Surreal Life- Villa of Secrets - Season 2 Episode 02- Building Surreal Bonds

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Surreal Life- Villa of Secrets - Season 2 Episode 02- Building Surreal Bonds
#EnglishMovie #cdrama #drama #engsub #chinesedramaengsub #movieshortfull


00:00Celebrity strangers moved into the Surreal Life Villa in Medellin, Colombia for a one-of-a-kind
00:14It's Macy Gray.
00:15This is some legendary **** right here.
00:17They quickly discovered their time here is full of surprises that push them out of their
00:21comfort zones.
00:22The only Chad in the world that I know of is Tom Hanks' son, and it's so not what you
00:28think Tom Hanks' son would be like.
00:30Dad, it's Tom Hanks.
00:32Have people brought that up my entire life?
00:35Is it annoying?
00:37Their first secret mission challenged them to release what's holding them back.
00:41Oh, God.
00:42This is scary.
00:43But they breathed through it and let out some deep emotions.
00:46The fact that I can let go here and feel safe here and not even at home is just crazy.
00:51Their next secret mission was meant to be a day of play, but it turned into World War
00:57I'm at a loss here.
00:58Nobody cares.
00:59I keep getting shut down.
01:00Nobody shut...
01:01You talk more than anybody.
01:03All because I asked them a question.
01:05Sorry, fam.
01:07Will Tyler and Macy make up, or will they check out of this surreal experience too soon?
01:28Woo, girl!
01:38Today was dramatic.
01:42Okay, so drama ensued during game evening.
01:48Tyler felt disrespected.
01:49You said you were shutting me down.
01:51Nobody shut...
01:52You talk more than anybody.
01:53Macy, I think, was just kind of backed into a corner.
01:58I'm at a loss here.
01:59Nobody cares.
02:00It was just the most unlikely sparring match.
02:03I mean, I was so focused on my Uno cards, I was just kind of like...
02:07When it actually happened, nerves were touched, and you never quite know when you're dealing
02:11with strangers what might trigger them.
02:14Tonight kind of pissed me off.
02:16We played cards, and it was just kind of this conversation.
02:20I don't know.
02:21They said, talk about your childhood, and I'm just like, I'm playing Uno.
02:25I look like the bad guy because I don't want to.
02:28The whole time, I'm like, I hope they can just squash this right now.
02:32I tried.
02:33I'm like, dude, I'm like your homie here.
02:34He's like, yeah.
02:36Why are you...
02:37Yeah, yeah, yeah.
02:38I dropped off some food for her.
02:39And you're sitting there like, man, I'm being so good to you.
02:42That's how you treat me?
02:43Basically, the soup line was just to say, dude, we've been bonding so hardcore here,
02:48and it feels like you're shutting me down and not giving me any space to help out here.
02:52And she took that really wrong.
02:54This is tough.
02:55I'm getting a headache, bro.
02:56Yeah, I mean, today's been a lot.
02:59I sweated a lot because I was nervous about the confrontation.
03:04I run.
03:05I can't believe I'm 45 years old.
03:13This is an impression of Kim and her phone usage.
03:15Let's just say I'm Allie.
03:17I suffered so much trauma at the hands of Fifth Harmony.
03:20Well, you know, Kroy told me...
03:21Oh, no, the girls and I have a show.
03:32I'm glad I'm 45 and not 55 going through this.
03:34Why do you keep being by yourself?
03:39You should extend the olive branch to Tyler.
03:41Was it that bad?
03:42You just don't want there to be any weird energy.
03:44You just want y'all to just, you know, show each other some love and squash it.
03:49Hey, yo, Tyler.
03:50Oh, my God.
03:51Okay, Oprah.
03:52Yo, Tyler.
03:53See, you don't want to talk.
03:54Yeah, he does.
03:58Hi, Macy.
04:00I am sorry.
04:01Please don't apologize.
04:02I did feel hurt.
04:03What did I say that we felt was disrespectful, though?
04:04You know, we're playing a game.
04:05I was like, I'll talk about my childhood.
04:06And you're like, no, I don't want to do that.
04:07Let's just keep playing Uno, you know?
04:08It's okay if you don't want to talk about yours.
04:09But I felt like I was going to step up and talk about my childhood.
04:10And you're like, okay, but make it quick.
04:11And I was like, damn, man.
04:13It wasn't personal to you.
04:14I was just, I was kind of annoyed.
04:15I'm so sorry about the soup line.
04:16I felt like maybe, like, not appreciated by it.
04:17And I got a little mad.
04:18So, if I took two seconds to breathe it out, I wouldn't have said it that way.
04:19It's soup.
04:20It wasn't like he went out and caught a chicken and killed it and then made the pot.
04:21It's soup.
04:22It's soup.
04:23It's soup.
04:24It's soup.
04:25It's soup.
04:26It's soup.
04:27It's soup.
04:28It's soup.
04:29It's soup.
04:30It's soup.
04:31It's soup.
04:32It's soup.
04:33It's soup.
04:34It's soup.
04:35It's soup.
04:36It's soup.
04:37It's soup.
04:38It's soup.
04:39It's soup.
04:40It's soup.
04:41It's soup.
04:42It's soup.
04:43It's soup.
04:44It's soup.
04:45It's soup.
04:46It's soup.
