The Purple Mask (1955) Part One 15 mnts.Tony Curtis, Colleen Miller, Gene Barry.

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00:29Captain Laverne!
00:36Yes, Monsieur Rochette?
00:37The forest ahead is a likely place for the Purple Mask to attempt to rescue our prisoner.
00:41You still think he'll try?
00:42But of course.
00:43Did I not spread enough rumors we are moving the counter show back along this road in a hay wagon?
00:48See that our prisoner is secure.
01:00He is just as we left him. Our bait dangles in plain sight.
01:04Follow at a safe distance and keep your men alerted.
01:06Yes, Monsieur.
02:23Quickly on the gallop!
02:36I just saw him up ahead.
02:38Follow him!
03:33You will get down, please.
03:37I hope you'll not try anything foolish.
03:39It is you who are being foolish, Monsieur.
03:57Are you strong enough to ride?
04:17You'll find food and money.
04:19Stay on the back road until you reach the coast.
04:28Now, quickly.
04:29For a gold piece, any fisherman will get you across the channel to England.
04:32God bless you, Monsieur, whoever you are.
04:34If ever I can show my gratitude.
04:37Someday soon counter show back, when this reign of terror is over
04:40and the Frenchman is again safe on the soil of France.
05:04Sleep well, Monsieur Rocher, Minister of Police.
05:06We have a long ride ahead.
05:10I swear to you, Consul, it was as though the earth had swallowed them.
05:13Wagon, prison and Rocher.
05:15Must I become the laughing stock of the Republic
05:17and send an entire regiment to escort one royalist?
05:19Merely because of this purple mask?
05:21But we have no proof it was the purple mask, sir.
05:25This was found by one of the sentries.
05:27It is addressed to Napoleon Bonaparte, 1st Consul of France.
05:31I think we have the proof, Captain.
05:33Where was this found?
05:34There was an unoccupied hay wagon.
05:36The letter was attached to the horse's tail.
05:40The horse's tail.
05:45Except for a slight loss of dignity, the Minister of Police is safe in my hands.
05:49He can regain both his dignity and his release in the usual manner.
05:5210,000 gold Louis to be placed to my account in England.
05:56Surely the 1st Consul does not intend to pay this outrageous demand.
05:59I have no choice.
06:01All his faults, Rocher, is too valuable a man to lose.
06:04I am completely surrounded by incompetence.
06:06You forced me to do something I did not wish.
06:08I shall go to the south of France and get Brisquet out of retirement.
06:31Stop this at once.
06:33In the name of the 1st Consul, I order you to stop.
06:35You know dueling is forbidden?
06:36Careful, you'll get hurt.
06:44This humble village is honored, 1st Consul.
06:46You were practically banished from Paris, Brisquet, because of your continual dueling.
06:49And I see you've not learned your lesson.
06:51One should obey a needy to the 1st Consul, but sometimes it's difficult.
06:55Monsieur Bonaparte.
06:56I'm willing to overlook your infraction of the law, since I have need of your services in Paris.
07:00The 1st Consul knows I've retired from public affairs.
07:02You're the only man who can track down the Purple Mask.
07:05I thought he was dead.
07:06The Royalists are continually spreading rumors of his death.
07:09I assure you he's very much alive.
07:10So, we've heard many reports of the Purple Mask, even here in the south.
07:16It might be amusing.
07:17Then I may count on you.
07:18I'll be in Paris as soon as possible.
07:30THE END
08:00THE END
08:11Monsieur Magular, I must have a word with your niece.
08:13It is very important.
08:14You know my rules, Captain.
08:16However, for you, I break them.
08:18But only for a moment.
08:19Lorette has another change.
08:20Merci, Monsieur.
08:25Excuse me.
08:30I must have a word with you.
08:32I shouldn't speak to you after what happened the other night.
08:34I ask your forgiveness. It was unavoidable.
08:36I waited for you until after ten.
08:38There was an unforeseen complication.
08:40It wasn't that horrible Purple Mask again.
08:43He kidnapped Rocher.
