Thần Cơ Diệu Toán Lưu Bá Ôn Phần 8 Đại Náo Nữ Nhi Quốc Tập 24

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Phim Đài Loan
00:00Everyone has told me everything, according to the rules, I have to think that you are treacherous, but you saved me and lost a lot of effort because of the peace of the two countries, I will not punish you for the time being, but if you dare to do bad things, I will immediately punish you.
00:23Don't worry, I only know how to deal with ghosts, everyone is not bad at all.
00:30Princess, don't worry, everyone treats the princess and everyone in the country with no bad intentions.
00:37That's the best.
00:39You are a trickster.
00:42I don't dare.
00:44I'm looking at your real spirit.
00:47Now let's go to the palace to save the princess.
00:52If you want to go to the palace, you can go, I won't go.
00:56You don't want me to go to the palace to save the princess?
00:59The story of saving the princess, you can go, I'm just in a hurry, when everyone has a result, just let me know.
01:08Thank you master.
01:10Prince, don't advise him.
01:12Every time he mentions going to the palace, he avoids it.
01:15Actually, I asked him the reason, but he didn't say it.
01:18I think we should face him.
01:19Right, right, right.
01:21Lu Qi is the most understanding person.
01:24With Lu Qi, I am at ease.
01:27Let's go, hurry up.
01:29I'm tired, I have to go.
01:31I'm a human after all!
01:48Lu Quoc Su, don't disappoint me.
01:51Let's get started!
01:57This is the Command!
01:59This is the Earth!
02:01This is the Space!
02:03This is the Phantasmagoria!
02:05I summon you!
02:07And now...
02:19Dr. Lu, how is my son doing?
02:22Princess, our Lady has escaped the danger.
02:25Then why hasn't he woken up?
02:27Because she's been poisoned.
02:29But according to TaiHa,
02:31he could wake up after a few days.
02:34Is that true?
02:36To be honest, in front of the princess, she was so quiet that she didn't dare to say anything.
02:41Okay, I'll believe you for now.
02:44If Bao Hoang still doesn't wake up by then, I'll blame you.
02:48Princess, please rest assured.
02:51Because you have not yet witnessed the power of the military.
02:54The military is known in the world for its understanding of geography,
02:57Feng Shui, martial arts, and military tactics.
03:00Everyone knows that.
03:02I am the military secretary of the Ministry of Finance.
03:05As long as the military secretary is a lady, there is absolutely no problem.
03:09You don't need to explain.
03:11If I don't trust you, you will die a long time ago.
03:15The princess believes in Tai Ha.
03:18Military secretary, now the lady has escaped danger.
03:21What should we do next?
03:23Now what we have to do is to go to the princess's room to get an item.
03:28What is it?
03:30As you know, we have to solve the problem of the princess being poisoned.
03:35That's right. We have to find that item first.
03:37Then we can find the person who poisoned the princess.
03:39Okay, let's go.
03:41Princess, wait a minute.
03:42Tai Ha has something to tell you.
03:45It is related to the love of the lady.
03:48Military secretary Nguyet Duong.
03:55What's wrong with the princess?
03:57I have cured the lady.
03:59I have something to tell you.
04:01Yes, please go ahead.
04:03Military secretary Nguyet Phuong.
04:04Today, you have to take care of the lady.
04:07Don't let anyone bother the lady.
04:09I know.
04:11Princess, let's go.
04:51Who is calling?
04:52Who is calling me?
04:54It's me.
04:58Who are you?
05:00Don't you know who I am?
05:02Oh my god, why is there a mosquito?
05:08Oh, you want to drink water, right?
05:09Let me get you some water.
05:11Are you a guest?
05:12No need.
05:13Oh, then I'll drink it myself.
05:18Drink too fast.
05:19I'm asking you.
05:20What are you doing here?
05:21I'm just watching the house.
05:23Oh my god, hero, hero.
05:25I'm not a heroine.
05:26You don't have to be so enthusiastic.
05:28My ears hurt so much.
05:29Oh my god, it hurts so much.
05:31Oh my god, it hurts so much.
05:32Oh my god.
05:33Shut up.
05:34Don't you know martial arts?
05:35I don't know martial arts.
05:37If I know martial arts, why do I have to sit here and watch the house?
05:42It hurts so much.
05:43I'm asking you.
05:44Where is the princess?
05:45How do I know?
05:46She didn't tell me.
05:48Don't pretend to be me.
05:49Where is the princess?
05:51I'm not kidding you.
05:53I really don't know.
05:54I don't dare to lie to you.
05:56Let go of my hand.
