2024 Ironman National Motocross - 250MX Moto 2

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00:01It's not over yet.
00:02It's not over for Deegan.
00:03He wants to get this moto win.
00:04Of course, after that last moto, he has a bit of redemption to do.
00:07I was just talking to his dad, Brian Deegan, I said, what were some of the changes you
00:11guys made?
00:12He said, it is a big swing for Hayden for this moto.
00:15We had put a suspension in that was just a little too stiff for this track.
00:18He was totally uncomfortable.
00:19So they went back, they said they threw the kitchen sink at it, and Hayden Deegan basically
00:24has a completely new setup for this moto to see if, you know what, let's get back up on
00:28the top of the box.
00:29Well, he's earned the right to take chances because he already has the title wrapped up.
00:32That's why Deegan is running the number one today.
00:35You also saw, I think he's been getting smelling salts before the motos to get fired up.
00:39That's what you saw him doing there with his mechanic, Brent Duffy.
00:43So Beall all the way on the inside, Deegan all the way on the outside.
00:47The way it played out in moto one, those gates ended up about equal.
00:51Not sure if it'll work that way now, an hour and a half later.
00:53I wonder if the middle has dried out a bit.
00:56It might be quicker.
00:58Here we go, final 250 moto of the year.
01:05Inside work for Beall.
01:07Can he hold it?
01:10Roderick going down in the middle, but Tom Beall got a great jump on the inside, executed
01:15that start right.
01:16Looks like Chance Simons slides up into second place.
01:19And Max Anstey is the Yamaha with him.
01:22Roderick DeFrancisco on the 34, a good start as well.
01:25Great start by Roderick DeFrancisco and RJ up there as well.
01:29You're Tom Beall.
01:30This is exactly what you wanted.
01:32You've been Tom Beall mechanic.
01:34Thank you very much.
01:34He hasn't had to clean that number plate all day long.
01:37He's been out front.
01:38Let's see if he can keep it that way.
01:40It was Pierce Brown who was down in that first turn that he caught there.
01:43James Hyness looking for lines to get around Beall.
01:47Yeah, Tom going on the outside.
01:49They put a little bit of water down, but not too much.
01:51He's got a pretty good racetrack.
01:53The only place they've got to be careful is right here on some of these spaces.
01:56Looks like Chance wants to get up that inside of Tom.
02:00Tom to have the momentum, get all the way down.
02:04Hyness bounced off the top from that inside, not able to complete the pass.
02:08DeFrancisco, though, is on the move.
02:10Up to third.
02:12Good to see Ryder D up here.
02:14Just like we saw Jordan Smith in that first moto.
02:16Maybe Ryder D can do the same thing, hang on with these guys and get some confidence
02:20and see what it's like.
02:21You got Hayden Deegan in the sixth spot right up there behind RJ.
02:25A lot better start for him.
02:29DeFrancisco and his teammate Brown jumping back to supercross this week to prepare for
02:33the SMX playoffs.
02:35Oh, Deegan now challenging Hempshire.
02:37He actually had that pass made and then he got cross threaded coming out, which allowed RJ
02:41to get back.
02:43Hayden is probably riding with a sense of purpose as he scrubs.
02:46Is he going to get a BOGO special?
02:48Get on the inside.
02:50Oh, not quite.
02:51In fact, Hempshire might get him back around the outside.
02:55Yeah, Hempshire sends it and makes it happen.
02:57RJ, that was a nice move by him not following like Hayden had that pass and got caught up
03:02behind his teammate.
03:04A lot of action going on.
03:06Furious first lap here, James.
03:08Deegan and Hempshire wheel to wheel again.
03:10Here's scrub.
03:14And I think he made that pass.
03:16Back to the lead.
03:17Hyman's working the outside of this start straight.
03:20If he squares him up.
03:21Get on the inside.
03:22No, nice move by Tom.
03:23He just went down.
03:24Now this is that split lane section.
03:27Inside, outside.
03:29This might work for Hymus.
03:32Not quite.
03:35Like Tom jumping out like that.
03:37Almost made that section a double.
03:39And this is what we saw with Chancin the first moto.
03:41Really aggressive on the opening few laps.
03:44And I think he probably knows Tom Vial, once he gets settled in, he might do what he did
03:48that first moto and just kind of run away.
03:50So if Chance wants any shot, got to get in front of this guy.
03:53He's definitely trying.
03:55Like how the lines have developed.
03:57You're seeing a few more variations inside, outside early in this moto.
04:01Deep Francisco hanging tough in third.
04:04And they battle again for the lead.
04:07Send it to Katie with more on Hymus.
04:10Yeah, talking to him right before this moto.
04:12He said he was going to work on executing that start check.
04:15But he said he's also battling some bike setup.
04:18They did make some changes between the motos.
04:20But he just wanted to get a little bit more comfortable on this bike.
