Haq Mehar Episode 28 - [Eng Sub] - Yashma Gill - Shahroz Sabzwari - 25th August 2024 - HAR PAL GEO

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00:00You shouldn't have raised your hand on Aiman, I don't like her mental state, I feel as
00:27if she is slowly getting sick and we don't know what disease is taking her in our arms.
00:34Don't talk like a fool, nothing like that.
00:38She is making a lot of friends with Virsa these days.
00:41I told you to stay with Aiman, but you are used to blowing my words in the air.
00:47All this happened because of you.
00:49She was getting a lot of relief from this torment called inheritance,
00:54but she stood up as a Sultan and sympathized with the oppressed.
00:59I am getting worried thinking about this.
01:03Earlier a woman was like a problem on my head, now she has become a friend.
01:18I don't know what will happen now, Aiman.
01:21If Waqar doesn't believe me, what will I do?
01:24Where will I go?
01:26Sister-in-law, what has happened?
01:28Why are you weakening yourself by thinking about such things?
01:31Brother Waqar loves you and trust is everything in love.
01:36You have faith in brother Waqar.
01:39He will not leave you just because of some petty issues.
01:46Even if Waqar doesn't believe her,
01:49you are his beloved sister who is his lawyer now.
01:54You are right.
01:59But remember one thing, Zubi.
02:01No matter how many obstacles are there in the path of truth,
02:05it comes in front of you.
02:07What is the point of talking about you alone in front of uncle, aunt and my witness?
02:12Have you thought about it?
02:14Sister-in-law, get ready.
02:17You will see that Waqar will throw you out of this house.
02:20Aren't you afraid of God?
02:23I know why you are doing all this.
02:26You want to snatch Waqar from me, right?
02:29You have snatched Waqar from me.
02:31He was never yours.
02:33By the way, Zubi,
02:35someone should learn to take advantage of the situation from you.
02:38That is true. I agree.
02:40People who don't take advantage of the situation are stupid.
02:42They are stupid.
02:44And I am not stupid at all.
02:46You are very smart.
02:48Who can know more than me?
02:51But I am surprised at your intelligence.
02:55Why did you think it was right to get on this sinking boat?
02:59No matter what,
03:01I will destroy this boat.
03:08I was quiet till now,
03:09but now I will find out
03:12which cousin of Arshia did you marry?
03:16You didn't even try to go to the wedding and reception.
03:21This means
03:23you will openly be my enemy now.
03:26If you will oppose me,
03:29then I will have to do something in my defense.
03:32You are right.
03:34When a friend becomes an enemy,
03:36his face looks like this.
03:37There is no need to worry now.
03:40No matter what,
03:42I will get this magician out of this house and live in peace.
03:46Do you understand?
03:51And you,
03:53it would be better if you get lost from here before Waqar comes.
03:57Got it?
04:10don't worry.
04:12I know that Sufi's words have worried you a lot.
04:16He didn't say anything wrong, Aiman.
04:19In front of his parents' testimony,
04:21Waqar might not even have thought it necessary to listen to you.
04:26Now I don't expect anyone but my God.
04:38Why are you roaming around like a mad person?
04:42I mean, my mind has started to wander after seeing you.
04:48I am saying something, Fatima.
04:52Come here, sit with me.
05:08What happened?
05:11I am feeling very anxious.
05:14I feel as if
05:16my daughter, Vatsa,
05:18is in some big problem.
05:20Yes, so let it be.
05:22She herself has walked and embraced the problems.
05:25So what can we do?
05:27What has happened to your heart, Mansoor?
05:31How can your heart be so pure?
05:34How can your heart be so pure?
05:38Do you remember,
05:40when I used to talk to Vatsa in a loud voice,
05:45I used to touch your heart.
05:49Children make mistakes,
05:52but with their mistakes,
05:56does the love of parents also end?
06:06keep my daughter safe.
06:11Oh God,
06:14keep my daughter in your protection.
06:22O God,
06:24keep my daughter safe.
06:27God, keep my child safe.
06:31I don't want my child to go away from me.
06:45I don't know what has happened. Why hasn't she come yet?
06:49She must have thrown her out of the house by now.
06:51Why hasn't she come yet?
06:56If she hasn't come, she must have gone somewhere else.
07:02Where will she go?
07:04Doesn't she have any other place other than this house?
07:08You are worried for no reason.
07:11Maybe they have changed their mind.
07:14That's not possible.
07:16They should have at least told me.
07:19If they haven't told you, you should call and find out.
