Its Okay To Not Be Okay S01E13 Hindi Kdrama The Father Of The Two Sisters 1080p .

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1. The Aftermath of Revelations:

The episode begins with the fallout from the previous episode's cliffhanger. Kang-tae is reeling from the realization that his and Mun-yeong’s pasts are more intertwined than he ever imagined. This discovery strains his relationship with Mun-yeong, as he grapples with the implications of their shared history.
Mun-yeong senses Kang-tae's growing distance and becomes increasingly anxious. Her fear of abandonment, which has plagued her throughout her life, resurfaces with full force, leading her to push Kang-tae away before he can leave her.
2. Sang-tae’s Breakthrough:

Sang-tae experiences a major breakthrough in this episode. After confronting his fears and insecurities, he begins to understand that Kang-tae’s affection for Mun-yeong does not mean he will be abandoned. This realization is both painful and liberating for Sang-tae, as he starts to accept the changes in their lives.
A touching moment occurs when Sang-tae, in his own unique way, expresses his desire to protect both Kang-tae and Mun-yeong. This marks a significant development in his character, as he moves from being solely dependent on Kang-tae to becoming someone who also wants to care for others.
3. The Dark Truth of Mun-yeong’s Past:

The episode delves deeper into the mystery of Mun-yeong’s mother. Flashbacks reveal more about her twisted influence on Mun-yeong, including her manipulation and emotional abuse. These scenes are haunting, showing the extent of Mun-yeong’s psychological trauma.
A critical moment occurs when Mun-yeong revisits her childhood home, the “cursed castle,” where she confronts memories of her mother. The eerie atmosphere of the mansion, combined with the weight of the past, creates a tense and foreboding mood.
4. The Reconciliation:

Despite the tension between them, Kang-tae and Mun-yeong share a powerful moment of vulnerability. In a heart-wrenching scene, Mun-yeong breaks down, revealing her deepest fears and insecurities to Kang-tae. She admits that she has always felt cursed, destined to live in her mother’s shadow, and unworthy of love.
Kang-tae, moved by her honesty, reassures her that she is not defined by her mother’s actions or her past. This conversation marks a turning point in their relationship, as they begin to truly understand and accept each other’s flaws and traumas.
5. The Fairytale Motif – The Two Sisters:

The episode’s title, “The Father of the Two Sisters,” alludes to a fairytale that Mun-yeong narrates. The story is a dark and twisted version of “Hansel and Gretel,” where two sisters are left in the forest by their father and must find their way back. This story mirrors Mun-yeong’s own life, where she felt abandoned and lost, trying to escape the shadow of her mother.
The fairytale serves as a metaphor for Mun-yeong and Kang-tae’s journey. Both have been lost in their own ways, trying to find a place where they belong, and the episode suggests that they are beginning to find that place with each other.
00:00:30Let her take all she wants, set him behind
00:00:35It's not your fairytale love
00:00:40Have him take all he wants, don't be afraid
00:00:45All these are parts of your love you
00:01:00It's not your fairytale love
00:01:05It's not your fairytale love
00:01:27This is so wrong, isn't it?
00:01:30Because of that bitch Titli, I've been living like a dog for years
00:01:53But I don't understand how a murderer can be her mother
00:02:00That's why I wish she never finds out about this reality
00:02:07I don't want Muniyong to regret like this
00:02:11I don't want him to be heartbroken
00:02:15And I don't want him to think about other people's feelings
00:02:20I don't want him to be heartbroken
00:02:25I don't want him to be heartbroken
00:02:30I don't want him to be heartbroken
00:02:41When I think about my mother and brother, I feel so bad
00:02:47What do I do now?
00:02:55What do I do now?
00:03:17I'm leaving
00:03:19Come back if you change your mind
00:03:25I love you
00:03:55I love you
00:04:25I love you
00:04:46Thank you for Mangji
00:04:48I don't have bad dreams anymore
00:04:51You, Sangji and Mangji are a part of this family
00:04:57I'm very happy for that
00:05:08One more thing
00:05:10I want Mangji back
00:05:12He's mine
00:05:21I love you
00:05:23I love you
00:05:51I love you
00:06:18Madam, please sit on the chair
00:06:20Sir, please stand next to him
00:06:24Sir, please stand next to him
00:06:26Very good
00:06:28Now look at the camera and smile
00:06:32Look at the camera and get ready
00:06:341, 2
00:06:361, 1, 1, 1, 2, 3
00:06:40Wait a second
00:06:42My younger brother is here
00:06:46Wow, my brother is here
00:07:20I hope I'm not too late
00:07:44If you wouldn't have come, I would have photoshopped you
00:07:48That's why I came here
00:07:50You look like a hero
00:07:52How much is this suit?
00:07:541 lakh?
00:07:56You look like a hero too
00:07:58I know
00:07:59You also got your hair done
00:08:01You took my gel
00:08:03If you want a family photo
00:08:05All three of you stand together
00:08:07Now all three of us will take a photo together
00:08:10This is our family photo
00:08:12You two come closer to madam
00:08:181, 2, 3
00:08:26This is a family photo
00:08:28Please smile a little
00:08:30Get ready
00:08:32Smile please
00:08:34Get ready
00:08:361, 2, 3
00:08:48I'm back
00:09:00Mr. Lee, you're back
00:09:04What happened?
00:09:06Where are you going?
00:09:08I messaged you
00:09:10I'm going to the art library with Ms. Ko and Mr. Moonsang
00:09:12How will I see your message?
