Wife Becomes Insane After Losing Her Son , She Releases Her PTSD Using Intimacy!!!

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Best romantic horror movies to watch, Top horror movies with love stories, Scary movies with romantic subplots, Horror films featuring romantic scenes, Romantic moments in horror films, Horror movies with unexpected love stories, How horror and romance intersect in film
00:00The film has only two characters, he and she, that they are given no names other than this
00:22is the first major sign that they are not characters in their own right, but rather
00:26archetypes for their genders.
00:29Another thing is that the film is divided into four chapters.
00:32In the opening scene, a man and a woman passionately make love after taking a shower, outside white
00:38snow is falling, and in the meantime, their infant son named Nick wakes up and climbs
00:43out of his crib to look at the snow through the open window.
00:47Unfortunately the boy slips and falls to his death, and at the time of his fall, his parents
00:52know nothing about it and keep making love.
00:55The teddy bear in the child's hand falls to the floor and bounces off.
00:59As chapter one, grief, begins, we see Nick's coffin while his parents follow behind.
01:05The man, overwhelmed with sorrow, walks ahead of his wife, who collapses in despair.
01:11The man rushes to her as the screen fades out.
01:13A month later, the man visits a hospital room to see her.
01:17The woman is struggling deeply with the incident.
01:20The man, meanwhile, appears composed as he is a therapist.
01:23As they converse, she mentions that her doctor said her grief is unusual.
01:27The man disagrees, believing she is mourning in her way.
01:31The woman still feels guilty for their son's death.
01:34In a moment of vulnerability, she breaks down and cries.
01:37Later, the man returns to the hospital and finds her upset because he has cancelled her
01:42treatment with the current doctor, questioning its efficacy.
01:46She feels he is intervening unnecessarily.
01:49The man wants to assist his wife through therapy, but she argues that family members should
01:53not treat each other.
01:55Despite this, he is determined to help and decides to take control of the situation.
02:00The scene transitions to a flowerpot as the man collects Nick's autopsy reports.
02:05Upon returning home, he finds her in the bathroom, holding her medications.
02:09She opens the bottle and discards all the pills.
02:12Later, she is seen crying loudly, and he comforts her, reassuring her that everything will be
02:20As they lie in bed, she accuses him of always keeping his distance from his family.
02:25The man asks for examples.
02:27She claims he seems indifferent to their child's death, and believes his concern for her is
02:32now solely due to her being his patient.
02:36After this confrontation, he considers that she may want to grieve alone.
02:40He inquires about the project she was working on in the forest with Nick, asking why she
02:45abandoned her thesis.
02:47The woman responds that it seemed insignificant and that he always regarded the project as
02:53The man disagrees, but she suddenly stands up and they share a kiss as the scene transitions
02:58to a forest.
02:59We next see the woman's body parts isolated against a dark background.
03:03She awakens, breathing heavily and frightened.
03:06The man approaches her and holds her close, guiding her to breathe in and out as he counts
03:11to five.
03:12Noticing some improvement, he encourages her to visualize something calming.
03:16The woman suddenly imagines herself in nature with her son, Nick.
03:20Eventually, she begins to regain her composure.
03:23Later that night, she awakens and attempts to initiate intimacy with him.
03:28He declines, explaining that she shouldn't engage physically with her therapist.
03:32He restrains her as she asks if he loves her.
03:35She pleads for his help, and he reassures her that he is indeed helping.
03:39The next scene shows the woman showering while he lectures her.
03:43After her bath, he sits down to make a list of her fears, but she struggles to pinpoint
03:47what terrifies her.
03:48She rushes to the bathroom, desperately trying to drink water.
03:52Losing control, she begins banging her head on the toilet, trying to end her life.
03:57The man, disturbed by the noise, pulls her out of the shower and takes her to bed.
04:02In an unplanned moment of intimacy, they start making love.
04:05Afterward, he realizes this was a mistake given their ongoing treatment.
04:10The woman again asks if he loves her, and this time he asks where she feels most afraid.