07:24Stop worrying for no reason.
07:26Stop worrying for no reason.
07:29Why are you worrying for no reason?
07:33Mom, that old man told me not to call.
07:38I will find out once I go there.
07:40Tell me one thing.
07:42Even if she comes, did you talk to Mansoor?
07:47He is her father.
07:50Don't trust him.
07:52I will talk to him only when she comes.
07:54If I talk to him in advance, he will get suspicious.
07:56What if Mansoor doesn't agree?
07:58How will he not agree?
08:00I am sure he will agree to what I say.
08:03He doesn't have any other option.
08:06You just prepare for the wedding.
08:09Okay, okay.
08:11Stop dreaming now.
08:13If you can wait, then wait.
08:16I am going to sleep.
08:18And I am sure she won't come now.
08:23Yes, yes, you go.
08:24Go and sleep.
08:26I will also get some peace.
08:28She won't come.
08:30I don't know how she won't come.
08:33That old man.
08:44By the way, the way uncle was getting worried,
08:48I came to know that there was no such thing.
08:51There was no such thing.
08:53And they keep sending such notices.
08:56They shouldn't be brought in person.
08:59And uncle, this notice has come a long time back.
09:02Why was he quiet till now?
09:05That's what I am also thinking.
09:07Why did father suddenly give so much importance to this notice?
09:10For which he sent me to Islamabad in an emergency.
09:14It's okay.
09:16We have some work.
09:18We met some people.
09:19Did you meet them?
09:21I met them.
09:23But everyone told me to wait.
09:25I know.
09:27But you will see,
09:29one of them will be ready in a while.
09:32And you will sign the deal.
09:34By the will of God.
09:36By the will of God.
09:38Okay, I will call Rissa.
09:41Yes, you are right.
09:43It's the most important work.
09:45You do it, I will come.
09:50Where is Waqar?
09:53Hello, Waqar.
09:55How are you?
09:57What happened to your voice?
09:59It seems like you are crying.
10:01No, I am absolutely fine.
10:03Nothing like that happened.
10:05No, you don't look fine.
10:07Are you hiding something from me?
10:09No, nothing like that happened.
10:11I am fine.
10:13I am fine.
10:15I am fine.
10:17I am fine.
10:19If anyone has said anything to you, tell me.
10:23Mom? Dad?
10:25If anyone has said anything to you, tell me.
10:27Waqar, I didn't tell you such small things even when you were in Karachi.
10:31Now you are in Islamabad.
10:33Why will I bother you?
10:35And there is nothing like that.
10:37You just come back soon.
10:39Okay, do one thing.
10:41Get me to talk to Aiman.
10:43Aiman is not at home.
10:45She has gone out somewhere.
10:46Okay, then I will talk to you when I reach Karachi.
10:52should I get you something from here?
10:54No, you just come back safely.
10:57I don't want anything else.
10:59The weather here is bad.
11:01If the flight leaves on time, I will reach on time.
11:04May God protect you.
11:13She never tells me anything.
11:16But why do I feel today that she is more worried than usual?
11:23What happened, sister-in-law?
11:25What are you thinking?
11:27I am thinking, Aiman, that
11:30if Waqar doesn't believe me,
11:33will he throw me out of this house?
11:35Why are you thinking like this?
11:38Tell me the truth, Aiman.
11:41After whatever happened with me,
11:42apart from being scared,
11:44what else do I have left?
11:47She is telling the truth.
11:49I am just giving you hope,
11:52consolation, and consolation.
11:55Otherwise, the truth is that
11:57even I don't have the courage to face my father and brother.
12:04I shouldn't have gone to meet Adil.
12:06I really made a mistake.
12:08No, sister-in-law. There is nothing like that.
12:10Why are you weakening yourself by thinking such things?
12:13You went to meet Adil because of brother Waqar.
12:17Have faith, nothing will happen.
12:19Fear is much stronger than faith.
12:22You are right.
12:25This fear is slowly coming out of my body.
12:28I am thinking, God forbid, if you are not here,
12:32then how will I tell my heart's condition?
12:35Who is there with whom I will be able to hope for two words of consolation?
12:38Zubi is right.
12:40Both of us are on the same boat.
12:43The only difference is that
12:45it's not one, but two boats.
12:48She just doesn't know this.
13:08you should have told Waqar all this on the phone.
13:11So that by the time he reaches here, he would have already decided.
13:14I am scared of that magician's magic.
13:16I don't know what spell he will cast,
13:18that Waqar will listen to him again.
