Easter Bunny Special Can you Find the Easter Eggs Where is my Tail Little Angel

  • le mois dernier
00:30Let's go find it!
01:00Mon couteau est petit, blanc et flou
01:02Parce que je suis un petit oiseau
01:04S'il vous plaît, aidez-moi à trouver mon couteau
01:07Je ne pense pas que votre couteau soit ici, Zoé
01:09Mais regarde, j'ai trouvé de l'honneur délicieux
01:12Mais Koby, que vais-je faire si je ne trouve pas mon couteau?
01:17Hmm, laissez-moi penser, Zoé
01:19Si j'avais un couteau, je m'écraserais dans les arbres, prêt à sauter
01:24Oh non, j'espère vraiment qu'on va trouver mon couteau bientôt
01:28Où est mon couteau?
01:30Où est mon couteau?
01:32Où est mon couteau?
01:34Où est mon couteau?
01:36Mon couteau est petit, blanc et flou
01:38Parce que je suis un petit oiseau
01:40S'il vous plaît, aidez-moi à trouver mon couteau
01:44Si j'étais votre couteau, je serais en train de sauter sur un bâtiment en cherchant de l'honneur
01:49Oh regarde, c'est là, mon couteau!
01:53Mon couteau! Oh, je savais que j'allais le trouver!
01:56Merci beaucoup d'avoir aidé moi!
01:58Je suis tellement heureuse d'avoir des amis comme vous!
02:23Mais maman, brusher teeth is so hard! I'd rather not try!
02:28Let's try this new toothbrush!
02:30Cool! Look at my toothbrush! It lights up!
02:35I'll show you how to do it! We'll do it together!
02:38This is the way I brush my teeth, brush my teeth, brush my teeth
02:42This is the way I brush my teeth so sparkly and so clean
02:46Now it's time for a nice warm bath
02:49But mommy, I'm scared of the water! I don't like water in my eyes!
02:55I know, but bath time is fun time!
02:58Look at all these bubbles!
03:00Close your eyes and try it!
03:02Bloop, bloop, bloop, bloop, bloop, peek-a-boo!
03:05This is the way I clean myself, clean myself, clean myself
03:09This is the way I clean myself and wash the dirt away
03:13Getting clean is fun, mommy!
03:16Let me show you this amazing trick to wear my pants!
03:20Hold it with both hands and jump!
03:24Wow, that was great fun!
03:29This is the way I wear my clothes, wear my clothes, wear my clothes
03:33This is the way I wear my clothes in a super fun way!
03:36Can we look at some of my alphabet cards now, mommy?
03:40Can you tell me which one this is?
03:43It's easy, mommy! That's the letter A as in APPLE
03:49And that one is the letter E as in ELEPHANT
03:57Uh-oh! That's my favorite letter!
04:00Letter M! M for MOMMY!
04:13Peek-a-boo, peek-a-boo, where are you?
04:16Peek-a-boo, peek-a-boo, I see you!
04:23Where is the princess? Where can she be?
04:27How will I find her? Let's look and see!
04:31Princess, where have you gone? Where are you?
04:35Peek-a-boo, monkey, I found you!
04:38There's no need to shout! We can help each other out!
04:41Peek-a-boo, peek-a-boo, where are you?
04:44Peek-a-boo, peek-a-boo, I see you!
04:48Now I need to find you, monkey! Let's play peek-a-boo!
04:53Where is the monkey? Where can he be?
04:57How will I find him? Let's look and see!
05:01Where could monkey be?
05:04Is he hiding in the grass?
05:08Peek-a-boo, princess, I found you!
05:11Peek-a-boo, peek-a-boo, where are you?
05:15Peek-a-boo, peek-a-boo, I see you!
05:22I found you once, I'll do it again!
05:26Where are you, princess? Where are you, friend?
05:29Princess, where are you?
05:32Peek-a-boo, monkey, I found you!
05:35Look at all this mud!
05:37You need to get yourself cleaned up before coming into the house!
05:40Peek-a-boo, peek-a-boo, where are you?
05:44Peek-a-boo, peek-a-boo, I see you!
05:47Let's play one more time, monkey!
05:50Now you're clean and you've learned not to shout!
05:53I found you once, I'll do it again!