00:09:14You told me to switch off my phone
00:09:16It hurts
00:09:18The thief is in the room
00:09:20Shut up
00:09:26Our plan is working
00:09:30Until he doesn't ask
00:09:32What happened to the girl
00:09:34Don't talk about it
00:09:36Do you understand?
00:09:40You lied to me
00:09:42The girl looks like Song
00:09:44I'm going out
00:09:46See you later
00:10:00Can I come in?
00:10:04Come in
00:10:14I thought of meeting you
00:10:16You must be tired
00:10:18Get some rest
00:10:24I think you have a day off
00:10:30My mom gave me seasoned mulberry leaves
00:10:32And some kimchi
00:10:34If you haven't had lunch yet
00:10:36I have
00:10:38Go ahead
00:10:50I went to see a girl
00:10:52Yes, I know
00:10:54To be honest
00:10:56The actress looks like Song
00:10:58I wanted a girl like her
00:11:02I have training tomorrow
00:11:04I have to study a lot
00:11:08I'm sorry
00:11:10Study well
00:11:12Keep studying
00:11:30I'm such an idiot
00:11:32What have I done?
00:11:38What do I do now?
00:12:02What do the communists think?
00:12:04Are we all their slaves?
00:12:10It's okay
00:12:12People talking behind our backs
00:12:14Reduces our stress
00:12:16And keeps us healthy
00:12:18Thank you
00:12:22I'm the Art director, Mr. Seen Singh
00:12:26I'm the CEO, Mr. Seen Singh
00:12:28I'm the CEO, Singh Jai.
00:12:31You're wearing a suit today.
00:12:33You look like a hero.
00:12:37So you wanted to come here?
00:12:38Yes, this is an art library.
00:12:40There are a lot of picture books here.
00:12:42Let's go inside.
00:12:43This way.
00:12:48Don't wear this from now on.
00:12:49But why?
00:12:50It doesn't look good.
00:12:52You look really good in your uniform.
00:12:55I was thinking of buying another suit.
00:12:58It looks really comfortable.
00:12:59It doesn't look comfortable at all.
00:13:00Don't ever wear it.
00:13:01Okay, I won't wear it.
00:13:03But you shouldn't wear this either.
00:13:05By the way, this isn't comfortable either.
00:13:10Don't ever wear it, understand?
00:13:11Otherwise, I'll really tear it apart.
00:13:14Don't ever wear it.
00:13:16What is this?
00:13:18It's really good.
00:13:19It's really good.
00:13:20It's really good.
00:13:21It's really good.
00:13:23You know, this is a famous artist's book.
00:13:26I've heard that kids like these kinds of drawings a lot.
00:13:30And we like these kinds of drawings.
00:13:31You're in the library.
00:13:32Don't make noise.
00:13:34We don't make noise here.
00:13:40Do you know?
00:13:42There's a lot of mercy and pain in Ms. Ko's stories.
00:13:46So, you can make some innocent and loving drawings...
00:13:49...and finish them all.
00:13:51Like beautiful flowers...
00:13:53...and the sun.
00:13:55And yes...
00:13:56...something that will make...
00:13:59...that will make the heart happy.
00:14:01Use light colors so that...
00:14:03...their heavy story has less impact...
00:14:05...and the kids like it.
00:14:06Not at all.
00:14:08I'll never do that.
00:14:10Why not?
00:14:11When it's over, the book will be empty.
00:14:14And a beggar won't take such an empty book.
00:14:17Even if you give it for free, he won't take it.
00:14:20That's so cool.
00:14:38You're just like this dog.
00:14:42Me? Why?
00:14:43What's his name?
00:14:45...or Jamie.
00:14:46He told me...
00:14:49...that you never share your pain with anyone.
00:14:52You keep it inside you.
00:14:55This dog does the same.
00:15:00When did he tell you that?
00:15:02I called him home thinking...
00:15:04...maybe he'd know why you're upset.
00:15:08I gave him ten pizza orders...
00:15:10...and he came running.
00:15:14And what did he say?
00:15:18He said I shouldn't know.
00:15:21It's useless to try to know what you're thinking.
00:15:26So I stopped thinking.
00:15:29I don't want to know what you're thinking.
00:15:32Come on, young.
00:15:45I'm tired of...
00:15:48...protecting others...
00:15:50...and taking care of them.
00:15:54I've been taking care of my brother since I was a kid.
00:15:57And I had to work for both of us.
00:15:59And I had to work for both of us.
00:16:03So I did everything I could.
00:16:08And now?
00:16:12But now...
00:16:15...I won't think of it as a compulsion.
00:16:20From now on, this will be my goal.
00:16:25To protect my family...
00:16:28...when I think about it...
00:16:31...I feel really good.
00:16:36I won't leave the one who messes with my family.
00:16:42If anyone...
00:16:44...takes my family away from me...
00:16:49...I'll get it back from somewhere.
00:16:58Am I also...
00:17:05...a part of this family?
00:17:09We have a family photo.
00:17:20So we're a family.
00:17:28We're a family.
00:17:41Don't ever call me again.
00:17:45Why do you want to come here now?
00:17:48Okay, come.
00:17:50I'll kill myself.
00:17:58If he calls again...
00:18:01...tell him that Suhey is dead.
00:18:10Miss Yu, Miss Yu, wait.
00:18:12Would you like to go for a walk?
00:18:14Who was it?
00:18:15Who else?
00:18:16Miss Yu's father.