13:24This time it won't happen, Zubi.
13:27He is my blood.
13:29I know my son very well.
13:31You can do anything, uncle.
13:32But you will talk to Waqar first, you won't let him talk.
13:35Otherwise, I don't know what he will say.
13:38Why are you worrying, child?
13:40If Waqar believes me or not,
13:45he will believe what his mother says.
13:48So will aunt support you?
13:52She will have to support me.
14:02She will have to support me.
14:14You just keep watching.
14:17You don't worry.
14:19You don't know me.
14:23Yes, I am telling you this.
14:25I am telling you.
14:32Thank God.
14:37At least I got to see your face.
14:40I swear, it didn't feel like two days,
14:42it felt like two years.
14:44And I couldn't even spend it.
14:46I am very tired.
14:48I will go and freshen up.
14:50Wait, Waqar.
14:52Uncle was calling you.
14:53Meet him first.
14:55I have to talk to you about something important.
14:57I told you I will freshen up.
14:59Then I will meet father too.
15:01Excuse me.
15:03But what if he says?
15:16Mr. Veer Sana, has Waqar father come?
15:19I will just come.
15:21Sister-in-law, no, you don't go.
15:23Let brother Waqar come here.
15:25If you don't meet him in the room,
15:27he will definitely come here looking for you.
15:31Your son has come.
15:33Greetings, mother.
15:37What have you done?
15:39Looks like you didn't take care of yourself at all.
15:42And just kept working.
15:44Mother, where is Virsa?
15:46I can't see her.
15:48Where will Virsa go?
15:50She must be here with Aiman.
15:51You do one thing, meet your father first.
15:54He was asking about you.
15:56What is the matter? I met Zobia.
15:58She is also insisting to meet father.
16:00You are also saying the same.
16:02Why do I feel that you are hiding something from me?
16:05The silence of the graveyard in this house,
16:08can't you guess that a big storm has passed here?
16:14What kind of storm?
16:16What do you want to say? Tell me.
16:18I won't be able to tell you properly.
16:19That's why I have told you to meet your father.
16:30Greetings, father.
16:33God bless you, son.
16:37Zobi, won't you give us tea?
16:41Yes, I will get it right away.
16:47Sit, son.
16:50How was everything?
16:54Everything was fine, father.
16:57But why do I feel that…
16:59You feel fine?
17:03I feel ashamed to tell you the truth.
17:07But what should I do?
17:09It is important to tell you.
17:12We can't hide this stain of humiliation and disgrace even if we want to.
17:16What happened, father?
17:18Before saying anything,
17:21I would like to know
17:24if you will believe what your father says.
17:29If you believe what I say,
17:32then I will say something.
17:37there is no point in saying what I say.
17:42There is no point in telling the truth to anyone.
17:45The truth doesn't need any support, father.
17:49Tell me what you want to say.
17:52Then listen.
18:09Enough, father.
18:11I can't listen anymore.
18:12I know
18:15that no honorable person
18:17can tolerate his wife's actions.
18:22If you want to know the truth,
18:25then you will have to listen to this completely.
18:29Is there anything else left to hear, father?
18:32Yes, there is.
18:34This is not a matter of one night, son.
18:38That boy came to meet your wife secretly.
18:42He ruined everything.
18:46Look at this.
18:48In your absence,
18:51without telling anyone,
18:53she went to meet her cousin.
18:56He is the same boy
18:58who used to come to our house by mistake.
19:01And that day also, I slapped him because
19:05the way he was looking at your wife,
19:09I couldn't tolerate it.
19:12I couldn't tolerate it.
19:42What happened?
19:44You will have to get married as soon as possible.
19:48Savyar doesn't like you.
19:53Savyar is mine.
19:55And I know very well
19:59how to make him mine.
20:01Mother, you have decorated your house so beautifully.
20:04Why didn't you throw a bottle of wine on me?
20:07You are so different from other girls, son.
20:13May God give you a very good fate.
20:16May you get a groom like a prince.
20:45believe me, I don't know anything.
20:48I don't know who he is.
20:50I am innocent.
20:51You are lying.
20:52You are lying.
20:54What did you think?
20:56In the darkness of the night,
20:58no one will come to this house and no one will know?
21:00And you will be safe?
21:02And the matter is not over yet.
21:04These meetings.
21:06Look at him.
21:09How will you deny him?
21:10We all know him.
21:13You yourself told me that he wanted to marry you.
21:16He even sent a proposal to your house.
21:19This means that you both meet secretly even today.
