Great leader of the world

  • last month
Khan is the legend of current times


00:30I feel honored today to represent my country at this forum of world leaders.
00:53Either you surrender or you fight for your freedom till death.
00:59What will we do?
01:01I ask myself this question.
01:04And my belief is, la ilaha illallah, there is no god but one.
01:08And we will fight.
01:10And when, and when, and when, and when a nuclear armed country fights to the end, it will have
01:25consequences far beyond the borders.
01:29You've got to, this is a test for the United Nations.
01:32You are the one who guarantees the people of Kashmir the right of self-determination.
01:39They are suffering because of that.
01:41And this is the time, this is the time not to appease like in 1939 the peace plan took place.
01:50This is the time to take action.
01:52And number one action must be that India must lift this inhuman curfew which has lasted
02:00for 55 days.
02:02It must free, it must free all political prisoners and especially those 13,000 boys that have
02:09been picked up.
02:10Parents don't know where they've disappeared.
02:13And then the world community must give the people of Kashmir the right of self-determination.