Canada's Drag Race - Canada vs the World S2 Episode 6

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Canada's Drag Race - Canada vs the World Season 2 Episode 6


00:00Congratulations, final four.
00:03Soon, one of you will walk away with the title
00:05of queen of the motherfucking world.
00:09Honey, I'm home.
00:12Lemon, round three, third time is the charm.
00:15Your fashion this entire season has been magnificent.
00:18What a glow-up.
00:19This infectious joy and kindness,
00:22I got that from you.
00:24I am the showgirl of all showgirls, period.
00:28Bam, hit me, no?
00:30Alexis Mateo, this is the definition of opulence.
00:35Head to toe, you look incredible.
00:38I'm like the wine, baby.
00:39The more time it pass, the better it tastes.
00:45It's a renaissance of Cheryl.
00:47You're a yes-ander.
00:49You're very quick-witted.
00:50Ah, rat!
00:52You're not afraid to throw things in the ring.
00:54You attack your performance, you attack your choreo.
00:57The world better be ready
00:58because Shezzy is coming out on top.
01:03Kennedy Davenport.
01:05It's an absolute treat watching you walk the runway.
01:09It's such an art.
01:10And then you went on to do what Kennedy does best,
01:12which is entertain.
01:13Hey, honey.
01:15I think the proof is in the pudding
01:17when it comes to Kennedy Davenport.
01:21It's my time.
01:22Give me the win.
01:23I am going to be the queen of the motherfucking world.
01:27I'm going to be the first Puerto Rican with a crown.
01:28That crown is mine.
01:34Oh, shit.
01:36Oh, love.
01:37Fierce Alicious is very shady,
01:39but I do think that Fierce Alicious
01:42will understand why I did what I did.
01:45I said at the beginning of this competition
01:46that I wanted to make it to the finale with the best girls,
01:50and that's why the queen I've decided to save tonight
01:53is Kennedy Davenport.
01:55Congrats, lemon.
01:57She gets over things pretty quickly.
02:01Actually, that's not true.
02:02She'll just turn it into a running joke
02:04that she'll never let me live down,
02:06and I'm fine with that.
02:07We're going to miss that shady bitch.
02:10Delusional, but in the best way.
02:12Go for it, Jess.
02:13I love you, Fierce Alicious.
02:17Fabulicious, Fierce Alicious, Fifth Alicious.
02:20These girls.
02:24Wow, we're the top four.
02:28I can't believe it.
02:29I mean, I don't want to point out the obvious,
02:32but ting-tong pop, week one.
02:35Oh, my God. The slapbacks made it all the way.
02:38That's so weird.
02:39And Alexis.
02:41And Alexis.
02:42Is that what you saved, Kennedy,
02:44because she was part of your group?
02:45I had to save Kennedy.
02:47I felt like you and Fierce were both so great this week,
02:50and obviously this wasn't Kennedy's best week,
02:52but I want to compete against the best,
02:54and I feel like they're all here, so.
02:56That's awesome.
02:57I mean, I feel so blessed.
02:59Like, I was just speechless.
03:03She saved me, and I am in the finale.
03:06I get one more chance to capture this crown.
03:09This means so freaking much to me.
03:12Thank you for what a magical performance.
03:15To even watch from the back.
03:17I start crying all over again.
03:19I love this song. It was awesome.
03:21I am finally in the top four, and I earned this spot.
03:25No matter how we got here, we are here.
03:28Yeah. We are here at the finale,
03:29and that's what matters.
03:32I love all these queens,
03:33but it's time to get down to business.
03:36The fight is on.
03:38Ooh! Okay.
03:40The next queen of the motherfucking world
03:42is about to be crowned.
03:46Top four.
03:48Baby, it's no time to celebrate.
03:50It's time for the big battle.
03:51You've been flipping everybody.
03:53You're angry. Who hurt you, girl?
03:55I want them gone, gone, gone.
04:00Got it in the grudge.
04:01Trust me, these girls know why they need to be scared of me,
04:04and they already are scared of me,
04:05and they are applauding for my demise in the corner.
04:09So, how we gonna eliminate Lemon?
04:12Fuck you.
04:16The winner of Canada's Drag Race,
04:18Canada vs. the World,
04:20receives the pleasure of $100,000.
04:25With Derayne Fox, Brad Goreski, and Brooklyn Hype.
04:30With tonight's extra special guest judge, Raja O'Hara.
04:40Team Canada!
04:42Top four.
04:44Go team!
04:45It's the final week,
04:47and I cannot believe I'm here.
04:50Hashtag Team Cheryl.
04:51I can finally use it.
04:53Eureka, Eureka, Eureka.
04:56Yeah, you didn't high kick during your ballad, Alexis.
04:58No need.
04:59It was a ballad.
05:01We are a diverse group in this top four,
05:04and we're giving you all different flavors, baby.
05:07We got Lemon giving you lemon.
05:09We got Kennedy giving you chocolate.
05:11We got Cheryl giving you vanilla,
05:13and we got cinnamon, baby.
05:14And you know cinnamon is the best.
05:16Did you guys thought that this was the top four?
05:18Oh, 1,000%.
05:20It's been a very tough competition though,
05:21and I feel like all four of us
05:22have really delivered week after week.
05:24Lemon is a surprise in this competition,
05:27because Lemon has stayed consistent
05:29from the beginning to the end,
05:30and she's very focused on this.
05:32Yes, I have the best track record,
05:34but I don't think track record is going to matter
05:36when it comes to these lip syncs.
05:37I feel like I've been on such the sneak attack
05:40this entire competition.
05:42I think it's about who can fucking
05:44sync the house down boots lip, mama, yes, God.
05:48Cheryl, my God.
05:50You won't stop all that hollering.
05:52Well, it's the last time.
05:55She didn't already didn't had her.
