The Promise Of The Gospel Of Jesus Christ | Pastor Robby Dickerson

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Pastor Robby Dickerson preaches from the King James Version of the Bible.

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00:00The Bible says in Mark chapter number 1 and verse number 1,
00:05The beginning of the gospel of Jesus Christ, the Son of God.
00:13The beginning of the gospel of Jesus Christ, the Son of God.
00:21This morning for the next few minutes as I've prayed over this message,
00:25and I've really asked the Lord what to preach for today,
00:28I believe it's God's will this morning for me to preach a message on the subject,
00:33the gospel of Jesus Christ.
00:37The gospel of Jesus Christ.
00:40Let's have a word of prayer and we'll get into our message.
00:43Father, we're so thankful again just for the great privilege it is
00:47to be able to come to the house of God and to worship you.
00:50Thank you, Lord, for all those precious children that have come this morning.
00:53We pray, God, right now that you'd bless the teachers.
00:56Lord, we pray that you'd soften the hearts of the children.
00:59Help them to understand the message, Lord, that they're going to receive this morning.
01:02Thank you, Lord, already for the singing, for the good Sunday school hour.
01:06We thank you, Lord, for our visitors today.
01:08We pray, Lord, that you'd bless them.
01:10We thank you so much for your goodness and your grace.
01:13We ask you now that you'd bless our service only the way that you can bless it.
01:16We pray, Lord, that the Holy Spirit would have free reign in our hearts this morning.
01:20We pray that you'd open our eyes.
01:22We pray you'd open our hearts.
01:23We pray, Lord, this morning you'd give us ears to hear.
01:25We ask you humbly that you'd bless the message, that you'd bless the preaching.
01:29We pray, Lord, that we'd hear from heaven
01:31and that above all things Jesus Christ would be lifted up and glorified.
01:36Thank you so much for being so good to us.
01:39We pray now that you'd bless our service.
01:41In Jesus' name, amen.
01:45The gospel of Jesus Christ.
01:50You know, several years ago, me and my wife,
01:53when we first started in ministry, Brother Theron,
01:55we had a nursing home ministry.
01:57And out of all the ministry that I've done,
02:00I promise you the nursing home ministry was probably my most enjoyable ministry.
02:05As me and my wife had that nursing home ministry,
02:07we went every Wednesday faithfully
02:09and we would get those elderly people together in the little auditorium
02:14and, you know, we would preach the gospel to them.
02:16And I'll tell you what, we had some great services.
02:18I've never had a ministry that was as wonderful as that nursing home ministry was.
02:32But I remember, Brother Ed, as we used to go to that nursing home,
02:36we went every Wednesday.
02:37I remember there was a particular lady there who I always think about.
02:41And every time we went to that nursing home ministry,
02:44she requested that we sing the song, The Old Rugged Cross.
02:48And I promise you, we had that ministry for a couple of years
02:51and every Wednesday we went, the first thing she would do, she'd say,
02:54preacher, she'd say, are you going to sing my song?
02:56Preacher, are you going to sing my song?
02:58And we literally sung The Old Rugged Cross every service that we had
03:02in that nursing home for about two years.
03:06But one day I decided to ask that lady, and I said,
03:09ma'am, I said, I really want to ask you a question.
03:12I said, out of all the songs in the hymn book,
03:16I said, why do you always want us to sing The Old Rugged Cross?
03:21And this is what that old precious saint of God said to me.
03:24She said, well, preacher, she said, every time I look at the words of that song,
03:28she said, I think about what Jesus did for me on the cross of Calvary
03:32and I realize that God loves me.
03:34And I'll tell you what, that was one of the greatest answers that I've ever heard
03:37from somebody when we were talking about the gospel of Jesus Christ.
03:42That song, The Old Rugged Cross, has been touched by literally millions of people,
03:47just like many other songs.
03:49And I just want to read some of the verses before we really get into the message.
03:53But that song says this.
03:55It says, on a hill far away stood an old rugged cross,
03:58the emblem of suffering and shame.
04:01And I love that old cross where the dearest and best
04:05for a world of lost sinners was slain.
04:08The song later reads the words,
04:10in that old rugged cross stained with blood so divine,
04:13such a wondrous beauty I see.
04:16For t'was on that old cross Jesus suffered and died
04:20to pardon and sanctify me.
04:23And then the chorus reads this.
04:25So I'll cherish the old rugged cross
04:29till my trophies at last I lay down.
04:32I will cling to the old rugged cross
04:35and exchange it someday for a crown.
04:38What a tremendous song that a lot of times we have the privilege
04:42of being able to sing.
04:45Now concerning the gospel of Jesus Christ,
04:48the question this morning is, what is the gospel?
04:52A lot of times a preacher might get up and he might mention the word gospel
04:56and really nobody has any idea what he's talking about.
