My Y&R Review and Recap Friday August 23rd, 2024

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Here's a review and recap of what happened this week on The Young And The Restless.
00:00Hello everyone this is Joshua Cook back here on my YouTube channel Joshua Cooks
00:07Hauls Reviews and Reactions YouTube's new alternative and this video is also
00:14going to be uploaded on my variety channel on Daily Motion so this is going
00:25to be my Young and the Restless review and recap or well I'll put the date on
00:37this on the title because never mind um but like I said this is going to be this
00:48week this week's Y&R review recap now there has been some happenings going on
00:59some big things going on during the week so why don't we just jump into it um
01:10first off of course you got to start with Kyle and Summer and they're trying
01:24to get joint custody of to share the custody of Harrison but Summer continues
01:38to be totally obnoxious because she asked she asked Kyle to cut ties with
01:53Audra I mean I I don't think that would be a wise idea because for one thing
02:04they both are working at Glossade with Victor the mystery the mysterious the
02:14anonymous investor in Glossade so having Kyle cut off all ties to Audra would be
02:31a very bad thing because like I said they both run Glossade with Victor so
02:42yeah I don't think that would be a wise decision on his part given their their
02:52history so Summer kept trying to press the issue but Kyle said I will see you
03:04in court so clearly that idea that proposition didn't work so well um let's
03:17see oh yes Billy stuck the name Abbott to Chancellor of course he's running
03:32Chancellor after the split up of Chancellor Hamilton winners so now it's
03:45called Abbott Chancellor thanks to Billy and Jack wasn't wasn't happy with it but
03:53he hasn't accepted it so yeah Billy had a lot to deal with not only trying to
04:10keep you know the company you know afloat but having to deal with Lily whom
04:21Billy went all Mr. Mc went full full full force Mr. McMahon and told Lily
04:31you're fired yeah I can't do it the way Mr. McMahon does but Billy pretty much
04:41told Lily you're fired so and Lily wasn't too happy with that yeah Billy
04:57Billy fired Lily from her CEO position and like I said Billy had to deal with
05:11that and also figuring out what's going on with between Chelsea and Adam and and
05:21for that matter so was Sally she was trying to figure out what what's going
05:30on with Adam and Chelsea but Chelsea eventually told told Billy that she had
05:44sex with with Adam over in Baltimore when they were when those two were
05:54dealing with Connor who was back in Genoa City by the way so Connor is
06:08working on his outpatient therapy for his OCD so that was pretty that's that's
06:26good that's pretty good so and like like I said Chelsea told Billy about her
06:36fling with Adam and needless to say Billy wasn't happy with it and Adam has
06:50still not said anything to Sally about what happened you know he he's been
07:00continuously dodging it so I don't know maybe next week we'll find out whether
07:16or not Adam says anything about it or not from what I saw during the next week
07:26promo during today's show Billy is not very happy with it but I don't want to
07:37spoil anything but you'll you'll see what I what I mean so and Kyle has
07:51decided to move out of the Abbott mansion because of his continuing
08:03custody battle with Summer over Harrison despite Jack and Diane's best efforts to
08:17to try and you know keep him in the house he's obviously upset with with
08:31both Jack and Diane and Sally or not Jack and Diane and Summer over all this
08:42so yeah like I said he decided to move out but still he has Claire you know
09:00they're Harrison's nanny so who both both Kyle and Harrison both like very
09:13much so but Victor has something in mind for for Kyle to do next week like I said
09:28I don't want to spoil it yeah you'll find out when it happens and also Sharon
09:43has continuously been haunted by the ghost of Cameron Kirsten she had planned
09:59a trip to get her mind off everything that's been going on but as we found out
10:10that was pushed she pushed it back a little bit but still she has been
10:20dealing with Cameron Kirsten's ghost and while that's happening
10:31Faith and Lily or Lucy rather not Lily but Faith and Lucy had a little chat
10:44about what happened when Lucy snuck in that bottle of that bottle of
10:56vodka or whatever that she brought to the concert she apologized for that but
11:02Faith said they can't be friends because they're at different stages and they
11:11have so much going on right now and Faith is going back to college while
11:20Lucy is finishing up high school so but they accepted Lucy's apology for what
11:36she did at the concert like it there was a part of next week's promo that
11:50showed Sharon and Nick and Daniel and Heather at the hospital dealing with an
12:00accident but like I said like I had said I don't want to spoil it but you'll
12:08see what I'm talking about during the show next week so something happens and
12:19it I guess it involves Faith and Lucy so like I said I don't want to spoil it
12:28you're gonna see what happens during next week's episodes but for the most
12:41part that's about all that's been happening I think it was a really good
12:47week this week here on YNR so be interesting to see what happens next
12:56week so like I mentioned this will be up on my variety channel on Dailymotion
13:06as well as on YouTube so hope you enjoyed this review and for those of you
13:16on YouTube Anthony Chabot was going to or was scheduled he told me that he
13:27was now he's not going to do his Smackdown watch along the final at least
13:34the final hour of it but he will be doing his thumbs up thumbs down I think
13:43he said either tonight or during Monday's Raw watch along but anyways
13:56I'll probably I'll probably be watching his thumbs up thumbs down I'm not gonna
14:04watch Smackdown I know he said he was he wasn't gonna watch it I'm not gonna
14:09watch it either so but I will like I said I will be watching his thumbs up
14:16thumbs down so that's it for this video hope you enjoyed it if you did be sure
14:25to leave a like and comment I'm almost at 200 subscribers over on YouTube so
14:33I'm at 198 subscribers on YouTube so if you would show your support and give it
14:45a like and comment and subscribe to my channel Joshua Cooks Paws Reviews and
14:52Reactions new YouTube's new alternative and follow me on on my variety channel
15:00on Daily Motion it would be greatly appreciated I'll have some videos up
15:05there up on Daily Motion soon so be looking out for that so that's it thank
15:15you for watching and I'll see you folks in my next video I'm Joshua Cook signing
15:22off and I am out