05:58Conjugulations, my final four.
06:01Alexis Mateo, Lemon, Cheryl,
06:06Kennedy Davenport, you made it.
06:08We made it.
06:10Now, if it's the crown that you desire,
06:13it's time to set the stage on fire.
06:16So, slip on your boots and tighten that top.
06:20Good luck, and don't fuck it up.
06:27Come on, Mama Rue, I'm going to snatch the crown.
06:31Salute, darlings.
06:33You look so good.
06:35Soren looks sickening.
06:36Legs for days, she's dressed incredible.
06:39Our masterpieces.
06:42You are one brushstroke away from the finish line,
06:46but you still have a little bit more to go
06:49before you can walk away with the title
06:52of Queen of the Mother Pucking World.
06:55Yes, yes, yes, yes.
06:57For the final leg of this race,
06:59you'll be competing in the ultimate
07:01lip sync smackdown for the crown.
07:05All four of us are top tier lip syncers and performers.
07:08So, regardless of the outcome,
07:10you're all getting a fucking show.
07:13To kick off this coronation,
07:15you'll sit in for a royal portrait
07:17with an extra special guest.
07:19Now, say it with me.
07:21Racers, start your engines,
07:25and may the best drag queen win.
07:34Hey, Cheryl, how are you, darling?
07:36I'm ready to join you in the hall of fame, baby.
07:38Oh, my God.
07:40Here she is, the Queen of the Mother Pucking World,
07:43Miss Raja O.
07:44Now, why is she dressed like Bob Ross on acid right now?
07:48I've been commissioned to paint your royal portrait.
07:52So, do you mind taking a seat on the throne?
07:55For you, Raja.
07:57Anything, baby.
07:58Hit a pose for me.
08:01So, you are in the top four.
08:04Are you excited to be here?
08:06I'm just beyond proud that I've made it to this point,
08:08because I've never been in a finale.
08:11I've delivered week after week after week,
08:13and I've had to check myself a few times,
08:18make sure that I don't have a wobble,
08:20and I did, but I came fighting back.
08:22But you're here. You're still fighting.
08:24So, tell me, what does it feel like to be
08:25the only UK queen representing in this finale?
08:29Well, I actually felt a lot of pressure, you know,
08:32because I'm the first UK queen to come back for a third time.
08:36And third time, is that the charm?
08:38Third time's the charm. Clearly. Clearly.
08:41I was just so excited to just show the growth,
08:46and it felt like the right time.
08:47Did you feel the same?
08:49I did. It was amazing, as far as experience.
08:53And then, also, just being able to be comfortable
08:55in your own skin, for me,
08:57was the thing that made it the most impactful.
09:01Being in this finale is the full circle moment
09:05I've been waiting for.
09:07I just want it to be proof that have belief in yourself,
09:10have faith, and everything will fall into place.
09:13Now, I am still working on this portrait a little bit,
09:17but would you like to see a little bit
09:18of what I've been doing?
09:19Oh, Christ. Here we go.
09:22Oh, it's actually good.
09:24She actually did the damn thing.
09:26I can't wait to see the finished result.
09:28Keep your head in this competition,
09:30and good luck on everything.
09:32There's no paint on you, is there?
09:33No. Love you.
09:36It is incredible to have this final lap
09:39with the queen herself, to have this moment with her,
09:42where I could be joining her in the Hall of Fame.
09:45It means the world.
09:46I genuinely thought it was going to be a stick person.
09:49Hello, queen.
09:54Hi, baby. How are you?
09:56You look so good.
09:57Thank you, darling. I love this look.
09:59Thank you. Thank you.
10:01Today, we are sitting down for a royal portrait
10:04with the beautiful artist Michelangelo.
10:06Oh, it's Raja. Sorry.
10:09And if you could pick a pose for me and hold your pose.
10:12Is that how you're feeling? That's how you're feeling, girl?
10:14Girl, you know I am. Welcome to the finale.
10:19I've never made it to a finale before.
10:21I don't think a girl's ever gone home first on a season
10:25and then come back to dominate this heart.
10:27Oh, my goodness. That is amazing.
10:29I really took lemons and made lemonade.
10:32Hello. Prior to getting here,
10:34did you believe that this is where you were going to be?
10:36I did. Last time on UK versus the world wasn't a good run,
10:40but looking back, it wasn't my best, you know?
10:44And I feel like this is my best, and therefore, it's the best.
10:49Oh, I love that.
10:50And you're the last Canadian standing, right?
10:51And I am the last Canadian standing.
10:54I am so, so, so thankful to be here,
10:56and I feel like I'm really making Canada proud,
10:59which is always something that I have tried to do.
11:01I feel like Canadians are sometimes overlooked
11:04in the grand scheme of things, but bitch, we are bad bitches.
11:07Canada's got it, okay, eh?
11:09Today, I'm wearing a little bit of my heritage.
11:11So, the print on this skirt is from my dad's little island,
11:16Madeira, in Portugal.
11:17Oh, my goodness.
11:19And this plaid is a Scottish plaid,
11:20and I feel like I am the princess
11:23of being my Scottish, Portuguese, Canadian self.
11:27I know. That's right. Do you have any questions for me?
11:30If you could win again, what do you think is, like,
11:32the first thing you should do after you get a crown?
11:34The one thing that I would want to do
11:36is really set my intentions for my reign.
11:38Right. Because drag is growing.
11:40It's ever-growing. It's nonstop.
11:42So, you got to make the most of every moment that you have.
11:45Now is the time when you start planning
11:47what you're going to do with your reign.
11:48Period. Okay.
11:50I'm still working. It's still a work in progress,
11:52but want to see a little bit of it?
11:53I would love to.
11:55Oh, my God. Raja.
11:58Why is she so talented?
12:01I mean, no wonder her mug is always stamped, honey.