04:47It's soup.
04:48It's soup.
04:49It's soup.
04:50I feel like he went out and caught a chicken and killed it and then made the broth, and
04:51you know, made me homemade noodles.
04:53You know, the cup-and-noodles soup?
04:54It's like fake...
04:56I just come from, like, if you're gonna give, you give.
04:57Like, if there's strings attached, then let me know.
04:58Like, if you say, I'm bringing you soup, so, from now on, I want you to, you know, tickle
05:00Yo, like, Macy, Macy, imagine if he was sick.
05:04And you brought him some food,
05:05just because you were being nice,
05:06and then we're talking about our childhood,
05:08and you'll be like, well, I'll talk about my childhood.
05:10He's like, I don't want to hear it.
05:11I'm not saying that's what you were trying to do,
05:13but that's how it came off to him.
05:16I was just trying to finish my stupid game.
05:18Me too.
05:19I know, I was about to win, dude.
05:20I was winning.
05:21I get it.
05:22When Tyler brings up the soup,
05:23like, Macy takes it as him saying,
05:25oh, wait, so, because you brought me soup,
05:28I'm supposed to tell you, like,
05:29everything about myself, which is not what he meant.
05:32She was positive that he expected deep truths
05:36in exchange for the soup, dude.
05:40I didn't expect anything like that to happen
05:42where I could then use that against you.
05:45I promise.
05:46I completely understand her side.
05:47That's why I wish I didn't say the soup thing,
05:49but maybe it was good because it pushed her
05:51to kind of be more open, too,
05:52and that's what, ultimately, we want.
05:54I want to be your homie here,
05:55and I think I was just trying to help,
05:57help, help, help what we're doing.
05:58I know you were.
05:59You were trying to help everybody.
06:01You always do.
06:03I'm sorry to interrupt,
06:04but do you know where the vodka would be?
06:10Of course.
06:11Let's go focus on that.
06:12Have you seen it?
06:13I don't drink vodka.
06:14I ain't Russian.
06:17Oh, my God.
06:22Macy, when was the last time you ate?
06:24I had some of those noodles.
06:26How much?
06:27Like two of them?
06:28No, I had, like, four bites.
06:33I don't know.
06:34I'm not hungry.
06:35I don't know what I'm supposed to do.
06:36You've got to force yourself to eat something.
06:38I like Chad a lot.
06:39I've really been thinking about
06:40why a lot of kids of successful people
06:43or celebrities, whatever that is,
06:45end up having kind of a hard time.
06:48And you're talking about being your dad's son,
06:52and I was trying to stop myself from crying
06:54because I'm determined not to cry on camera,
06:56but my son, like, everything you said,
06:59it sounded like, I swear to God,
07:01I could just hear my son saying that.
07:03What does he say?
07:05He just wants to be somebody,
07:07and I don't care.
07:08I'm not expecting that from him,
07:10but I think he feels like
07:11he has to live up to something,
07:13and he's kind of said whatever you said,
07:15but I think I didn't hear it properly
07:17coming from him, you know,
07:19because he's my son.
07:21You know, my mom's a teacher,
07:22my dad is a barber,
07:24works at a steel factory,
07:25like, normal s***,
07:27but I wanted to be somebody, you know,
07:29so it was all hustling,
07:30and I was super hungry.
07:31I would have done anything for it,
07:33but my son doesn't have to do that
07:35because, you know, the whole point
07:36is you get to give your kids everything,
07:38you know?
07:39Macy's the type of person, like,
07:41she's going to sit back and observe
07:42who she feels like she can trust
07:44before she, like, shares anything with someone.
07:47So the fact that she decided to pick me
07:49as, like, the only person
07:50to, like, share something with,
07:52I take it as a, you know,
07:54a sign of respect.
07:56He's a beautiful person,
07:57and he's really talented.
07:59I just don't think he knows
08:00which way to go.
08:01I think, like, yourself,
08:02like, Tom Hanks was your standard,
08:04and that's not, that's not normal.
08:08When I was coming up, like,
08:09I wanted this so bad,
08:10like, I had to have it
08:11because I didn't have anything else,
08:13but celebrity kids,
08:14they don't have to do that.
08:15Like, if my kids got in trouble at school,
08:17you know, they would say,
08:18well, why don't you sing for our fundraiser
08:20and we'll forget about it.
08:21And so now you've kind of robbed them
08:23of taking responsibility for their actions.
08:26So just the basics that you learn
08:28when you're growing up,
08:29they kind of get cheated out of that
08:31just by being the kid of a celebrity.
08:35Now, I honestly didn't put all that together
08:38till I met Chap.
08:39I just wanted to say thanks.
08:40I know you didn't do that for that reason,
08:42but it helped me out a lot.
08:45Maisie, I appreciate you telling me that.
08:47Well, thank you, man.
08:48Come on, bring it in, mama.
08:50You're so much welcome.
08:52And I love you.
08:53Thank you so much.
08:55Glad we made it through that one, fam.
08:57Time to rest up for your next secret mission.
08:59You're gonna need it.
09:08Good morning, fam.
09:09Rise and shine.
09:11I'll fix my girl up over here.
09:13My morning routine is get up,
09:15put on my wig that I love,
09:17but I have incredible hair, guys.
09:18I just don't like it as much as I like my wigs.