04:23In which case we're seeing that for him.
04:26Yeah, just watching some of the lines take shape here.
04:28And you're seeing them ride the very edges of the racetrack.
04:31Because the middle has just gotten rougher and rougher.
04:33We started out with a very soft racetrack.
04:35So that's going to get rough.
04:37Now you see them searching for lines.
04:39Going all the way on the edges.
04:40You see Hymus all the way on the outside.
04:42Following that all the way around.
04:44And mostly that's just to avoid the bumps.
04:46Which will really pay off later in the moto when these guys start to fatigue a little bit.
04:49Yeah, that's by design, J.T.
04:50We were down there talking to Jeff Russell and the track builders.
04:53And James, what they said is, oh, Hymus almost throws it away.
04:56They purposely put, oh, kitchen.
04:59Well, that's going to be the end of the overall win streak.
05:01Second in moto one.
05:02Winner of the last race.
05:05Maybe out of this moto.
05:07Oh, bummer.
05:07Yeah, he didn't look like he was in too much of a rush.
05:11Trying to figure out where that was.
05:12But it looks like a high speed.
05:13Now you're sitting Hayden Deegan.
05:15Got past R.J.
05:16And his teammate.
05:17Now trying to do the same thing to rider D as he does.
05:22Oh, Deegan with a vengeance right now.
05:24What I'm saying, they purposely built some more sawdust and watered heavily on the inside.
05:29And left the outside drier.
05:31Hoping that would speed the outside up.
05:33Yeah, I mean, they played out.
05:34They definitely have two different souls on this racetrack.
05:37The only part is, if it's not into the ground deep enough, you have a hard base.
05:41I think these guys are getting caught out by soft on the top and really hard on the
05:45bottom and losing the rear and front end.
05:48Oh, they're pushing right now, Deegan.
05:50See if he can keep making moves.
05:52He's going to get into this Hymus and VL battle if he does.
05:56Same thing happened to first moto.
05:57Those guys were all over Tom.
05:59He got clear a couple laps.
06:01Now he's starting to pull away.
06:02And I think Hayden senses that.
06:03He's going to be ultra aggressive trying to get around his cooking teammate and chance
06:09Kitchen, if he cannot get up into the points of this moto, might give up second in the
06:13championship to VL.
06:17But we'll see if kitchen gets back up to race pace.
06:20VL is putting the hammer down.
06:21Yeah, I like Tom's lines, too.
06:23And I think what's allowing him to have that pace is the difference is, once he's out front,
06:28he's running these outside lines.
06:29So he's carrying a lot more momentum than these guys.
06:33It seems like he's just opening up the corners as we were talking about in the 450 class.
06:37You can't do that when you have guys right on you.
06:39You got to keep blocking it.
06:40So it seems like when Tom gets that gap, he's able to pull away from these guys because
06:44of that.
06:45Kitchen is back going.
06:46But he is in 36th.
06:47But back up to speed.
06:48We'll see if he can get into the top 21 where they pay points.
06:53Deegan closing on Hymus.
06:56As you're watching Deegan here, remind you to check out super motocross beyond the gate,
07:00the exclusive behind-the-scenes series.
07:04You can watch every Friday on the Yamaha motor USA channel of YouTube.
07:09That's Yamaha motor USA.
07:10And that's a behind-the-scenes look at the team that Deegan rides for.
07:14You can view things like this.
07:16The championship celebration last week.
07:18That is team owner Bobby Regan, his wife Loretta.
07:22She even revved the bike to celebrate.
07:26Everybody's trying to blow that thing up over there.
07:28And she shall not.
07:30No, no one was able to do it.
07:31The engine survived.
07:34Deegan and Hymus about to hook it up here.
07:36Like that inside line from Hayden.
07:38And I noticed the last couple laps he's been launching out of this.
07:41He thought a little bit better than that.
07:43It was pretty hard hits.
07:44But Hayden definitely has a pretty good rhythm on this front part of the racetrack.
07:48Seems like he's able to close in on these guys.
07:50His chance is either closing in on Tom or just keeping that gap the same.
07:54But I like it.
07:55And Hayden's following him up there as well.
07:58You've got DeFrancisco and Hampshire.
08:00Fourth, fifth.
08:01Faster pole, sixth.
08:03Anstey, Rotsen, Schock, who didn't finish the first moto, is ninth.
08:07And Jordan Smith, podium and moto, one-tenth right now, J.T.
08:11We see Hayden Deegan make a mistake there.
08:13But I was very sure that we were going to see Hayden Deegan show up and bring it in
08:18the second moto.
08:18But when you watch Hayden Deegan ride, it's like he takes everything that everyone does
08:23or says personally.
08:24He races like it's personal.
08:26And you're seeing that effort.
08:27That first moto didn't go to plan.
08:28He was way back, much further back than he wanted to be.
08:31But he knows he won this championship.