12:03Good luck in this competition,
12:05and congratulations for making it this far.
12:07Thank you so much. Good luck, girl.
12:10It's so inspiring to see Raja here.
12:12Raja had, like, a rough run on her season, too,
12:14and I feel like the fandom was very hard on her,
12:17and she came back and proved herself to be a star.
12:20Seeing someone do exactly what you want to do
12:23is really, really amazing.
12:25Oh, sister. Raja.
12:30Hey, sister.
12:31How are you, darling?
12:33Wait. I'm so thrilled to see you.
12:35This is quite the look, honey.
12:37It's a special moment for me because this is my baby sister,
12:41so we are having a real big sister, little sister moment.
12:44First off, congratulations, top four.
12:48Coming in as an OG, as legendary Kennedy Davenport
12:52that you are, was it a lot of pressure
12:55for you coming back into the competition?
12:57Not at all, because I didn't even look at it like that.
13:00What? I think the girls looked at it
13:02more so like that than I did.
13:04Okay. So what would winning the crown actually mean to you?
13:09Definitely give me some validation for my career
13:12and my time on Drag Race.
13:15For a while, I've always felt second to everybody.
13:18I never felt top tier.
13:20I don't want you to ever go through life
13:21second guessing yourself because you are that girl.
13:24I know you from home, so I will tell you here.
13:29It versus the world that you are that girl,
13:30so you don't ever have to feel that you're not top tier
13:33because you a top tier entertainment,
13:35top tier queen, period.
13:38Sometimes people that are really good
13:42just don't give themselves that credit.
13:45For a long time, I was just doing drag.
13:48You know, I wasn't thinking like, oh, I'm good.
13:51Oh, I'm just, you know, I'm sickening.
13:53I've never felt that way.
13:55But now I'm at a part of my career where I know I'm good,
13:59and I've worked hard to say that.
14:02I've worked hard to, like, give myself,
14:07to give myself that credit that I'm good at what I do.
14:12So who are you doing this for back home?
14:15Well, you know I have my family that I take care of,
14:19and I'm doing it for them. I do this for my family,
14:23and my family is really just my backbone,
14:26and it's just giving me motivation
14:28to win this $100,000.
14:30Congratulations. I'm so proud of you.
14:33You ready?
14:34Yeah. Oh, wow. Yes, ma'am.
14:38That's good. I'm glad you like it, girl.
14:41I wouldn't have expected anything less.
14:43You can put your arm down now, girl. We can relax.
14:46I love you, girl.
14:47I love you, too. And your hair is fabulous.
14:50Thank you. You're all suited up.
14:52Oh, you know, just a little sop, sop.
14:59Oh, my God.
15:00Oh, my goodness. So good to see you, sis.
15:01Hello, sis.
15:03Can I get you to take a seat on the throne?
15:04Of course. It's my throne.
15:05It's your throne.
15:07Oh, my God. It's so pretty.
15:09So first, let's find your pose.
15:11Yes. This is my pose, babe.
15:13Amazing. Congratulations. Welcome to top four.
15:16Oh, my God. I'm feeling lovely.
15:19I'm actually feeling like I can do anything.
15:22It's just incredible to be here.
15:24So tell me, this is your second time being in the top four.
15:28So what makes this one different for you?
15:30This one is different because it reminds me
15:33of my days on pageantry
15:36and how much I needed to think about tragedies
15:41in order to shine against the other girls
15:44because I'm not getting any younger.
15:47The girls are getting faster, girl.
15:49So being in the top four means I still got it, you know?
15:53You still got it. You've made it back.
15:55Can you imagine that you are still performing
15:58because you were on what, season three originally?
16:01Yes. It has been 15 years.
16:03Being part of the drag race family
16:05is just a dream come true.
16:07Traveling the world is a dream come true.
16:10Being in Canada is a dream come true.
16:12And being 44 and still doing drag
16:15gorgeously is a dream come true.
16:18Mm-hmm. Well, I just want to say congratulations
16:20on all that you have accomplished
16:21because to me, it's inspirational for not only the people
16:26that are going to come up after you,
16:28but for the people that are actually doing it now.
16:30How was your reign?
16:31I've absolutely enjoyed my reign.
16:34I've gotten to go all around the world
16:36to represent North America, to represent black excellence.
16:40It has been the most thrilling experience
16:45that I've ever had in drag and in drag race.
16:47So to me, this was the point where I needed to be,
16:51where I needed to come,
16:52and I'm glad that Canada has embraced me.
16:54And I know you feel it now that you've been here
16:56and that you've been able to compete.
16:58How welcomed you are, how at home.
17:00It has been a great journey here.
17:02Do you mind if I show you what I've been working on?
17:04Yes. Let me see it. Let me see it.
17:06Yes, girl. I look like a villain.
17:09I'm so excited to see you, sis. Come here. Give me a hug.
17:12When Raja won her season,
17:15I actually decided to come back and compete
17:18because it was a sign of hope.
17:21And it doesn't matter how many times you do it,
17:24as long as you finish doing it, your legacy is complete.
17:29Gorgeous. Finish that, baby.
17:31I got you, girl.
17:32And send it, baby. I want it.
17:34It's Coronation Day.
17:36Four girls will face off in the lip-sync battle for the crown.
17:40It's Coronation Day!
17:43Well, yesterday was really fun.
17:44It was so fun.
17:45We got to see the queen of the motherfucking world.
17:48I mean, seeing her in that position,
17:50now talking to one of us as a winner,
17:53it made it really, really real that that's going to be one of us next.
17:57I'm so excited.
17:58I'm so excited.
17:59I'm so excited.
18:00I'm so excited.
18:01I'm so excited.
18:03That's going to be one of us next time.
18:04Yes, it makes you want it even more.
18:08Because it's so...
18:09So close.
18:10It's like right there.
18:11Oh, yeah.