09:21It's so beautiful.
09:23So in the morning,
09:25I'm gonna lay around for an hour.
09:29Eventually, just sit on the toilet.
09:32But my stomach's hurting.
09:35I haven't had a proper s**t since I've been here.
09:37It's been a struggle to go to the bathroom.
09:42Oh, my God.
09:44I love pooping in my own home,
09:46but I'll do it anyway.
09:48Don't go in there.
09:50Do not go in there.
09:52Run away, dude!
09:54Run away!
09:56We're gonna be in really close quarters
09:58and gonna have to get comfortable with each other
10:00really, really, really quickly.
10:02So might as well just let it all happen at once, you know?
10:05Oh, boy.
10:06What's up?
10:07Just got my cards.
10:09I've just been really constipated.
10:11Oh, my gosh.
10:12I took Ozempic.
10:15The Ozempic does that.
10:17Last night, it hurt.
10:18You have to be careful, you know?
10:19I go on tour right after this,
10:21so I was just trying to take off some weight really fast.
10:23Quietly, I'm kind of a vain person,
10:26and I've gained a lot of weight over the past couple years.
10:29And this is right about the time
10:31when everybody starts talking about all this Ozempic.
10:37And so I thought, okay, I'm not taking it off the right way.
10:39Let me just see if I can get one of these little Ozempic tricks.
10:42I was actually trying to take it off before this show,
10:45because I didn't want to be super fat on TV,
10:47but here we are.
10:50You know what?
10:51The minute that you f***, we're going to have such a fiesta.
10:55We're going to celebrate my success going to Bathory
10:59after such hard work.
11:01Oh, Macy, I could only imagine.
11:05I'm slowly but surely just falling head over heels in love with Macy Gray.
11:09This conversation is something that I would not have expected
11:12from a legendary performer,
11:14but that's her vibe, and I'm here for it.
11:16You know what I want the most right now?
11:26Hi, everyone.
11:27Please make your way to the living room.
11:32Today's surreal secret missions are all about trust.
11:36Oh, my God.
11:37Every time Sloane talks, I'm like, what in the hell?
11:40Like, what, girl? What are you talking about?
11:42Turn into a TV. Leave me alone.
11:45There is a package at the door.
11:47I'm on it.
11:48Get it, Tyler.
11:49The clue for your next secret mission is
11:51you have to rely on each other to reach new heights.
11:55A lock?
11:56Yeah, we got a lock.
11:57They all got letters on them.
11:58In this box, you will find eight locks with a letter on each of them.
12:02That is sick. I love that.
12:04Everybody take one.
12:05How fun.
12:06Use the remaining letters to complete the phrase
12:08to lock in your new bond together.
12:11Take it one step at a time.
12:13Vans are leaving in 15 minutes.
12:15You're getting ready for a hike?
12:17What'd you get?
12:18An E.
12:19For what?
12:20For everything.
12:21All right.
12:22Sloane delivers us a toolbox filled with locks,
12:23which immediately make me think of the lover's bridge in Paris over the Seine.
12:26But where are we going to put these locks?
12:32I'm going in this one.
12:33Come on with it.
12:37I just want to go to the mall one day and get some stuff.
12:41What do you want to buy, Macy?
12:43I need some T-shirts.
12:45I need some lip gloss.
12:47I'm not really a tourist adventure person.
12:50I'd rather just buy a new bag, go fragrance shopping.
12:53What else do you get in Colombia that you can't get anywhere else?
12:56Coffee, emeralds, and cocaine.
13:01Oh, look at that.
13:02That's that thing, that mountain.
13:05Oh, my God.
13:10Oh, my God.
13:11Oh, look at it, look at it.
13:13That thing is nuts, dude.
13:15That is crazy.
13:16That is massive.
13:18Is there something on top? I can't tell.
13:20There is, yeah.
13:21Ready or not.
13:23Are we climbing this thing?
13:26Where are we?
13:27Oh, my God.
13:32Oh, my God.
13:36This is Piedra del Peñol.
13:38This rock has 700 steps.
13:43We're climbing all the way up there.
13:45That's crazy.
13:46Oh, that's where we're going?
13:47That's what we're doing.
13:50You're about to walk up 700 steps.
13:54For what?
13:56You have a lock.
13:57Okay, very good.
13:59So, put that lock in the top.
14:04Are you serious?
14:05Go together, please.
14:07Have fun.
14:08Thank you so much.
14:10It's not happening.
14:12No way.
14:14I'm scared of heights.
14:15There would have to be a miracle to get me up those steps.
14:18I don't want to do it.
14:19Are you staying behind?
14:20What are you doing?
14:25I think we have a couple of stragglers.
14:28We don't have to go the whole way.
14:29You want to try a little bit and then see how far we get?
14:31We'll try it together.
14:40Maybe there's an escalator hiding behind the rock or something.
14:47Either way, you know, we got this.
14:49We'll get up them steps and we'll go do it.
14:51Oh, amazing.
14:52Nobody gets left behind.
14:57I don't know, you guys.
14:58I don't think I can do it.
15:01I made it up to 12 steps.
15:05I killed those 12 steps, though.
15:07Macy, do you want to try this or no?
15:09Oh, babe, I can't.
15:10But you guys go ahead.
