00:00Hey, what's up guys. I'm in a hospital. I'm going to get taught by Ken Brown about some
00:16hospital stuff. Excuse me. It's the anesthetic in here. Let me just see real quick. There's
00:27nobody in here, man. You know what this reminds me of? Boom, 1408. You got to check that movie
00:34out. John Corsack. You come to a room. There's nothing there. So you tell me you're going
00:44to make a big speech. You're going to do something over here that's educational for me. There's
00:50a lot of stuff in here, though. I can't say it's not. There's definitely a lot of stuff.
00:57But you're going to do something for me to make me see the world a little differently.
01:01All right. Straight up. All right. I'm going to act like I'm just coming out the elevator.
01:09See what you got to tell me. Just keep it real. Hey, what's up, Ken? How you doing,
01:27buddy? Pretty good. Check it out, man. This video is not recommended to anybody 18 years
01:36old or younger. Because I'm going straight down deep. I'm going deep, man. I worked in
01:43a hospital for over 20 years, man. I've seen a bunch of things happen in the hospital,
01:48man. A bunch of different things happen. I was in a hospital when AIDS first started,
01:53my friend. They talked about it on television, and people came in. I saw them. I saw the
02:01weight loss. I saw how they looked, man. By the way, this right here, nobody's in here.
02:10I'm about to build a hospital, my friend. I'm about to build a hospital because I remember
02:15what it was like when I worked in a hospital. It's an important, important thing, my friend.
02:24Important thing. It's not about the money and the hospital, buddy. It's a combination
02:28of a lot of different things going on there. You're helping people. You're helping the
02:32sick people get better. The hurt people, depressed people, alcoholic people, drug addict people,
02:39demanding depression people, homicidal killers getting better, man. You're changing people's
02:47lives and the lives of other people around them. You understand what I'm saying? This
02:53is not a joke here, buddy. This is to be taken almost right under the church. Church
02:59heals the souls. This heals the bodies, minds, even part of the spirit of a person. This
03:07is my office over here. I chill here. I think about my next project, my next plan. What
03:15am I going to do to help somebody else? It's a hell of a situation, man. I can't even sleep
03:23at night sometimes. I got to unfocus on the world because there's always somebody out
03:28there hurting, man. There's always somebody hurting. If I'm going to sleep, that doesn't
03:32mean the world stops because I'm sleeping. People are hurting out there, man. It's a
03:36big job responsibility to have to help people, man. Let me tell you, it's not easy and you
03:43need help yourself. The more you hang around dirt, the dirtier you get. Let's keep it real.
03:48That's why certain people like hanging around certain people. They figure they're cleaner.
03:52They keep their customs, their cultures, traditions, what they stand for as a people before they
04:00deteriorate. That's what's going on, baby. This planet's deteriorating. You know why?
04:06Because everybody's saying to one another, it doesn't matter as long as they don't hurt
04:11me. It doesn't matter as long as they don't hurt me. You're not even thinking about does
04:15it hurt the community? Does it make the world better? These are the important factors you
04:20need to ask yourself, my friend. All right, let's keep going. I got a lot to talk about.
04:27It's a time check over here. Man, this has been bottled up in me a long time. Let me
04:35just tell you something right here, man. This room right here, this particular room, surgery
04:42goes through here. I'm going to tell you the surgery. There's so many different surgeries
04:47right here. We're going to talk about the surgery of a woman about to have a child.