00:18:19He has no shame.
00:18:20I heard he sold a tantric as a ghost when he was a kid.
00:18:23If my father had done that, I would never have...
00:18:25...met him.
00:18:26I haven't heard from him for years.
00:18:28What do you want now?
00:18:29Miss Soon-Be-All.
00:18:30Yes, ma'am.
00:18:31You don't know his entire story.
00:18:33So don't say anything.
00:18:35If you don't know the story of both sides...
00:18:37...then keep quiet.
00:18:38His parents must have been helpless.
00:18:51Yes, I'm a fool.
00:18:53Yes, I'm a fool.
00:18:59Come in.
00:19:03Oh, Miss Kang.
00:19:07Why didn't you eat?
00:19:09What should I say?
00:19:10Tell me.
00:19:11Please, please.
00:19:12Please sit.
00:19:13One minute.
00:19:14I had to do something very important.
00:19:18Yes, yes.
00:19:20We have our own work.
00:19:23You won't be able to sleep on an empty stomach.
00:19:25So eat first.
00:19:27Thank you very much.
00:19:33You've grown up, but you still read children's books.
00:19:37You are a very pure and honest person.
00:19:40No, no.
00:19:41It's nothing like that.
00:19:42This is just my job.
00:19:44Thank you for the food.
00:19:45Eat, eat.
00:19:51This is amazing.
00:19:55Should I tell you the truth?
00:19:57I was hungry, but I didn't come to eat.
00:20:00Actually, I was very ashamed.
00:20:03Ashamed of what?
00:20:10You were ashamed of me?
00:20:13Oh, my God.
00:20:14But why did you lie to me?
00:20:18I feel like...
00:20:20I feel like pulling out my tongue.
00:20:24You're crazy.
00:20:28Can I tell you a secret?
00:20:31What kind of secret?
00:20:34Actually, Juri liked his father more than me.
00:20:39She says he was very brave.
00:20:43But he passed away in his childhood.
00:20:46That's why she had to become my daughter, friend and husband.
00:20:51That's why she doesn't take others' support.
00:20:56If her father were alive today,
00:20:58he would also feel that there is someone who is always with him.
00:21:02With whom she can share her sorrows.
00:21:05When her heart broke, she would help her.
00:21:10When life became difficult,
00:21:13she could take their support and move on.
00:21:17That's all I want.
00:21:22Yes, you're right.
00:21:26I got it.
00:21:31Here we are.
00:21:32I love dhooli.
00:21:35Should I keep these things in the study room?
00:21:38Keep the clothes folded.
00:21:47Let's go.
00:21:58When we bring our family photo,
00:22:00we'll hang it here.
00:22:01It will brighten up the room.
00:22:04Or let's change the layout of the room.
00:22:08Your room.
00:22:09I think it's too small for both of you.
00:22:13So, will you give us your room?
00:22:15That's not necessary.
00:22:17You'll sleep in my room from now on.
00:22:19You'll stay with me.
00:22:20No, I don't want to stay.
00:22:21Why not?
00:22:23Because it was your parents' room.
00:22:26So what?
00:22:38If I ask you to move elsewhere,
00:22:42will you stay?
00:22:44But why?
00:22:46Will you move or not?
00:22:47Do you want to run away again?
00:22:49Is Sanjeev dreaming again?
00:22:53You don't have to be afraid.
00:22:55I'll cut that butterfly into pieces and save you.
00:22:58You know that I like to catch them.
00:23:10It's nothing like that.
00:23:13It's nothing.
00:23:19And if that butterfly comes,
00:23:27don't kill it.
00:23:32Do you understand?
00:23:38Why not?
00:23:44What if I run away again?
00:23:49I'll catch you.
00:23:51And I'll break your legs so that you can't run away.
00:23:56Okay, I won't kill it.
00:23:58I promise.
00:24:03Let's seal the promise.
00:24:06Crazy people don't do that.
00:24:13Let's go.
00:24:23What do you think of yourself?
00:24:25Why are you so angry?
00:24:27Your teeth are dirty.
00:24:28Who told you to look at my teeth?
00:24:30Don't spit if I tell you.
00:24:43What's the trick?
00:24:49Tell me one thing.
00:24:50Why are your cheeks red?
00:24:55Maybe because I didn't take a hot bath.
00:24:57You're feeling shy.
00:25:01Your cheeks are red, your tongue is shaking,
00:25:03and you're smiling when you look at me.
00:25:06This is what we do when we feel shy.
00:25:09Did you do anything to feel shy?
00:25:17Did you kiss her?
00:25:22A little.
00:25:27Kissing is better than fighting.
00:25:30Don't fight or I'll scold you.
00:25:33Okay, tell me.
00:25:35Who do you like more?
00:25:36Me or Muniya?
00:25:43I like...
00:25:47I like Kogildong.
00:25:52I like Kogildong.
00:25:54I like Kogildong.
00:25:56I like Kogildong.
00:25:58I like Kogildong.
00:26:00I like Kogildong.
00:26:03There's a lot of salt in this fish.
00:26:05How can I eat it?
00:26:07Why are they fighting?
00:26:09Don't talk to me while looking at the bride.
00:26:11It disturbs me.
00:26:25Your painting is about to be completed.
00:26:27Hello, hello.
00:26:30Are you okay?
00:26:31Are your ears okay?
00:26:34I'm much better now.
00:26:35That too because of you.
00:26:38Take this.
00:26:39Take this book back.