15:11No, I'm going to stay with you.
15:12I'm not leaving you by yourself.
15:13Let's go.
15:14No, no, no, it's okay.
15:15No, I'm coming back.
15:16I'm done.
15:17Wait, we're missing half her.
15:18Who are we waiting for?
15:19Let's just go.
15:20Give this to Tyler.
15:21Can Tyler put this on for Macy?
15:23Give it to Johnny.
15:24I love that Macy really tried.
15:27But I knew she was going to turn back around.
15:29I'm not going to leave her by herself
15:31while everybody goes up there and has a great time.
15:33I'm going to sit down for a minute.
15:35Okay, let's go sit down.
15:36Everything goes a little bit difficult.
15:39What do you feel, like your heart's beating fast?
15:42So Macy is staying down,
15:45and Kim's going to stay with Macy.
15:47Oh, I want to do it.
15:50I mean, that is a lot.
15:52That was steep already going up there, you know?
15:54You should go do it.
15:55No, I'm not going, Macy.
15:56They're gone.
15:58I don't know how to spell it out,
15:59but the cameras are there that you think
16:00I really want to walk all these steps.
16:02They're long gone.
16:03They're only right there.
16:09Babe, go ahead.
16:10No, it's okay.
16:11I'm fine.
16:12I have 50 people with me.
16:13Whoa, she's not getting it.
16:16So I'm thinking to myself, yeah, this sucks.
16:18But like, let's just wing it.
16:20Like, I'm actually pretty fit.
16:21Okay, so here I go.
16:24Don't do it.
16:25You got this.
16:27Go, Kim, go!
16:31My God, have mercy.
16:34Oh, crazy.
16:42Woo, guys, I'm already winded.
16:45Oh, man, this is going to be tough.
16:47That thing tires, eh?
16:48It ain't nothing.
16:50I live on the ninth floor of my building,
16:52and sometimes the elevator goes out,
16:54so I got to walk up those flights of stairs.
16:56And that's pretty hard.
16:58350, we're halfway.
17:00But this is worse.
17:02Damn, I'm tired already.
17:04I feel good.
17:05Okay, Ms. Workout Queen.
17:07I honestly was surprised that it was on the easier side for me.
17:10Like, it didn't really make sense as to why I was just like...
17:13Oh, my God.
17:15You okay, Allie?
17:17No, you're good.
17:18You can do it, baby.
17:19My legs are burning me.
17:21I'm kind of dying.
17:22You're good.
17:23You want some water?
17:25I'm good.
17:26She just needs to catch her breath.
17:33Oh, my God.
17:34You okay, Allie?
17:36No, you're good.
17:37You can do it, baby.
17:38You're good.
17:39You want some water?
17:42My legs are burning me.
17:43I'm kind of dying.
17:45I'm good.
17:46She just needs to catch her breath.
17:47I'm good.
17:49But I want to see what's at the top.
17:51Okay, guys, let's do it.
17:52Let's do it.
17:53Good job, baby.
17:55Thanks, guys.
17:56Okay, I'm pumped.
17:57Let's do it.
18:00Good counting, Tyler.
18:09My God, have mercy.
18:15As I'm seeing these markers, I'm walking up,
18:16I think I'm going to die.
18:18So it says, like, 150.
18:19And I'm thinking, 700 minus 150.
18:22550 steps.
18:23Is that right?
18:24Did I just do that math right?
18:26I'm so tired.
18:30We're down here.
18:32I'm really excited to walk around in all these shops.
18:37It's a whole different side of managing than I've seen.
18:47I was looking around for, like,
18:48something to buy everybody in the house.
18:51Oh, that's cute.
18:52Is that friends?
18:56Something like that.
18:57That means buddy.
18:58Me and the sound guy hit it off.
19:00We started bouncing from store to store.
19:02Nobody spoke English.
19:03We're going to buy something for everybody.
19:06Can you see if they have boxes for these?
19:14That's what she's like.
19:15I would walk around, and he would kind of translate for me.
19:18They're saying the price is 131,000 pesos.
19:23Do you have a tap?
19:26Do you have cash?
19:27Yes, I have cash.
19:29I have a whole bunch of cash.
19:31And of course, I didn't have any money either.
19:34So I had to borrow money from Mario.
19:39You tienes cash?
19:41Quédate con el cambio.
19:42Guardo el cambio.
19:44Ah, a ti.
19:45My mom's Spanish-speaking.
19:47I know Florida, tacos, burritos, El Pollo Loco.
19:55Tell her I want her to wrap each one.
20:01Thank you so much.
20:07Easy peasy.
20:08Come on, guys.
20:11Good job.
20:12Let's go.
20:13Wow, this is dope.
20:14We're almost there.
20:15We're so close.
20:16We're so close.
20:17We're at 550.
20:18It's the last 150.
20:19We can do that.
20:20It's cake.
20:21Tyler is getting on my damn nerves.
20:22Because Tyler is yelling, 200 steps.
20:25We're at 600.
20:26300 steps.
20:27100 more.
20:28320 steps.
20:29I said, Tyler, I don't want to know.
20:35I'm still walking up the steps, which is amazing.
20:38Because it's not my comfort zone.
20:40Oh, my God.
20:41This is a lot of claustrophobia going on right here.
20:44This is huge for me.