08:33And he wants to show, just like James Stewart in that first moto, he doesn't want to give
08:36anybody any confidence.
08:37And he wants to show them exactly why he has that yellow number one on the front number
08:44I always said Hayden rides like a guy who comes from nothing.
08:47You know, pretty much if he doesn't win this race, he's not going to eat tonight.
08:50And that's how he attacks it.
08:52And every time he's out there, he just has that attitude.
08:55And to me, besides the talent and what he's doing and obviously all the race wins, that's
09:00what makes me impressed about this kid.
09:02Because just to have that fight, as you heard him last weekend for that championship, yeah,
09:07you got the biggest championship of your career on the line.
09:09But, yeah, you just want to dominate these guys.
09:12And it looks like he's going up the inside of chance.
09:15Got it.
09:17Nice move.
09:18Kind of caught chance out.
09:21Not sure of the exchange on that big Godzilla uphill.
09:23I think they all had a flag they had to slow down for.
09:26And that really allowed the pack to tighten up.
09:28What was that?
09:30That was the danger zone.
09:32I thought I saw that was the last lap.
09:34He's jumping four, five, six, all these numbers.
09:38Yeah, was that a quad?
09:39Was that a quint?
09:40Well, Hymus doesn't care.
09:41He's going back after him.
09:43Meanwhile, in the bottom, another battle there for fifth.
09:46Master pool and Hampshire duking it out.
09:48And Bl trying to get away.
09:50Action all over the place here.
09:52This is great racing at Ironman.
09:53He wants to get Deegan back.
10:05You know this is personal with chance.
10:06This is the first time these guys have been up front together.
10:09Have a chance to build a race.
10:10So I suspect chance is going to be throwing all the haymakers out here.
10:15Because this is the last chance before we go into the playoffs.
10:17And he's just got a great chance of defeating Hayden over that championship.
10:23Next playoff rounds.
10:24But it starts today.
10:25See what he can do to his moto.
10:27Yeah, that's what's so cool about this.
10:28Pro moto cross is done.
10:29But the playoffs begin in two weeks.
10:31So everybody has something to strive for.
10:34I think chance found a great line right there going on the outside.
10:37He made a mistake.
10:38And I don't know if he meant to go out there.
10:39But he closed in a lot of time on Hayden.
10:42Really smooth.
10:43And yeah, you can see chance trying to get up the inside of him.
10:47And another inside for Hymus.
10:50Not quite.
10:51Oh, he's close, though.
10:55It's going to give chance a lot of confidence, too.
10:57Just be able to hang in here.
11:04So Deegan second.
11:05Hymus third.
11:06As they battle here at pro moto cross at Ironman.
11:10Is that going to allow him to be able to pull away a little bit?
11:13Well, I don't know if it allows.
11:14Tom's either going to pull away or he's not.
11:16I don't think it really matters with these guys.
11:17He's got a pretty good pace.
11:18But I do believe if Hayden catches him, it's going to make
11:23Tom have to change his lines and be more defensive.
11:25And in that case, then I think Hayden and all these guys got a better shot.
11:28But yeah, that's what Tom's doing on the outside railing these corners.
11:34And here's the what do you call it?
11:36The Clint?
11:36It could be.
11:37Is it a five?
11:44That wasn't quite it.
11:45We're going to check in with Ken Roxy.
11:46I didn't do the big jump that time.
11:49Jumping out of a 250 today.
11:51First time since 2013 for the veteran out of Germany to race this class.
11:55He is in sixth place now.
11:58Yeah, this is going to be a tough moto for Ken unless he gets somebody in front of him.
12:03Because how he finished that second, that first moto, not having a rabbit to chase.
12:08Going to be tough.
12:11Yeah, it was good for about half of the first moto.
12:13Then started dropping back.
12:14Let's send it back to Katie.
12:16You know, Kenny was one of those guys who's only had four or five days on this 250.
12:20This particular 250.
12:22But I want to make a note here.
12:24And something that we kind of all are chuckling about earlier in the week.
12:27Hayden Deegan was seven years old the last time Kenny Roxon was on a 250 back in 2013.
12:33And Kenny made a note to say, like, it's pretty cool that I've had the opportunity to race the
12:37past generation, the legends of the sport.
12:39But also I'm getting to race this younger generation.
12:41It's all for fun, as Kenny said.
12:44And obviously, hopefully, running in sixth, he thought maybe a top eight would be good.
12:49But hopefully he's pretty happy with the sixth right now, not having been on this bike.
12:53I'm sure he is.
12:53And he realized, these boys crazy out here.
12:55These young millennials out here.
12:58But Kenny's doing a great job.
13:00I'm sure it's going to help him in the 450 once he comes back in a couple weeks here
13:04in the first playoff race.
13:07So let's check the gap now between the leader of VL and Deegan, who has pulled clear just
13:13a bit from Hymus.