05:58My hand is going to be broken.
06:00My hand is going to be broken.
06:02It hurts so much.
06:04It hurts so much.
06:07Actually, where did the princess go?
06:10Maybe she went to the palace.
06:12Don't you know?
06:14Of course I don't know.
06:16I'm just guessing.
06:18You're so fat.
06:24I don't know.
06:31This palace is so high,
06:33and it's not filled with ghosts.
06:36Maybe she is the Great Te Tu that Lu Wu Su said.
06:43But her breath is full of evil spirit.
06:46It must be a bad thing to look for Lu Wu Su and the princess.
06:51Phan To, you have to help Quoc Suong and the others, don't let them be the result of this woman.
07:01Ayi Da Phuoc
07:08Your Highness, I'm sorry for being rude.
07:11Can I have the princess's room?
07:14Your Highness, don't worry.
07:17Quoc Suong is working for you.
07:19If you trust Tai Ha, you have to trust Quoc Suong.
07:23Okay, I trust you.
07:26If you say so...
07:28Lu Ba Ong, just watch.
07:31Yes, Your Highness.
07:44Tai Ha
07:59Can you hear me?
08:02Is there a problem in this inn?
08:05Yes, there is a big problem in this inn.
08:08Quoc Suong, do you want to murder the princess?
08:12Your Highness, you are right.
08:14There is a ghost in this inn.
08:16Although the poison is gone, the poison and the ghost are still here.
08:22Quoc Suong, according to what you said, the poison is gone.
08:26How can someone find out so quickly that there is a problem in the inn?
08:30Can you feel it?
08:31I don't need to feel it.
08:33I just need to think carefully and I can understand.
08:35The princess was poisoned before.
08:38The best way to use this poison is to put it in the inn.
08:43I have checked the inn.
08:45The more I check, the more I know.
08:48Poison in the inn?
08:50This is impossible.
08:52There is a box of incense in the inn.
08:55Your Highness, please trust me.
08:57I have studied about the inn.
08:59There is not only a box of incense in the inn.
09:02Quoc Suong, do you know where the poison and the ghost are?
09:06Let me check again.
09:18The sky is getting darker.
09:20The sun is setting.
09:22The ghost is coming.
09:30Why is there a black smoke?
09:37The ghost is coming.
09:50Your Highness, if there is no ghost in this inn,
09:53there will be no black smoke.
09:55Don't worry.
09:56I have removed all the ghost and poison.
10:00Quoc Suong, why do I feel that this ghost is familiar?
10:05I think I have felt it before.
10:08Your Highness, if I am not mistaken,
10:11this ghost is the same as the ghost of the fourth prince.
10:15The fourth prince?
10:17Are you sure?
10:19Your Highness, I am absolutely sure.
10:22No wonder.
10:24No wonder I have felt this ghost before.
10:27I have felt it.
10:29So the fourth prince is playing a trick on me.
10:34According to this situation,
10:36everything that the ghost has told me is true.
10:38That's why I and the ghost are unconscious.
10:40The ghost has no reason to commit suicide in the palace.
10:51Although Dang Phong didn't go to Quynh Duy's place,
10:54I have to go there.
10:57But if I think about it,
10:59it's not a bad thing.
11:02It's also because I was too anxious
11:06to know if Dang Phong's hand was bitten by someone.
11:10But I forgot Dang Phong.
11:12The road is a palace.
11:14How can I be so careless to check her hand?
11:19Chau Linh, Chau Linh.
11:21You need to calm down.
11:25In short, Dang Phong didn't go to Quynh Duy's place.
11:29The time in the palace is still very long.
11:32We need to be patient and wait for the right time.
11:35We will find out the truth gradually.
11:39One way to avoid Dang Phong's suspicion,
11:42is to find out the truth.
11:54the person behind Dang Phong
11:56has given the idea to A.
11:58Who is he really?
12:00And he has tried 5 times
12:02to ruin my plan.
12:05In the palace,
12:06he even has a spell with me
12:09to protect the people far away.
12:13My spell
12:15has no effect on Dang Phong.
12:18Now, A is still healthy
12:20and has no sign of being poisoned.
12:24However, my spell
12:26has no effect on A.
12:29What is the real reason?
12:33this is related to the rumor
12:35that I followed Dang Phong far away.
12:38I remember the last time I met him,
12:41I could feel in him
12:43a divine aura
12:45unlike that of a mortal.
12:47In other words,
12:48he has been with Dang Phong all day.
12:50It is not difficult to protect A.
12:56Is it true that Duy is playing a trick?
12:58If it is true,
13:00why does he have so many soldiers?