00:26:42Did you like this book?
00:26:45A lot.
00:26:46I liked it so much that I memorized the whole story.
00:26:49What's your favorite part in this?
00:26:54Don't forget this.
00:26:55If you don't win, you'll be left with a child whose soul will never grow up.
00:27:02This part.
00:27:03Yes, that part is my favorite too.
00:27:06Win from him, remember him and win from him.
00:27:09This is my favorite line in this book.
00:27:15Are you learning to make butterflies?
00:27:20It's in my sketchbook.
00:27:22I'm practicing.
00:27:25Oh, I see.
00:27:28So, what do you think will happen first?
00:27:32Will I see butterflies in your painting?
00:27:35Or will I leave this hospital?
00:27:39The door.
00:27:41The one who finds the door first will leave first.
00:27:44Yes, you're right.
00:27:47So, let's find that door so that we can be free.
00:27:56Miss Yu?
00:28:02Is Miss Yu here?
00:28:12Miss Yu is behaving strangely. She's not getting up.
00:28:15When was the last time you spoke to her?
00:28:17Yesterday afternoon.
00:28:19In the city.
00:28:23Maybe she has to be prepared.
00:28:26That guest can come at any time.
00:28:30Who's the guest?
00:28:31That guest had troubled Mr. Kanpilong a lot last year.
00:28:34I know.
00:28:35He chooses a patient and follows him everywhere.
00:28:39Who is this guest?
00:28:42Is he a ghost?
00:28:55There are two Js in this.
00:29:01So, this note is actually a threat to the butterfly.
00:29:10I don't know what's written in this note.
00:29:13I didn't find this company's empty notepad anywhere in the hospital.
00:29:17This means that he didn't write all this himself.
00:29:23Maybe someone wrote this for him.
00:29:26I had a feeling that something is wrong here.
00:29:31Is this him?
00:29:32Remember one thing.
00:29:34Don't trust anyone in the hospital.
00:29:39Not even me.
00:29:40And don't ever leave Mr. Seng here alone.
00:29:47Mr. Seng.
00:29:49Don't wait till I shift.
00:29:50Go straight home.
00:29:52Do you understand?
00:29:56And keep your phone with you.
00:29:58What if a stranger talks to you?
00:30:00I'm not a kid.
00:30:01Why are you making me talk like a kid?
00:30:05I'm just worried about you.
00:30:07I'm not a coward.
00:30:10I'm not a coward.
00:30:11I'm not a coward.
00:30:12I'm not a coward.
00:30:13I'm not a coward.
00:30:14I'm not a coward.
00:30:16Look at this.
00:30:17Look at this.
00:30:19Look at this.
00:30:20I'm practicing making butterflies.
00:30:25And I'll find the door before Mr. Khan.
00:30:28And I'll never run away again.
00:30:36So you'll protect us?
00:30:39Of course I will.
00:30:40I have two little brothers and sisters.
00:30:43I'll protect you and Munyeong.
00:30:46That's my job.
00:31:03Did you eat?
00:31:04Yes, just now.
00:31:05Did you eat?
00:31:07Yes, with Mr. Seng.
00:31:08Did you eat?
00:31:10You're at home, right?
00:31:13Ask Mr. Song Jai and Mr. Lee to stay with you.
00:31:17They'll just come and disturb me from writing.
00:31:21You locked the door, right?
00:31:23Don't let anyone in.
00:31:27That's great.
00:31:29What happened?
00:31:30There's someone who cares about me.
00:31:33Then I'll do something that'll make you care about me.
00:31:39Handsome. Listen, Handsome.
00:31:43Who's calling Handsome?
00:31:45It's no one. Don't worry. Focus on your work.
00:31:50Damn it.
00:31:52She sounded like a young girl.
00:31:56Where am I?
00:32:01You know this is OK Psychiatric Hospital.
00:32:04Psychiatric Hospital?
00:32:06Hospital again?
00:32:08They sent me to the hospital again.
00:32:15Do I know you?
00:32:20I'm the caregiver, Mr. Moon Gang.
00:32:24I'm Song Jai.
00:32:25I'm in elementary school.
00:32:27First class, second section, number 13.
00:32:29My name is Yu Song.
00:32:31You're in first class?
00:32:32You're eight years old?
00:32:35Listen, where's the bathroom?
00:32:37You're here? I've been looking for you.
00:32:40I need to pee. I'm in a hurry.
00:32:42I'll take you. Come on.
00:32:47Do you remember him? He looks like Park Nam Joong.
00:32:51He's handsome, right?
00:32:56He has Dissociative Identity Disorder.
00:32:59Many forms of a person?
00:33:02He fell ill due to child abuse.
00:33:10It's raining.
00:33:13It's raining.
00:33:21In those days, even if the parents beat the kids,
00:33:24everyone thought it was right.
00:33:26People said they did it to improve the kids.
00:33:28But this is abuse.
00:33:31What do we do now?
00:33:33To save himself, his mind created many identities.
00:33:37His parents thought he was possessed.
00:33:39They sold him to an occultist.
00:33:42So, he's not an occultist?
00:33:46He wasn't an occultist. His predictions were wrong.
00:33:50The director went to him to find out his future.
00:33:53He identified the disease, explained it to him and brought him to the hospital.
00:34:01He was admitted to the hospital.
00:34:11Biyol, call the director.
00:34:15He's in room 203.
00:34:32There are other patients in this room.
00:34:35We have to shift them to a safe room.
00:34:38Yes, sir.