13:15There it is.
13:16And there's third.
13:17Yeah, and then shout out to Roderick D. He's right behind these guys.
13:20So he hasn't lost too much time as Hayden takes a look back.
13:25Well, this definitely is a next generation to the point K.D.'s making about Roxon.
13:29I mean, Hymus, Deegan and DeFrancisco really only about two years of pro experience for
13:36each of those three.
13:37And VL is new over here as a two-time champion coming out of Europe.
13:41We asked VL yesterday to assess his 2024 season.
13:47Yeah, I'd like to say the Supercross championships was pretty nice, obviously.
13:52I think it's the biggest 250 championships.
13:55I'm a little bit disappointed with the outdoor.
13:57I did a lot of up and downs, and I had some crushes that I think I could have managed
14:04another way.
14:05But yeah, no, the Supercross was nice.
14:08I think I will be really good and ready for next year.
14:12I kind of struggled a little bit with some crashes this year, and hopefully next year
14:16I should be better.
14:18Well, here's a chance to prove what he can do next year.
14:21Try to hold off Deegan this year.
14:24Yeah, I think Tom's going to be the year of what ifs.
14:27You know, there's a bunch of races where he's been up front and had a chance to win or at
14:31least be on the podium that he threw away himself.
14:33So he's riding good as he has been all year.
14:36This is the battle that we thought we would continue to see after the hang town and how
14:42this year started off.
14:43But to me, it seems like Tom's a lot quicker on this part of the racetrack than Hayden.
14:47I think some of these inside, Tom's just got a better flowing line.
14:52Better flow through this section.
14:53See if Hayden picks up on that or Tom gets away from him.
14:59Oh, there's that hard base you were mentioning underneath the dirt.
15:02You can see it.
15:03Shiny stuff.
15:04But what Tom's doing by, as I was mentioning, the 450 class, those inside lines, by just
15:08jumping out a little bit, he's jumping over that hard part.
15:12And even if he lands in it, he's not accelerating like these other guys.
15:16You just saw Hayden behind him having a hit and he saw how much that bike was spinning
15:20So Tom, by just being a little bit more open and keeping the momentum up is allowing him
15:24to get away on this side of the racetrack.
15:25I see Hyman still there in third, keeping it interesting.
15:37Tom missed that tail top.
15:42Well, that allowed Deegan to close up.
15:43Man, great way to end the season to have a battle like this between two of the best.
15:50And you know they want it so bad.
15:52Vial doesn't need to beat Deegan to win the overall, but there's no way he wants Deegan
15:56to pass him.
15:57It's personal.
15:59This is really personal.
16:00Now Hayden is quicker on this side of the racetrack.
16:03He's got some better lines.
16:06Been really quick down here.
16:10Remember, this was the title fight for the 250 east Montreal supercross championship.
16:14These two took it all the way down to the wire.
16:16And early on in this pro motocross championship, think about races like hang town where Vial
16:21was really applying a lot of pressure to Hayden Deegan.
16:23So we're kind of back to where we started, if you will.
16:27We're going to wrap up this championship with a battle from the guys who started it.
16:31Halfway through, J.T.
16:32Yep, we are settled in for what should be a good one.
16:35And a reminder that monster energy is available now at Kroger.
16:39It's about as close as Deegan has been at the moment.
16:47Vial's going outside.
16:49Deegan tries to run it in.
16:51They bump.
16:52And Deegan runs wide.
16:53Oh, my gosh.
16:55Yeah, you're talking about domination.
16:58It's on now.
17:00And Deegan slow on the inside.
17:01Didn't want to give the inside back up.
17:03It allowed Vial to run the outside.
17:04Yeah, Tom should have the pass if he can get next to him.
17:08There it is.
17:08Yeah, you like that line the previous lap.
17:10Yeah, just because it puts you on the outside.
17:12He just has more momentum.
17:13But man, did Hayden just come in there and just move him out the way.
17:18Tom, I know you ain't going to take that, son.
17:20You can't take that.
17:21And because they slowed down playing the brake check game, look.
17:24Hymus is right there again.
17:26Yeah, and I'm sure if he had to choose sides, I know which side he probably will choose.
17:30But with some action right here.
17:34Yeah, when I saw Vial move left on that straightaway, I knew what was coming next.
17:39Deegan's like, okay, I'm going to go all the way to the right.
17:41And now it's a three-rider battle.
17:43Yeah, you talk about that slippery spot.
17:45Tom slid out, went from the left to the right or right to the left on that part of the racetrack.
17:49But yeah, as you mentioned, it's allowing chance to get back in here.
17:52They keep playing around him.
17:55Number 48 is going to be in this battle as well.
18:00Oh, great stuff.
18:03Between these three and DeFrancisco hanging tough.
18:06In fourth.
18:09Yeah, Tom's going to have to change this line right before the finish line.
18:13Hayden's the only one I see doing.