04:59The gospel of Jesus Christ.
05:01What is the gospel?
05:03Well, the gospel this morning is a word
05:06that describes the death, the burial,
05:09and the resurrection of Jesus Christ.
05:13And there's no doubt in my mind that all three elements were necessary
05:16in order for any man, woman, boy, or girl to ever be saved.
05:20Jesus had to be born of a virgin.
05:23He had to die on the cruel cross of Calvary.
05:26But at the same time, He had to be resurrected from the dead.
05:30I'll never forget me and my wife were in the Philippines.
05:33I preached several meetings over there in the Philippines years ago.
05:36And the most disturbing thing that I ever saw was we went into a church
05:40and there were all sorts of people there that were kneeled in front
05:43as they were praying to Mary.
05:45And as I looked behind Mary, I noticed that there was a coffin on the stage
05:49and Jesus Christ was in the coffin dead and buried.
05:53I want you to understand if Jesus were to stay in the coffin,
05:56salvation would have stayed with Him.
05:59But I thank God this morning that Jesus didn't stay in the coffin.
06:03Glory to God, He rose from the dead and today He sits at the right hand of God
06:07ever living to make intercession for us.
06:11What is the gospel?
06:13The gospel is the greatest story that was ever told.
06:16It's the story about the birth, the death, and the resurrection
06:20of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.
06:24I want you to understand this morning the gospel story today
06:27is known by millions of people throughout this world.
06:31But yet at the same time, in comparison to millions of people,
06:35sadly the gospel story is only understood by a few.
06:40There's a lot of people that know all the facts about Jesus living and dying
06:44and then being raised from the dead.
06:47But there's a lot of people that even though they know all the facts about it,
06:50they really have no idea why He did it, why it was necessary,
06:55why we needed the gospel in our lives.
06:59Millions of people today know about the gospel,
07:01but very few understand what it really is.
07:05The gospel this morning is for children.
07:09I want you to understand this morning my children need the gospel.
07:13Your children this morning need the gospel.
07:16Your grandchildren this morning need the gospel.
07:20But as the gospel this morning is for children,
07:24I want you to understand it's also for adults.
07:27Not only this morning do my children need to know the gospel story.
07:31Not only this morning do my children need to accept the gospel story
07:34into their hearts by faith.
07:36But listen to me, I need the gospel this morning.
07:38You need the gospel this morning.
07:40For the gospel of Jesus Christ is the only hope to mankind.
07:46You say, what is the hope of our country?
07:49The hope of our country rests in the gospel.
07:52What is the hope of the entire world this morning?
07:55The hope of the entire world this morning rests in the gospel.
08:00You know, several years ago I remember watching a movie,
08:02and I've watched several religious movies,
08:04and several years ago I remember watching a movie,
08:07and in that movie there was a lady that had passed away,
08:10and she stood before God.
08:12And in that movie, I'll never forget,
08:14and I know it was a fictitious movie,
08:16but I really want you to understand this,
08:17because this is how so many people in the world think today.
08:20In this movie as this lady was standing before God,
08:23this is the statement she made.
08:25She said, you know, she said,
08:26I thought that heaven and salvation was just a children's story taught in Sunday school.
08:34You know what, the truth of the matter is,
08:36that statement right there is thought of by perhaps hundreds upon hundreds of different adults in this world today.
08:42But that statement right there is exactly false.
08:45Listen, the gospel story this morning is not a story just for children in Sunday school.
08:49The gospel story today is a story about Jesus Christ that can change the entire world.
08:57Now here's the thought in that movie.
08:59As I watched that movie,
09:01what ended up happening is that lady eventually got a second chance to go back,
09:06and fix the decisions that she made in her life.
09:10But in reality, there is no second chance.
09:14In other words, when God by His grace gives us an invitation into His gospel,
09:19the gospel of His precious Son,
09:21listen, if you and I choose to reject that gospel,
09:25and then we die in our sins,
09:27there will be no second chance.
09:31But the good news this morning is,
09:33that the Bible does say in 2 Peter 3 and verse number 9,
09:36that God is long-suffering to us.
09:39In other words, you say,
09:40Brother, what does it mean when you say God is long-suffering?
09:43In other words, God will give an invitation.
09:45He'll give an invitation to the gospel.
09:47As long as there is hope,
09:48He'll invite men and women to be saved by the grace of God.
09:53But then there comes a time when there is no hope,
09:56when they leave this world because they've rejected that gospel,
10:00and then they die in their sins and go to a horrible place called hell.
10:04The Bible says God is long-suffering,
10:06not willing that any should perish,
10:08but that all should come to repentance.
10:11This morning as you look at your life,
10:13if you have never come to a place where you've given your heart and life to Jesus Christ,
10:18I urge you this morning that you would make that decision.