04:53A woman that the ambulance picked up in the street because somebody made a phone call
04:59about to pick up a woman, right? We got the woman in here now, right? We just don't see
05:04her, but just imagine, right? Pregnant and on crack with a stem in her damn pocketbook
05:12right now. Come on. Mary had a baby, okay? That's what we're talking about. Mary had
05:18a baby. How's that child going to be raised? Starting off from the creator, the one that
05:28created the child is fucked up already. If the parent is fucked up, what do you expect
05:35the child to do? He got to overcome a hell of a lot of obstacles to make himself successful,
05:41buddy. He got to overcome you, your ass, right? Then he got to overcome the people, the haters,
05:48brothers and sisters that might be jealous and fake friends. Then he got to get that
05:54once in a while. I fall in love. I love somebody so much. I want to give my whole life and
06:00then get your ass broken. Broken. Because that's what happens, baby. You got to get
06:07it at least once or twice on this planet. That initiates you to be a human. Understand
06:13what I'm saying? You're a parent having a child. You need to parent yourself and a child
06:22yourself. What good are you going to be doing to the newborn when you're still hooked on
06:28crack? You ain't think about that when you got pregnant? When you did whatever you had
06:32to do to get pregnant? What'd you do after that? Did you say, oh my God, I need to either
06:38have an abortion or I even need to learn how to be a parent. That's the only option you
06:44have? Or send her for adoption? What'd you think about? Or did you think about your next
06:50hit? Too many kids in this world disrespectful, uneducated, stupid, hanging around the streets,
06:58smoking, drinking, thinking they're cool. Why? Because the parents ain't worth a damn.
07:04What did you do to raise a child? What did you do to make this world better? You was
07:09thinking about yourself and your child was doing the same thing, thinking about himself.
07:13You was thinking about how to be better than everybody. Your child was looking at you.
07:16Jesus, Harold, he can be better than you. You don't take time to think because you're
07:23thinking about yourself or your husband, your fiance, your boyfriend. How am I going to
07:28get my die back, huh? What about little man in the house right now who needs some guidance?
07:34So after you're gone, he can raise the family properly. What about that, mother? What about
07:41you letting your child run around wild all over the public places with no respect for
07:45other people? What about that, mother? We're going to get into the dads, too. Dads should
07:51have been there. But right now, we're going to talk about you, mom. You don't want to
07:55get the child support, right? You don't want to get the alimony, all the big money because
08:00you had a child, all right? Are you an expert in children? What are you getting paid so
08:06much for? For yourself? Because you gave birth? Use a cocoon? An incubator? Please. I told
08:15you it was hard core, son. Come back here, man. I got to take a break from there for
08:20a second. No, come back here. Give it to him again. Give it to him again. Come back. Come
08:24on. One more time. Give it to him. Okay. Give it to him, brother. Do it for me. Do it for
08:30me. So what are you going to do? Burn candles from Brooklyn to Bronx? Post signs up on the
08:36building? Your son, when he died, put beer bottles, Hennessy, half a blunt over there,
08:42a bunch of candles? For what? What? When he was alive, what did you do? People show more
08:48appreciation around the block than you do right now. They know more about your child
08:53than you know about your child. Because you're doing what? You're doing what? Thinking about
08:58what you're going to do next, right? Not thinking about the child's future. Please,
09:03let me step out of here for a second. Oh, geez. But like I said, man, I'm doing a concert.
09:12Man, my arm, man. Look at this. Pretty heavy on her. You got people that work in the hospital.
09:21I'm going to lay in the back while you're talking. You got people that work in the hospital
09:25that don't care. You got patients that's in the hospital that want to get well and get
09:30back to their life. You got patients in the hospital that don't give a damn. I'm trying
09:35to get medical free meal, place to sleep, people to talk to, community, doctors, huh?
09:42Three cots in a hut, right? You got people hurting out there, brother. Really hurt that
09:49can use these beds. If you can get well, get well and help the next man. Let's make
09:55this hospital empty. Let's help the wounded people. Let's think about helping yourself.
10:02Sorry, I got that one patient in the room. Might have more money than everybody else.
10:08They lonely, too, man. They're worried about the cancer. They're going to keep the legs.
10:12I mean, amputation, depression. They're alcoholics and drug addicts. They can't stop. They can't
10:17wait to get out the hospital bed right now to go get their next hit, their next drink.
10:24Whatever it is that they do, they can't wait to get out there to get it, man. People are
10:28hurting in this world, brother. You understand what I'm saying? You got time to be playing
10:32games. You got to get your act together, man, so you don't be a casualty.
10:40People in the x-ray room, wondering. MRIs, CAT scans. What's going on in my life? What's
10:48going to happen to me? Will I be able to keep my job, take care of my kids, keep my husband?
