神墓 第20集

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00:00This is the end of the video.
00:06I will be back in the next video.
00:10I will be back in the next video.
00:13This is the end of the video.
00:50沧海乌鸦仍我漂泊 The vast sea and the crows are still wavering
00:53你我皆在岁月途中 You and I are in the journey of time
00:56别怕转眼蜿蜒成空 Don't be afraid to turn around and face the sky
00:58愿把藩篱冲破 I'm willing to break through the mountains
01:00挥剑去斩巨浪狂蜂 To fight the giant waves with my sword
01:04你这汹涌波涛滚滚洪 You are a raging wave, a raging wave
01:07流也不闪躲 Flowing and not hiding
01:09宿求命运之所 Seek the destination of fate
01:11请你困住我的魂魄 Please trap my soul
01:15迎着风去看天高海阔 Facing the wind, I'll go to see the sky and the sea
01:20主要线的梦 The main line of the dream
01:32宿求命运之所 Seek the destination of fate
01:34请你困住我的魂魄 Please trap my soul
01:38迎着风去看天高海阔 Facing the wind, I'll go to see the sky and the sea
01:44主要线的梦 The main line of the dream
02:14神澜学院的学长学姐们架子还真是大 The seniors and juniors of the Shenlan Academy are really strong
02:27你又是哪位啊 Who are you?
02:29既然阁下问了那么就听好了 Since you asked, then listen carefully
02:33我是幼妇院长的孙女东方凤 I am the granddaughter of the vice dean, Dongfang Feng
02:38刚才听说有个不懂规矩的野丫头在报名时闹事 I just heard that a wild girl who doesn't know the rules was making trouble when she signed up
02:46我就替我爷爷过来看看 So I came to take a look for my grandfather
02:48所以说那个不懂规矩的野丫头不会恰巧就是你吧 So the wild girl who doesn't know the rules is you, isn't it?
02:54我不懂规矩 I don't know the rules
02:56明明是这个黄毛小白脸无理刁难在先明明是这个黄毛小白脸无理刁难在先 Obviously, it's this yellow-haired little white-faced girl who is being unreasonable first
02:59还有你怎么不分青红皂白就来拉天价 And you, why do you come to pull the heaven's armor without distinction?
03:03还一副高高在上的样子 She's got a high-up look
03:06哼 这神兰学院看起来也不怎么样吗 Huh, this Shenlan Academy doesn't look so good
03:09这 这 这 This, this, this
03:10上上下下都是你杀的 That's all because of you
03:12这位姑娘 好像是有什么误会 先说开再动手也不迟啊 This lady, it seems to be a misunderstanding. It's too late to do something if you speak out
03:15免得伤及无辜啊 姑娘 Save the innocent, lady
03:19要动手 学姐要认真了 要快闪 We need to hit her. The sister is serious. Go away
03:21那个神兰学院规则第二条 If there is a second rule in Shenlan Academy
03:23Second, I will humiliate the gardener.
03:25Let's fight first.
03:26You're all like little girls.
03:27Why don't you go back and fight?
03:29Why are you pulling me?
03:31I have to fight a crazy woman.
03:33This crazy woman is obviously unusual.
03:35If you hit a kid, what about the wild boar?
03:37Don't you want to go to school?
03:40I can hear you talking.
03:50Come on, stop them.
03:53Come on.
04:00You insulted my school,
04:01destroyed my building,
04:03and you want to run away?
04:05Don't be so angry.
04:06It's not good for your skin.
04:08It's not too late for me to finish what I said.
04:13Okay, you'd better think about it.
04:17The three of us have passed the entrance exam.
04:19It's just that this man is a hired soldier.
04:21There was a misunderstanding,
04:23so he mentioned a family matter.
04:25My companion just couldn't stand people being bullied.
04:27So I competed with him.
04:29That's why I almost smashed the headmaster's statue.
04:31Is that true?
04:33How can a low-rank hired soldier pass the test?
04:35It must be cheating.
04:37How can the Seven Stars Formation set by Grandpa
04:39pass the exam by cheating?
04:43But even so,
04:45this wild girl can't go to school.
04:48You crazy woman.
04:50Why don't you forgive me?
04:51You wild girl.
04:52You insulted my school on the day you went to school.
04:54You almost destroyed the headmaster's statue.
04:56If you go to school,
04:57I don't know how much trouble you'll get into.
05:00What kind of school is this?
05:01I don't care.
05:02I'm not coming.
05:03Let's go, Wu Song.
05:04A low-rank hired soldier's companion
05:06is really lucky.
05:09If I remember correctly,
05:10there should be someone in Shen Lan School
05:13who has already passed the test,
05:17Since this senior is so sure
05:19that we don't have the real ability,
05:21do you dare to have a duel with me?
05:28That's right.
05:29If I win,
05:31you have to apologize to my two friends.
05:35If I win...
05:38You can't win.
05:43You don't know when to give up.
05:46Since that's the case,
05:48I'll be your witness.
05:51You'll have a duel here in a minute.
05:54We'll see who's better.
05:56You're welcome.
06:00Chen Nan.
06:01I'm impressed with you.
06:03I'm proud of you.
06:07At this point,
06:08if we don't compete with this person,
06:11even if we enter the school,
06:12we'll still be at a disadvantage.
06:14That's right.
06:15I also want to test the ability of Western magicians.
06:20You're so nosy.
06:22Xiao Yue, let's go.
06:23Let's have a duel.
06:34Kai Wen, Chen Nan.
06:35You two will have a fair duel here.
06:38The winner
06:40won't hurt the other person's life
06:42or the school.