00:35:02I'm here.
00:35:05Mr. Sang, come here for a minute.
00:35:13First of all, you should ask me how I'm doing.
00:35:16Don't forget, I'm your boss now.
00:35:18These are my drawings.
00:35:22Is she the one who doesn't know anything about herself?
00:35:27Is she the princess who has no feelings?
00:35:31Is she the boy who's locked up in a cage?
00:35:34Did you like my drawings?
00:35:37Not at all. Make them again.
00:35:42Why should I make them again?
00:35:43I don't like these drawings.
00:35:45Look at them.
00:35:46Their heads are upside down.
00:35:48They look like ghosts.
00:35:49It's not like that. They're standing backwards.
00:35:52We should be able to see their faces.
00:35:54We should be able to see their expressions.
00:35:55They're not zombies.
00:35:56What do I do with drawings without expressions?
00:35:59The message of a story is always based on drawings.
00:36:02What do I do with faces that don't...
00:36:04This is difficult.
00:36:09It's difficult to make expressions.
00:36:12I can't do this.
00:36:19You have an expression card, right?
00:36:21You can copy the expressions of anger, irritation, and happiness.
00:36:26If I copy them, they won't be my drawings.
00:36:31Because they won't be my thoughts.
00:36:41Why don't you go and learn?
00:36:43I know how smart you are.
00:36:45Not just your brother, but look at the faces of other people.
00:36:48Then you'll be able to make any expression without looking.
00:36:51I know you can do it yourself.
00:36:53It won't be too difficult for you.
00:36:57Just learn it in a week.
00:37:12Are you going home?
00:37:14I wanted to talk to you.
00:37:17Mr. Kodehwan may not be able to live for long.
00:37:25The director will talk to Ms. Ko.
00:37:28But you're closer to him.
00:37:30You should tell him so that he's mentally prepared.
00:37:36I'll tell him.
00:37:37You should tell him so that he's mentally prepared.
00:37:42I'll tell him.
00:37:46I thought he'd be alive for a few more days.
00:37:48I feel bad.
00:37:50I feel bad being a nurse.
00:37:51What about Ms. Ko?
00:37:53You take care of her.
00:37:57Yes, ma'am.
00:38:20I saw you didn't take your car.
00:38:22I thought you'd be back by bus.
00:38:25That's why I stopped here.
00:38:27Do you want to talk to me?
00:38:32Then why were you waiting?
00:38:34Then why were you waiting?
00:38:38It's night.
00:38:40And I saw the street lights outside our house were off.
00:38:44And there's no security guard here.
00:38:48So I came to support you.
00:38:54It was a lie that I was going to see that girl.
00:38:58But it's true that my dad sends me to see a new girl every month.
00:39:03I was born late.
00:39:04And now my dad is 90...
00:39:06No, he'll be 91 this year.
00:39:08Anyway, he was older when I was born.
00:39:11That's why he wants me to get married soon.
00:39:13Do you want a girl like Songhae?
00:39:17No, no, not at all.
00:39:20I want a girl like...
00:39:24What do I say?
00:39:25When life was hard, she could take his support and move on.
00:39:30I want a girl who can take my support and move on.
00:39:37I want a girl who can come to me and cry.
00:39:39I think she's very cute.
00:39:41If her dad was alive, she'd be like my daughter.
00:39:44Like a daughter...
00:39:49You're very strange.
00:39:53No, Jhuri.
00:39:56I want to support you like your dad would have supported you.
00:40:14Are you busy?
00:40:16Even if I'm busy, I have time for you.
00:40:21Have you decided the story?
00:40:22I can tell you.
00:40:23You can tell me.
00:40:37So, does he even get what he was looking for?
00:40:45You're asking me the ending of the story again, aren't you?
00:40:48No, no, I just wanted to know.
00:40:51I want to know too.
00:40:54About the girl who called you handsome when we were talking on the phone.
00:41:01She's a patient. She's quite old.
00:41:06Okay, then.
00:41:08I thought it was a young girl.
00:41:11She can read a fairy tale.
00:41:26Your dad...
00:41:29I think he...
00:41:30I know.
00:41:31The director called me.
00:41:35He said I should meet him before he loses his mind.
00:41:40It's too much.
00:41:43No matter how many crimes the parents have committed,
00:41:45they always get forgiveness before they die.
00:41:49Go. I've forgiven you.
00:41:53Until the kids don't say this, won't they lose their lives?
00:41:59Are you sure?
00:42:02You won't regret it later.
00:42:07King Donkey years.
00:42:09Your pain.
00:42:11To end it, it's important to say what's in your heart.
00:42:15You won't get a chance to talk to your dad again.
00:42:21Won't it matter to you?
00:42:24Not at all.
00:42:26I don't regret it.
00:42:28Nor do I want to say anything to him.
00:42:30I have something to say.
00:42:44When I was a kid,
00:42:46I hated a story.
00:42:53A story about two sisters.
00:42:56I hated their father.
00:43:00I hated him.
00:43:20The stepmother used to trouble her a lot.
00:43:24She was about to die because of her.
00:43:27But she didn't do anything.
00:43:31Whoever sees evil,
00:43:35and ignores it,
00:43:37is worse than the one who does evil.
00:43:45Their father was responsible for their death.
00:44:00I hate you.
00:44:04Please listen.
00:44:06Please listen.
00:44:08Please listen to me.
00:44:10Help me.
00:44:12Help me, son.
00:44:16Help me.