18:15And he's missing that inside rut and able to get over that double.
18:18And that's why he's making a lot of time.
18:19Let's pay attention to that.
18:22Could come up on that section if Tom makes a mistake.
18:27Will Deegan get the big air here?
18:28He did it on one lap right here.
18:34No, and now Hyman's trying to set him up.
18:42These corners starting to get those hooks in it really bad.
18:45Watch this line right here.
18:46Hayden's going to be out here, and he's going to slow down and swing out.
18:55And that gets him in the inside.
18:56James, you saw it coming.
18:58He's got the lead at the moment.
18:59There it is.
19:02Be out trying to get back to the right side.
19:04And he does get some Tom.
19:06Get some.
19:07What a move.
19:08And Deegan's going to try to move him again.
19:11Couldn't get there.
19:14Yeah, I was surprised.
19:15I mean, Hayden was in front of it.
19:16Tom just leaned on him.
19:18Well, it's a reversal of lines from the previous lap.
19:24They both spin coming out of that corner.
19:27This is fantastic racing.
19:29I love the fight from Tom.
19:31Yeah, all this.
19:31Like I mentioned, it ain't over yet.
19:34Deegan on the right.
19:35Oh, if he had gotten six inches further out of that corner, he would have got him.
19:39Oh, yellow flags are out.
19:45Someone has gone down.
19:46Let's see how that affects them.
19:48Yeah, heads up, right?
19:51It was it was in a place they couldn't see it until last moment.
19:54But yeah, love this battle.
19:58Look at Hymus.
20:00Chance that I want to have fun, too.
20:03Yeah, can I bang bars as well?
20:07Deegan on the inside.
20:10Oh, that line has come close, but it's not worked yet.
20:14The owl takes a look over at him.
20:16Yeah, I think he was just seeing how close he was.
20:19Tom's been pretty good here.
20:20He stays out of the middle part of that run.
20:23It's a little gap, J.T.
20:25Well, two things here.
20:26One, I think Deegan is able to ride freely.
20:28He's not thinking about championship anymore, so he's willing to take chances,
20:31willing to participate in the gamesmanship.
20:33But also, these two are slowing each other down.
20:36It's brought Hymus up to them.
20:37Rider D. Francisco is right on Hymus's rear wheel.
20:40And don't look now, but here comes R.J.
20:42Hempshire to the fight as well.
20:45Don't get Hempshire in this one.
20:47He would love this type of racing.
20:49Yeah, that's right up his alley.
20:52Well, Deegan looks over, sees Hymus.
20:56Oh, now Hayden's starting to have to play defense against Chance now.
21:04Might have a fire battle right here.
21:06Is this Deegan's section right here, though?
21:08Yeah, this is Hempshire, but he can't do it.
21:09No, it's not.
21:10Because Chance is right there.
21:15Broxton and Masterpool battling in the bottom box.
21:17That's just outside of this battle.
21:19They are 6th and 7th.
21:21So actually, Hymus helped out VL there because Deegan could not work on VL for the lead.
21:26Oh, he almost went down.
21:28He saved that.
21:29No, that was.
21:31Did he dive in deep or did he almost crash?
21:33Which one was it?
21:37Takes the lead.
21:38Now, here's that outside coming up for VL.
21:40It worked once.
21:41Oh, he's got to get that corner.
21:45He was too far back this time.
21:47And now Deegan has secured the lead.
21:51Can Deegan now pull away?
21:53The fire extinguished.
21:55Or can VL come back?
21:57This is going to get interesting the next couple of corners.
22:00Can they keep him in sight?
22:03Yeah, they got to keep Hayden in sight.
22:05Just like we witnessed with Chase X.
22:07You let him get a gap.
22:08Wait a minute.
22:09It's Hymus.
22:12What just happened there?
22:15So Hymus has passed VL as well.
22:19Yeah, he's got a gap.
22:20He's got a gap.
22:20He's got a gap.
22:21He's got a gap.
22:21He's got a gap.
22:22He's got a gap.
22:22He's got a gap.
22:23He's got a gap.
22:23He's got a gap.
22:24He's got a gap.
22:24He's got a gap.
22:25He's got a gap.
22:26Yeah, I mean, overall, Tom's got a pretty good gap on there.
22:30But this is personal.
22:32This is a lot more than it is overall.
22:34And you can see it.
22:34I think that number 48 wants a piece of number one right now.
22:40So Chance Hymus going to try to run Deegan down.
22:43Final motor of the year.
22:44It's just about pride.
22:45See how this one ends.
22:55So not sure what happened to be out there, James.
23:01But they've left him behind.
23:03It might just be down to these two.
23:06Yeah, I mean, we've been seeing a lot of back and forth guys gaining a lot of time.
23:11So maybe Tom can regroup and get these guys.
23:13But I think Chance is on a mission right here.
