1968 Weber's bread - Charlie Brown and the Peanuts gang TV commercial

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1968 Weber's bread - Charlie Brown and the Peanuts gang TV commercial


00:00It's an easy pop-up. Catch this, and we win the game.
00:10You got it! You got it! I got it! I got it! I got it!
00:13Oh, no!
00:15Somehow I suspected something like this.
00:18At this rate, Charlie Brown's All-Stars may never win a game.
00:21But, if you'd like some tips on how to win, here they are, on Weber's Bread.
00:26It's Lucy, Linus, Snoopy, all the stars from Charlie Brown's team,
00:31with helpful tips on fielding, batting, pitching, winning.
00:35Ten different tips in all.
00:37Get the complete set on these special packages of Weber's Bread.
00:40The bread that's more tender, more tempting, more nice.
00:44Weber's, the bread of heroes.
00:47Another pop-up, and it's coming right to me.
00:49We'll get this batter out for sure.
00:52Yay for Snoopy!
00:55We got the man out, but somehow it seems like a hollow victory.