05:57Where is that monkey? Where are you, friend?
06:01Monkey, monkey, where are you?
06:04I think I see something rustling in the trees!
06:07Could that be you?
06:08Peek-a-boo, princess, I found you!
06:11Peek-a-boo, peek-a-boo, where are you?
06:15Peek-a-boo, peek-a-boo, I see you!
06:19I'm having fun, having fun, exploring all the time!
06:24I'm having fun, having fun, oh no, where is mom?
06:30Mommy, mommy, where have you gone?
06:34Are you okay, baby panda? You look scared!
06:40Can you help me? I'm lost!
06:42Of course, baby panda! Have you tried looking in the forest shrubs?
06:48Oh, that's a good idea! Thank you!
06:51I need to look, need to look for mommy in the shrubs!
06:57Where is mom, where is mom? Oh no, I can't see mom!
07:02Mommy, mommy, where have you gone?
07:06What's the matter, baby panda? Are you lost?
07:09Yes, I've lost my mommy!
07:12Okay, baby panda, let's help you find your mommy!
07:16Have you tried looking in the mountains?
07:21I need to look, I need to look, what if she's up there?
07:26Where could she be, where could she be? Oh no, I can't see mom!
07:33Mommy, mommy, where have you gone?
07:37Hello there! What's the matter?
07:39Can you help me? I'm lost!
07:42Of course, baby panda! I can see your mommy!
07:45She's over there, picking up some bamboo for dinner! Let's go and get her!
07:49Thank you for helping me find my mommy! I was very scared!
07:53Baby panda, I was just around the corner!
07:56But if you ever get lost again, you need to stay where you are and ask for help!
08:02Mommy was coming back to get you!
08:08Little Jack was all tucked up in bed, ready for a good night's sleep.
08:14But he thought he heard a noise coming from under his bed!
08:19What was that noise?
08:22It came from under the bed!
08:26It's so scary, I'm so scared, I'm not sure it's in my head!
08:34Jack laid still, not making a sound, but then came another rumble from under his bed!
08:42There it was again!
08:46I think I saw it wave!
08:51It's so scary, I'm so scared, I'll look and I will be brave!
08:59Please don't be scared! I'm here to play!
09:02Ah, but you're a monster!
09:05Doesn't mean we can't play! Do you want to play catch? I think there's a ball over there!
09:13Hey, let's throw the ball!
09:16You catch and I can throw!
09:20This is fun and I'm not scared, playing catch is fun, you know!
09:28Wow, this is fun! Can we play again tomorrow night?
09:32Of course! Now it's time for both of us to go to bed!
09:38Hello, Mr. Monster! Can we play catch again?
09:41Hi! What about a different game tonight? What about hide and seek?
09:45Yes, please!
09:47You can go hide now! I'll count and then I'll seek!
09:54You're not over here or over there! Oh look, there you are!
10:03What Jack didn't notice as he started to climb out from his hiding place
10:08was that the monster was disappearing because Jack wasn't afraid anymore!
10:14He had overcome his fear and could now sleep easy in his bed knowing that he had been very brave!
10:25Oh no! Look at all this dirt! I need to get clean!
10:29I'm sorry, Ellie! Let's go to the pond and we can have a nice dip while the sun's shining!
10:35Oh no! I can't see Mr. Sun!
10:39Oh no! Where is Mr. Sun?
10:42Oh Mr. Sun, Sun, Mr. Golden Sun, please shine down on me!
10:49Oh Mr. Sun, Sun, Mr. Golden Sun, don't hide away from me!
10:56My friends and I are asking you to please come out so we can swim and play!
11:02Oh Mr. Sun, Sun, Mr. Golden Sun, please shine down on me!
11:08Maybe he's hiding behind that big tree! Let's go and see!
11:12Mr. Sun, Sun, Mr. Golden Sun, please shine down on me!
11:18Mr. Sun, Sun, Mr. Golden Sun, don't hide away from me!
11:25My friends and I are asking you to please come out so we can swim and play!
11:31Oh Mr. Sun, Sun, Mr. Golden Sun, please shine down on me!
11:38Maybe he's hiding behind that big tree! Let's go and see!
11:43Can you see him?
11:46No, I can't!