23:18Katie, what has happened to Levi Kitchen in this moto?
23:20Katie, I can tell you his streak has ended coming out of that wood section right before
23:25He said that his leg got twisted up underneath his bike.
23:28And he pulled off the track for precautionary reasons.
23:30So no speculations here except for the fact that they are working on him in the back.
23:34And we do now know that his streak has ended.
23:37Yeah, not going to win the overall today.
23:39That would have been three in a row.
23:40Let's hope everybody's okay and healthy for the playoffs.
23:43One of the rider to mention, rider DeFrancisco is there with the elements.
23:47Fight for third.
23:48And there's Hempshire also.
23:51Yeah, Tom needs to continue racing forward.
23:53As I mentioned, these guys got close to him.
23:57Now he can't run his own lines because he has to block.
24:00So when they're doing that, slowing him down, not letting him be able to catch Chance in
24:07front of him.
24:08DeFrancisco talked to him this morning.
24:11He was pretty pumped up on the racing license track.
24:13Things continue to improve for him.
24:16And as I had also said in the first moto, this is the track he's raced the most out
24:20of national.
24:21Fourth time here.
24:23The fox raceway track, the opener, he's ridden a ton.
24:26But it's so different on a regular local practice day in California than the national.
24:31So we're seeing some real improvement at DeFrancisco right now.
24:38On that, Troy Lane designs red bull gas caps.
24:42Yeah, I think what's happening with a lot of these guys, seems like that's the theme
24:45of the day as RJ tries to go around the outside of him.
24:49Yeah, he's up front.
24:51So he's getting that confidence to be able to see these guys not run away.
24:54But he's going to see that 24 on the inside of you.
24:56And RJ, RJ times.
25:01Yeah, get him up in the mix.
25:02Fourth place for RJ on the rock star Husqvarna.
25:07You would not think this is a guy who's coming back from injury.
25:10He's riding really well.
25:11Hampshire, coming back from a wrist injury, has only ridden a few days really since then.
25:18He said the problem with the wrist is it's good most of the time.
25:20But just one wrong landing and you can suddenly just have shooting pains through it.
25:25It did happen, he said, during one of the motos last week at Butts Creek, hoping it
25:29would be better today.
25:31Now he has VL in his sights.
25:35That's my RJ.
25:36While this is settled down for the moment, we can give you the motosport.com whole shot
25:43Here it comes.
25:48Inside, Tom Vial was cleaning.
25:51Chance Hymus was there close.
25:52Hayden gets a better start than he did.
25:55It looks like he's on the, oh, that wasn't him.
25:57That was, looks like Max.
25:59But it was Tom Vial.
26:01And I also think kitchen got shut down by VL, and he entered turn one almost last.
26:07Then he had that crash, and now he's out of the moto.
26:09That's the ride of the finish second in moto one.
26:13Well, you know what?
26:13I just can't tell anymore.
26:14I don't know what our mistakes and what our on-purpose moves are, Keegan.
26:18Yeah, well, I don't think we all try to make a mistake on purpose, but we're going to make
26:22it seem like that way.
26:23He wanted to make it seem like that way.
26:25He wanted to make it seem like that way.
26:27But these guys are, just like we witnessed in the 450 climbs, these guys are losing all
26:31that time right here in the finish line.
26:33Hayden's the only one that's making that inside line work, and we saw him pass Tom right there,
26:39but I just watched him in front of us just gapping these guys quite a bit on that one
26:44turn as RJ is now starting to close in on Tom, try to make the pass.
26:50Now, the good thing for Vial is none of the riders are going to be able to make the pass
26:55for Vial is none of the riders he's battling with had the first motos they would have liked.
27:00So he's still going to win the overall, even if he gets passed by Hampshire.
27:05I think even if he got passed by DeFrancisco, that's how flip-flop the order has been.
27:12But I believe Hampshire would be on the podium today if he can make the pass.
27:16Yeah, I was going to mention that.
27:18Yeah, the only thing that knocks Hayden off the podium puts RJ on it.
27:22Coming back from an injury, I'm sure he's probably pretty happy with that.
27:25I mean, he's got to be happy with the way he's riding today, even over last weekend,
27:30the improvement.
27:35Yeah, he only rode about five days before Bucks Creek and then pretty much rained out at home
27:41this week.
27:41So he has really got back up to speed quickly as he's challenging right now.
27:48When we come back from injuries, we always say we ride less than what we do.
27:52All right.
27:53And they're doing it all season.
27:55We ride way more than what we do.
27:56So glad I got the truth serum up here now.
27:59I'm sorry, guys.
28:01You just gave away the secret.
28:02I gave away.
28:03I'm being honest with the people at home.
28:09Yeah, he said you wouldn't believe how little I rode.
28:11I'm like, well, I know how little you rode.
28:12You told me about it last week.
28:14And the week before, you told me how little you rode.
