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00:00So much
00:02What she meant to Japanese professional wrestling with Titus Tony Storm spent time in the stardom promotion in Japan
00:08Yeah, we heard from Mina and Mina is
00:11She's a really poor
00:14About what's going on. Tony Storm one of the few female wrestlers. He's actually got in the ring with Ricky Dozier
00:27Wembley has shopped being exchanged by
00:32Tony Storm and Mariah
00:34I caught Mariah the DDT
00:39Don't fly it up now
00:42Now look at those boot scrapes in the flat of her boot on the face of Mariah May and Tony Storm
00:50The hip attack no Mariah had it scouted
00:53Kick to the side of the head Tony Storm rattled by that one if you're Tony Storm
00:57You got a fight dirty here. You got to pull out all the stuff
01:04I could have broke her in half
01:08Is there anyone more stunning
01:12The Mariah May and Mariah May no remorse
01:19Injury to Luther and
01:22Now with the referees attention diverted. What is
01:25You know Luther has never trusted Mariah Bay. You could see it in his facial reaction. Take a look here
01:36And those mats at ringside Tony Storm taking it all lower back
01:41The champion is hurt. Are we perhaps seeing the end?
01:46Of Tony Storm's reign. Is this gonna be like the the dying days of silent movies?
01:52Perhaps when we look back on Tony Storm's reign like the horse and buggy or polio
02:00Okay, Mariah May now
02:10All right driving that Tony Storm and Mariah look at this just really relishing in this moment
02:17Can you believe how?
02:19How dreadful some of the fans here? They're booing Tony Storm because she's not putting up much of a fight. We can't blame her
02:26She's just being power-bombed on the outside Tony. Well, yes, she has been power-bombed, but
02:32She is not done yet
02:34You don't be a champion a women's champion like Tony Storm and have 23 straight singles wins
02:41If you don't put it up a fight, there's no question. She's as tough as they come. She really is a
02:47film noir throwback if you will to bad-ass women like Judy Gray
02:52Or Mildred Burke the back elbow by Tony Storm, but Mariah May undaunted
02:58parrot overhand chops and Mariah
03:03Textbook Tony Storm out of the corner and now the cover
03:07We've a disrespectful cover there by Mariah May. That's a good call disrespectful and that may come back to bite Mariah May
03:14You cannot disrespect a world champion like that. You think Tony Storm's gonna hold it against her?
03:20No, I'm saying try to beat me enough. I'm really gonna hurt you now. I'm saying if you disrespect
03:28With a submission hold the double underhooks the butterfly hold and now the body lock is well forcing Tony Storm to carry
03:36Mariah's weight that but Tony Storm this
03:39Reverses sure changes her grip. I should say Mariah out to her feet open-handed slap there, but my Ryan boy that brought the champion
03:46down to her knees
03:49And again
03:52Wembley faithful booing the champion. She's just not doing anything. It's so
03:57Hungry, come on. I'll cheer for you Tony even if no one else will
04:05You hear the chant of let's go Tony
04:09Luther on the outside
04:11Similar to the scene we saw in Calgary earlier this summer a days time was Tony Storm, or I am
04:22Spoke too soon. The champ is not dazed the champ is out for revenge, but
04:29Back suplex driving down time with Tony Storm. Yeah, and Tony Tony Storm rolls out of the ring best thing she could have done
04:37Anyway, whether that was an erudite decision or serendipity on the part of Tony Storm. She stood in harm's way
04:43All the niche trying catching Tony Storm flush on the jaw
04:48Awkward landing for Mariah May who has just had the beating and the thing
04:58Applauding the challenger, this is incredible
05:06Wow Nigel throw the lifetime
05:12To continue
05:20As the dropkick takes down Luther
05:35For crying out loud Nigel you can't be behind this woman again. Oh wait
05:43I don't know who was just stunned me by the kiss or a mum by the slap
05:49Man that's the worst he deserves every pounding of of her head that she gets right now
06:05Tony Storm Oscar, are you ready to die?
06:12Tony Storm
06:14Perhaps a measure of revenge and look at Tony Storm coming to Mariah's mother
06:21And clutching Lorraine to her bosom there is a lady before us and she is timeless Tony Storm
06:32Tony Storm the three-time AEW Women's World Champion
06:36Obviously feeling the effects not only from the beating
06:41For Mariah May, but all Mariah look at this bloody by the the impact on the steps. Yeah
06:48What are you doing smiling Tony bring out the vampires you sadist?
