• last year
00:00God's plan for your life is more about who you are than what you do.
00:06What should I do?
00:07You've probably asked that question a lot, especially if you have a major life decision
00:11to face, like where to go to college or what career to pick.
00:17It's a similar question a religious leader asked Jesus in the Bible, which is the greatest
00:22commandment of the law, Matthew 22 verse 36.
00:27In other words, what should I do?
00:30In the next verse, we see Jesus reply, You must love the Lord your God with all your
00:35heart, all your soul, and all your mind.
00:39This is the first and greatest commandment.
00:42A second is equally important, love your neighbor as yourself.
00:46Matthew 22 verse 37 to 39, emphasis added.
00:51When we try to figure out what God's plan is for our lives, we can start with these
00:55two things Jesus told us to do.
00:59Love God.
01:01Love other people.
01:03You're probably thinking, that sounds great, but how do I know where to go to college or
01:08what career to pick?
01:10That's a fair question.
01:12Here's the good news.
01:13If you are following Jesus and surrounding yourself with godly people, the Holy Spirit
01:18will help guide your decisions.
01:21You might be torn between two colleges that are equally as good, and you wonder which
01:25God wants you to go to.
01:27Let's go back to what Jesus said earlier about the two greatest commandments, loving God
01:32and loving people.
01:34Can you love God and love other people at both colleges?
01:38If the answer is yes, then it doesn't matter which you choose.
01:43God can use you at either place.
01:45When it comes to our future decisions, God doesn't always give us yes or no answers.
01:52That can seem confusing, but there's a lot of freedom when you realize God's plan for
01:56your life is more about who you're becoming than what you're doing.
02:00Does that mean we just make all of our decisions on our own and live however we want?
02:06Of course not.
02:07We may not always know God's will, but we can always walk in God's ways.
02:13What does that mean?
02:14It means that even if we don't know what's next for our lives, we can continue to obey
02:18what God has called us to right now.
02:22That means following Him, living a life of integrity, obeying and respecting our parents
02:27and leaders, and loving every person God puts in our lives.
02:32And here's the best part.
02:33When we follow Christ, He gives us wisdom through His Holy Spirit.
02:38First Corinthians 2 verse 12 to 13.
02:41He renews our thoughts.
02:44Romans 12 verse 2 and helps us focus on the right things.
02:48When we surround ourselves with wise people.
02:51Proverbs 13 verse 20.
02:53They'll help us make the right decisions too.
02:57And one of the best ways we can find wisdom is through prayer.
03:01In fact, James 1 verse 5 says that if we ask God for wisdom, He will give it to us.