04:15She eventually admits it's the woods.
04:17The man finds this amusing, since she always wanted to go there to study and work on her
04:23The place is called Eden.
04:24The man creates a pyramid of her fears, placing Eden in the center.
04:28The woman seizes the moment, kissing him and trying to become intimate.
04:33The man, instead of resisting, becomes aroused.
04:36They passionately make love until she accidentally bites him on the chest, ending their encounter.
04:43On a train, they engage in a simple exercise where she imagines being in Eden Forest.
04:48We see her in the evening on a small bridge, walking through various places.
04:53A small cabin appears in a foggy area where she lies on the green grass.
04:57Back on the train, he reassures her that her fears can't harm her.
05:01They finally reach Eden Forest and begin their trek.
05:05Exhausted, the woman falls asleep, leaving him to explore the forest alone.
05:10He wanders around and encounters something unsettling, a lone deer in an isolated spot.
05:16The man is horrified to discover the deer has given birth to a partially formed baby.
05:21This disturbing sight sticks with him as we transition to the next chapter.
05:25Chapter 2, Pain, begins as the woman asks him if they should continue.
05:30They reach the same bridge where she starts to feel uneasy.
05:34Instead of confronting her fears, she begins to run.
05:37The man follows her and finds a small hole under a tree.
05:40He keeps walking until he finds her asleep in the cabin.
05:44That night, he goes through old photos and notices that while she is with Nick, she appears
05:51As they sleep, acorns fall on the roof, creating disturbing sounds.
05:56In the morning, he awakens with his hand hanging out of the window.
06:00He is repulsed to find his hand covered in acorns.
06:03He snuggles back into bed and falls asleep again.
06:06Shortly after, the couple tries a new exercise as part of their treatment.
06:10The man has placed two stones on the grass and wants her to walk from one stone to the
06:16The woman struggles with the task, breathing heavily.
06:19The man helps her calm down and complete the exercise.
06:22Both seem relieved as she starts to weep with a mix of relief and joy.
06:26Suddenly, a baby bird falls from a tree and is quickly covered by ants.
06:31A falcon swoops down and grabs the bird for food.
06:35The woman witnesses this and is soon seen crying in the cabin.
06:39As they talk, she recounts an experience from when she was working on her thesis in the
06:44She describes hearing Nick crying loudly, and despite searching the entire forest, she
06:49couldn't find him.
06:51Eventually, she returned and found Nick in the garage, but he wasn't crying.
06:56The woman believes it was nature that was crying.
06:59The man tries to convince her that what she hears is not real, and that her fear and blame
07:03for the place are unfounded.
07:05The woman reacts angrily, calling him arrogant.
07:10That night, she declares that nature is akin to Satan's church, and the wind is his breath.
07:15The man adds Satan to the pyramid of fears.
07:18As he starts a fire for warmth, he finds Nick's autopsy reports in his pocket.
07:23After reading the reports, he looks at her with a disturbed expression.
07:27The camera pulls back to reveal him standing outside the cabin, acorns falling around him.
07:32The woman wakes and joins him.
07:34Their conversation seems to restore their connection.
07:37However, she soon gets up and leads him into the forest, showing him that she is no longer
07:43She places her hand in the hole and walks across the bridge, claiming she is cured.
07:48Seeing his reaction, she becomes upset, feeling that he is not pleased with her.
07:53Leaving him alone in the forest, the bushes begin to rustle.
07:56The man investigates and encounters a fox consuming itself.
08:00Shortly after, it says, Chaos reigns.
08:05In Chapter 3, Despair, the man stands motionless as rain pours down on him.
08:11Back at the cabin, he decides to explore an upstairs room.
08:14With a small lantern, he examines the room and discovers disturbing old paintings and
08:19drawings depicting the torture of women by men, illustrating the historical dominance
08:24of men over women.
08:26His attention is drawn to a diary titled, Genocide.
08:29Inside, her writing becomes increasingly erratic.
08:33Suddenly, large trees begin to fall.