13:05Episode 2
13:12Oh, Princess.
13:13Why are you here?
13:15I am here to find the princess.
13:17But I have been here all day.
13:20Why can't I see the princess?
13:22The princess and Duy
13:24went to Ban Son with me.
13:26Oh, they went to Ban Son?
13:29But isn't Ban Son
13:31the place where the queen raises her son?
13:35Those slaves
13:37have liver to go there?
13:39These two South Korean slaves
13:41are different from the slaves in our country.
13:43They are very brave.
13:45Very brave?
13:47What do you mean?
13:49This time,
13:50the princess went to Ban Son
13:52to get the heart of Bon Dang
13:53to make medicine.
13:58I told Dang Phong about this.
14:00How can I not know?
14:02This stupid girl
14:03never talks about the point.
14:10I know
14:12Bon Dang's personality
14:14has not been stable for a long time.
14:16Normal people
14:18can't see Bon Dang running away.
14:20How can he be so brave?
14:22He dared to fight with Bon Dang.
14:24He even killed him.
14:26His heart was broken.
14:28This is his personality.
14:31although he is like a wooden person,
14:33he rarely talks.
14:34But he is very brave.
14:36This heart of Bon Dang
14:38was broken by him.
14:40It was horrible.
14:42He was even scared.
14:43But he
14:44was not scared at all.
14:47his personality
14:48is my good luck charm.
14:50Maybe his inner energy
14:52can control my inner energy
14:54and dare to fight with Bon Dang.
14:57this slave
14:58is braver than human.
15:00It's true that human
15:01can't see outside.
15:02I think
15:03the person behind Dang Phong
15:05is very strange.
15:09Your Majesty,
15:10what's wrong
15:12with the princess?
15:17I know
15:19we have been
15:20in a coma for a long time.
15:22I have to take care of the princesses
15:24to take care of their condition.
15:33You are good at flirting.
15:36Your Majesty,
15:37the poison in this cell
15:38has been completely detoxified.
15:39You can rest assured.
15:42Your Majesty,
15:43are you sure
15:44there is nothing else
15:45in this room
15:46that can harm the princesses?
15:48Your Majesty,
15:49the prince
15:50really cares about Princess Dang Phong,
15:51doesn't he?
15:54Your Majesty,
15:55please rest assured.
15:56I have checked this room.
15:57There is no problem.
15:59The problem is...
16:00What is the problem?
16:05The problem is...
16:07The princess
16:08has been in a coma for a long time.
16:10From the time of Tai Ha
16:11to the time of Nu Nhi Quoc,
16:12Tai Ha has lost her sight
16:13and lost her power.
16:14She has been in a coma
16:15for a long time.
16:16Her condition
16:17is very similar
16:18to that of Dai Minh Trieu.
16:20According to Tai Ha,
16:22it may be related
16:23to the coming of the goddess.
16:25With time,
16:26day by day,
16:27the gap between the gods
16:28and the goddesses
16:29is getting bigger and bigger.
16:31At that time,
16:32the consequences
16:33and dangers of humanity
16:34will only increase,
16:35not decrease.
16:37Now, Dai Minh Trieu
16:38and Nu Nhi Quoc,
16:40the situation of the two countries is tense.
16:41War can happen
16:42at any time.
16:44Tai Ha is worried
16:45that if anything happens,
16:47the peace of the two countries
16:48will have no hope.
16:50Your Majesty,
16:51I can use the identity of Nam Ngo
16:53to stay with the princess
16:54to protect you.
16:59Why not?
17:01Your real identity
17:02is the fourth prince Dai Minh.
17:04If you come to Nu Nhi Quoc
17:05as a guest,
17:06and what you do
17:07is helpful
17:08for the prosperity of Nu Nhi Quoc,
17:10how can I let you
17:11stay with me
17:12to protect me?
17:14Besides, the fourth prince Dai Minh,
17:15if anything happens
17:16in Nu Nhi Quoc,
17:17it will cause
17:18great damage
17:19to the two countries.
17:21I have to do my duty
17:22as the host
17:23to protect you.
17:25Because of the war,
17:30because of the safety
17:31of the fourth prince,
17:32I temporarily
17:33let him stay with me
17:34to protect you
17:35with the identity
17:36of Nam Ngo.
17:40Tai Ha is Dai Nam Nhi.
17:41I don't need the princess
17:42to protect me.
17:44You come again.
17:45Nam Nhi,
17:46Dai Minh,
17:47is really strange.
17:48Do you think
17:49you will not be hurt
17:50by anyone?