11:49Mr. Sun, Sun, Mr. Golden Sun, please shine down on me!
11:58Mr. Sun, Sun, Mr. Golden Sun, don't hide away from me!
12:04My friends and I are asking you to please come out so we can swim and play!
12:11Mr. Sun, Sun, Mr. Golden Sun, please shine down on me!
12:18Les nuages font tout trop sombre! On dirait qu'ils cachent quelque chose!
12:24Could it be possible? The clouds are hiding the sun, you guys!
12:30Mr. Sun, Sun, Mr. Golden Sun, please shine down on me!
12:36Mr. Sun, Sun, Mr. Golden Sun, don't hide away from me!
12:43My friends and I are asking you to please come out so we can swim and play!
12:49Mr. Sun, Sun, Mr. Golden Sun, please shine down on me!
13:19It's just me, Manny, the lion!
13:21Don't be afraid, I won't hurt you!
13:24I can't even roar like a real lion!
13:27What happened to you, Manny?
13:29Oh no, this cannot be!
13:31I used to roar, now look at me roar!
13:34Oh, where can it be?
13:36I've lost my roar, I've lost my roar!
13:40We must explore and find my roar!
13:43Listen all around, it's a very big sound, please listen for my roar!
13:49Ok guys, we have to be very quiet to listen out for his roar!
14:02My roar came from somewhere to the left!
14:05We'll take these three steps this way and see if we can find it!
14:10One, two, three!
14:13Roar! Roar! Roar!
14:18Oh no, I can't hear it anymore!
14:21What am I going to do?
14:24Oh no, he's lost his roar, he's lost his roar!
14:28We must explore and find his roar!
14:31He's lost his roar, he's lost his roar!
14:35We must explore and find his roar!
14:38Listen all around, it's a very big sound, please listen for his roar!
14:44Guys, do you think my roar is closer now?
14:48Let's listen!
14:49Roar! Roar!
14:52Yes, I hear something!
14:54Let's take one step to the right!
14:56One, two, three!
14:58Roar! Roar! Roar!
15:00We found my roar!
15:02The sound got trapped inside that cave!
15:05Thank you friends, we found it!
15:08You're the best!
15:21Oh no!
15:22Where's my honey?
15:24I'm getting hungry!
15:26Got this feeling in my tummy and I
15:29I've lost my honey
15:31I'm so hungry
15:33I've got this feeling in my tummy
15:35Cause I've lost my honey
15:37Will you help me find it?
15:39Let's see what I've done today and where it could be!
15:45This morning I was playing in the trees
15:48Kicking and catching all the leaves
15:52I'm looking all around on my hands and knees
15:56But I can't seem to find my honey
15:59Where's my honey?
16:01I'm getting hungry!
16:03Got this feeling in my tummy and I
16:07I've lost my honey
16:09I'm so hungry
16:11I've got this feeling in my tummy
16:13Cause I've lost my honey
16:17At noon I was hiding in a bush
16:20Trying to keep still and shush!
16:24Not making a sound down on the ground
16:28But this isn't where I left my honey
16:31Where's my honey?
16:33I'm getting hungry!
16:35Got this feeling in my tummy and I
16:38I've lost my honey
16:40I'm so hungry
16:42I've got this feeling in my tummy
16:45Cause I've lost my honey
16:47This is hopeless!
16:49I'm never going to find my honey
16:51There's only one more place it could be!
16:54Later I was swimming in the lake
16:58There was something in the air that I could taste
17:02It's golden and sweet!
17:04A wonderful treat!
17:06Look! It's there!
17:08I found my honey!
17:09Here's my honey
17:11Got my honey
17:13I've got good feelings in my tummy
17:15Cause I
17:16I've got my honey
17:18So tasty!
17:20I've got good feelings in my tummy
17:22Cause I've got my honey
17:25I'm just in time before I go to sleep
17:28For a long time!
17:34Baby monkey, are you bored too?
17:37Let's do something fun!
17:39How about the funky monkey dance?
17:42What's that?
17:43Monkey see, monkey do
17:46Can you do what I can do?
17:49Oh, oh, ah, ah, oh, oh, oh
17:52Oh, oh, ah, ah, oh, oh, oh
17:54Monkey see, monkey do
17:57Can you walk like monkeys do?