00:44:18Why are you making so much noise?
00:44:19Why are you making so much noise?
00:44:29Your daughter has refused.
00:44:32If you force her to give her liver,
00:44:35we'll have to call the police.
00:44:41I'm Sunhe's father.
00:44:43And I gave birth to her.
00:44:45So what?
00:44:47You can't force her to give her liver.
00:44:51Please help me once.
00:44:53If I don't get my liver transplant,
00:44:55I'll really die.
00:44:57Where were you when your wife used to beat her like crazy?
00:45:00You didn't help her then.
00:45:02She was upset.
00:45:04You sold her to a demon and left her alone.
00:45:07That's because
00:45:09she used to say weird things.
00:45:11You didn't hear from her for 30 years.
00:45:13What have you come to do now?
00:45:15If you want to live,
00:45:17beg your daughter.
00:45:33It hurts.
00:45:36My stomach too.
00:45:40And my stomach too.
00:45:43It hurts so much
00:45:45that I can't sleep.
00:45:47Have you ever
00:45:49asked your father for help?
00:45:51He doesn't help.
00:45:53He doesn't know anything.
00:46:14Should I beat her up
00:46:16so that she doesn't come back?
00:46:19Or should I
00:46:21stay here with you and save you?
00:46:24So that you can say whatever you want.
00:46:31Please stay with me.
00:46:42I hate you.
00:46:44I hate you.
00:46:48When mom used to beat me,
00:46:52you used to stay quiet.
00:46:57I used to call you,
00:47:00but you
00:47:02used to leave.
00:47:04You didn't save me.
00:47:06Mom used to beat me every day.
00:47:10But I hate you more.
00:47:12The ghost had left me.
00:47:16But you sent me to the sorcerer.
00:47:19I waited for you.
00:47:24I thought you would come to take me.
00:47:28You are very bad.
00:47:30I hate you.
00:47:34I hate you.
00:47:39You are very bad.
00:47:42I hate you.
00:47:47I hate you.
00:48:12I hate you.
00:48:29You won't get a chance to talk to your dad again.
00:48:35Do you
00:48:37believe that you won't regret later?
00:48:43You are worried.
00:48:46I am very worried.
00:49:01So when you don't like someone.
00:49:05I don't like this guy at all.
00:49:13And when you get angry, how do you do it?
00:49:16I am very angry.
00:49:22No, no.
00:49:23All your expressions are the same.
00:49:25You just keep shouting.
00:49:28If I help you in your work,
00:49:31my face will be exposed.
00:49:36I am very angry.
00:49:39I am very angry.
00:49:42Leave it.
00:49:49Mr. Moon.
00:49:50Did you call me?
00:49:55I have to work till next week.
00:49:57I have to understand people's expressions
00:49:59and make their drawings.
00:50:01Will you help me?
00:50:03You are an art director, right?
00:50:05Don't do it.
00:50:07Of course I will.
00:50:08Tell me.
00:50:09What should I do?
00:50:11Sit here.
00:50:12Sit here.
00:50:17Now look at me.
00:50:18Look at me.
00:50:20As if you are loving someone.
00:50:22Look at me.
00:50:24Loving someone?
00:50:31So cute.
00:50:33This is very difficult.
00:50:36Give me a proper expression.
00:50:38Why are you giving me this?
00:50:42Let's take a break.
00:50:45I am sorry Mr. Moon.
00:50:54See you tomorrow.
00:51:16Why did you call me for a drink today?
00:51:20Mr. Gyan is on night duty today.
00:51:22That's why I called you.
00:51:30You don't seem to be in a good mood.
00:51:32Did your father...
00:51:34Raja's ears are like donkeys.
00:51:40That's why I called you.
00:51:41I wanted to tell someone.
00:51:45I won't be able to drink today.
00:51:54I was born as your mother's daughter...
00:51:57and you were born as my mother's daughter...
00:51:59what would have happened to me?
00:52:03my mother...
00:52:07would have beaten you up and reformed you in your childhood.
00:52:13That's true.
00:52:31I'm sorry.
00:53:01I'm sorry.
00:53:11Juri called and said she'll be late.
00:53:14She went out for a drink.
00:53:16She went out for a drink?
00:53:19I don't think she should go out for a drink.
00:53:21By the way, who did she go out with?
00:53:22With Moon Young.
00:53:23Oh no.
00:53:24They shouldn't be together.
00:53:25Don't worry.
00:53:26They are friends.
00:53:27Let them solve their problems themselves.
00:53:37When I used to cook for the workers...
00:53:41Juri brought a friend along for the first time in her life.
00:53:44Her name was Moon Young.
00:53:47She was very small and thin.
00:53:49But she ate a big bowl of rice.
00:53:53It was like...
00:53:54she ate good food for the first time in her life.
00:53:59I think...
00:54:00there must have been a big problem in her family.
00:54:05I don't know the whole story.
00:54:08All I know is...
00:54:10her childhood...
00:54:13was filled with a lot of problems.
00:54:31You're awake.
00:54:33Can I get you some water?
00:54:43have committed a grave sin.
00:54:48But I...
00:54:50can't apologize to anyone.
00:55:04killed my wife.
00:55:09Who did you kill?
00:55:12That woman...
00:55:14took someone's life...
00:55:17and killed her.
00:55:20I killed her.
00:55:22I killed her.
00:55:24I killed her.
00:55:26I killed her.
00:55:28I killed her.
00:55:30Who were you singing to?
00:56:05You have glioblastoma.
