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00:00Hazrat-e-Aisha Siddiqa r.a said, I have seen Prophet Muhammad PBUH till his death, till the death of Huzoor,
00:11that Huzoor used to read the last two surahs of the Qur'an, Surah Falaq and Surah An-Nas, on his hands and then on his body.
00:18There is healing in the Qur'an.
00:20Now people have taken Durood as a very light task.
00:24Otherwise, if we read the verses of the Qur'an, then Huzoor said that there is healing in Surah Fatiha, there is mercy in it.
00:38These things which were very beneficial for us, we left them.
00:43There is a very beautiful hadith, listen to it.
00:45Hazrat Abu Sayyid Khudri r.a is the narrator of the hadith, he is present in Bukhari.
00:50He says that we were on a journey, we were returning.
00:54There was a place where we stayed for the night.
00:56It was a settlement.
00:58The people of the settlement did not ask for food or water.
01:01They did not do any charity.
01:02At midnight, a man came running and said, our chief has been bitten by a scorpion, does anyone of you take Durood?
01:11A companion said, we do, but since you did not ask for food or water,
01:17if you do charity, then we will not do it for free.
01:20I am reading Bukhari.
01:22It will cost money.
01:24How much money?
01:25A whole herd of goats.
01:27Shariheen has written, 40 goats.
01:30How much did you give?
01:32Oh brother, no one should take alimony from this.
01:35No one should take alimony from this that it is permissible to take money.
01:37No one should take alimony from this.
01:39Now understand what the background is.
01:41You did not even ask for water.
01:43There is a treatment for some people.
01:44They said they will take money and give charity.
01:46A companion said, Hazrat Abu Sayyid Khudri,
01:49since he was sick, he was bitten by a scorpion.
01:52The chief said, let's go.
01:54The companion went, recited Surah Fatiha and took Durood.
01:57I will show you from the Hadith of Bukhari.
02:00People say, where did Durood come from?
02:02I am reading Bukhari.
02:03Sahih Bukhari.
02:04Allah has to give healing.
02:06Rab Karim gave healing.
02:09He took the goats.
02:10He came to the place where he was resting.
02:12There was a disagreement among the companions.
02:14Some said they should have taken the goats.
02:16Some said they should not have taken them.
02:18Hazrat Abu Sayyid Khudri said,
02:21I have decided.
02:22Go to sleep.
02:23In the morning, we will go to the garden of the Prophet.
02:26If Karim said we should have taken them,
02:28then it became a problem.
02:29And if he said we should not have taken them,
02:31then we will take the goats and return them.
02:33What is the problem?
02:34He said, we went to the garden of the Prophet in the morning.
02:36We went and said,
02:37O Messenger of Allah,
02:38they also did not ask for water.
02:40We also said,
02:41if we take money,
02:42then we have taken these goats.
02:44The Shari'ah says,
02:45there were forty, maybe.
02:46O Messenger of Allah,
02:47what should we do now?
02:48The Prophet started smiling.
02:50The Prophet started smiling.
02:52The Prophet started smiling.
03:15The Prophet smiled and asked,
03:16O Messenger of Allah,
03:17what did you read?
03:19The Prophet said,
03:22O Messenger of Allah,
03:23you said,
03:24half of the goats are mine,
03:25half are yours.