18:12I could just hiss it.
18:13I am so close to the crown, I can taste the particles in the air.
18:17I'm like atoms away.
18:20Today's the day.
18:21Today's the lip-sync smackdown.
18:23Like, I'm so excited, but also I'm like,
18:26who am I going to go up against?
18:29Who do you want to go against?
18:30Quite frankly, it's just going to be an honor to share the stage with any of you.
18:34Right here, right now,
18:35I think I could actually send each and every one of these girls home.
18:39So, let's get ready.
18:42I luckily didn't have to lip-sync at all,
18:45so I've got five weeks of lip-sync ready to go.
18:49Maybe I'm ready to take this.
18:51I don't want to lip-sync against Lemon.
18:53Lemon is my biggest competition.
18:55She has a great track record.
18:58I would rather lip-sync against Cheryl
19:01because it splits us American girls up.
19:04It's going to be a photo finish.
19:07A battle.
19:08I'm going to give it all so we can keep that crown in the U.S., baby.
19:12Well, all three of you had the beaver at one point and saved somebody.
19:16So, are you wishing you played the beaver a bit differently
19:20so you could have an easier run to the finale?
19:23I saved both of these bitches.
19:25At the end of the day, I want to win this competition against the best.
19:29And Sal, she knows that I'm one of the best in this industry.
19:33I can stand firm on that.
19:35I worked hard to say that.
19:37Well, it's finally time for the goddess to ascend to the clouds.
19:40I'll see you bitches on stage.
19:42Top four!
19:43Top four!
19:45Let's go.
19:50Wow, it's our last day in the workroom painting, girly pop.
19:54I can't believe it.
19:56How have you enjoyed being in Canada?
19:58I've had the best time, like truly.
20:01From all the other experiences I've had,
20:03this has been the most joyous of them all.
20:06I came to the competition and honestly,
20:08I didn't feel like I was a competitor.
20:10I was treated like a star from you guys
20:14to like the judges and everything.
20:16And that makes the difference.
20:18Canada is like a good hookup.
20:20You never forget a good hookup.
20:22I love both of your drags.
20:25So watching each of you pull out your stuff,
20:28like Kennedy's tree look,
20:30I was like, damn it.
20:32That look was gorge.
20:33But Alexis, your Wonders of the World that first week.
20:37Oh, yeah.
20:38How dare you?
20:39Yeah, you were so purple.
20:41I know you want it.
20:43I love Lemon's take on the robot.
20:46I want it.
20:48I love Cheryl's AI look.
20:50It was just stupid, wasn't it?
20:52No, but you know what?
20:53It was exquisitely made.
20:55It was very magazine and it was really nice.
20:58But it was just gorgeously made
20:59and I appreciate those things.
21:01Those details are important.
21:02Alexis, you're so confident in yourself.
21:05And that has been so joyous to see.
21:07Aw, thank you.
21:08And like, you deserve a lot of credit
21:10for being as funny as you are.
21:11I know Alexis.
21:12I know her for her work.
21:13I'm happy and proud of her all at the same time.
21:16You know what, Kennedy?
21:18You are literally the one that grow the most in my eyes
21:22because I know you so well.
21:24And seeing you, how vulnerable you were this season
21:27was like, oh my God.
21:30Competing for the first time against Kennedy
21:32in a competition has brought me to the knowledge
21:35that Kennedy is a fierce competitor
21:38but she's also super real.
21:40Because you know I think you are indestructible.
21:42So when I saw you break down,
21:45I was like, oh my God.
21:48I forgot my sister is a human being.
21:51I was so thankful that you let us in for that moment.
21:55I sure didn't want to.
21:56I sure didn't want to.
21:57I know.
21:58I wanted to stay in the corner and cry, bitch.
22:01You just work hard
22:03and it wasn't good enough.
22:05And I tried.
22:07That was really a hard moment.
22:09But it was important to see, you know,
22:11that side of you and that vulnerability
22:13especially because you did come in this
22:15such a beast and such a legend.
22:17Same for you, Lemon.
22:18I was glad to see you at work
22:20because we've only just worked together.
22:23Toured, but to see you in competition
22:25I was like, damn.
22:29This bitch.
22:30This bitch.
22:32What surprised me the most about Lemon
22:34was how focused she was on doing amazing
22:37but she didn't put nobody down.
22:40When you gave me the Bieber the first week
22:42I was like, okay, she's gonna do it right.
22:45You set the tone.
22:46It showed that you wanted to be
22:48one of the best
22:50and you were focused on you
22:51but you were not going to be
22:53the bad girl.
22:54It's not in my nature.
22:56Eh, well.
22:57Being a bitch, sure.
22:58But being an unprofessional bitch, never.
23:03I mean, I think
23:05something that really surprised me is
23:07Cheryl, like, you know that I
23:09I've always seen that fire in you
23:11but we've been on Drag Race together before
23:13and I know that
23:15you get in your head, you know what I mean?
23:17And it was just surprising but also
23:19not to see you, like, really step out of that
23:21and really shine this time.
23:23I feel like Cheryl's really finding herself
23:25and finding her confidence
23:27and that's why she's doing so well this time
23:29because she knows who she is now.
23:31One thing is for sure
23:33tonight, magic is gonna happen
23:35Oh, baby.
23:36on that stage
23:37because we are four magicians
23:40and we're about to set that stage on fire.
24:12Look at that, Poi.
24:14I have never
24:18Welcome to the grand finale
24:20of Canada's Drag Race
24:22Canada vs. The World
24:24It's superstar stylist
24:26Brad Goreski
24:28Hey, Brad.
24:29Hey, Brad, we made it to the end.
24:31You know me.
24:32I always finish.
24:33Don't I know it.
24:35And she's not the stepmother
24:37she's the mother who stepped in
24:39It's Serayne from Canada
24:41It's Serayne Fox
24:43Well, Brooklyn, you're the mother I'd like to fox.