28:16Yeah, yeah.
28:17We get stuck on two days for a long time.
28:19We've been around for two days for a month.
28:23The tenth consecutive second day on the bike.
28:26Man, he is giving VL all he can handle right now for third in the moto.
28:31And you never know.
28:32With Hampshire, you'd say, oh, he must know this is an overall podium.
28:35I mean, Hampshire always gives you everything he has.
28:37He might not even realize that.
28:42And almost made the pass as we head to the woods.
28:45He's got it.
28:47You can see Tom, like, he's starting to sit down a lot.
28:49So I don't know.
28:51It almost looks like he's either tired or maybe labored because, yeah, he's sitting down.
28:57It seems like he's trying to be light on the motorcycle, almost like he's hurt a little bit.
29:01So and you can see him looking back.
29:04I think there has to be something going on because he doesn't pay back that that hard.
29:09Yeah, he's just got that insurance policy because the tough first photo for everyone else,
29:16he'll still be the overall winner.
29:18As you see the event total points on the left side.
29:21R.J. Hampshire up to third.
29:22That would be third overall.
29:31And it's settled down now.
29:32That was furious racing for about five, ten minutes.
29:37Now, we just caught this out of the corner of our eye.
29:39We'll give you the replay.
29:40Juju, Julian Bumer went down.
29:45This is right before the finish line.
29:46This is where Hayden.
29:48He was off the track.
29:49Just insult injury.
29:51Getting back on the track.
29:54He's like, man, they caught me on TV.
29:57All the people at peacock, they got me.
30:00You know bondo is going to show that.
30:02There it is.
30:05He's up 15th.
30:06So he's okay.
30:07Eighth in moto one.
30:08It's been a very effective rookie season for the rider out of Arizona.
30:13The former jet ski racer.
30:16Son of a jet ski mechanic.
30:19Family's actually from France.
30:20Originally moved over here for jet ski racing.
30:22And then he moved on to the motocross bike.
30:24They go back to Hampshire.
30:26Now, VL is hanging with him a little bit.
30:29I mean, you're talking about dropping a hammer.
30:31These guys out front, you know, hate, obviously.
30:34And then chance Hyman.
30:36These guys dropped them almost 15 seconds over third place.
30:40So, yeah, there was a moment where they were all in the same shot.
30:44Top five of them.
30:46And I think RJ just looked over and made the same note we did.
30:50They're gone.
30:51I looked over and realized there was nobody there.
30:55The rest of the order.
30:58Deep francesco.
30:59Master pool.
31:00Smith eighth.
31:02Smith the great.
31:02First moto.
31:04With third.
31:05Roxan is ninth.
31:07Going to be looking at about a 9.9, I believe, for Roxan on the 250 today.
31:12I think Kenny, I'm sure he's having fun.
31:15Well, maybe not right now.
31:16His second moto.
31:17But he's done a good job.
31:22Here's Mark Fittis.
31:26And this is pretty important in a way you might not even realize.
31:30Boomer's crash moved Mark Fittis from 18th to 17th.
31:36And that one point would be enough to move him into 29th and make it a lot easier.
31:41He would at least go to the last chance qualifier for the SMX playoffs.
31:46And if you're outside the top 30, you're on the outside looking in.
31:50So that might make all the difference right there.
31:53He and Miller, Henry Miller, would be tied.
31:58And they would both be into the last chance qualifiers.
32:01Fittis actually out of Indiana.
32:02Said about 40 minutes from here.
32:04I asked him about it this morning.
32:05But they don't have a lot of racing at this track.
32:09Usually only big races.
32:10So he doesn't actually have a lot of laps here.
32:13Although he said somehow he snuck into the woods on a pit bike once.
32:15I don't even know how he pulled that off.
32:17Well, Hayden just jumped that quint or whatever.
32:20Oh, he did it.
32:20I just saw it on there.
32:21But, yeah, that position, as we just mentioned, with Mark Fittis, it's like the golf when they're
32:26playing the FedEx cup playoff.
32:28You know, a putt is going to put you into the top 30.
32:31Same thing here in motocross with this playoff seating.
32:34These guys don't realize it.
32:35But every position really counts at this point to have a chance.
32:41Or else you're out.
32:42You don't even get to go to the LCQ.
32:44So we go back to Deegan, the leader.
32:46He just busted that jump out for real.
32:48He just did it.
32:49I think it's well, I know it's easy.
32:51It really just comes down to if he can get over that jump before.
32:55But he's landed in a hole.
32:57So it allows him to save a little bit of energy.
33:00And he's just showing out, of course.
33:02Well, that's what he wanted to do.
33:04And buckle up.
33:06Because the podium time is usually get the popcorn time with Deegan.
33:11We'll see what he says after this battle.
33:13And that was knockdown drag out with him in VL for a while.
33:17And Hymus in it also.