10:22I promise you it would be the best decision that you could ever make.
10:26The gospel this morning of Jesus Christ.
10:29Let me give you five things this morning concerning the gospel that the gospel teaches or says to us.
10:36Five things this morning that the gospel of Jesus Christ says to us.
10:40Number one, the gospel of Jesus Christ tells us this morning about the love of God.
10:48The gospel of Jesus Christ this morning tells us about the love of God.
10:54In John chapter number 3 verse number 16,
10:56most of you in here could probably quote that verse with your eyes closed.
10:59The Bible says,
11:00For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son,
11:04that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life.
11:10The gospel of Jesus Christ this morning tells us about the love of God.
11:16Notice how John 3.16 starts out.
11:18The Bible says,
11:19For God so loved the world,
11:21look at this,
11:22that He gave.
11:24The greatest gift that was ever given to man by God
11:28was the crucifixion of His Son on the cross of Calvary.
11:34In 1 John 4 verse number 10,
11:36the Bible says,
11:37Herein is love,
11:38look at this,
11:39not that we loved God,
11:40but that He loved us and sent His Son to be the propitiation for our sins.
11:46In 1 John 3 verse number 1,
11:48the Bible says this,
11:49Behold what manner of love the Father hath bestowed upon us,
11:53that we should be called the Son of God.
11:57John 15.13, one of my favorite verses in the Word of God,
12:01Greater love has no man than this,
12:03that a man lay down his life for his friends.
12:06The first thing the gospel of Jesus Christ teaches us this morning
12:10is it teaches us about the love of God.
12:13And what I want you to understand this morning,
12:15I don't care where you've come from,
12:17I don't care what you've done in this life,
12:20God loves you and God wants you to be saved and have a home in heaven.
12:26The gospel of Jesus Christ this morning
12:29teaches us about the love of God.
12:34There are literally millions of people in this world today.
12:36I believe that the other day I read an estimate
12:39there was about 7 billion people worldwide in this world.
12:43Here's how much God loves you this morning.
12:45God loves you so much,
12:47that even though today there's 7 billion people in this world,
12:50if you were the only person that ever lived,
12:53God still would have put on flesh,
12:56went to a cruel cross, given his life,
12:58and died simply so you could be saved.
13:03That's how much God loves you today.
13:05You say, well, Brother Robbie,
13:06what about all those people that have rejected the gospel?
13:09What about all those people that have went to hell?
13:11It was never God's will for anyone to go to hell.
13:15You say, why preacher?
13:16Because of the love of God.
13:19But as the preachers preach all across our country,
13:21and as I'm preaching today,
13:23when God gives an invitation,
13:25the sad thing is that most men and women say,
13:27you know what,
13:28the gospel's good,
13:29but that's not what I want.
13:33Well, so in essence,
13:34they choose to reject the greatest gift that God could ever give them.
13:38The price has already been paid,
13:40and then they choose to die in their sins
13:42and go to an awful place called hell.
13:44You say, why preacher?
13:45Because they don't want the gospel of Jesus Christ.
13:48Listen, the gospel of Jesus Christ this morning is our only hope.
13:52You say, Brother Robbie,
13:53what does the gospel of Jesus Christ teach us this morning?
13:56It teaches us all about the love of God.
13:59I'll never forget,
14:00I was pastoring a few years ago,
14:02and I'll never forget a service that I had.
14:04As I was preaching on a Sunday night,
14:06a young man about 22 years old came up to me after the service
14:10with tears running down his face.
14:11He said, Preacher,
14:12there's something I need to talk to you about.
14:14I took the young man into my office,
14:16and we sat down,
14:17and we talked there for just a minute.
14:19He said, Preacher,
14:20you said that God loves everybody.
14:22He said, Preacher,
14:23you said that God will save anyone.
14:25He said, well, I don't think God loves me.
14:27He said, I don't think God will save me.
14:29And this young man about 22 years old,
14:31he started telling me all the terrible things that he did in his life.
14:34And I'll tell you what,
14:37this young man just unloaded on me,
14:39telling me all the horrible things in his life.
14:41And I'm not even going to begin to mention what he told me this morning.
14:44But as he began to tell me all the terrible things in his life,
14:47Brother Theron,
14:48my mind went back to before I had gotten saved.
14:51And I'll tell you what,
14:52I started thinking,
14:53boy, I was in the same condition before I got saved.
14:55Listen, I didn't believe God loved me.
14:57I believed I was too bad to ever go to heaven.
15:00And he told me,
15:01he said, Preacher, you don't know what I've done.
15:03I've done all these things.
15:04And I looked at that young man and I said,
15:06I want to tell you something.
15:07It's not about how bad you are or you were.
15:10It's about how good God is.
15:12And I told him the gospel of Jesus Christ.