10:52Will I still look attractive? Do I have to lose my hair? Will I have to get chemo? Let
10:57my job go? Be able to get assistance? Can I pay for the house? Please, brother. Brother.
11:08You know what this room is, man? What? I should've waited the last time to come in this room.
11:13What's this room, right? But we in here already. I'm not going to lay on this thing. This is
11:17your last stop, buddy. If the rest of the rooms can't help you down there, this is where
11:22you wind up. This is a morgue for a viewing. A viewing of a dead body. Of the time that
11:32this body was alive, from a child, went to school, ate, laughed, joked, cried, grown
11:39from boy, whatever the heck it is, to right now, you're right here on the slab. What'd
11:44you do with your life? What'd you do? You do anything important? You do anything that
11:50when they put you on the slab, this room is going to be populated with people coming to
11:54see you, crying for you, wishing you were alive, thanking you, and sending God prayers
12:01to you, for you. Hmm? I took people to the slab, my friend. I was a CNA for 20 years,
12:09my friend. Terrence Cardinal Cook Healthcare Center. Look it up. Tim Brown. I seen things,
12:18brother. I seen things that are pushing the back of my mind. I seen people on AIDS. Had
12:27it so bad, they lost the weight, died, had to put them in a body bag. I seen people with
12:35dementia. One hand. No legs. One leg. One hand. No hands and no legs, only their nubs.
12:44Only the nubs, brother. And a colostomy bag. I seen things, brother, in the hospital. People
12:54think they got problems. This video might not be so much for you as it is for me. For
13:00me to remind myself of what I saw, man. What I saw. People sent the x-ray from a doctor's
13:09report. Damn, we got to do more tests. We got to do more tests on that lump on your
13:19breast. We got to do a biopsy. Double check. The hospital is not a joke, my friend. It's
13:29not a joke. People with broken bones, messed up spines, stuck up in a wheelchair. Got to
13:36use a crutch. One eye. No eyes. One ear. No ears. Whatever you can think of, it's been
13:43the hospital. The hospital is not a joke, my friend. It's not a joke. You got free time.
13:52Why don't you volunteer? Why don't you encourage somebody? Talk to somebody. It'll make your
13:57day feel a lot better when you see what they're going through. I work in a hospital and I've
14:04been a patient in a hospital. If I can, I try to stay away from hospitals. Reason being,
14:17nobody does their job the way they're supposed to do it exactly. Somewhere, everybody's lost
14:23their passion in their job. They're just there for a paycheck. They hate to get there and
14:29can't wait to get off and love the weekend and love payday. That's it. You're not there
14:34for the next man, the next person to help somebody out, to service somebody. Every time
14:39that you have a job, you're servicing somebody. If you're a salesperson and somebody steps
14:44into your store, they want a sweater, a pair of pants, some underwear. They want a little
14:49light conversation. They want something not just physically, not just materialistically.
14:56They want something mentally. And if you can do it mentally, they'll keep coming back
15:00finding a product in that store. Okay? I told you, it's not for kids, baby. And on your
15:06road to being successful, let me just tell you this, my friend. Don't expect nobody to
15:13help you but yourself. You're the only one you can rely on 24-7, 365. You're the only
15:21one that care about you the way you care about you. Okay? Don't wait for the Calvary to come.
15:28Don't wait for a situation to happen where you guys decide, I got to call the hospital,
15:33the ambulance, 911. Let me look on my telephone book and see who will come. I got 2,000 friends
15:41on Facebook, but I can't call any of those. So let me ask you this question, my friend.
15:48I'm not just saying Facebook, but on social media, imaginary places. You got 2,000 friends
15:55that won't give you a damn penny or dime, won't come to help you when you need them.
15:59What kind of friends are those? You need people that's there holding your hand when you're
16:04in the surgery room, when you need help. When you're saying, oh my God, am I going to make
16:08it? You need somebody saying, hang in there, you're going to make it. If you don't have
16:12anybody like that around, then drop them, brother. Drop them like a hot tomato. I don't
16:17give a damn if you like it or not. You got to do tests to find out if they like you back.