33:19Yeah, I would say this is the first race, at least in a long time, that we had all three
33:23of these guys up here.
33:25Chan Hymus and Tom Vial and outside of Levi.
33:29I mean, these are the top three in this class as far as speed wise and best.
33:35Top four in points.
33:36And it was exciting for a bit.
33:38But down the stretch, this is what Deegan has done all year.
33:42No one's better in those final five minutes, those final couple of laps than the number one.
33:49Up in the danger zone.
33:50Oddly, this will be only the third second moto victory for Deegan.
33:57He's done most of his damage in moto one, seven moto one wins.
34:02And honestly, when you look at this total, the ten moto wins on the year, ten moto wins
34:06and twenty two motos.
34:07That's good.
34:08But we've seen much more dominant seasons than that.
34:10It's really the consistency where Deegan did the damage in the points.
34:15I mean, this first race was the first time he was outside of the top ten all year.
34:20All year.
34:21And we've been talking about it throughout the shows and during the week is that his
34:25points lead.
34:27It's a lot bigger than actually his dominance over the field.
34:31Last weekend's first moto was.
34:33There's your Quinn.
34:33There you go.
34:36Let me know.
34:37Last time he was here, he had me jumping out my seat, hit the triple.
34:40That's right.
34:41So he's got to show up.
34:42But yeah, Hayden's been able to answer the bell and win the races that he needed to win.
34:48And I think the times that he's won has made this championship a lot more dominant than
34:56actually what you would say on the race wins.
34:58But this kid by no means is the champion.
35:02And join us guys again today.
35:05Yeah, they have been battles like this moto was.
35:08But he has been the strongest, no doubt.
35:10And it's momentum rebuilt as the playoffs loom.
35:13This is the scene last year.
35:15Hayden Deegan in dramatic fashion.
35:17Didn't get the finish he wanted in the first moto in Los Angeles, but pulled it off to
35:22win the world championship in the second moto in L.A.
35:26Just edged out Joe Shimoda.
35:28And we expect that kind of drama again when the playoffs begin in two weeks.
35:38And we are on to the final lap of the season.
35:41And it's going to end in symbolic fashion as Deegan looks to get the moto win.
35:45Won't win the overall today.
35:47And actually won't even be on the overall podium.
35:49Only going to be fourth.
35:52Yeah, you can start thinking like last year with this motocross series and obviously having
35:57the playoffs, what is done for this kid.
35:59Because he would have ended motocross having some DNFs and, you know, a bad finish.
36:05But because we have the playoff format, he was able to get in there and win this title.
36:08And ever since then, this kid has been rolling.
36:11He didn't have the supercross season he wanted, but he was right there.
36:14And of course when he gets to the motocross, it shows you having these playoffs and what
36:18it's allowed Hayden to do by winning that title.
36:21Now you're getting a kid that's on a roll and who knows where this boat might stop.
36:27Yeah, might not stop for a long time.
36:30And I would imagine he couldn't have drawn this moto up better.
36:34He started behind those guys.
36:36They threw everything they had at him.
36:38And he was able to reestablish himself.
36:40I bet if you ask Hayden, the last two motos that he's won, last weekend at butt's creek
36:45and this one are probably the most satisfying motos of the year for him.
36:49To be able to beat these guys straight up.
36:51And it's probably fun with the battle with Tom.
36:56And then the quint.
36:58It might be a quad.
36:59I can't even count how many jumps are in there.
37:01Four or five.
37:03Whatever he says, it's just what it is.
37:06Yeah, he's gotten some air time at this track.
37:08Every year he tries something spectacular.
37:10He's actually tried it as a pro in his debut two years ago.
37:14Went down hard back there.
37:16Boys, he improved since then.
37:18Not going to win the overall today.
37:19But a big second moto win for Hayden Began.
37:24After he crashed twice and finished 11th in moto one.
37:26The door is open for the overall.
37:28And finally, Tom Piala is going to get an overall win.
37:32Here the final day of pro moto cross.
37:35Managed it in the second moto.
37:37It will be interesting to find out what happened.
37:40Great in moto one.
37:41No doubt about that.
37:43Yeah, it looks like he's got a little bit of labor.
37:44But what he's got is an overall victory.
37:47Tom Piala wins the iron man national with one of four scores.
37:53First win of the year in pro moto cross for him.
37:57Said last week, honestly, I'm pretty pissed off.
37:59I haven't won one of these.
38:01And he gets it done today.
38:03Yeah, good ride.
38:04But it's going to be one of those bittersweet ones.
38:07He's a happy one overall.
38:08But there's something going on.
38:10Whether it's him or the motorcycle.
38:12He seems a little bummed.
38:20Yeah, wondering the body language here.
38:25There's Hynes, second in the moto.
38:29And Hampshire takes third in the moto and overall.
38:34Tom Piala, the winner today from Indiana.
38:36We'll talk to him after this.