15:14I said, look,
15:15I said, you might have done all these things,
15:17but if you'll simply ask for forgiveness and ask to be saved,
15:21I said, you've got the promise of God that you'll be saved.
15:24I watched that young man about 22 years old in my office
15:27with tears running down his face, bow his head,
15:29and say, Lord Jesus, please forgive me and save me.
15:32That young man got up and his life was changed.
15:35That right there is what the gospel of Jesus Christ can do.
15:41Number one, the gospel of Jesus Christ this morning
15:44tells us about the love of God.
15:49Number two, the gospel of Jesus Christ this morning
15:52not only tells us about the love of God,
15:55it tells us about the mercy of God.
15:59In Ephesians 2, verses 4-7,
16:02you can turn there and read with me if you'd like.
16:04Ephesians 2, verses 4-7, the Bible says,
16:08But God, who is rich in mercy for his great love wherewith he loved us,
16:13even when we were dead in sins,
16:15hath quickened us together with Christ,
16:17by grace ye are saved,
16:19and hath raised us up together
16:21and made us sit together in heavenly places in Christ Jesus,
16:25that in the ages to come he might show the exceeding riches of his grace
16:29in his kindness toward us through Christ Jesus.
16:33The gospel of Jesus Christ this morning
16:36tells us about the mercy of God.
16:39Notice how Paul starts right there in verse 4 of Ephesians 2.
16:43He says, But God, who is rich in mercy.
16:47You say, Preacher, how is God rich in mercy?
16:51God this morning is rich in mercy
16:54because he's offered us something that we don't deserve.
16:58I want you to understand what I'm saying.
17:00He's offered us something that we don't deserve.
17:03Every one of us in here this morning because of sin
17:06deserves to go to a place called hell.
17:09But even though we're sinners, even though we're vile in the sight of God,
17:12even though we deserve to go to hell,
17:15God this morning in his mercy offered us heaven.
17:19All of us here this morning deserve condemnation.
17:23But yet at the same time when we deserve to be condemned,
17:26when we deserve condemnation this morning,
17:29God in his mercy offered us salvation.
17:34God is rich in mercy because we don't have to get
17:38what we truly deserve.
17:43Now I want you to understand this morning,
17:45there is coming a judgment day
17:47in which the entire world will be judged because of sin.
17:52There's coming a day when all men and women will stand before God
17:56and there will be a judgment day according to sin.
18:00A lot of you today might think, well, what about those abortion doctors?
18:03It looks like they're getting away with it.
18:05Don't think for a second that those abortion doctors
18:08are getting away with what they're doing.
18:10You might say, well, Brother Robbie, what about the atheist today
18:13that shakes his fist in the sight of God
18:15and declares to an entire nation that there is no God?
18:18Listen, don't think for a minute that the atheist is going to get away
18:22with shaking his fist in the sight of a holy God.
18:27There is coming a judgment day.
18:30There is coming a day in which God will judge the world for sin.
18:35But I want you to think about this.
18:38As terrible as abortion is,
18:44if the abortion doctor would simply kneel at the cross,
18:48he could receive salvation.
18:50He could receive mercy.
18:52He could be forgiven.
18:54As terrible as abortion is, listen,
18:56if the lady that had an abortion performed on her
18:59were simply to kneel at the cross and ask for forgiveness,
19:02there would be mercy.
19:04There would be salvation.
19:06But if the atheist that one day shook his fist in the sight of God
19:09and said there is no God,
19:11would come by faith and kneel at the cross,
19:13well, number one, he wouldn't be an atheist anymore.
19:16But if he would kneel at the cross,
19:18that old atheist could get saved and find mercy.
19:23You say, Brother Robbie, what are you trying to say?
19:25Not only does the Gospel of Jesus Christ this morning
19:28tell us about the love of God,
19:30it also tells us about the mercy of God.
19:35Brother Bucky, if it wasn't for mercy,
19:37if I had to get what I actually deserve,
19:40I might be in hell this morning.
19:42But because of mercy,
19:44God relayed the Gospel story to me.
19:46Because of mercy,
19:47He put me in the place where I could hear the Gospel.
19:50And because of mercy,
19:51He saved me by His grace.
19:54You know, I think about that wonderful song that says,
19:56When He sees me, He sees the blood of the Lamb.
20:00He sees me as worthy and not as I am.
20:03He views me in garments as white as the snow.
20:05Then the song says,
20:06For the Lamb of God is worthy.
20:08He washed me, this I know.
20:10Listen, I'm not going to heaven this morning
20:12because Brother Robbie is a wonderful person.
20:14I'm going to heaven this morning
20:16because I've experienced the mercy of God and salvation.
20:19Listen, when God looks at me today,
20:21if He were to look just directly at me,
20:22He could see all the filth that I've ever done.