06:55Shame on you. She just slapped her mother
07:01And that you can hear that the cries of Mariah May but
07:06Timeless Tony Storm will not relent
07:12The right hands looking to open up that laceration even further from the champion
07:20Look at Mariah just slink down
07:24And now the shoe is on the other foot so to speak as
07:29Times Tony Storm has Mariah May battered and bloodied nothing like a hair bill. She's gonna do it again
07:36Raya sent across the ring for a second time. Oh
07:42Yeah, the blood is really starting to flow from that wound on the Mariah Mays head I think she's crying Nigel
07:48I'll have some sympathy
07:52This is
08:02Let her up some more and I hate to be cheering for someone but I can't believe what Mariah May is done to them
08:09Tony Storm
08:17Tony Storm can't allow her emotions to become a part of this match. She needs to be focused on the task at hand
08:25Mariah May is established an incredible win-loss record in just under nine months time here in AEW. Yeah, she's been amazing
08:32you're right a
08:33very dangerous challenger for the champion, but
08:37That roundhouse kick connected Tony Storm stunned by it as more
08:45perfect execution
08:48The angel in baby blue flying through the sky
08:54Tony Storm in the corner Mariah May with the advantage for at least some
09:05Another page on her former mentors playbook
09:09Little bit of a smile on the face of Mariah after that
09:13That's she gonna do now
09:17Slowly turning around
09:20Second hip attack. Oh, did you see the whiplash to Tony Storm's head?
09:28The excellence of elocution she's gonna do it again a talk after this she'll do it again
09:35Three consecutive hip attacks. Oh and Mariah it is over now the big one
09:43Mariah May mocking Tony Storm
09:50Tony Storm connects with the lariat German suplex Mariah rolled through and now Tony Storm
09:58with the chance
10:00She's coming you away
10:04Tell you doing storm zero
10:20Mariah May digging deep to kick out of that one and look at this
10:25Defiant perhaps to the end
10:28She is like a horror movie villain. She keeps coming back rising up
10:36Those right-handed slaps across the jaw and now Tony Storm returns fire
10:50What a women's world title match, holy smokes and
11:13There we see Lorraine obviously a distressed look on her face
11:18Has to be a flood of emotions
11:20Watching her daughter compete, but after having her daughter slap her like that
11:27And that is what it's all about that AEW Women's World Championship
11:38Tony fake tie tried to catch Mariah once again
11:43Mayday center of the ring one
11:47Tony Storm kicks out
11:51Split second away
11:54Shirakawa is both limped on the edge of a seat
11:59Amina obviously wait a second
12:06Luther's not the letter habit absolutely good
12:17Mariah what if she's I think it's she got a shoe, but Tony Storm spotted it
12:25Mariah still covered in her own blood just like that shoe covered in Tony Storm's blood
12:35Well, don't you dare
12:38Yeah, you know what Tony really doesn't she doesn't win the match like this
12:47Don't do it Tony don't do it
12:53Tony Storm she can't bring herself to do it. She loved Mariah May
13:07Oh strike on target and she kissed on the forehead
13:36What a moment
13:40Listen to Wembley
13:43They know who the champion is Mariah May
13:49Completes this journey that was months in the making a journey
13:55That was paved with the blood
13:58Of the woman that loved her that woman that supported her at every step of the way
14:03In time as Tony Storm and the woman
14:06Thank God took the high road
14:09Put a cracker with the shoe on the head did not
14:13And this is what she gets for it. She made a rare mistake. I will give her that
14:21but the glamour
14:22The statuesque blonde bombshell will be leaving Wembley with the AEW women's
14:29title and I got a kiss from her
14:33What did freaking do?
14:36What I
14:38Need I I need a break. I I need a break. Yeah, I think the realization
14:45setting in for titles Tony Storm
14:5223 win streak is over
14:56Her third reign as the AEW Women's World Championships coming to an end as well. I don't know if she can accept this reality
15:10She's laughing
15:15Yeah, there's too much
15:35She has no idea who she is right now, she thought she was Mia was
15:41It was a laugh but now
15:45Tony Storm racked with emotions
15:49As the reign of Mariah May as the AEW Women's World Championship
15:53Begins, but right now let's turn our attention to Chris Jericho
16:02Hi guys
16:03If you listen to the learning tree good things happen
16:06If you don't listen to the learning tree bad things happen hook had a chance
16:11We had to burn his face off with a fireball
16:16See this Chris you see what you did I can see you Chris I want my title back
16:22You stupid
16:24Bastard and Wembley
16:25It's your final chance at the for the world championship
16:29And when I beat you you walk out of the Jericho vortex forever
16:34Chris after Wembley Stadium, you will never ever be the same