24:47Why don't you call me sometime?
24:49And it's the reigning queen
24:51of the mother-pucking world
24:53Raja O'Hara
24:55Hey, sis, you know what I was thinking?
24:57I'd like to keep the crown.
24:59I was thinking no.
25:01Oh, no.
25:03This week, we challenged
25:05our final four to battle it out
25:07in the ultimate lip-sync smackdown
25:11start your engines
25:13and may the best drag queen win
25:19Category is Crown Me
25:21Let's welcome back our eliminated queens
25:23First up
25:25from France
25:27La Kahana
25:29I'm serving
25:31beautiful couture goddess
25:33on fire
25:35Fire on the runway
25:37I look stunning
25:39gorgeous, beautiful
25:45I look so fucking good
25:47You better burn it down, bitch
25:49From the UK
25:51La Fille
25:53I'm feeling regal
25:55divine, sculptural
25:57androgynous and fashion
25:59and chic
26:01The ultimate La Fille
26:03No queen La Fille's my heart more
26:06This dress features the Chinese dragon
26:08and the Yorkshire rose
26:10It is the regal coming together
26:12of both my cultures
26:14and yes, it is my own hair
26:16From Canada
26:18Tynomi Banks
26:20Come on, Tynomi
26:22I look like a beautiful
26:24tree, the tree of Eden
26:26My shoulders are out, my clavicles
26:28are popping
26:30Dripping in eleganza
26:32Go look up eleganza in the dictionary
26:34You'll see my face right there
26:38From the USA
26:42The elephant queen has come
26:44to represent her herd
26:46You better stop that runway mama
26:50If ever
26:52there was a look that was everything
26:54that Eureka is, this is it
26:56It's high glam
26:58meets costume equals
27:00timeless drag
27:02From Canada
27:04Miss Fiercealicious
27:06I look like royalty
27:08draped in gold fabric
27:10with crystals all over my body
27:14A champagne dream
27:16There's a long train, a lot of drama
27:18which you know I always bring
27:20I'm showing the world
27:22what they're missing out on by not crowning me
27:24I might not be a winner
27:26but I definitely look like one
27:28And now our top
27:32From the UK, Cheryl
27:34Oh wow
27:36Oh my gold
27:38I've arrived
27:40on Mount Olympus
27:42I'm ready for my bath
27:44I'm ready for my wine
27:46Pass me the grapes
27:48I'm feeling like the most luxe diva in this world
27:50I am beaming
27:52I am glowing
27:54and I am 24 karat realness
27:58This is the best that I have ever looked
28:00and I am so proud
28:02of what I'm presenting to the world
28:04From the USA
28:06Alexis Batale
28:14This look is giving me butterflies
28:16I have been in a cocoon my entire drag life
28:18and I get to spread my wings
28:20and fly
28:22It's over the top, it's in your face
28:24It's unapologetic
28:27But it's still beautiful
28:29That's what Alexis Batale drag is
28:31I'm looking fucking sickening bitch
28:33Y'all cannot tell me shit
28:35From the USA
28:37Kennedy Davenport
28:39Absolutely gorgeous
28:45Tonight I am wearing
28:47one of my favorite evening gowns
28:49I just feel beautiful
28:51This is definitely
28:53the gown of a winner honey
28:55Crown her please
28:57Come on body
28:59Tonight I am gliding baby
29:01I feel like the night is mine
29:03I feel like a lady
29:05From Canada
29:11I am wearing
29:13every single ostrich feather
29:15that you can find in the Amazon
29:17Plus every rhinestone
29:19you can pluck out of the walls
29:21of a cave in
29:23Where are these rhinestones from?
29:25I just feel amazing in this look
29:27This look is everything I've ever wanted to bring to the runway
29:29I have zest, I have peels
29:31I have every part of a lemon on here
29:33I love her vitamin C cups
29:35If you think I look expensive
29:37It's because I am
29:39Welcome Queens
29:41It's now time to hear from the judges
29:43First up, Cheryl
29:45You've completely blossomed
29:47in this competition
29:49You definitely came in with a little trepidation
29:51But just seeing you relax
29:53and kind of come into your own this season
29:55It's been an absolute joy getting to
29:57witness that
29:59Congratulations on coming back and powering through
30:01and making it all the way to the finale
30:03Bitch, that's incredible
30:05And this look, you saved the best for last
30:07Absolutely gorgeous
30:09Just a golden, golden goddess
30:11from head to toe
30:13Bombshell all the way
30:15I love the wit, the humor
30:17This look is fantastic
30:19Thank you
30:21Now yesterday you had your royal portrait done
30:23by the queen of the mother-pucking world
30:25Raja O'Hara
30:35Now what does standing here in the finale
30:37mean to you?
30:39It's taken a lot of work
30:41for me to finally believe in myself
30:43And yes, I didn't
30:45have a challenge win
30:48But the win is being here
30:50and proving to myself that I am a fucking star
30:52And I deserve this
30:54opportunity to showcase
30:56the final evolution of Cheryl
30:58that I am ready to take over the world
31:02Thank you
31:04Next up, Alexis Mateo
31:08You certainly proved why you're the mother of the house of Mateo
31:10Oh my goodness
31:12This is so good to see you here
31:14in the finale
31:16I'm so proud of you and your growth
31:18and where you've come
31:20Every time you walked the runway was an absolute
31:22fantasy come to life
31:24And this tonight is
31:30This look has so much character
31:32and so do you
31:34Thank you
31:36Now yesterday you had your royal portrait done
31:38Would you like to see how it turned out?
31:42What does standing here in the finale
31:44mean to you, Alexis?