18:00Walk like a monkey on a horse
18:03Oh, oh, ah, ah, oh, oh, oh
18:05Monkey see, monkey do
18:08Can you laugh like monkeys do?
18:11Oh, oh, ah, ah, oh, oh, oh
18:14Oh, oh, ah, ah, oh, oh, oh
18:16Monkey see, monkey do
18:19Can you jump like monkeys do?
18:22Hop on one foot, now on two
18:24Oh, oh, ah, ah, oh, oh, oh
18:27Oh, oh, ah, ah, oh, oh, oh
18:29Oh, oh, ah, ah, oh, oh, oh
18:32Monkey monkey, let's all do
18:35Shake on one, twist on two
18:38And do the boogie-oogie too
18:41That was fun! Let's do it once more!
18:43Monkey see, monkey do
18:46Can you do what I can do?
18:49Oh, oh, ah, ah, oh, oh, oh
18:51Oh, oh, ah, ah, oh, oh, oh
18:54Monkey see, monkey do
18:57Can you walk like monkeys do?
19:00Walk like a monkey on a horse
19:02Oh, oh, ah, ah, oh, oh, oh
19:05Monkey see, monkey do
19:08Can you laugh like monkeys do?
19:11Oh, oh, ah, ah, oh, oh, oh
19:13Oh, oh, ah, ah, oh, oh, oh
19:16Monkey see, monkey do
19:19Can you jump like monkeys do?
19:22Hop on one foot, now on two
19:24Oh, oh, ah, ah, oh, oh, oh
19:30Oh, oh, ah, ah, oh, oh, oh
19:32Monkey monkey, let's all do
19:35Shake on one, twist on two
19:38Let's do the boogie oogie too
20:08Put it on so I won't burn
20:11Sunscreen helps my skin be safe
20:19Right arm out, left arm out
20:21Let's wear floaties
20:23No, no, I won't put them on
20:31Right arm out, left arm out
20:33Let's put them on
20:35I'll be safe with my floaties on
20:43Kick your legs, kick your legs
20:45And swim to me
20:47No, no, I'm too scared to kick my legs
20:52Splash, splash, splash
20:55I'll kick my legs, kick my legs
20:57And swim to you
20:59Look how fast I can swim today
21:04Let's get dry, let's get dry
21:06Put on your clothes
21:08No, I don't want to be dry
21:16I'll get dry, I'll get dry
21:18Then I'll be warm
21:20Rub, rub, rub
21:22Now I am done
21:24That was fun, that was fun
21:26It's time to go home
21:28Goodbye pool
21:30I'll see you soon
21:34I'm a banana and I live in a tree
21:37When I awoke today, I couldn't see
21:39My yellow peel, where could it be?
21:42Let's ask Apple, she'll help me
21:50Hello banana, you'll never guess what
21:52I slept in late and I need to get up
21:55I looked in the mirror and I had a scare
21:57I can't find my apple skin anywhere
22:00Where is my peel? I need my peel
22:03Where is my skin? I need my skin
22:05We need to look, we need to find
22:08The skin for me and that peel of mine
22:12Do you remember where we went yesterday?
22:15We went to the park, let's look there
22:21Where is my peel? I need my peel
22:23Where is my skin? I need my skin
22:26We need to look, we need to find
22:29The skin for me and that peel of mine
22:32I can't see anything left here
22:34What did we do next?
22:36Well, we went home and we went straight to bed
22:39Ok, let's go back home
22:42Where is my peel? I need my peel
22:44Where is my skin? I need my skin
22:47We need to look, we need to find
22:49The skin for me and that peel of mine
22:52Oh, I remember
22:54I got really hot in the night
22:56And took my peel off to cool down
22:59There it is under my bed
23:01Oh look, my skin is hanging on the door
23:04It must have got caught when I got up in the night
23:07What silly fruits we are
23:09We'll have to look closer next time
23:14Oh, hey friends
23:16Wanna know what my favorite game to play is?
23:19I love swimming around and splashing with my fins
23:23I'll show you what I can do
23:26Oh no, where did my fin go?
23:30Where's my fin?
23:33Where have I been?
23:36Where's my fin?
23:43Have I left it in the coral bed?
23:47On my head?