08:44The Minister of Police? How terrible.
08:46Almost at the gates of Paris.
08:48But how could he, when you told me Rocher's plan? It sounded so brilliant.
08:51Oh, I've never seen the 1st Consul so angry.
08:53But we shall see whether his own plan to capture the Purple Mask will be any more successful.
08:59Oh, poor dear.
09:02You've had so much trouble and I've acted so rudely.
09:05You, uh, you forgive me for the other night?
09:08Not unless you take me out to dinner tonight to make up for it.
09:14I didn't dare hope.
09:15I'm late.
09:17Tonight, Charles, you shall tell me all about everything.
09:29You made an appointment for tonight, Irene?
09:32Good. I want you to keep my dinner engagement with Colonel Brissett.
09:35Tell him I took sick.
09:37That dull old fool.
09:38That dull old fool is close to Napoleon.
09:40He knows much that can be of help to us.
09:42I will learn what I can.
09:46Constance, when you go dancing tonight with Lieutenant Armand, be discreet.
09:50He is very shrewd and if he suspects you are trying to pry information...
09:54I understand.
09:55You'll have to hurry, girl.
10:10Charles, you still haven't told me how Napoleon hopes to bring it about.
10:16He is bringing Brisquet out of retirement.
10:22Brisquet will have one of our most important prisoners publicly executed.
10:26The prisoners of thick men will mingle in the crowd.
10:28How very clever.
10:31If the prisoner is important enough, the Purple Mask will surely try to rescue him.
10:36And that is why Napoleon has chosen a prisoner who is most important to the Royalists.
10:41I know so little of politics.
10:44How can he be important if he is already a prisoner?
10:47He is a figurehead who might one day become a rallying point for them.
10:51How exciting.
10:52Who is he?
10:54I'm not permitted to say.
10:55Oh, really, Charles?
10:57I can tell you this, my curious kitten.
10:59His death will cause quite a furor.
11:01He was one of the few aristocrats who was loved by the people...
11:04and that is why, instead of the guillotine, he was imprisoned at Rouen.
11:12What's wrong?
11:13It all sounds so exciting.
11:16Tell me more.
11:17Tell me more.
11:23A wonderful evening, Laudette.
11:24When may I hope for another?
11:25As soon as you return from your trip to Abru.
11:27Good night, Charles.
11:29Good night.
11:38La Cadelle.
11:48La Cadelle.
12:02Monsieur Cadenel.
12:12Oh, come now, gentlemen.
12:13You're not paying attention to the dance.
12:15I shall show it to you again.
12:18and so...
12:19and la-di-da-di-da-di-do.
12:24you see...
12:25and la-di-da-di-da-di-di.
12:33Encore! Encore!
12:35That was a jewel, René.
12:37They say it's the rage of the Spanish court.
12:39Give us another demonstration.
12:41It's so fatiguing, but if you insist.
12:44One should really have a young lady in his arms.
12:47What's wrong with Amy?
12:48How clever of you, Edouard.
13:14Up! Up!
13:19Then I leave my pauses for a moment.
13:21I've added a few variations of my own.
13:31I ask for a young lady in my arms and I find one.
13:34If you please, monsieur.
13:35A thousand apologies.
13:37There was no harm done, monsieur.
13:40It was an accident.
13:42I said no harm done.
13:44I was demonstrating the lady's dance step.
13:46Would you do me the honor?
13:47I did not come here for dancing, monsieur.
13:49Surely mademoiselle is not interested in fencing.
13:52I mean, I came to arrange for lessons.
13:55Then what better opportunity to begin?
14:12You've danced this before?
14:15You dance like an angel.
14:31What is the meaning of this interruption?
14:33Back to your fencing, gentlemen.
14:40You too, René.
14:41But monsieur Cardinal, you know how I detest fencing.
14:43Come, come now.
14:45Perhaps one day we can finish our dance.
14:51What can I do for you, mademoiselle?
14:53I wish to arrange for dancing lessons.
14:55At this hour of the evening?
14:57I work in the daytime.
14:58I see.