20:25But when God looks at me,
20:26He's not going to see my sin.
20:28He's not going to see my filth.
20:29All He's going to see is the blood of His Son.
20:32If you're saved by the grace of God this morning,
20:35when God looks at you,
20:36He's not going to see your past.
20:38He's not going to see all the things you've done.
20:40All He's going to do is see the blood of His Son.
20:42But if you're here this morning and you've never been saved,
20:45when God looks at you,
20:46the blood hasn't been applied to your life,
20:48you haven't received the Gospel,
20:50all He's going to see is sin.
20:53Boy, and you don't want to be judged for sin this morning.
20:59The Gospel not only tells us this morning about the love of God,
21:03but it also tells us about the mercy of God.
21:08Number three, not only does the Gospel this morning
21:11tell us about the love of God and the mercy of God,
21:14but listen to this, church,
21:15the Gospel of Jesus Christ this morning tells us also
21:19about the peace of God.
21:21The Gospel this morning tells us about the peace of God.
21:24Romans 5, verse number 1,
21:26the Bible says,
21:27Therefore being justified by faith,
21:29we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ.
21:33Therefore being justified by faith,
21:36look at those next words,
21:37we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ.
21:41The Gospel of Jesus Christ this morning
21:44tells us about the peace of God.
21:47You know, I've talked to many people
21:48who were given the sad diagnosis in hospitals
21:51that they didn't have long to live,
21:53and I've talked to other people,
21:55you know, as well, in the similar situations,
21:58and I've heard this statement a lot.
21:59I've heard this statement made a lot by a lot of people.
22:01They say, well, they say,
22:02when that happens in their life, they say,
22:04well, I guess it's about time that I made peace with God.
22:09And thank God that some people do get saved right before they die.
22:13But think about that statement,
22:15I guess it's about time that I make peace with God.
22:17The question that I want to know,
22:19or the question that I have,
22:20is why in the world would someone
22:22spend their entire life at war with God
22:26when they can have peace with Him?
22:30You know, I'll never forget,
22:31there's a fellow that I've talked to
22:32throughout the years several different times,
22:34and he's told me every time I talk to him,
22:36he says, well, I'm not ready to give my life to Christ.
22:38He says, I don't want to get saved right now
22:40because there's so many things that I want to do.
22:42And he always tells me, he says,
22:44you know, right before I die, that's when I get saved.
22:47And every time I tell him, I say,
22:49well, I say, if you're waiting right before you die to get saved,
22:51I tell him, I say, friend,
22:53you really don't understand who God is.
22:56When God gives a man or woman, boy or girl,
22:59the opportunity, the invitation to be saved,
23:02listen, that is the greatest opportunity,
23:04and God's not going to let someone trample that under their feet.
23:07Now, thank God, there are some people
23:09that get saved right before they leave this world.
23:13But most people who have that idea,
23:15they never do get saved.
23:18And then they stand before God, lost in their sin.
23:22But the gospel of Jesus Christ this morning
23:24tells us about the peace of God.
23:27In Philippians 4, verse number 7,
23:29the Bible says,
23:37The gospel of Jesus Christ this morning
23:39is the only thing that can provide peace.
23:43There are a lot of people this morning
23:45that refuse to go to funerals
23:47because they don't like the thought of dying.
23:50They have no peace in their lives.
23:52And a lot of times when you go to a funeral service
23:54and you look at the person in the casket,
23:56it's real easy to place yourself in that casket as well
23:59because a lot of times it wakes people up to reality.
24:02I've talked to several people who say,
24:04well, preacher, I'll never go to a funeral.
24:06You say, why?
24:07Because they don't have the peace of God in their lives
24:09that when they leave this world,
24:11everything's going to be all right.
24:14I've talked to many people who don't even like going to a hospital
24:17because it brings them to the reality
24:20that one day they might be the one in the hospital,
24:22one day they might be the one with that terrible diagnosis.
24:25There's no peace in their lives.
24:27Listen, if a person's received the gospel of Jesus Christ,
24:30that's the one thing that can bring peace to your life.
24:34But outside the gospel of Jesus Christ,
24:38there is no peace.
24:40I'll never forget shortly after the Lord saved me,
24:43about a year later, we were in a tent revival,
24:46and this was before I ever got called to preach,
24:48but we were in a tent revival in Lansing, Michigan.
24:50Dr. Phil Kidd was the one that was preaching at Dr. Don Green's church.
24:54And I'll never forget, there was a family there,
24:56there was some young girls that were singing,
24:59and they were old-fashioned singers.
25:01I mean, you look at them, you can see they were old-fashioned singers.
25:04And I'll never forget, as they were singing,
25:06boy, in that tent meeting, people were shouting,
25:08people were leaping, people were praising God like you've never seen.