20:45And I love it.
20:48I'm so proud of myself.
20:52I realized I am on my own personal transformation journey.
21:08We made it.
21:10We made it.
21:11We made it.
21:12We made it.
21:13You made it.
21:14We did it together.
21:16You guys killed that.
21:18Nailed it.
21:20Dude, this is so insane.
21:22This view.
21:23I want to live here.
21:25Oh, here's the locks.
21:26A key.
21:28A key.
21:30I was like, I knew it.
21:31Who has an R?
21:33I have it.
21:34I got the lowercase L.
21:35Want to put it up there?
21:36Okay, now O-T.
21:38Don't drop them.
21:39There you go.
21:40We did it.
21:41It's a real life.
21:42There's a chance that it could have been a seal fart, but I was pretty sure it was going to say it's a real life.
21:46Look at us go, guys.
21:47Yeah, baby.
21:49We are having such a bonding moment.
21:51It's kind of a bummer, though, that Macy and Kim couldn't be there to share the moment with us.
21:56But we are putting their locks up in their honor.
22:00We did it.
22:01We did it.
22:02You guys, I'm so sad Macy and Kim aren't with us, though.
22:05Oh, my goodness.
22:07It's really good.
22:10Let me try.
22:16It's good.
22:17It's good.
22:18It is.
22:20Mario, he was like my best friend on that trip.
22:23Aren't you supposed to be working?
22:25I'm working right now.
22:26I'm recording all of this.
22:30These are things you can do while you drink.
22:33Record sound.
22:34It's the best day of work I've ever had here.
22:45Oh, my God.
22:48How'd you get up here?
22:49Macy was like, bitch, just go.
22:50You have to.
22:51Aren't you coming?
22:53Hey, she came here in a jet.
22:54She came up here in a jet.
22:56Kim is bougie.
22:57I don't think that she used her two feet to get up here.
23:02Did they helicopter you up here?
23:04Not the way I'm breathing.
23:06Why are you guys so surprised?
23:08I am, like, in shape.
23:10Let me fan those buttons.
23:13Kim's boobs, two thumbs up.
23:18You get what you pay for.
23:21Can we take a picture with you guys?
23:23I saw you on X Factor.
23:28Genesis, man.
23:31Oh, it's you.
23:33Can you take a picture of us?
23:35I don't know if I was looking lost.
23:38Poor Macy.
23:40Can we see Macy?
23:41I can only imagine what Macy's doing right now.
23:43I'm sure she's probably sitting and staring and trying not to get recognized.
23:48Oh, my God. Oh, my God.
23:49Oh, my God.
23:53Oh, my God.
23:55This girl comes up.
23:56Oh, my God.
23:57And she has a big, giant rabbit.
24:00This is my thing with rabbits.
24:02When I was little, I'll never forget.
24:04We're in the house.
24:05We're all in the kitchen.
24:06And we look out the window, and there's a rabbit just hanging out in the yard.
24:11My dad goes to his room, gets his shotgun, opens the window, and shoots the rabbit.
24:17Then brings it in the house, cleans it, cooks it, and eats it.
24:23So when I see rabbits, that's the first thing I think of.
24:25Si, si, si.
24:27I'm just going to pet this one and say, oh, rabbit.
24:30You know, I was going to make up for killing the other rabbit.
24:33I'm kind of nervous.
24:34Like, oh, this is a big rabbit.
24:37Okay, okay.
24:38And then the rabbit moves, and I freaked out, and I threw it back at her.
24:42Maybe that was that rabbit reincarnated.
24:45He's like, I'm back, bitch.
24:48So fun.
24:49That was. It was amazing.
24:50All right, let's go find Macy.
24:51Let's find Macy.
24:54We made it.
24:56What'd you get?
24:57I got everybody a gift.
24:59You did?
25:01Thanks, Macy.
25:02What the hell is this, Macy?
25:03You guys got small ones.
25:04I got a big one.
25:05Did you see the view yet?
25:06Did anyone show you the view?
25:07Holy shit.
25:09It's like Jurassic Park.
25:10That's crazy.
25:11So cool.
25:13I really feel, for the first time that we've been in the house,
25:15that we've all succeeded at something together.
25:18And even though Macy couldn't be part of it,
25:20in a way, we all made it.
25:22We all did it.
25:23Did good.
25:24We're a team.
25:25We're a fam.
25:32Hope you're feeling rested after your big climb.
25:35Relax and recharge.
25:37Talk later.
25:38What I've learned about myself and just being in the house
25:41is, okay, my heart rate has dropped.
25:44I'm so much calmer.
25:46My nervous system isn't, like, all over the place.
25:48Even when Macy and Tyler, you know,
25:50that little bump in the road,
25:52I just, I'm happier away from Kroy.
25:55And that's f***ed up.
25:58Okay, are you there?
26:01Yeah, okay.
26:03Yeah, I hear you.
26:06I'm on camera 24-7.
26:07What are you talking about?
26:08The cameras are installed in the home.
26:11Every hallway, every room, everywhere.
26:15It's a fact.
26:16This divorce is not a lack of love.
26:18It's just an unhealthy, toxic relationship.
26:22I need a f***ing break, man.
26:23I'm taking on a lot.
26:24That's it.
26:25There's nothing else to,
26:26there's no full transparency needed.
