The Purple Mask (1955) Part Three15 Mnt Tony Curtis, Colleen Miller, Gene Barry.

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00:00Us will affect an entrance here tonight.
00:02Unless it's inside already.
00:03Inside, but how?
00:05In disguise.
00:07The entire house has been searched from cellar to attic.
00:10And every servant examined.
00:12Rendez-vous, monsieur?
00:19Put it there.
00:30What about him?
00:32He wasn't among the servants when we arrived.
00:34One moment.
00:39Madame Anise!
00:43Yes, monsieur?
00:44Do you know the man who just brought that brandy?
00:46Of course.
00:47That was Francois.
00:49Where was he when we arrived?
00:51He is the night man, monsieur.
00:53He's just come on duty.
00:55Well, keep him out of here.
00:56He's a creeper and I don't like creepers.
00:58Bad enough to have everyone going to...
01:01What was that?
01:03That was Francois, monsieur.
01:05Falling down the cellar stairs.
01:07Every night.
01:08Right after the brandy.
01:10That will be all.
01:12Yes, monsieur.
01:29It's nearly midnight.
01:31I wonder if the letter was a hoax.
01:34It's possible.
01:39Something wrong, captain?
01:41This is the housekeeper's niece, sir.
01:43She wishes a pass to leave the grounds.
01:47I do not live here in the chateau.
01:49The soldiers refused to let me go home.
01:51Did you check her story?
01:53No, sir.
01:55The soldiers refused to let me go home.
01:57Did you check her story?
01:59Yes, monsieur.
02:02Very well, give her the pass.
02:10We'd better control our nerves and not give way to absurd fancies.
02:18Pardon, sir.
02:20What is it now?
02:21I ordered a pass for her, sir.
02:40Don't be alarmed, please.
02:42The mask!
02:45With two such eyes, you should be the one that's wearing it.
02:48I mean you no harm, mademoiselle.
02:50Believe me.
02:55It seems to me, governor, that if he intends to make an appearance, it had better be...
03:02How many times must I tell you not to come in here without...
03:04The mask is here.
03:06Where is he, ma'am? Where?
03:08Come here, girl, quickly.
03:10Tell the governor.
03:12He stopped me, sir, on my way home.
03:14He told me not to come in here without...
03:16The mask is here.
03:18Where is he, ma'am? Where?
03:20Come here, girl, quickly.
03:22Tell the governor.
03:23He stopped me, sir, on my way home.
03:25How do you know it was he?
03:27He wore the mask, and he gave me this note to deliver.
03:30He offered me money to deliver it.
03:33I refused, so he kissed me.
03:38Audacious rascal.
03:46Listen to this.
03:48Monsieur Orsinelli.
03:49Kindly have ready 10,000 golden Louis.
03:51I shall call for them at midnight.
03:53Otherwise, I shall regretfully be compelled to kidnap you.
03:56Sign the purple mask of this childish, bitter braggadocio.
03:59Alert the guards. At once, monsieur.
04:03You, mademoiselle, had best remain here.
04:05There may be shooting.
04:23The alert, ma'am. He's in the vicinity.
04:53Do not move.
05:09Do not move.
05:13At least, gentlemen, let me get out of this ridiculous position.
05:23Come in.
05:26They've captured him.
05:30You see, Rocher, we shall have our little surprise for Napoleon.
05:33I have never met this brisquet.
05:35But I should like to see his face when he learns I have beaten him to the purple mask.
05:48This way, my lord. I'll be right back.
05:53Call the aristocrats.
06:05Ah, my old friend Rocher.
06:07So we meet again.
06:08Under slightly different conditions, monsieur.
06:13And this interested gentleman must be none other than monsieur Orsinelli.
06:17I assume you are the men who captured him?
06:19Yes, monsieur.
06:20You will not be forgotten in my report.
06:23Ten thousand gold louis.
06:25I promised myself, monsieur, of the purple mask that if ever I got my hands on you, I...
06:29Pardon me.
06:31Yes, monsieur.
06:32Come here.
06:36Is this the man who gave you the letter?
06:38It's absurd. I identified this man as my abductor.
06:40You saw him without his mask?
06:41Well, no, but I...
06:42Is this the man?
06:43I am not sure.
06:45Now, don't be frightened. Tell him exactly what happened.
06:48Oh, never, monsieur.
06:50Come now. I want only your identification.
06:52The man wore a mask.
06:54You said he kissed you.
06:56I only saw part of his face.
06:59With your permission, gentlemen.
07:02Would you excuse me?
07:15It is he.
07:17You may go.
07:19For the first time, monsieur, you fail to live up to your boasting.
07:22On the contrary.
07:23It still lacks a few minutes to midnight.
07:25But you are our prisoner.
07:26Only until you become mine.
07:28I like your impudence.
07:30Now, be fair, governor. I said midnight, which gives you precisely three minutes in which to carry out your ridiculous threat.
07:35It's an amusing situation, don't you think?
07:38Take him away and lock him up.
07:40Before I've given you the message...
07:42What message?
07:47You don't mind their knowing?