21:27you are very angry right now.
21:29We will talk calmly.
21:31Brother, sister-in-law Virsa is right.
21:34You are angry right now.
21:36Please cool down a little.
21:37Then you can talk.
21:38Maybe you will get the answer to your questions.
21:41When the whole house is against him
21:44and everyone has seen this shameful scene with their own eyes,
21:48then why are you still standing with him?
21:50Why don't you curse his face?
21:52Is he still worthy of living in this house?
21:57Brother, if I explain anything to you in anger,
22:00you will not understand.
22:02Please relax a little.
22:04Should I bring water for you?
22:06I don't want to drink water.
22:08You Virsa,
22:10you didn't leave me anywhere to raise my head and talk.
22:19Today you have proved that
22:22my decision to give you a place in this house was absolutely wrong.
22:28Absolutely wrong.
22:32Waqar, listen to me.
22:40Iman, Waqar didn't even listen to me.
22:42He didn't even look at me.
22:44I don't believe him at all.
22:46I am ruined.
22:48Where will I go now?
22:50Where will I go?
22:52Be strong.
22:56Where will I go?
23:09This is not a matter of one night.
23:13That boy came to meet your wife secretly.
23:18Look at this.
23:20Look at this.
23:22In your absence,
23:24without telling anyone,
23:26she went to meet her cousin.
23:33This is the same boy
23:35who used to come to our house by mistake.
23:38And that day also I slapped him on the face because
23:42the way he was looking at your wife,
23:45I couldn't tolerate it.
24:08What did you get by breaking my heart?
24:14I miss you. I miss you.
24:18Return my love.
24:21Return my love.
24:26He can never look so good on anyone more than you.
24:30That's why I bought him for you.
24:33Do you know when I saw him for the first time,
24:36I thought he will make it only for you.
24:39But Bakaal,
24:41today is neither my birthday nor any other festival,
24:46then why this gift?
24:57To give a gift, there is no need for any birthday or festival.
25:02You should give a gift whenever you want.
25:05And when you don't want,
25:07then any day,
25:09it doesn't matter.
25:11For me, your love is the most precious gift.
25:15You surprise me.
25:19You look very pretty.
25:36What is this sister-in-law?
25:38Are you going somewhere?
25:40What is this now?
25:42Before Bakaal comes back and kicks me out,
25:45it would be better if I leave.
25:47No, no, you can't go anywhere.
25:50Till brother doesn't come, I won't let you go anywhere.
25:54Didn't you see what Bakaal said, Aiman?
25:57He is fed up of my face.
26:01He doesn't want me to go anywhere.
26:04He doesn't want me to stay here.
26:06I can't give him more pain by staying here.
26:09Okay, you are right sister-in-law.
26:11Whatever you say, whatever you think,
26:13or whatever brother said to you in anger,
26:15but I can't give you an advice to leave from here like this.
26:18You should wait for brother.
26:25We know that…
26:27Uncle, our plan worked.
26:30So has that girl left the house?
26:33But now no one can stop her from leaving.
26:36Bakaal didn't even look at her and left the house.
26:47Bakaal left?
26:49Yes, he left just now.
26:51But I am sure that when he comes back,
26:53he won't let Varsha stay here.
26:55Now he will have to leave this house.
27:03To be continued…
27:34You are still here?
27:36You haven't left yet?
27:39Where will I go leaving you, Bakaal?
27:43Who else do I have other than you?
27:47I had a house, I left it for you.
27:51Now if you also throw me out, where will I go?
27:54You are asking me where you will go?
27:57You have so many options.
28:00You have so many lovers,
28:01so many lovers who can do anything for you.
28:04That Adil, call him.
28:07He can come for you once.
28:09You also went to meet him.
28:19Brother, brother, what happened to you?
28:22Control yourself.
28:24Aiman, tell Aiman to leave from here.
28:26I don't even want to see her face.
28:28Brother, what are you saying?
28:29You cannot do this. This is not right.
28:32Then what should I do? You tell me.
28:34What should I do?
28:36How do I make you understand, brother?
28:38What you are thinking, what you are understanding,
28:40there is nothing like that.
28:42Okay, you tell me this,
28:44have you only met father or have you also met mother?
28:46I have met everyone and everyone is saying the same thing.
28:50What do you want to say to them separately?
28:52Tell me.
28:54Didn't you yourself see the man who came to meet her?
28:56I saw him, brother,
28:58but the way he is showing you, that is not right.
29:01Sister-in-law Virsa didn't even know him.
29:04How do you know?