26:27Like, I don't know what you're referencing.
26:29I don't know what you're saying,
26:30but it's ridiculous.
26:32I'm all over the media.
26:33I'm just everywhere.
26:35I don't even search anymore.
26:36I don't look.
26:37I don't want to read it.
26:38It's like Kim tabloid heaven right now.
26:40Nothing has gone on with Chet.
26:42Not one thing.
26:43Every morning there's some b***h emotion being filed,
26:46slandering my name.
26:48And this is all done intentionally by Kroy
26:50so that I can't focus
26:51and I can't have a good time here
26:53because he does not want me here.
26:56Go ahead and cut the b***h.
26:58You don't know what the b***h is going on over here.
27:01I don't give a b***h what you have to say.
27:04I think you're losing it.
27:08Hi everyone.
27:09Please make your way to the living room.
27:11To the living room, everybody.
27:12For your last secret mission,
27:14the goal was to rely on each other
27:16to lock in your newfound bond as a family.
27:19Way to go making it to the top of the rock together.
27:22Now it's time to build on that trust.
27:25I don't want to cry.
27:26There's a package at the door.
27:29In the box, there are 8 envelopes with your names on them.
27:32For your next secret mission,
27:34you'll need to dig deeper to trust your new surreal family
27:37by revealing a truth you've never shared before.
27:42Sloan, that's a lot.
27:43Oh my goodness.
27:45I am more guarded and fearful to let my walls down
27:50and open up more,
27:52but that's also why I'm doing the show.
27:54I'm going to put the truths you wrote on the screen.
27:57The fun ones, the deep ones, and the in-betweens.
28:00Using what you know about your new fam,
28:02wager a guess and see where you land.
28:05Johnny, why don't you go first?
28:08I love edibles even though they made me fat.
28:11Is that Macy?
28:13That's Macy.
28:16Oh yeah, that's me.
28:17I love edibles. Oh my God.
28:19So I was eating like bags of chips
28:22every night at 2 in the morning.
28:25And I woke up and I was gaining 40 pounds.
28:2845 pounds?
28:29I've never been this big.
28:33Neither have my tits.
28:34That's the thing.
28:35As soon as I lose weight, I'm going to lose my tits.
28:38Then what?
28:39I guess it's kind of like having a big...
28:41You don't want tiny titties.
28:46What do you think?
28:47From edibles.
28:50And they made me lazy.
28:53Chet, can you guess who wrote this?
28:57Feeling disconnected with actors and also my peers.
29:00Because of that, I clung to things
29:02that maybe weren't very healthy to feel normal.
29:06Who could that be?
29:10Yeah, I started acting really young.
29:13I was traveling the world when I was 8.
29:17But I always came back home to my small hometown.
29:19Bunch of friends there.
29:21And I didn't feel connected with them
29:22because I had this career.
29:23I felt different.
29:24And I was ashamed.
29:25You were different, really.
29:26A little bit, yeah.
29:27So I felt super out of place.
29:29Like, no matter where I was.
29:31And in order to feel normal, I started getting high.
29:34And progressed pretty quick.
29:36And after a bunch of friends died from using,
29:39I got sober.
29:42And I feel pretty good about where I'm at now.
29:47But I do have these lingering sort of, like,
29:50weird hang-ups, anxieties that I didn't really know.
29:53You're kicking ass, just so you know.
29:56Just so you know.
29:58I think Tyler talks about his sobriety a lot.
30:01And it was interesting because I realized
30:03that if you haven't been down that road,
30:05you'll probably say, oh my God, that's awful.
30:08But if you've done it, then there's just a connection.
30:11There's like a kinship and you just get it.
30:14Macy, why don't you go next?
30:16Oh, okay.
30:17My parents and I haven't spoken in 12 years,
30:20basically since my wedding day.
30:22It shaped me and changed me.
30:23I finally chose me.
30:25Who the hell here is Mary?
30:27Is that you?
30:29Yeah, literally.
30:30That's so honest of you, though.
30:33They messed with my kids.
30:34So they sold stories about my kids to the media.
30:36No, they sold stories about your kids?
30:38That was it.
30:39That was it.
30:40I took so much s***.
30:41That was the first time and the last time.
30:45There was something very sacred to my girls
30:47that they wanted private on Housewives
30:49and my father released it to TMZ.
30:54That's crazy.
30:55F*** you.
30:56Like, I can't make excuses for you no more.
30:58F*** my kids.
30:59It's really easy for me to slice and dice your ass.
31:09There was something very sacred to my girls
31:11and my father released it to TMZ.
31:15That's crazy.
31:16Like, I can't make excuses for you no more.
31:18F*** my kids.
31:19It's really easy for me to slice and dice your ass.
31:22I've had a very broken relationship with my parents.
31:25My childhood wasn't the best.
31:28I was always kind of on my own emotionally
31:30and so I've always had to be strong.
31:32Now I'm 45 and a grown-ass woman.
31:34Going through a divorce,
31:35it's just some mind s***.
31:36You wouldn't even s*** about your parents
31:37and s*** about your husband.
31:40I mean, don't you feel like everybody's going to s*** you?
31:42One way or another?
31:44That's why you have the attitude of,
31:46I don't give a f***.
31:48You know what I'm saying?
31:49Because you had to figure it out.