25:12And I'll never forget, it was the first time that I heard this song.
25:15And I'm sitting there, you know, saved about a year,
25:18you know, giving my heart and my life to Christ for about a year,
25:21and I'll never forget, as they started to sing,
25:23they sang this song the first time that I ever heard it.
25:26They sang the song, Do You Know How It Feels.
25:30And that song says this, I'm going to be real quick with this,
25:32but it says, Do you know how it feels when your cold heart is melded
25:36and tears started flowing the moment you felt it?
25:39Do you know how it feels to know you've been changed
25:42and to know that the whole world has been rearranged?
25:44Do you know how it feels wherever you roam you still get a feeling
25:48that you're not at home knowing heaven is real?
25:51Tell me, do you know how it feels?
25:53And then they sing, Then how does it feel to know you're a child of the King?
25:57Your Heavenly Father owns everything.
25:59How does it feel to know you are loved by the One who created the stars up above?
26:05And how does it feel to know you're all right when you lay your head on your pillow each night
26:09and know that it's real?
26:11Ain't it good to know how it feels?
26:13You know, I'll tell you what, as I was in that tent meeting, Brother Ed,
26:16I'll tell you what, the chills started going down my spine
26:19as those young ladies sung that song,
26:21and there was already people that were shouting all over the place.
26:23But I'll tell you what, it said, Ain't it good to know how it feels?
26:26I jumped up and I said, Glory to God! I know how it feels!
26:30You know, that song brought me back to the time before I was saved,
26:33and I remember before the Lord saved me,
26:35there were many times I'd lay my head on that pillow
26:37hoping that I wouldn't die in my sleep because I had no peace.
26:41But when the Lord saved me and gave me peace,
26:43I'll tell you what, I've never had that worry again.
26:46You say, Preacher, what does the Gospel of Jesus Christ teach us this morning?
26:51It teaches us this morning about the peace of God.
26:56Number four, the fourth thing, we're almost done,
26:59I've got five points and then we'll be through this morning.
27:01Number four, not only does the Gospel of Jesus Christ
27:04tell us about the peace of God this morning, listen to this church,
27:07the Gospel of Jesus Christ also tells us about the power of God.
27:12Think about this, 1 Corinthians 1, verse number 18, Paul said this, he said,
27:16For the preaching of the cross is to them that perish foolishness.
27:20To this outside world, the way that we preach,
27:23the message that we preach, a lot of times is foolish.
27:26But listen to this, Paul said, But unto us which are saved,
27:29it is the power of God.
27:32The Gospel of Jesus Christ tells us about the power of God.
27:38Not only can you and I have a relationship with God,
27:41not only does God love us, but listen,
27:44we can have power in our lives to overcome.
27:48I want you to think about that.
27:50Through the Gospel of Jesus Christ,
27:52there is power for you and I to live victoriously over sin.
27:56Before you were saved, if you're here and you've been saved by the grace of God,
28:00you can go back to your life.
28:01Before you were saved, you were a slave to sin.
28:03There were things you were in bondage to.
28:05But after you got saved and experienced the grace of God,
28:08today you can stand up and you can say glory to God.
28:10At one time I was a slave to sin, but today I stand free.
28:15I'll tell you what, that's a wonderful feeling to know
28:17that you're free from the bondage of sin.
28:19But the Gospel of Jesus Christ this morning tells us
28:23that we can have the power of God to live victoriously over sin.
28:28The Gospel of Jesus Christ this morning tells us about the power of God.
28:32The Gospel this morning also gives us the power to stand for what's right.
28:37The Gospel this morning gives us the power to stand for what's right.
28:41You know, I wouldn't go to a church that didn't preach the truth of the Word of God.
28:44I wouldn't go to a church this morning that didn't stand for certain things.
28:48Listen, God's church today has power to stand for the things that are right.
28:53As a child of God this morning, you've got the power not only to live victoriously over sin,
28:58but God's given you power to stand for what is right.
29:02I'll never forget, as we were preaching on the street corners in Michigan one time,
29:06one of my dear friends, Danny Navola, was out there preaching.
29:09And I'll tell you what, God gave him the power to preach.
29:12And Danny was standing there preaching, and I'll never forget, someone threw a rock at him.
29:16And as he was preaching, that rock hit him, and he stumbled back a little bit,
29:20and then he put his Bible back up, and he kept on preaching.
29:23You say, Brother Ivey, what does that tell us?
29:25I'll tell you, the Gospel of Jesus Christ gives us the power to stand for what is right.
29:32But not only does it give us the power to stand for what is right,
29:35it also gives us the power to tell others about the grace of God.
29:40The Gospel of Jesus Christ gives us the power to tell others about the grace of God.
29:47If you read it, there's a story in the book of Mark that talks about a man who could not talk,
29:52and he couldn't hardly walk.