00:56:07It's a brain tumor like cancer.
00:56:09The chances of survival...
00:56:11are low.
00:56:13As the tumor grows...
00:56:15the power of your thinking and memory will begin to wane.
00:56:31You seem to be in a good mood today.
00:56:36You can say that.
00:56:46Last night at 8 o'clock...
00:56:49a 40-year-old woman was stabbed in the neck and killed.
00:56:54The police are still investigating.
00:56:56The woman's son was with her.
00:56:58But due to the brain tumor...
00:57:00he is unable to speak to the police.
00:57:03The police believe that she is a murderer.
00:57:07But they have no evidence.
00:57:10Our correspondent...
00:57:11That new maid...
00:57:13why isn't she here today?
00:57:15She won't come.
00:57:20She shouldn't have crossed her limits.
00:57:28Come, let's go.
00:57:53That's you.
00:57:55You did this, didn't you?
00:57:58You killed that woman!
00:58:01Don't worry, no one knows.
00:58:14I die...
00:58:16Then Moonyong...
00:58:18My daughter...
00:58:21Will become a witch like you.
00:58:24So please...
00:58:52Die, you witch!
00:59:03I definitely killed her that day.
00:59:28Miss Park...
00:59:30Do you need any help?
00:59:32No, everything is fine.
00:59:41Saw everything.
00:59:44She was right there.
00:59:49When I...
00:59:52When I...
00:59:55When I...
00:59:56When I...
01:00:04When I killed that woman...
01:00:07She was just a little girl.
01:00:10But she saw everything.
01:01:28Where did you go?
01:01:33I was worried so...
01:01:35I went to the lake...
01:01:37To fish.
01:02:19She knows everything.
01:02:27Is that why...
01:02:32You want to kill her too?
01:02:39I was afraid...
01:02:42That Moonyong...
01:02:45Will become a witch like her mother.
01:02:49That's why...
01:02:50I did this.
01:02:52My daughter...
01:02:53My daughter...
01:02:56It wasn't her fault.
01:03:00It was my fault.
01:03:26I was afraid of my mother.
01:03:29That's why I always tried to be a good girl.
01:03:34So that my mother wouldn't hate me.
01:03:39No one came to save me from them.
01:03:47No one but one person.
01:03:52I wanted to run away with him.
01:03:58But I couldn't because of my mother.
01:04:04And your father?
01:04:06Didn't he help you?
01:04:10My mother always raised me the same way.
01:04:15And my father did the same thing.
01:04:24He read me a fairytale book.
01:04:30Fairytale book?
01:04:38You know Jori...
01:04:44He read me the story once.
01:04:49And I still remember it.
01:05:19I must admit that Miss Kony has endured so much in her childhood.
01:05:23She took care of me.
01:05:53I love you.
01:06:23I love you too.
01:06:54So you're home.
01:06:56So you're home.
01:07:23I love you.
01:07:54Please stop staring at me.
01:07:58Are you sad?
01:08:03You have a beautiful face.
01:08:06Being sad is not something to be ashamed of.
01:08:09I'm not sad.
01:08:11I think you're lying.
01:08:16She's lying.
01:08:23Can we go now?
01:08:54I'm hungry.
01:08:56Shall we eat something outside?
01:08:57Let's eat Jajjam Pong.
01:09:00I want to eat the soy sauce and boiled eggs made by Chawal and Gyanji.
01:09:04That was made by Miss Kang.
01:09:06Miss Kang makes very good soy sauce and boiled eggs.
01:09:09And Gyanji makes very good soup.
01:09:11But her cutlets...
01:09:13...are absolute rubbish.
01:09:24A beautiful princess was born... a palace in the middle of a dense forest.
01:09:31The king loved her very much.
01:09:33When she was born, the king...
01:09:35...celebrated a big celebration.
01:09:37And he called 12 magicians.
01:09:40That means...
01:09:42...I'm also a princess.
01:09:44And I live in a palace in the middle of the forest.
01:09:47You're right.
01:09:48You're right.
01:09:50I built this palace...
01:09:52...for my lovely princess.
01:10:13Let's move on.
01:10:14The whole country was celebrating...
01:10:16...the birth of the princess.
01:10:19But the bad magician was not invited.
01:10:22So he went to the palace in anger... spoil the celebration.
01:10:46I know he died of illness.
01:10:49But he was very young.
01:10:52So it's not a sad thing.
01:10:54Are you crazy?
01:10:55How can you say that?
01:10:57Death is always sad.
01:11:00I would like to say something.
01:11:03Thank God both of them are with Munyeong... take care of her.
01:11:09Oh God.
01:11:11Everyone in the hospital...
01:11:13...will be sad for a few days.
01:11:15He has been a patient in the psychiatric hospital for a long time.
01:11:18So people will be sad.
01:11:26Yes, Gang.
01:11:31Come home and take her.
01:11:38A person who has just returned from a funeral...
01:11:41...shouldn't say that.
01:11:43But you're like a useless daughter...
01:11:46...who has come to her mother to get food for her husband.
01:11:52It's done.
01:11:54Are you okay?
01:11:57Who, me?
01:12:00I don't know why...
01:12:02...I feel like asking you the same question.
01:12:06I'm fine.
01:12:10I mean, I'll be fine.
01:12:13I don't know...
01:12:15...if my mother will be happy...
01:12:18...that I'm looking for my happiness.
01:12:20What nonsense are you talking?
01:12:23The most painful thing for your parents... that you're not happy because of them.