31:50I had to figure it out.
31:51You had to figure it out.
31:52That's so awesome.
31:53Okay, OT.
31:54Who do you think this was?
31:56My mom's hell journey shaped me.
31:58That's mine.
31:59My mom, she was born with severe scoliosis
32:02and I grew up watching her just like being bedridden
32:05and couldn't even do anything like go to the grocery store.
32:09Yeah, dude.
32:13So I'm gonna cry now.
32:14You got it.
32:15You got it.
32:16You got it.
32:17You got it.
32:21I would take care of her
32:22and that's where I get my, like, fighter in me.
32:27She's the strongest woman I know
32:29and she's been through hell and back.
32:32My mom would push, push, push.
32:33She would still try to be there for my performances
32:37and be there to support me and in what I love doing
32:41and it really shaped me in being more loving towards people.
32:47Going through that struggle, it made me stronger.
32:50My parents are the freaking greatest.
32:52I love that.
32:53I love that so much.
32:56I didn't mean to cry.
32:57That's why you so damn sweet.
32:58That's why you so damn sweet.
33:00Tyler, what are your thoughts on this one?
33:02I hate going on proper dates.
33:05It's gotta be this one.
33:06It's gotta be.
33:08It's gotta be.
33:09So it's you.
33:10Yeah, I don't like going on dates.
33:11I really like...
33:12What's a proper date?
33:13Oh, this is good.
33:15Shut up!
33:17Josie, you're a model and you're shaped like a bottle
33:21so I want to know if you're single and you're ready to mingle
33:25or are you just lippin' and trippin'?
33:29I don't really like having to, like, get all cute
33:33and, like, go sit down at, like, dinner.
33:35Take a job interview.
33:38Honestly, I don't really like being one-on-one in a setting
33:41where, like, pressure to, like, force a conversation.
33:44I'm the same way.
33:45I couldn't agree with you more.
33:46I don't like dates, but I also can't view someone in a romantic way
33:51unless we've been friends for X amount of time
33:53because there's not so much pressure to have that interview.
33:55You, like, you know them.
33:56But for the most part, if I, like, meet someone out
33:58and they're like, can I take you to dinner?
34:00Like, I'm like, no.
34:02Absolutely not.
34:03Well, Josie, I guess I won't be asking you to dinner anytime soon.
34:09Okay, Allie, who do you think said this?
34:11I spent 102 consecutive days outdoors in the desert of southern Utah.
34:16Is that you, Ted?
34:20I was 17. It was in my junior year of high school.
34:23Wake up one night. It's 4 in the morning and there's two huge dudes
34:29just standing at the foot of my bed.
34:33Just looking at me.
34:34No way.
34:35And they're like, you're coming with us.
34:37I tried to escape, tried to run.
34:40That didn't go well.
34:42Blindfold me, drive me like three hours up these bumpy ass roads
34:46into literally the middle of the desert
34:48where there's literally nothing around for hundreds of miles.
34:52Oh my God.
34:53Sharing this information with us, that's a lot.
34:56It's kind of crazy.
34:57There was nowhere to run.
34:59Did they tell you that you're not being kidnapped?
35:01Yeah, they said your parents sent this here.
35:04Your parents did this?
35:12What the f*** is barbaric?
35:22Did they tell you that you're not being kidnapped?
35:25Yeah, they said your parents sent this here.
35:28Your parents did this?
35:33What the f*** is barbaric?
35:36Chet reveals that his parents, his very famous parents,
35:40had him kidnapped and taken into the wilderness.
35:43And I'm shocked.
35:45Were you terrible at 17?
35:47I was doing some pretty crazy stupid s***, yeah.
35:50I really didn't give them any other choice.
35:52They knew they had to do something
35:53and that was their only option that they knew about
35:55and I don't hold it against them.
35:57Did you ever come back and tell them, your parents,
35:59that you're like this f***ing terrible mom and dad?
36:01Much later. Much later.
36:03The first letter I wrote was like,
36:05I learned my lesson, I'm going to be really good from now on,
36:07I don't need to be here, you guys can take me home.
36:10The staff instructs them that this is what every kid says
36:13and don't listen to them.
36:15I don't hold it against them because they were being manipulated.
36:17It was like jail in the wilderness.
36:19Did it change you forever?
36:21Yeah, definitely.
36:22I found God out there.
36:24I had a really spiritual experience out there
36:26and I was reacting to that for a long time
36:28without even knowing it.
36:32Alright, this one says, I don't play.
36:42Enough said.
36:43That's enough said.
36:45We're going to reserve the right to not answer that.
36:47Chad knew who I was.
36:48He understood where I'm coming from
36:50because he's a white, black man.
36:53Listen, I am the most sweetest, caring man in the world.
36:57I would do anything for any of you in here
36:59and I just met y'all.
37:01But I do come from a very, very dark place.
37:04I know what it feels like for somebody
37:06to stand in front of your mama's house
37:08and for somebody's gun to jam
37:10and it's pointing at your head but it keeps clicking.
37:12Knowing the way that bullets whistle and how it sound,
37:15I can tell you how it sound when it go past your ears.
37:18I grew up in gang culture.
37:21You know what I mean?
37:22I'm from Long Beach, California.
37:24You know what I mean?