16:21You can't just sit around naïve saying, I love the world and the world loves me. It
16:25don't happen like that. Okay? I'm sorry to break it to you, right? Breaking news. All
16:32right? The world don't give a damn about you if you don't give a damn about yourself, man.
16:37The only reason they give a damn about you is what you can do for them. Nobody's around.
16:43Don't expect nobody to be around. Instead, I'm looking for handouts. Okay? Beat up the
16:48person giving the handout. You understand what I'm saying? Kind of a tour. A tour of
16:54the hospital. Thank you very much for coming. Spread the word. If you like it, put a like.
17:00Can you do that? Can you click the like button? Will it hurt you? Give you arthritis? Break
17:05your wrist? Special powers? Voodoo? Magic? Witchcraft? Something's going to happen if
17:11you hit the damn like. Hit the like button, man. Make a comment. Talk about something.
17:17Talk about your experience. How do you feel about this video? What do you think I should
17:21have did differently? Okay? Don't sit in the background. All right? Be a player, son. All
17:26right? And definitely subscribe so you get more videos so I can stay motivated and confident
17:31knowing that somebody likes my content. Even though I did it for me, really. Because I
17:38like my content. And even if nobody wants it, I'm going to watch it myself. However,
17:42if you like it, it resonates with you, right? You want to see more, hear more, experience
17:49more, learn more, okay? If you ain't going to school, you got to learn someplace, baby.
17:54You was going to school five days a week when you was a little kid. Every single day. Every
18:00single day. You know why? Your parents was relying on you going to school to get the
18:04hell out of the house so they can have their own free time, right? Then they look at the
18:08clock when you're coming back. Just like you look at the clock when you get older when
18:11they come back from work, okay? It's a reverse game, baby. That's how life is. So anyway,
18:16let me just tell you this. Subscribe, baby. It's not going to hurt you, right? Talk to
18:22a friend. Say, yo, I seen this video, man. You wouldn't believe it. And check out my
18:26channel. I got a whole lot of videos like this. If you've seen this, you're surprised,
18:30amazed. Don't even think about that too much, brother. I got a whole lot just like this.
18:36I take you on journeys, man. I've been to Mars. I've been to the moon. I've been underwater.
18:41I've been in the atmosphere. I've been on top of the world, in this space. There's no
18:45place I haven't been, my friend. I can't say that, man. People making things every day.
18:50Just keep an eye on my video. However, it's about 600. So watch it. I hope you enjoy it,
18:55right? Don't be ashamed, man. I can tell when you subscribe. When he subscribes, you got
19:00a new subscriber. I look over there. I go, wow, man. Thanks for supporting me. Even if
19:04you don't hear me saying it, I'm saying it in my heart. I'm saying, wow, thanks for
19:08supporting me. And since you support me, anything I can do to support you, you let me know.
19:15You want me to make a video, mention your name. You got pictures of your family, videos
19:19of your family, something you want me to show the public, my channel. No problem.
19:25Why? I'm not a hater, man. The world is too small. The world is too short. I got too many
19:32things on my mind to have haters in. I want friends. I'm not looking for enemies. I'm
19:38not even looking for friends either. I'm just looking to do my thing, baby. Whoever identifies
19:44with my thing, whoever says, yo, his thing is my thing, tag along with me. That's all
19:50I got to say. Thank you very much for letting me share. Wow. That was a lot there. I guess
20:04he's leaving it to me now. So, I don't know what else to say. Normally I talk a lot, but
20:16it's a lot of information here. You guys will watch this video and take notes. And I recommend
20:22you do the same thing. Thanks for watching. God bless you. Stay healthy, man. You know
20:27somebody that's sick, help them out. Carry their bags. Knock on their door. Tell them
20:32you're going to the store. Do you need anything for me to do? Do you need me to pick up something
20:37for you? Send them a magazine, newspaper, a funny article, something. Let them know
20:42they're not alone, man. Because when you're in the house by yourself and you're going
20:46through something, right, based on what the doctor said and the procedure that you had,
20:51it's heavy, man. It's a heavy thing. It's a heavy burden to have to carry yourself.
20:58Alright. Thanks for watching, guys. Stay tuned. And I'll see you next time.