07:49Don't listen to him.
07:51You disappoint me, monsieur.
07:53Take him away.
08:00What kind of message?
08:02Of some importance, I'm sure, to your government.
08:04Be careful of him. I warn you he...
08:05Oh, be quiet. I'm only talking to the man.
08:07What's the message?
08:09It is for your ears alone.
08:11I refuse to leave you alone with this man, governor.
08:13I'd like to find out what little trick he has up his sleeve.
08:15Do as I say!
08:17May I?
08:25If the good captain is worried, your gendarmes can remain.
08:28We shall let him have his little joke, captain, since it will be his last one.
08:32The doors will be locked.
08:36Rocher, you're the most suspicious man I've ever met.
08:39I suppose you know you're tickling me.
08:42Captain, you will be outside this door.
08:44I will be outside that one.
08:55Have you got it ready?
08:59The 10,000 gold louis.
09:01Is that all you have to say?
09:03I felt you might like to avoid the discomforts of being abducted.
09:06A tiresome journey, bad food, imprisonment.
09:12Look at the time.
09:14I seem to remember you promised to do something.
09:17On the stroke of 12.
09:19But it's already been done, monsieur.
09:24One sound, and you are a dead man.
09:27Permit me.
09:29The baron de Vivane?
09:35The gendarmes from Beaumont met with a slight delay.
09:38A few friends consented to take their place.
09:41You know, I've only to raise my voice.
09:44To be shot and stuck.
09:47A most difficult combination to survive.
09:49You've still got to get out of here.
09:51Yes, I know.
09:53And to take you with me.
09:55The situation has interesting possibilities.
10:00The gun, monsieur.
10:10You're a remarkable fellow.
10:12But this time you've outwitted yourself.
10:14We shall soon see, monsieur.
10:16Oh, I was much too heavy with the gunpowder in it.
10:44At ease, captain.
10:46The governor is honoring me by taking me to jail himself.
10:49Yes, there's been enough bungling.
10:52You and Roche wait for me in the library.
10:54We'll fill out the report to Napoleon.
10:56Yes, governor, as you wish.
10:58You do not seem quite as undaunted as you were a few moments ago, monsieur.
11:01A man cannot feel too confident with a gun behind his ribs, captain.
11:14Keep an eye on our guest.
11:16I'll only be a moment.
11:44Good morning, Conrad.
11:46Good morning.
11:56He's back.
11:57Who's back?
11:58That young dandy. He's in the shop.
12:05So in spite of all his boasting, he never left Paris.
12:08I'd better tell the baron.
12:14Perhaps madame will like this one.
12:16Oh, no, that's far too old.
12:19A young lady should have a young body.
12:21Now let me see.
12:26Try this on, madame.
12:35I saw Josephine wearing one exactly like it.
12:39Permit me.
12:40Worn at an angle, so.
12:45It should cause quite a stir.
12:47Especially worn by you, madame.
12:49How sweet.
12:50Mademoiselle, I shall take it.
12:52Pardon me.
12:54May I see you for a moment?
12:56Would you excuse me, mademoiselle?
13:01Wasn't he just darling and so handsome?
13:03Oh, yes.
13:05Iraine, take care of this for madame.
13:11Ah, good morning, Baron.
13:12Monsieur, when one accepts a commission as important as the one we gave you,
13:16one either succeeds or dies.
13:18So I assume.
13:20And naturally, I prefer to succeed.
13:22You kidnapped Orsonelli?
13:24That's right, Orsonelli, a tall, hairy fellow.
13:27He wasn't guarded?
13:28Good heavens, my dear madame.
13:30Mademoiselle, he had Napoleon's entire army with him.
13:32It was all I could do to get into the place.
13:34And yet you got him out?
13:36I promise, mademoiselle.
13:38My congratulations, monsieur.
13:40A little mask himself could not have done better.
13:42I only hope for other opportunities to serve you.
13:44Rest assured, we shall call upon you very soon.
13:46What have you done with the prisoner?
13:48Well, that was a problem.
13:50I dragged him from farm to farm like a trussed-up calf.
13:53But I couldn't find the one you mentioned, so I brought him here.
13:55You did what?
13:56What else could I do? I had to take him someplace.
13:58Where is he now?
13:59Outside in my carriage.
14:00If he escapes, we're done for.
14:01Oh, but he's quite secure.
14:02Good strong rope and that sort of thing.
14:03You must get him away from here at once.
14:05My dear Marquis, I just can't cart him around France indefinitely.
14:09Get him out of Paris, hide him, bring him back after dark.
14:13As you wish.
14:14But he's such a dull conversationalist.
14:18Especially with a gag in his mouth.
14:30Be careful, I beg you.
14:34You're worried about me.
14:35You're in more danger than you realize.
14:38And not alone from our enemies.
14:39I don't understand.
14:41If they give you another mission, you mustn't take it.
14:44Why not?
14:46Don't ask me.
14:48Just do as I say.
14:54I'm not accustomed to such concern.
14:59Please go away now and forget all about us.
15:02You're afraid they'll send me into another trap.