17:52The fourth prince,
17:53actually, the princess
17:54also has a reason.
17:55Capturing the princess
17:56is the goal of the traitor
17:57who saved her
17:58seven times.
18:01the traitor who wants to deal with
18:02may be you.
18:04The fourth prince
18:05wants to withdraw safely,
18:06you have to ask the princess
18:07to help you.
18:09You are right.
18:11The fourth prince
18:12and Princess Dan Phong
18:13are both loyal women.
18:15Both of them
18:16are in the same field
18:17and protect each other.
18:18They can deal with
18:20I know.
18:22Don't worry.
18:23The fourth prince
18:24just give it to me.
18:27Then I will bother the princess.
18:29I beg you.
18:31why don't you
18:32go for a walk?
18:33Go for a walk?
18:41Your Highness.
18:43in order to avoid
18:44being exposed
18:45by others,
18:46please call me
18:47and I will help you.
18:48If you need anything,
18:49just tell me.
18:50Don't let others doubt.
18:53that makes sense.
18:55I have been lying on the bed
18:56for several days.
18:57I feel uncomfortable.
18:59I want to take a rest.
19:01Please allow me to take a bath.
19:07I'm sorry.
19:08If I take a bath,
19:09I will lose
19:10the identity of the prince
19:11of the Ming Dynasty.
19:12So I won't force you.
19:18Men and women are different.
19:20Do you want me to learn how to take a bath?
19:22For this emperor,
19:23it's really difficult.
19:28Oh, no.
19:29Oh, no.
19:30Oh, no.
19:31It's not over yet.
19:33Fortunately, there is someone here.
19:34Fortunately, it's still in time.
19:35Fortunately, I found you first.
19:36Fortunately, your mother is still here.
19:38Captain Tona,
19:40what happened?
19:41Why are you so agitated?
19:42I'm not agitated.
19:43I'm not agitated.
19:44I'm not agitated.
19:45I'm not agitated.
19:46Why are you so agitated?
19:47Wait a minute.
19:48Wait a minute.
19:49Let me take a breath.
19:52It's been a long time
19:53since our country has been so hot.
19:56You're going to die.
19:58What do you mean?
20:00The crown prince ordered
20:01to arrest you.
20:04Did you reveal your identity?
20:07Why did you arrest me?
20:09I don't know.
20:10The crown prince ordered
20:11that if I meet you,
20:12I will kill you.
20:14Kill you?
20:16Oh yeah.
20:26Your Majesty,
20:27the princess is resting.
20:28She won't meet anyone.
20:31She's resting in the morning?
20:34I remember
20:35the princess' health
20:36is good these days.
20:38Why does she have to rest now?
20:41the princess just came back from Song.
20:43She's tired.
20:44Oh, what a coincidence. I still have to bother you, Ambassador.
20:48Report to me for an hour.
20:50Just tell me that the Grand Priest has something very important to say to the Princess.
20:54The Princess has said that we are not allowed to bother her.
20:57Are the Grand Priests allowed to bother the Princess?
21:01Of course there is something important.
21:03What do you mean by stopping me now?
21:05Hoa Binh, talk to me a little bit.
21:08Ambassador, Hoa Binh is very reasonable.
21:12I really have something very important to report to the Princess.
21:16If you can't be the master,
21:19you can take me in.
21:21After I get in, I'll do what I have to do.
21:23I'll take responsibility for everything.
21:27But what?
21:29The words of the Grand Priest,
21:31don't you dare to doubt?
21:33No, it's just that the Princess really can't...
21:36Ambassador Nguyen,
21:38what are you doing?
21:39It's just a waste of our time.
21:41Don't blame me for being rude.
21:43Ngoc Tan, get out of the way.
21:45Get out of the way.
21:47Get out of the way.
21:50Follow me inside.
22:01Grand Priest.
22:06Where's the armor?
22:09I don't know.
22:10I came to look for the armor,
22:12but when I got here, I didn't see anyone.
22:17Ngoc Tan.
22:19Bring people into the book.
22:21Remember, read the book carefully.
22:24I don't need the book anymore.
22:29Why don't you need the book?
22:31The princess has to go out to work.
22:34She can't come back in two days.
22:36Is that so?
22:38What are you two doing?
22:51Ambassador Nguyen,
22:53didn't you say the princess was resting?
22:57Then why isn't she lying on the bed?
23:01The princess is...
23:02The princess is taking a bath.
23:05The princess has just come back from Ban Son,
23:09so she doesn't have time to rest.
23:13you dare to bother the princess.
23:16You should be punished.
23:18Everyone has to be punished.