29:06And that Adil,
29:08you know him, right?
29:10You went to meet him, right?
29:12Should I say that this is also wrong?
29:14That is right, brother,
29:16but sister-in-law Virsa told me before going.
29:18Why did you go?
29:20Tell me, why did you go?
29:26I was very worried to see you worried.
29:30I didn't understand anything.
29:32I went to ask Adil for help for you.
29:37I felt that maybe he is the only one who can get investors.
29:42Are you mad?
29:44Are you mad?
29:46You wanted to help me like this.
29:48You should have at least told me.
29:50I just made a mistake that I didn't tell you.
29:53I just made a mistake that
29:55I thought if I call you in Islamabad, you will get worried for no reason.
30:00No matter what you say,
30:02I will never forgive you for this.
30:09And you, Aiman,
30:11you misbehaved with your father for this.
30:14Now you have grown up so much that you will do whatever you want.
30:17Brother, I just wanted that whatever the decision is, it should be in front of you.
30:20You do it yourself.
30:22That is why I had stopped father
30:24that he should not throw sister-in-law Virsa out of the house till you come.
30:27You have not grown up enough to interfere in the matters of elders like this
30:31and challenge their decisions.
30:35I am sorry, brother.
30:37Forgive me.
30:39You will apologize,
30:41but not to me, but to your father.
30:44Come with me now
30:46and apologize to your father.
31:12Did you meet father?
31:18What did he say?
31:21You know everything and still you are asking me?
31:24I just
31:27took Aiman with me.
31:29Whatever Aiman did,
31:31she has apologized to father for that.
31:37Then what have you decided about Virsa?
31:44Can I ask you something, mama?
31:45Yes, son, ask me.
31:47Virsa has been living in this house for so many days.
31:50She is right in front of your eyes.
31:53Do you think her character is so weak that
31:56an unknown person should live in this house…
31:58Why are you asking me?
32:00Don't you believe what your father has said?
32:03I have to ask you too.
32:05You were also there when all this happened.
32:08Son, whatever I say, the real thing is what your father has said.
32:11He was the one who brought that man here.
32:14And that boy had confessed in front of everyone
32:18that Virsa has called him.
32:21This means that you also believe the allegation
32:24put on that stranger, Virsa, to be true.
32:29I just want to ask one last question
32:33which you will answer me.
32:34I just want to ask one last question
32:37which you will answer me.
32:42Father wants me to not keep Virsa here
32:45after whatever happened in this house.
32:47He wants me to leave her at her parents' house.
32:52Do you also want this, mama?
32:54I don't know, son.
32:56But I do know that
32:58from the day you married this girl,
33:00we didn't get a day's peace in this house.
33:05I understand what you want to say.
33:07Wait, Waqar.
33:15I understand that it is very easy to put an allegation on a woman.
33:20That's why whatever decision you make,
33:23do it after giving it a lot of thought.
33:25Do it after giving it a lot of thought.
33:28I am very scared of my God.
33:56Waqar, please eat something.
33:59You haven't eaten anything since morning.
34:04I don't want to eat anything.
34:08I am starving.
34:13I know you are very upset with me.
34:26I feel like strangling you and killing you.
34:40So much hatred?
34:44What are you waiting for?
34:46After losing your trust, you don't want to stay alive anyway.
34:52Go away.
34:53Go away.
34:55Strangle me.
34:58You said it so easily that you will kill me.
35:01I have brought you to this house and this life by upsetting my entire family.
35:06And now you want me to kill you?
35:09Set you free?
35:11My hands are tied.
35:13I can't do this even if I want to.
35:16Then you tell me,
35:18what should I do to get your trust back?
35:20Will you kill me?
35:22Will you start trusting me again?
35:25This was my trust on you till now,
35:28that you are standing in front of me right now.
35:32But to tell you the truth, my trust in you has shaken now.
35:36And only you are responsible for it.
35:39You have broken your trust and shattered it.
35:44You are the only one responsible for your destruction.
35:50I never wanted to see you in so much pain.
35:53I admit, I made a big mistake.
35:56I should have asked you and gone to meet Adil.
36:01But Waqar,
36:04our love was not so weak that
36:07one person should die in front of everyone in broad daylight.
36:11Don't test me anymore, Versa.
36:14Sit quietly and don't use your brain.
36:21So what will you decide about me now?
36:27Whatever the decision is,
36:30but one thing is for sure,
36:34you cannot live in this house anymore.
36:39You will have to leave from here.
36:50You will have to leave from here.