31:46Standing here in the finale
31:48means power to me
31:50It was a hard decision to come back
31:52Sometimes we get so
31:54involved in pleasing everybody else
31:56that we forgot about our own self
31:58I am powerful
32:00That's why I'm standing here
32:02That's what I feel when I look at this
32:04Representing my culture
32:06It's a huge pleasure
32:08to be able to represent my Latino people
32:10and to be able to stand on any stage
32:12and fight the fight super hard
32:14Because I really have my heart, my blood
32:16and my Puerto Rican identity
32:18That's what I love about this life
32:20I'm creating my own destiny
32:22and I don't think it's too late
32:24for me to spread my wings and fly
32:26Love that
32:28Thank you so much
32:30Next up, Kennedy Davenport
32:32You are drag
32:36What you do is art
32:38The way that you present yourself
32:40is just really breathtaking to watch
32:42I could watch you model an evening gown
32:44for hours and hours
32:46Brad is right, what you do on the runway
32:48is absolutely mesmerizing
32:50Thank you for being a vision
32:52for every little kid in the States
32:54but also from Texas
32:56who is looking up to imagine what is still possible
32:58and how you can take up space
33:00in the world and shine as bright
33:02as you do tonight and every day
33:04First off, you look amazing
33:07I love the purple, of course
33:09I just want to say, personally, as your little sister
33:11I'm that little black boy from Texas
33:13that was inspired by your drag
33:15and it means so much to me to see you here
33:17taking up space
33:19and taking ownership of the queen that you are
33:21So congratulations on making it here
33:23Keep fighting, it's not over
33:25and let these hoes have it
33:29Thank you
33:31Are you ready to see your royal portrait?
33:33I am. Alright, let's do it
33:37It looks so good
33:39What does standing in the finale
33:41mean to you?
33:43Standing here is just
33:45a feeling of completion
33:47All Stars 3, I came
33:49so close
33:51and I didn't realize how I felt
33:53then until I got here
33:55because it was just
33:57such a different experience
34:01and everybody
34:03helped me to believe in myself
34:05and helped me to realize
34:07who I am
34:09in this industry
34:11and that I am a true legend
34:13so it's only right
34:15for me to be standing here
34:17This is a complete
34:19moment for me
34:21and a great start to the next chapter
34:23in my life
34:25Yes, baby
34:27Come on, next chapter
34:31And last but certainly not least
34:35There is not a yellow rhinestone
34:37or a yard of tulle left anywhere
34:39in the world now
34:41Your looks
34:43this season were just
34:47She can sing, she can dance
34:49she sparkles
34:51I got to know so much of you
34:53even in the short time that I've been here
34:55It's been really fun to see what you've got
34:57in your pocket
34:59And to Lemonade, congratulations
35:01on persevering to actually showcase
35:03yourself in the best ways possible
35:05Lemon, I am so proud of you
35:07You have completely turned
35:09your drag race journey around
35:11You came into this competition to play no games
35:13and you really, really proved to us
35:15that you should be standing here today
35:17Would you like to see your portrait?
35:19I would love to see my portrait
35:21Let's see it
35:23I want to see too
35:28She's a brunette
35:30I'm Portuguese
35:33What does this moment mean to you?
35:35There's so many times in life
35:37where you feel like no one's on your side
35:39and you have to fight
35:41and you have to keep pushing
35:43and this competition is
35:45the moment that I've been waiting for my entire life
35:47to prove to myself
35:49and to the world
35:51that I was a fucking star
35:53and I feel like I've done that
35:55I dominated this competition
35:57and it felt like finally
35:59I got to show off what I knew I was capable of
36:01this whole time
36:03There was a time where I thought
36:05maybe they're right
36:07maybe I am a first out kind of bitch
36:09but I know now that I'm a winner
36:11Queens, thank you so much for sharing
36:13Thank you
36:15Now as you untuck
36:17you have an important decision to make
36:19Discuss amongst yourselves
36:21which of your sisters deserves
36:23this congeniality
36:25and $10,000
36:27You may all leave the stage
36:31And I'm back
36:33Oh I missed it
36:35I'm so excited to be back
36:37with all the divas
36:39It's been a hot second
36:41I can't wait to catch up
36:43and let them know all the shit they've missed out on
36:45So ladies
36:47I haven't been here for a long time
36:49What happened?
36:51I just want to know the team
36:53Well I would like to discuss
36:55the use of the beaver last week
36:57Yes I'm sure you would
36:59Kennedy this is no shade to you at all
37:01but Lemon
37:03I thought lemonade was sweet
37:05but you showed me a very sour side of yourself
37:07Yeah she's been ready
37:09Fierce is once again lashing out
37:11because she has the maturity
37:13of a fucking rock
37:15What happened to your solidarity
37:17to your Canadian alliance
37:19You sat over there on the first day
37:21with me and Tynomi
37:23and we made a pact to have each other's backs
37:25until the end
37:27What? A Canada alliance?
37:31Your word means nothing to you
37:33when you give it to other people
37:35I did not ever say I had an alliance
37:37with nobody. Roll the fucking tape
37:39Ladies, how do you guys feel
37:41about starting a Canadian alliance
37:43A Canadian alliance?
37:45I don't like the word alliance
37:48Last time I was like
37:50I want to be friends with everyone
37:52and then nobody had my back
37:54I have your back
37:56I mean I know you have my back
37:58I said I'd have your back
38:00which I did but that is not the same
38:02as saying I'll save you no matter what happens
38:04I played this competition as fairly
38:06as I possibly could
38:08and I thought of the bottom three
38:10that Kennedy deserved the spot in the finale
38:12more than the other two girls there
38:14We already know the name of the game
38:16So if it wasn't you, it wasn't you
38:18I gave Fierce a fighting chance
38:20with the lip sync and she fully gave up
38:22She didn't even try to change into a new costume
38:24Apparently Miss Thing
38:26can't fucking find the ocean
38:28or where the line meets the sky, okay?