23:49I lost my fin
23:52Can't find my fin
23:55Oh, baby shark
23:57Where have you put it this time?
23:59I'm not sure, mommy
24:01But I've got to find it so I can splash around with all my friends
24:04Come on then, let's go find it
24:06Where was it last?
24:08Don't swim too fast
24:11Check the rocks
24:14Oh, it's just a sock
24:17Oh, what's that, baby shark?
24:19Look over there
24:22And under here
24:25He's lost his fin
24:28Baby shark's fin
24:31Grandma shark, can you help me too?
24:34I've lost my fin and I'm starting to worry
24:37Of course, my dear
24:39Grandma shark is coming to the rescue
24:42I'm grandma shark
24:44And I am good
24:46At finding things
24:49I'll find your fin
24:52Oh, look over there
24:54Under this shell
24:57Well, this is swell
25:00I found your fin
25:03Baby shark's fin
25:06Thank you so much
25:08I can't wait to splash my fin around with all of my friends
25:12Oh, yeah
25:14Oh, yeah
25:44Say hello
25:46It's my jungle, my kingdom, my home
25:52Oh, hello
25:54Would you like to see my kingdom and meet my friends?
25:57Come with me
25:59Meet the hippo in the stream
26:01Graceful giraffe eating greens
26:04Can you hear the lion roar?
26:09Monkeys swinging on the vines
26:12Elephants splashing all the time
26:15They're all friends of mine
26:20All the creatures big and small
26:23Green trees tiny and tall
26:25And I am the princess of them all
26:29It's my jungle, my kingdom, my home
26:35Princess, princess of the jungle
26:38Watch me swing and jump and tumble
26:40Won't you come and say hello?
26:43It's my jungle, my kingdom, my home
26:49Wanna see something else?
26:51Come on then
26:53Waterfalls gushing down
26:55Out to rivers all around
26:58Pools of water crystal clear
27:03Princess, princess of the jungle
27:06Watch me swing and jump and tumble
27:09Won't you come and say hello?
27:12It's my jungle, my kingdom, my home
27:39I am a mermaid, a princess mermaid
27:42And I swim using my beautiful tail
27:46I am a mermaid, a princess mermaid
27:50And I live with my friends under the sea
27:53Wow! I've never met a princess or a mermaid before
27:57I've never met a baby shark before either
28:00What can you do?
28:04I am a baby, a baby shark
28:08And I play around the sea all day
28:11I'm a baby, a baby shark
28:15I've got fins that help me swim on my way
28:18Oh it must be so much fun to be a shark
28:21It must be so much fun to be a mermaid
28:24But sometimes I wish I could go on to land and see what's up there
28:29Sometimes I wish I could be big like my mommy and daddy
28:33I'd be a grown-up, a grown-up shark
28:37And I'd rule the other sharks in the sea
28:40When I'm a grown-up, a grown-up shark
28:44I'll be the fastest shark in the sea
28:47You sure will baby shark
28:49But for now we can play together and have so much fun
28:53You're right princess mermaid
28:55I'm so happy I found a new friend
28:57Have you ever met a mermaid?
29:00Five little kittens sit on the wall
29:03They meow so loud even though they're small
29:06Meow, meow, meow
29:09One of the kittens finds a spider down the drain
29:12I can help you, grab on to the chain
29:16Four little kittens sit on the wall
29:19They meow so loud even though they're small
29:22Meow, meow, meow
29:25One of the kittens is a lonely mouse
29:28Do you want a friend to play with?
29:30Come join me in my furball game
29:32Three little kittens sit on the wall
29:35They meow so loud even though they're small
29:38Meow, meow, meow
29:41One of the kittens sees prints in the grass
29:44I need to find out who these belong to fast
29:47Two little kittens sit on the wall
29:50They meow so loud even though they're small
29:53Meow, meow, meow
29:56One of the kittens hears a violin
29:59Oh let's do it together
30:00You can play while I sing
30:04One little kitten sits on the wall
30:07He meows so loud even though he's small
30:10Meow, meow
30:13This little kitten sees paper on the floor
30:16I gotta put this in the trash and recycle more
30:22The five little kittens come back to the wall
30:25They meow so loud even though they're small
30:28Meow, meow, meow
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