08:35In the next exercise, the man pretends to be various things that scare her while she
08:40tries to remain rational.
08:42He starts by embodying nature.
08:44The woman asks what nature wants.
08:46Nature replies that it wants to harm her and even kill her.
08:49The woman struggles to understand this, but nature insists that its essence is pervasive,
08:55existing even within humans.
08:57The conversation leads to the woman discussing her thesis, which posits that human nature
09:02is inherently evil.
09:04She argues that women are unable to control their bodies because nature imposes its will
09:08upon them.
09:10The man becomes frustrated, saying that she has become consumed by her project and has
09:15embraced these old negative beliefs rather than rejecting them.
09:18He expresses his inability to continue working under these conditions.
09:23Distressed, she runs outside naked and finds a spot beneath a tree.
09:28Attempting to pleasure herself, he discovers her and joins her for another intimate encounter
09:32right beneath the tree.
09:34Suddenly, various hands emerge from the tree roots as they continue.
09:38The man, upset, tells her he can't continue if she doesn't cooperate.
09:43He explains that many women were killed in the past, but they were not inherently evil.
09:48Despite his efforts, she remains indifferent.
09:51Later she finds the autopsy reports and inquires about their contents.
09:56We flashback to the man discovering that Nick's legs were deformed.
10:00He shows her a photo of Nick, explaining that the incorrectly worn shoes caused Nick's
10:05leg deformities, which contributed to his lack of balance.
10:08We see a flashback of the woman trying to put shoes on Nick while he cries.
10:13Overcome with emotion, she suddenly attacks him, accusing him of trying to abandon her.
10:18As they struggle, he loses consciousness.
10:21The woman, in a fit of creativity, drills a hole in his lid.
10:25The man, still unconscious, doesn't feel the pain.
10:29When he wakes, he finds a heavy tool lodged in his leg.
10:33He tries unsuccessfully to unscrew it and then crawls into the hole.
10:37The woman, standing above, screams and attempts to locate him.
10:42Inside the dark hole, he lights a match and sees a bird.
10:45To silence the bird, he hits it with a stone.
10:48The woman eventually finds him and starts digging above the hole.
10:52As we get to Chapter 4, The Three Beggars, the woman apologizes as she pulls him out,
10:57but he insists she must remove the tool from his leg.
11:00She searches for a wrench, but can't find it.
11:03They slowly make their way back to the cabin.
11:05The man questions whether she wants to kill him, but she says she doesn't intend to
11:10kill him just yet.
11:11She's saving him for the three beggars.
11:13When they arrive, she'll have to kill him.
11:16She removes her pants and takes a pair of scissors.
11:20A flashback shows her noticing Nick climbing a table, choosing not to intervene and allowing
11:25him to die.
11:26Overcome with guilt, she cuts off one of her most sensitive parts.
11:30In agony, she leaves the cabin and sits alone on the grass.
11:34The man, seeing her, experiences a disturbing dialogue and screams.
11:38Soon, a fox with a ringing bell appears in the room.
11:42The man, realizing something is beneath him, starts breaking the floor.
11:46A crow flies out, and we see a deer, a fox, and a crow gathered near her.
11:52They are referred to as the three beggars.
11:55The crow is the symbol of despair, the deer is the symbol of grief, and the fox is the
12:00symbol of pain.
12:01The man finds a wrench beneath the floorboards and begins to free his leg.
12:05His wife, still asleep, remains unaware.
12:08As he makes progress, she wakes and attacks him with scissors.
12:12After a fierce struggle, he finally manages to free himself.
12:16Consumed by pain and rage, he chokes her until she dies.
12:20After witnessing her death, he burns her body on a pyre.
12:23The man limps from the cabin and eats wild berries as the three beggars look on, now
12:28translucent and glowing.
12:31Standing at the top of a hill, under a brilliant light, he watches in awe as hundreds of women
12:35in antiquated clothes come towards him with their faces blurred as they walk past him
12:40through the forest.
12:41Did this story spook you out?
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12:50Fear awaits you.