38:30Bitch, fuck you
38:32Somebody start swinging or move on
38:34I want to hear from the eliminated queens
38:36Do you think this is the top four that you envisioned
38:40No? No, not at all
38:42Not in a rude way
38:44You gun for something and you want to be there so bad
38:46and then it changes
38:48That's all. I was hoping I could get
38:50to the top four
38:52I loved Hainomi so much
38:54and I think she's a fucking star
38:56She's so funny and she's so great
38:58She came back and proved herself
39:00She made Canada proud and she made me proud
39:02I'm really pleased that you guys
39:04are the top four because I feel like
39:06for everyone who's had experience
39:08in returning, returning, that you guys
39:10deserve to be here because you've literally put in
39:12the years
39:14She said you old bitches
39:16I feel like
39:18I'm so glad there's a piece of the UK in here
39:22I'm so proud of you
39:24Thank you LaFille and it was an honour to be here with you
39:26My UK diva LaFille
39:28being in the position that I was on UK vs.
39:30the world second out
39:32and coming back into this finale with the hair tails high
39:34makes me so happy
39:36Listen, we're having a barbecue soon
39:38It's going to be great
39:40This is a sweet
39:42group of girls
39:44Even with the shade and all that
39:46This is a good group of girls
39:48I'm glad to be a part of it
39:50Alright girly pops, we do have a decision to make
39:52Someone needs to be Miss Congeniality
39:54I would appreciate it
39:56because I feel like I've been
39:58through a lot in my life
40:00but one thing is that
40:02through the pain I've always found the positivity
40:04in myself and the way to give that
40:06to others because I know what it's like not to receive it
40:09I want to put my bid in though
40:11because I feel like I'm coming with my
40:13optimism and my
40:15British sensibility of warmth
40:17and happiness
40:19Alright, let's move down the line
40:21I'm just greedy and I need money to pay for this
40:23I love it because you're honest
40:25I think the decision here is very
40:27clear on who should be Miss Congeniality
40:29I was congenial every
40:31week because I held my tongue
40:33several times
40:39I'm pretty sure Fearless is not winning
40:45Welcome back queens
40:47In just a few moments you will compete
40:49in a lip sync battle royale
40:51but first
40:53our Miss Congeniality
40:57I won
41:01The winner of Miss Congeniality is
41:07I know y'all lied
41:17Can I take this to the bank?
41:19You have won $10,000
41:21I'm so thankful
41:23and I'm so glad I made the decision to come here
41:25I've made sisters
41:27I got to work with you
41:29which I love and adore
41:31and have since way before Drag Race
41:33and ladies
41:35if y'all didn't have a sister before
41:37y'all just bought one
41:39Thank you so much
41:41Thank you
41:43Now that the niceties are over
41:45it's time for the main event
41:49Each of these boxes contain the titles
41:51of the lip sync songs of the night
41:53The first lip sync will be
41:55Hideaway by Kaiza
41:57and the second will be So Many Men
41:59by Michael Brown
42:01The queens that select the same songs
42:03will face off against each other
42:05The two winners
42:07will advance to the ultimate
42:09lip sync smackdown
42:11for the crowd
42:15as the winner of last week's maxi challenge
42:17you will pick first
42:19Would you like box 1, 2, 3
42:21or 4?
42:23I'm gonna pick with the seat
42:25that I want next season
42:28Raja, I'll pick number 4 please
42:30Raja, if you could do the honors please
42:38I picked Hideaway by Kaiza
42:40This is a Canadian legendary
42:42song and you know what bitch
42:44I'm about to slap it down
42:46Kennedy Davenport
42:48please make your selection
42:50Oh Lord Jesus, be a fence
42:52My nerves are bad
42:54because I don't want to lip sync against Lemon
42:56I'm just hoping that
42:58the gods are in my favor
43:00I'm gonna go with
43:02the shiny man in the jacket
43:04Box number
43:08Brad, please do the honors
43:10Please don't pick me
43:12please just pick another fucking box
43:14that doesn't have Hideaway in it
43:22You have selected Hideaway
43:28Can I switch?
43:30Kennedy Davenport is one of the most
43:32iconic lip syncers
43:34in the drag race franchise
43:36One thing is for sure, we're about to get a good show
43:40Alexis Mateo
43:42Please pick your box, 1 or 2
43:44Oh my god, I don't know
43:46Help me
43:48Number 1
43:52And Cheryl, let's find out what's in box
43:54Box number 2 for you
43:56I can't wait to find out
44:06That was good
44:08So there we have it
44:10Alexis and Cheryl
44:12You'll face off to So Many Men, So Little Time
44:14by Michael Brown
44:16Kennedy Davenport and Lemon
44:18You will battle it out to Hideaway by Kaiza
44:20Kennedy and I are the only queens
44:22with two wins in this competition
44:24and we're going head to head round 1
44:26This is terrifying
44:28Assume the position
44:36internationally acclaimed queens
44:38stand before us
44:42This is your last chance to impress us
44:44and save yourself from elimination
44:46The time has come
44:48for you to lip sync
44:50for your life
44:56I know what Kennedy's capable of
44:58and bitch, it's about to be a hitch kick
45:00for the ages
45:02What's standing between me and the crowd
45:04right now is Lemon
45:06Move bitch
45:08Good luck
45:10and don't fuck it up
45:13Good luck
45:15and don't fuck it up
45:43This is your last chance I tell you
45:45to keep on dreaming
45:47You're just another day
45:49that keeps me breathing
45:51Baby, I love the way
45:53that there's often shown
45:55Baby, don't stop me
45:57Hide away with me some more
46:21I'm higher than I've ever been before
46:23I'm holding it back
46:25Just want to shout I can't go on
46:29You're just a hideaway
46:31You're just a feeling
46:33You let my heart escape
46:35Beyond the meaning
46:37I can't find a way to stop the storm
46:39Oh baby, it's out of my control
46:41It's out of my control
46:43What's going on
46:45You're just a chance I take
46:47to keep on dreaming
46:49You're just another day
46:51that keeps me breathing
46:57You're a day
46:59that keeps me dreaming
47:05Come on bitch, let them have it
47:23Baby, I love the way
47:25that there's often shown
47:27Baby, don't stop me
47:29Hide away with me some more
47:47Queens, we've made our decision
47:51That was one of the best lip syncs I've ever seen
47:53You both absolutely
47:55destroyed it
47:57The winner of tonight's first lip sync
47:59and the queen
48:01moving on to the final lip sync for the crown
48:19Chante, you stay
48:21You may leave the stage
48:23I love you, Kennedy
48:27Kennedy Davenport
48:29You are and will always be
48:31a global phenomenon
48:35Sashay away
48:41I enjoyed myself
48:43I did what I could
48:45It's always the girls
48:47It's always the girls
48:51Alexis Mateo and Cheryl
48:53Two internationally
48:55acclaimed queens stand before us
48:57This is your last chance to impress
48:59us and save yourself from
49:06You're a confident British girl
49:08but I'm a firecracker Puerto Rican
49:10so get ready for it
49:12The time has come
49:14for you to lip sync
49:16for your life
49:22Alexis, I love you
49:24but this top four is about to be a top two
49:26and that involves me
49:28so get your bags ready, you're gone
49:30Good luck
49:32Don't fuck it up
49:44This morning I opened my eyes
49:46and everything's still the same
49:50I turned to the guy
49:52who stayed last night
49:54and asked him, what's your name?