37:25Home of Snoop Dogg and all the Crips.
37:27So the only thing I know is survival.
37:30When you're taught to survive and fight to live,
37:35there's not really a good outcome on that.
37:38I know also what it feels like to be a monster
37:40because you're forced to be a monster
37:41because that's the only thing you can do to protect yourself.
37:45I choose to live my life being happy, man.
37:47Yes, yes.
37:48And loving everybody.
37:50But even though I am this nice
37:52and I am this playful and all that,
37:54like, just please don't take advantage of me
37:56and please don't take advantage of my heart.
37:59I love you, Dogg.
38:00I'm proud of you.
38:02Yeah, I'm glad you're here.
38:03O.T., man.
38:04And I'm proud of you.
38:05Yes, O.T.!
38:06You know I love you always.
38:08O.T. is one of the coolest people I know
38:11with the biggest heart.
38:13And so to see him able to be vulnerable,
38:14I've known him for years and I've never seen his side.
38:16So this is a really cool side to see
38:18and I'm so proud of you, O.T.,
38:20for showing your authentic self.
38:22I'm starting to love you too, O.T.
38:26Okay, who do you think said this?
38:28Who is it?
38:29I'll read it.
38:30When I failed at my first Olympics,
38:32I was crushed.
38:33Obviously it's me.
38:37At the Olympics, I was the American champion going in.
38:40I was in a great position to win a medal,
38:42if not gold, then a silver.
38:44And I crumbled under the pressure in our free program
38:48and I fell off the podium.
38:51Over two billion people watching me
38:53have the worst moment of my life.
38:55And no one hugged me.
38:57No one said, it's okay.
38:58I just lost.
39:00And I went from everyone loving me so, so much
39:03and being so supportive,
39:04and there I am, I'm winning America's medal.
39:06It immediately became like, why'd you do so bad?
39:09Why are you so gay?
39:11Why do you think this happened?
39:12And it all flipped in a day.
39:14It was the worst time of my life.
39:17And you go back there,
39:21and even though it was a dark, dark place,
39:23it just showed me and shaped me into a compassionate person.
39:27And that's why I wrote it.
39:33Tell you something, bro.
39:34I feel where you're coming from
39:35because you felt like nobody really cared.
39:38They care when you're winning, but when you're not winning.
39:40When you really, really needed them, they wasn't there.
39:44Johnny Weir is a trendsetter.
39:46He's one of the first men in sports that I know of
39:49that came out and was openly gay.
39:52And he did it in front of the whole world
39:54when it wasn't cool.
39:56And so, you know, he's like the hero in the house.
39:59Well, we support you, bro, in any way we can.
40:02This is the best therapy session I've ever had.
40:04Yeah, for real.
40:06Should we group hug it, and then we can?
40:08Yeah, let's do it.
40:09Okay, guys.
40:10Loving circle.
40:12I love a group hug.
40:13I hope this is the first of many to come.
40:16Looks like these celebrity strangers
40:18are quickly becoming a real surreal family.
40:20Mission accomplished.
40:22For today, their experience at the villa
40:24is already pushing them way out of their comfort zones,
40:27and they're starting to bond and reveal themselves
40:30in ways they can't even believe.
40:32What secrets will they uncover next?
40:35Next time on The Surreal Life,
40:37there's a guest at the front door.
40:40Oh, my God.
40:41You are going to do a beauty pageant.
40:44Okay, you guys, you come over here.
40:46What are you doing? Stand right here.
40:48She's gonna spin around my ankle, Macy.
40:50Can you hula hoop?
40:51No, I don't know how to hula hoop.
40:52I'm trying to get everybody, you know,
40:54to put on, like, a real performance.
40:56We were dancing slow, which somebody said it was really cute.
40:58It was nice.
41:00It was.
41:01Now she's got some new moves.
41:02It was.
41:03Now she's got some notes,
41:04but we're just really minutes away
41:07from performing for a live audience.
41:09I want to bond with you more, Kim.
41:13I'm sitting here and I'm watching.
41:15I've been wanting to come holler at you and kick it with you
41:17because, like, you're cool as...
41:18Well, I'm coming to you tonight.
41:19That's what I decided earlier, so you must have felt that.
41:22It's gonna happen.
41:26You guys hear about Macy?
41:28What happened?
41:29She went to the hospital.
41:30Oh, my God.
41:32Poor Macy.
41:33It's scary.
41:34I'm thinking that her time here is over.
41:37We're worried for her.
41:42She's coming right now.
41:43Oh, this is...
41:45Oh, my God.
42:02Oh, my God.
42:03Oh, my God.
42:04Oh, my God.
42:05Oh, my God.
42:06Oh, my God.
42:07Oh, my God.
42:08Oh, my God.
42:09Oh, my God.
42:10Oh, my God.
42:11Oh, my God.
42:12Oh, my God.
42:13Oh, my God.
42:14Oh, my God.
42:15Oh, my God.
42:16Oh, my God.
42:17Oh, my God.
42:18Oh, my God.
42:19Oh, my God.
42:20Oh, my God.
42:21Oh, my God.
42:22Oh, my God.
42:23Oh, my God.
42:24Oh, my God.
42:25Oh, my God.
42:26Oh, my God.
42:27Oh, my God.
42:28Oh, my God.
42:29Oh, my God.