01:12:30If you want to keep your mother happy...
01:12:33...try to be happy yourself from today.
01:12:39Thank you so much.
01:12:41You're very nice.
01:12:45The photo is good, isn't it?
01:12:54It's very good.
01:12:56Can I...
01:12:58...sell this house?
01:13:03I'm thinking...
01:13:05...of going to a new place...
01:13:07...and starting anew.
01:13:11Yes, that's a good idea.
01:13:14I'll sell this house.
01:13:16And I'll help Mr. Lee with the company.
01:13:18We can buy a camping car with the money we have.
01:13:21We can make a butterfly on that painting...
01:13:24...and get Sanjay's job done.
01:13:26And then you can quit the hospital job.
01:13:29Then the three of us can go on a trip...
01:13:32...without thinking.
01:13:37Let's do that.
01:13:46...if you have so much money... me some of these suits.
01:13:51Take me on a trip to Serengeti.
01:13:54And keep me in a five-star hotel.
01:13:57And from today... take care of me, okay?
01:14:03Don't try to be an escort. You don't look good in a suit.
01:14:12...please tell me.
01:14:15What should I tell you?
01:14:16What is your dream?
01:14:18What do you want to do?
01:14:21Moon Kanji, what dreams do you have?
01:14:35Forget it. Let it go.
01:14:37Why should I let it go?
01:14:39Don't you have a dream or you don't want to tell me?
01:14:46...want to go to school.
01:14:50Can I go to night school?
01:14:52So you...
01:14:54...want to go to school?
01:14:57You can't go.
01:14:58Why not?
01:14:59The girls there will follow you.
01:15:01You won't go there.
01:15:03Whatever you want to study, do it online, okay?
01:15:10You tell me.
01:15:12Why did you become a fairytale writer?
01:15:16...because I know the world of dreams very well.
01:15:22In this palace made by my father...
01:15:25...I live like a princess.
01:15:30But no one knows how difficult our life is.
01:15:38The ending should be good.
01:15:40That's what matters.
01:15:49You are right.
01:15:52A happy ending... the most important.
01:16:14I am going to make a butterfly today...
01:16:17...and I will do it.
01:16:18That's good.
01:16:20I will stay here after class.
01:16:22We will go home together.
01:16:34You found the door?
01:16:39Your painting.
01:16:40My painting?
01:16:41My painting.
01:16:43My painting.
01:16:56This is the same.
01:16:59No, this sister.
01:17:01I didn't make this sister.
01:17:04How did she come here?
01:17:06How did she come?
01:17:07How, mother?
01:17:09My mother.
01:17:11This butterfly killed my mother.
01:17:14This butterfly.
01:17:18This butterfly killed my mother.
01:17:22This is the same butterfly.
01:17:31This butterfly...
01:17:32In Greek, a butterfly is called a Psyche.
01:17:43Do you know what a Psyche means?
01:18:06Butterflies are different from everyone else.
01:18:13I'm beautiful, aren't I?
01:18:22Why? Why? Why?
01:18:24Why is this butterfly here?
01:18:26Who made this butterfly here?
01:18:30This butterfly...
01:18:32This butterfly killed my mother.
01:18:36This butterfly killed my mother.
01:18:42This butterfly...
01:18:47This butterfly killed my mother.
01:18:51I didn't make this butterfly.
01:18:54It can't be.
01:18:55It can't be.
01:18:56It can't be.
01:19:00This is a lie.
01:19:14This is a lie, isn't it?
01:19:18Tell me.
01:19:21This is a lie, isn't it?
01:19:32This can't be.
01:19:43Listen to me.
01:19:45I'll tell you it's a lie.
01:19:53I'll tell you it's a lie.
01:20:23I'll tell you it's a lie.
01:20:25I'll tell you it's a lie.
01:20:27I'll tell you it's a lie.
01:20:29I'll tell you it's a lie.
01:20:31I'll tell you it's a lie.
01:20:33I'll tell you it's a lie.
01:20:35I'll tell you it's a lie.
01:20:37I'll tell you it's a lie.
01:20:39I'll tell you it's a lie.
01:20:41I'll tell you it's a lie.
01:20:43I'll tell you it's a lie.
01:20:45I'll tell you it's a lie.
01:20:47I'll tell you it's a lie.
01:20:49I'll tell you it's a lie.
01:20:51I'll tell you it's a lie.
01:20:53I'll tell you it's a lie.
01:20:55I'll tell you it's a lie.
01:20:57I'll tell you it's a lie.
01:20:59I'll tell you it's a lie.
01:21:01I'll tell you it's a lie.
01:21:03I'll tell you it's a lie.
01:21:05I'll tell you it's a lie.
01:21:07I'll tell you it's a lie.
01:21:09I'll tell you it's a lie.
01:21:11I'll tell you it's a lie.
01:21:13I'll tell you it's a lie.
01:21:15I'll tell you it's a lie.
01:21:17I'll tell you it's a lie.
01:21:19I'll tell you it's a lie.
01:21:21Let's have some fun again.
01:21:33Let's have some fun again.
01:21:39For you.
01:21:41For me.
01:21:43For you.
01:21:45For me.
01:21:47She was his. She came here for sure.
01:21:51Sanjeev, I'm really scared.
01:21:54I'm older than you two, so I'll protect you.
01:21:58I'm your guardian.
01:22:01Come to me.
01:22:04I'm so sorry.
01:22:06Stop the car!
01:22:07I said stop!
