• 2 months ago
Love & Bid Farewell (2024) EP 1 ENG SUB


00:30I don't know what to say, maybe I won't understand despair
00:37It turned out to be nothing more than a dream
00:44But I know that love is like a storm and a storm
00:53I personally bestowed a piece of sand on the starry sky
01:01Unfortunately, it didn't break my hope
01:22At the end of Shaotianlou, the entire Gu family was destroyed
01:27Only one daughter survived, Gu Junyao
01:33But when the Fifth Prince fell, the Seventh Prince, Yue Jinchen, died
01:38But no one knew his whereabouts
01:53The daughter of the Gu family
01:57If I don't die today, I will make you pay with your blood
02:02You can't even tell who your enemy is, and you want to take revenge
02:07Who are you?
02:12But today I can give you one more chance
02:15I can also help you kill your enemy
02:22You don't have to do this
02:37The Seventh Prince is not welcome, he is also the prince
02:41His mother, Ning Fei, is a demon who destroyed the harem
02:46She was my prince when I was young
02:48After the incident at the Zhaotian House,
02:50in the palace,
02:51he became a street rat.
02:52Everyone hated him.
02:54He's really pitiful.
02:57Didn't Yue Ying come with another princess?
02:59I wonder if Yue Ying's marriage
03:01will end in the same way.
03:03Summon the envoy of Yue Ying.
03:10I was ordered by King of Yue Ying
03:12to bring you here.
03:13Congratulations, Your Majesty.
03:15May you live a long life and be healthy.
03:18Thank you, Your Majesty.
03:29This is the most beautiful princess
03:32of Yue Ying,
03:33Princess Yingge.
03:49Yue Ying.
04:15This is the dance
04:16最爱跳的霓裳舞 The most popular dance in the palace
04:18嘘 要命了 I'm going to die
04:20把我给提这个名字 For this name
04:28从即日起 封音阁公主为妃 From today onward, Princess Yingge will be the concubine
04:31多谢陛下 Thank you, Your Majesty
04:34平身 Rise
04:35谢陛下 Thank you, Your Majesty
04:37听闻陛下已故的宁妃也是月盈之人 I heard that Concubine Ning is also a member of Yue Ying
04:41不知我可否住到宁妃之前的宫中 May I live in the palace before Concubine Ning?
04:46放肆 宁妃乃是蛊惑后宫的妖妃 此乃宫中禁忌 岂容你在此妄加议论 How dare you! Concubine Ning is a demon who seduces the harem. This is a taboo in the palace. You are not allowed to talk about it here
04:54无妨 都过去了 既然每人有意 朕就允了 It doesn't matter. It's all in the past. Since everyone has an opinion, I'll allow it
05:01这 这 这 This
05:02宁阁公主想住哪儿就住哪儿 Princess Yingge can live wherever she wants
05:05谢陛下 Thank you, Your Majesty
05:16七弟怎么如此寒碜 身边连个伺候撑伞的人都没有 Seventh Younger Brother, why are you so cold? You don't even have someone to hold an umbrella for you
05:33三哥 Third Elder Brother
05:35也是 七弟自五年前昭天楼之变之后 便就是孤零零一个人了 That's right. After the incident at Zhaotian Restaurant five years ago, you've been all alone
05:44毕竟 与你交好的老五可是联合罪疑顾寻安 谋害太子 成了叛党被诛了 After all, the old man who was on good terms with you was the one who colluded with the guilty Gu Xun'an to murder the Crown Prince and became the traitor
05:54对了 还有那个月影妖妃也早就成了人人谈之色变的忌妒 晦气得很 By the way, that Moon Shadow Demon Princess has long been a taboo for everyone to talk about
06:05三哥既然对当年之事如此耿耿于怀 不如去禀明父皇 Since Third Elder Brother is so concerned about what happened back then, why don't you report it to my father?
06:13你不要以为再来一个月影后妃就能改变你当下的局势 七弟 你今后可要多多保重哦 Don't think you can change the current situation by having another Moon Shadow Demon Princess
06:19七弟 你今后可要多多保重哦 Seventh Elder Brother, you have to take good care of yourself in the future
06:26毕竟你身上也流着月影的血 After all, you also have the blood of the Moon Shadow Demon
06:35不知我可否住到宁妃之前的宫殿 I wonder if I can stay in the palace before Concubine Ning
06:39封妃仪式三月后举行 着礼不渡半 遵旨 The ceremony will be held in three months, and the ceremony will be held in three months. Yes
07:04封妃仪式三月后举行 着礼不渡半 遵旨 The ceremony will be held in three months, and the ceremony will be held in three months. Yes
07:34三哥就这么迫不及待了 Third Elder Brother is so impatient
08:35公主出手相救 本宫不甚感激 The princess saved me. I am very grateful
08:42那七皇子打算如何报答这份恩情啊 How is the Seventh Prince going to repay this favor?
08:46竟不知公主身手如此了得 I didn't know the princess was so good
08:49我也不知七皇子与传闻这般大相径庭竟如此出边不及 I didn't know the Seventh Prince was so close to the rumors
08:59公主身上染了血 回宫怕是多有不便 The princess is injured. It's inconvenient to go back to the palace
09:03不妨去我宫里处理一下吧 You can deal with it in my palace
09:07那便多谢殿下了 Thank you, Your Highness
09:32公主先在此梳洗一下 这里有几套衣服 看看是否合身 The princess will wash herself here first. There are a few sets of clothes here. See if they fit
09:44多谢殿下 Thank you, Your Highness
09:48当年你与父亲和五皇子如此亲近 赵天楼一事 你知晓其中内情吗 Did you know about Zhao Tianlou when you were so close to your father and the Fifth Prince?
10:33宁非一物 It's not a thing
10:43公主为何在此 Why is the princess here?
10:48殿下 Your Highness
10:54公主还未回答 为何在此 The princess hasn't answered yet. Why is she here?
10:59我实在是找不到合适的衣裳 I really can't find a suitable dress
11:02就过来看看 Come and have a look
11:04是吗 Really?
11:13殿下若是不信的话就看看 If you don't believe me, have a look
11:27你究竟是谁 Who are you?
11:32我自然是鹰哥公主 我日后还是你父皇的后妇 I am Princess Yingge. I will be your father's concubine in the future
12:03你是谁 Who are you?
12:05你是谁 Who are you?
12:07你是谁 Who are you?
12:09你是谁 Who are you?
12:11你是谁 Who are you?
12:13你是谁 Who are you?
12:15你是谁 Who are you?
12:17你是谁 Who are you?
12:19你是谁 Who are you?
12:21你是谁 Who are you?
12:23你是谁 Who are you?
12:25你是谁 Who are you?
12:27你是谁 Who are you?
12:29你是谁 Who are you?
12:30你是谁 Who are you?
12:32你是谁 Who are you?
12:34你是谁 Who are you?
12:36你是谁 Who are you?
12:38你是谁 Who are you?
12:40你是谁 Who are you?
12:42你是谁 Who are you?
12:44你是谁 Who are you?
12:46你是谁 Who are you?
12:48你是谁 Who are you?
12:50你是谁 Who are you?
12:52你是谁 Who are you?
12:54你是谁 Who are you?
12:56你是谁 Who are you?
12:58你是谁 Who are you?
13:00你是谁 Who are you?