29:53And anyways, when Jesus healed him, we talked a little bit about this in the lesson this morning in Matthew.
29:57But anyways, when Jesus came by and healed him, Jesus told that man,
30:01He said, look, I've done this for you.
30:03He said, but tell no man what I did.
30:05I'll tell you what, they got up in that story, and as Jesus told them not to tell anyone,
30:09they ran around publishing it.
30:11The Bible says, the more He constrained them to tell them, the more they spoke the Word of God.
30:16When you experience the grace of God, I'll tell you what, you just can't shut up about it.
30:20When you've experienced the grace of God, you've got to tell someone else about it.
30:24The Gospel of Jesus Christ this morning gives us that power to tell others about the grace of God.
30:33So real quick, number one, the first thing that the Gospel of Jesus Christ tells us this morning
30:38is it tells us about the love of God.
30:40How that God loved us so much that He sent the most important thing in His life, His Son,
30:45to die on the cross of Calvary.
30:47The Gospel of Jesus Christ also tells us about the mercy of God.
30:51The Gospel of Jesus Christ tells us about the peace of God.
30:54Number four, the Gospel of Jesus Christ tells us about the power of God.
30:58And then number five, and then we'll be done this morning,
31:01the Gospel of Jesus Christ also tells us about the promise of God.
31:07In John 14, verses 1 through 2, the Bible says,
31:10Let not your heart be troubled. You believe in God, believe also in Me.
31:14Jesus said, In My Father's house are many mansions.
31:17If it were not so, I would have told you.
31:20He said, I go to prepare a place for you, and if I go and prepare a place for you,
31:23I will come again and receive you unto Myself that where I am there you may be also.
31:29In 2 Corinthians 5, verse 8, the Apostle Paul penned these words.
31:33He said, We are confident, I say, and willing, rather to be absent from the body
31:38and to be present with the Lord.
31:41And then in Hebrews 13, verse number 5, the Bible says,
31:44For He hath said, I will never leave thee, nor forsake thee.
31:49You say, Brother Robbie, what does the Gospel of Jesus Christ tell us?
31:53It tells us about the promise of God.
31:56The Gospel of Jesus Christ this morning gives us a guarantee
32:01that when we leave this world, we'll be in the presence of God.
32:05The Gospel of Jesus Christ this morning gives you a guarantee
32:09that you don't have to spend eternity in a place called hell.
32:13I told you this story before, but I talked to a co-worker a little while ago,
32:17and as I was talking to the co-worker, he made the statement to me.
32:20He said, You know what, preacher?
32:21He said, I couldn't go and boldly say that I know that when I die, I'm going to be in heaven.
32:28He said, No one can know that.
32:30I quoted that word of God to him that gives us great assurance of faith
32:37about knowing for sure that heaven's your home.
32:40These things have I written unto you that believe on the name of the Son of God,
32:43that ye may know that ye have eternal life.
32:47I looked at him, I said, Look, you may not know, but God's given me a promise,
32:51and I do know today that if I was to leave this world, I'd be in heaven with the Lord.
32:56The gospel of Jesus Christ this morning tells us about the promise.
33:01That promise this morning is available to you if you've not received it.
33:05That promise today is something that all of us who have received it are looking forward to.
33:10The greatest desire in Paul's day was to see Jesus,
33:13and I like again what he said.
33:15He said, To be absent from the body is to be present with the Lord.
33:18That right there is the promise of God.
33:20Sure, we all deserve to go to hell.
33:22Sure, we deserve condemnation.
33:25But because of the love of God, the mercy of God, and the promise of God,
33:29we don't have to get what we deserve.
33:31You can leave here this morning justified rather than condemned.
33:35You can leave here this morning saved rather than lost.
33:38You can leave here this morning on your way to heaven without a shadow of a doubt
33:43than to gamble with your soul and risk dying and going to hell.
33:48You say, Why preacher?
33:49Because the gospel of Jesus Christ tells us about the promise of God.
33:54You say, Well, Brother Robbie, I look at my life,
33:58and there's many times in my life that I see where I fail to God.
34:02You say, What about that?
34:04Listen, here's what I want you to understand.
34:05When it comes to salvation,
34:07your standing in Christ isn't affected by how many times you and I fail.
34:12In other words, if you and I can't save ourselves,
34:15then we don't have the power to keep ourselves.
34:18Your position in Christ as a child of God is secured
34:21not because of how good or how well you run the race,
34:24but because of how good God is.
34:27You say, Preacher, you said I fail many times in my life.
34:31Here's the good thing about God.
34:32Though we fail at times in our life, though we don't live for God as much as we ought to,
34:36God's not only a God of second chances,
34:39but He's also a God of third or fourth or fifth chances.
34:42See, we've got some precious promises in the Word of God.
