to.
32:57Don't worry.
32:59Please call us every day.
33:01If you need anything,
33:03let us know.
33:05We'll try to get it to you.
33:07I'll update you on the group chat
33:09when I need it.
33:11Is there anyone sick in the medical center?
33:13No, not yet.
33:15But I have friends in Wuhan
33:17who are getting infected.
33:19They're trying to get out of there.
33:21They're worried about you.
33:25Don't worry about me.
33:27You guys take care of yourselves.
33:29We're safe here.
33:31We can't help you.
33:33You guys are on the front line
33:35and we're stuck here.
33:37I don't feel good.
33:43I have an idea.
33:45Hold on.
33:47Talk to Dr. Song.
33:49Dr. Song,
33:51I have an idea.
33:53I have a group chat account
33:55with the other patients.
33:57We encourage each other in the group.
33:59But everyone is worried these days.
34:01Many of them are infected.
34:03They can't get a bed in the hospital.
34:05Especially for patients like me
34:07who can't walk on their own.
34:09There are many abroad like me.
34:11They're all scared.
34:13Can we gather all the infected patients
34:15in one place?
34:17The doctors in our medical center
34:19are already in their homes.
34:21Why don't they start giving them
34:23online assistance?
34:25They'll feel safer this way.
34:27That's a great idea.
34:29We can give them mental support
34:31by doing this.
34:33And yes,
34:35if there's a western doctor,
34:37it'll be easier.
34:41Yang, for this activity...
34:43Talk to Peng Shian.
34:45Tianzhen has practical experience.
34:47Add her to the group.
34:49We need to come together
34:51and help everyone.
34:55Take care of yourself.
34:57I'll let everyone know.
35:01Okay, Dr. Song.
35:03What do you think of this idea?
35:05I'll make a group.
35:09Take care of yourself.
35:11I'll make a group.
36:01I'm fine.
36:03I'm fine.
36:05Look at the patients.
36:07Don't waste time.
36:17How are you, Doctor?
36:35How are you?
36:43One minute.
36:49When did you come here?
36:57Everything is fine at home.
36:59Don't worry.
37:09You're very sick.
37:13I'm fine.
37:17got tested twice.
37:19It's negative.
37:29Your cough
37:31seems to be a lung infection.
37:43There are many patients.
37:45I have to take care of them.
37:49I'm fine.
37:53Now that I'm here,
37:55I'll take care of the patients.
38:59I'm fine.
39:21I've recorded a set of hand techniques.
39:23It will stop the cough.
39:25I'll add Ms. Dong to the group.
39:27Ask all the patients
39:29to practice.
39:35There's no prescription.
39:37Take the antibiotics
39:39mentioned by Dr. Peng.
39:45We'll use hand techniques,
39:47not antibiotics.
39:49Tell him to stop advertising antibiotics
39:51or I'll beat him up.
39:53Give him hot water later.
39:57Okay, I'll tell him.
39:59Okay, bye.
40:03Can't you see
40:05that you're going to be late?
40:07I'm tired. Let me rest.
40:09Are you sure you want to rest?
40:11Then exercise.
40:13Your cough is getting worse.
40:15You're like a balloon.
40:17Don't call me a balloon.
40:21write this prescription down.
40:23Yes, tell me.
40:256 grams.
40:2715 grams.
40:299 grams.
40:3115 grams.
40:336 grams.
40:355 grams.
40:3710 grams.
40:39This prescription
40:41is for the pandemic.
40:43I've asked my dad.
40:45He said I have to cook brown rice
40:47until it's golden brown.
40:49I'm going to prepare an article
40:51and publish it right now.
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