49:58It seems to happen more
50:00and more
50:02I love those men one and all
50:04Each new one I meet
50:06makes my heart beat fast
50:08as when I was so strong
50:10and tall
50:12So many men
50:14so little time
50:16How can I lose?
50:18So many men
50:20so little time
50:24How can I choose?
50:30How can I choose?
51:14So really who cares about love?
51:16The ones that we have taken away
51:20For fifty-two weeks
51:22of every year
51:24there's a new man every day
51:28Still what a choice
51:30to make of my mind
51:32So many men turn on my light
51:36Don't want true love
51:38Say I don't want brains
51:40Just give me their bodies to die
51:42So many men
51:44so little time
51:48How can I lose?
51:50So many men
51:52so little time
51:54How can I choose?
52:04That was so fun
52:06Love you
52:12Queens we have made our decision
52:14The winner of our second lip sync
52:16and the queen moving on to the final lip sync
52:18for the crown is
52:21Alexis Mateo
52:27All time baby
52:29All time
52:33I love you so much
52:35I'm so proud of you
52:37Alexis Mateo you may leave the stage
52:39Thank you
52:45you are and will always be
52:47a global phenomenon
52:49Now sashay away
52:51Thank you so much
52:57Love you Cheryl
53:03Hello Jujubee
53:05Yeah it happens again
53:07What franchise can I do now?
53:09Really? Oh my god
53:19This is it
53:21It's only one lip syncing between me and that crown
53:23I'm so excited
53:25I cannot even stop shaking
53:27I really really really want to win that crown
53:29I feel like I'm so close
53:31Alexis I love you so so fucking much
53:33but this lip sync is mine baby
53:35Alexis Mateo
53:39The nationally acclaimed queen stand before us
53:43Prior to tonight you were asked to prepare
53:45a lip sync performance of
53:47Love Can Move Mountains by Celine Dion
53:49This is your last chance
53:51to impress us and prove
53:53you are the queen of the mother
53:55fucking world
53:59The time has come
54:01for you to lip sync
54:03for the
54:09Good luck
54:11and don't fuck
54:13it up
54:39There ain't a dream
54:41that don't have the
54:43chance to come true now
54:45It just takes
54:47a little faith baby
54:49Anything that we
54:51want to do
54:53we can do now
54:55There ain't nothing in our way
54:59Nothing our love couldn't rise above
55:01We can get through
55:03the night
55:05We can get through the night
55:07Long as we got our love
55:09to light the way
55:15It's gonna take
55:17just a little trust
55:19if you believe in love
55:21Love can
55:23move mountains
55:25Believe in your heart
55:27and feel it in your soul
55:31Love can
55:33Love can move mountains
55:36Oh yeah
55:43You believe
55:45in me
55:47I believe in you
55:49If we believe in each other
55:51Nothing we can do
55:53If we got love
55:55that is strong enough
55:57Then we'll find a way
56:01Just a little faith
56:03Just a little trust
56:05If you believe in love
56:07Love can
56:09move mountains
56:11Believe in your heart
56:13and feel it in your soul
56:17Love can move mountains
56:21If you believe in me
56:23I believe in you
56:25If we believe in each other
56:27Nothing we can do
56:29If we got love
56:31that is strong enough
56:33Then we'll find a way
56:35If we believe in each other
56:37Nothing we can do
56:39If we got love
56:41that is strong enough
56:43Then we'll find a way
56:45Love can move mountains
56:47Believe in your heart
56:49and feel it in your soul
56:53Love can move mountains
56:55Believe in your heart
56:57and feel it in your soul
57:15New Queen
57:29I can't believe it! I did it! I'm the queen of the motherfucking world!
57:45Oh my goodness, congratulations queen. Thank you, thank you.
57:48Guess what? The world is yours.
57:54No words for how I'm feeling right now, but never ever give up on your dreams.
57:59Never stop working hard and push yourself to the fucking limit because I promise you can do it too.
58:08Lemon, your destiny has been fulfilled. May your reign be most supreme.
58:14Now take your walk true, north, strong and fierce. Let the music play!
58:29Work it for me, work it for me, me. You wear it, you wear it, you wear it well.