34:45He said, I'll never leave thee nor forsake thee.
34:48That's the promise of God.
34:52This morning, if you're saved, you've got the promise of heaven.
34:55This morning, if you're here and you might be a Christian
34:58and you might have been saved by the grace of God
34:59and you might have been away from God,
35:01listen, you've still got the promise that God loves you
35:04and He's not going to leave you or forsake you.
35:07If you're here this morning and you've never been saved by the grace of God,
35:11listen, you've got the promise that if you'll come to Jesus,
35:14He'll forgive you of your sins and save you.
35:17I'm fixing to close with this.
35:19Several years ago, I heard this wonderful story.
35:22And it was a true story.
35:24Many of you throughout the years may have heard this story as well.
35:27But there was a preacher that was on a train.
35:30And I've never relayed this story.
35:32It's the first time I've ever relayed this story.
35:34But there was a preacher that was sitting on a train.
35:36And as he was sitting on a train, he was going to a meeting.
35:39He was studying his notes.
35:40He was getting ready to preach a revival.
35:42And there was a young man that sat in front of him.
35:45And as he was sitting on that train, he looked at that young man
35:47and he noticed that young man was troubled.
35:49He was sitting there uneasy.
35:51I mean, he was on edge.
35:52And that preacher looked at that young man and he said,
35:54you know, he said, son, I'm a preacher.
35:56He says, is there anything I can do to help you?
35:59And then that young man started to unload on him.
36:01He said, you know, preacher, I was raised in a Christian home.
36:04He said, I have parents that love God.
36:06And I was in Sunday school all of my life.
36:08He said, but when I got older, I left home.
36:11He said, I've lived a wicked life.
36:12He said, I went against everything that my parents ever taught me.
36:16He said, finally I came to the place in my life where I was just tired of it all.
36:20He said, and I wanted to come home.
36:22He said, preacher, he said, I'm scared that when I get home,
36:25my parents aren't going to want to see me for the things that I've done in my life.
36:30And then he told that preacher, he said, so what I've done is, he said,
36:34we're going to pass by my house in just a minute.
36:36He said, we have an apple tree outside my house.
36:39And I asked my dad if he would, if it's all right for me to come home,
36:42just to hang one white flag in that apple tree,
36:45and then I'll know everything's all right and I can go home.
36:49And anyways, he said, if there's no flag in that apple tree,
36:52he said, I'm just going to keep on going.
36:54And anyways, as the story went on, they were in that train,
36:59and all of a sudden the young man said, well, here it is.
37:02He said, I'm about to come by my house.
37:04He said, I'm not even going to look.
37:06He said, preacher, would you look out the window and tell me
37:08if you see a white flag in that apple tree?
37:12And that preacher looked out that window, and then all of a sudden,
37:15he started to smile, he looked at the young man, he said,
37:17no, he said, there's not a flag in that apple tree.
37:20The young man put his head down, he said,
37:22the whole apple tree is full of white flags.
37:24He said, there's your dad out there waving a white flag himself,
37:27saying, come on home.
37:30I'll tell you what, that's the same way that God is.
37:32Listen, I don't care what you've ever done,
37:34I don't care where you're at spiritually today,
37:36listen, if you'll come back to Him,
37:38He's waving that white flag.
37:41And He wants you to come home.
37:43If you're here this morning, you've never been saved by the grace of God.
37:46God in heaven this morning is waving that white flag,
37:49asking you to surrender,
37:51wanting to give you the peace of God which passes all understanding.
37:56But the invitation is yours this morning.
37:58You have to say yes.
38:00As we stand to our feasts with our heads bowed,
38:03everyone, if you would, stand to your feasts with your heads bowed.
38:06Listen, God this morning is waving that flag in heaven.
38:09The invitation this morning is for you.
38:12He's offered salvation.
38:14Listen, He's offered fellowship.
38:16He's offered power.
38:18Whatever you need this morning, I'm going to have a word of prayer.
38:21I'd like you to mind the Holy Spirit of God and come.
38:24Let's pray.
38:25Father, we're so thankful just for Your people this morning.
38:27Thank You for those that have come.
38:29We ask You now that the Holy Spirit would have full control in this invitation.
38:34Lord, if there's someone here that's just not 100% sure about heaven,
38:38God, we pray that You'd speak to that man or that lady,
38:41and God, that they'd leave here with the peace of God in their heart.
38:44If there's someone here this morning that might have been struggling with the Christian life,
38:47they're saved, but they're struggling.
38:49God, we pray, Lord, that You'd show them that white flag that's in heaven this morning,
38:53and show them that no matter what they've done,
38:56there's always fellowship, there's always a home.
38:59We pray, Lord, that You'd bless this invitation only the way that You can.
39:03For it's in Jesus' name we pray. Amen.