06:49I announce
06:51the duel
07:04She's different from Dong Fang.
07:06She's fast.
07:12She's fast.
07:24Western magicians are playing with Dong Fang.
07:27Aren't you being too nosy?
07:29Did I see it wrong?
07:30She solved the attack of Jian Yuan and Kai Wen.
07:32She's from the three realms.
07:34Who is this person?
07:35I've never seen him before.
07:36I've never seen him before.
08:06Let's go.
08:24Are you Western magicians
08:26good at fighting?
08:31I'll help you move.
08:36How dare you!
08:43Looks like he's in a hurry.
08:46Then I'll play with you more.
08:54Oh, no.
08:57As a martial artist of Dong Fang,
08:59can you only hide?
09:01What are you talking about?
09:03This is called hiding from the enemy.
09:06Let's go.
09:23Don't destroy the palace.
09:29Did you hear that?
09:30Don't destroy the palace.
09:37Don't destroy the palace.
09:38Don't destroy the palace.
09:53I'm tired of looking at this.
09:54Get some fresh ones.
09:57This is what you asked for.
10:16凱文 別做得太過了
10:36I'll kill you!
10:45Let's see where you can run to.
10:48The power of the universe will be your downfall.
10:55Take this!
10:59The treasure!
11:00Boss, you're awesome!
11:03Take this!
11:06Take this!
11:36Take this!
11:48Oh, no.
11:49This is going to be a big problem.
12:02Take this!
12:06I'm going to kill you!
12:09Hey, bro.
12:10Don't get carried away.
12:31Go to hell!
12:33Oh, no.
12:35What's going on?
12:37The power...
12:38The power is going to be taken away!
12:41The key is out of control!
12:43Get out of the way!
12:48The door is out of control!
12:49Everyone, follow me!
12:53Xiao Yu!
12:55Whoa, whoa, whoa.
12:57You calm down.
12:59I'm very honored to stop you.
13:00I'm just kidding.
13:01I don't need to kill everyone in the hall.
13:03Once the junk fell,
13:04no one can intensify it.
13:06Isn't it a god?
13:08In the border of the earth.
13:11There's no way around it.
13:12We need to get out of here as soon as possible.
13:16This is the last resort.
13:17It will give me a relief.
14:46That's you
14:49That's you
14:51She's a wolf. I can't read it. We should choose the water. She won't be in you again
15:00Sanjay woozer, how should she Boshan?
15:05You just read in the don't you go to get from the to the Chen Nan's, you know
15:10How you go book and I said, yeah, you should say what I thought. So what I see more faces. You know, you're gonna choose
15:20So don't come to that
15:24That's all move on would you
15:27Sure, sir. He's a dumb man
15:29So what I'm not for him, you know
15:31Remember, did you?
15:33Take out the bombing. She took a bush
15:36to book
15:37Yeah, it's a fascist. Oh, yeah
16:12Don't know what I got. Don't know what
16:17You should go and I'm glad you took them out. Yeah. Yeah. I love
16:22My job
16:24She needs to have a lot
16:28What makes I do? Sure. That's a tone. What a coach
16:32You guys told me way too much. Yes, I did. I'm with you. Oh, what's up?
16:37So yeah, I'm coming with you, but what I got you know, who's here
16:45Man, I'm so
16:58You see that's what I'm
17:00Coming to the book. I don't know who's here. It's all the deal
17:03This is
17:06What when he does it?
17:08She knows you're not cool. And that's what you're saying
17:12Yeah, I'm with you. So I'll show my phone to you. I don't know. Did I tell you anything?
17:17She's I'm not sure
17:21What's in your book for her y'all sure
17:23I said, I'll tell you who you are. Don't follow. She really
17:26Tell you it's a different world. What would all the jenny's?
17:29Something but you know, she's in Russia
17:31Who meet up?
17:35That's all
17:37What's he's got to say?
17:40So that's what I'm doing. What should I do?
17:43Curses you man. I don't know. She's got my shit. Yeah, man
17:54Let's finish it up. They took
17:57young people don't know
17:58don't know
18:00You know, it's high school. Sure. What else could he give me to tell you?
18:04You are young woman. So you are young woman. You're not sure. I'm on that. Oh, yeah. Thank you. That's what's wrong
18:10Sure, I'm for dinner. I mean, it's wrong. Do you choose? I'm going to eat it
18:15Translucent, I wish I mean Joseph, you know, the
18:18When I eat with you, sir, I'm sure
18:21It's not the key
18:23You're inside. I'll eat you quite soon
18:27Shen Guo
18:29Is it true that Shen Guo
18:31That's not going to cause a fight all over the world
18:36The school closed the news
18:38I want to find more life regrets before this is revealed
18:42So what kind of destruction is the monster spy?
18:45It's all in plain sight
18:4715 days
18:49If you can get something, I will personally tell the dean to take you to the hospital
18:55Chen, if we can find Shen Guo, it's worth it. What kind of Shen Lan school
19:02Senior, how can we repay you for taking care of us this time?
19:08I'm not small. Don't worry. I have no reason to hurt you
19:15I hope you're luckier than today. Go ahead
19:23Shit that you do some Shen Lan Xun. Yeah. That's it. You know
19:40Come on, it's true. It's a movie. What's the team?
19:43Chen Gongzi has a lot of mud on his body
19:46Ten thousand years ago, there was a battle between the gods and the demons
19:50It's not right. I didn't hide in those buildings
19:53It's like they're coming at us
19:56What does it have to do with this Houyi Palace?
19:58It's up to you
20:00Don't go