23:22are you the princess?
23:24What's going on here?
23:25It looks like you really want to be punished.
23:29Then go.
23:30Hurry up.
23:31Hurry up.
23:32Don't touch me.
23:33Get out of the way.
23:35what do you think we should do now?
23:40Ambassador Nguyen,
23:41bothering the princess to take a bath
23:44is a bit too much.
23:50She's taking a bath.
23:52What should we do now?
23:54Should we forgive her for that?
23:58Isn't that the right time
24:01I can go in and see
24:03if Dang Phong's arm is hidden or not.
24:10what do you want to do?
24:12I told you,
24:14I'm responsible for what I do.
24:17Everyone, get out of here.
24:28To Gan.
24:30A person who can be a single-minded demon
24:32who doesn't dare to come back to the East,
24:34must have the same blood as her.
24:36Is this really a rare chance?
24:39Is Dang Phong my daughter?
24:46I don't allow you to take one more step.
24:56I really can't see her teeth.
24:58I'm not wrong,
24:59but Dang Phong has nothing to do with me.
25:02I've been thinking too much.
25:05Who allowed you to come in?
25:07The princess is taking a bath.
25:09You came in and bothered her.
25:11Do you know what you've done?
25:13I know what I've done.
25:16I want to find my slave, Duc Giang.
25:19I had to do that.
25:21I bothered the princess to take a bath.
25:23Please forgive me.
25:25You're too much.
25:27Duc Giang is my slave.
25:29You can't catch him.
25:30Even if you want to catch him,
25:32you have to tell me.
25:34Don't you need my permission?
25:36Duc Giang,
25:37he stole the princess's birthday gift
25:40and her heart.
25:42It's reasonable for you to punish him.
25:46You're wrong.
25:48Duc Giang did that
25:50to save the emperor.
25:52And when he did that,
25:54I was there,
25:55I had my permission.
25:56Why do you want to punish him?
25:58Do you want to punish me too?
26:00Oh my god, princess.
26:02Don't say that.
26:04I'm a noble person.
26:06I don't dare to punish people.
26:08If the princess did that
26:12to save the empress,
26:14then it's okay.
26:17The problem is
26:19Duc Giang,
26:20despite his identity,
26:21did that.
26:23It's a taboo for the empress.
26:26I have to punish him.
26:29You broke the emperor's taboo.
26:32Do you have the right to punish him?
26:35The emperor is still unconscious.
26:37He hasn't spoken yet.
26:39You have no right to decide.
26:41Don't you feel that
26:43you're going too far
26:45as a princess?
26:51I've been with you for so many years.
26:55No one can understand you better than me.
26:59I've always been
27:01sincere with you
27:03about my policies and ideas.
27:07I caught Duc Giang
27:09and punished him.
27:11I'm sure you won't object.
27:13I just did it first.
27:16But does it need to wait for me to wake up
27:20to punish him?
27:22Chau Linh also believes
27:24that after the princess wakes up
27:26and knows about this,
27:27she won't forgive Duc Giang.
27:32Chau Linh,
27:33I've been looking at you for a long time.
27:35I hope I can look at you again.
27:37I hope you won't look at me again.
27:40I'll look at you for a while
27:42and secretly investigate your bad deeds.
27:44Please tell me until when.
27:51It turns out
27:53that Duc Giang is not here.
27:58Duc Giang has a master
28:00to protect him.
28:01He's really lucky.
28:04I believe
28:05that he can live for two more days.
28:09Hung Lam is just like that.
28:31Duc Giang, are you okay?
28:33I'm sorry.
28:34I was in a hurry.
28:35I didn't tell you
28:36that I pushed you into the water.
28:37You must be very uncomfortable.
28:39I'm okay.
28:42I'm not uncomfortable.
28:45Are you really okay?
28:47I'm okay.
28:48Please rest assured.
28:51Princess, please rest assured.
29:11Princess, please rest assured.
29:13What are you doing?
29:15Why are you wearing a bandage?
29:18I don't know why I feel like I'm seeing a ghost after taking a shower.
29:24You two have had enough. Don't bother him anymore.
29:27You have to accept it, princess.
29:29This is the first time I've seen such an interesting and shy boy.
29:35That's right. I don't know what you're shy about.
29:39I'm not shy.
29:43I just feel strange.
29:45In the human kingdom, is it normal for a man and a woman to take a shower together?
29:52It's nothing strange.
29:54It's normal for a man and a woman to do so.
29:57Why do you care? You're the daughter-in-law of the princess.
30:00It's nothing strange.
30:02You're just too shy.

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