Die sechsteilige Doku-Serie In Vogue: The 90s beleuchtet die Geschichte der Modeindustrie der 1990er Jahre aus der Perspektive von Redakteur:innen der Modezeitschrift Vogue. Dazu gehören Anna Wintour, Edward Enninful, Hamish Bowles und Tonne Goodman.
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00:00What's the defining publication about fashion?
00:03Vogue, Vogue, Vogue, Vogue, Vogue.
00:07Of course, Vogue's biggest force is Anna Wintour.
00:09Oh my God.
00:10Mind already taking your sunglasses off.
00:13No, I'm gonna wear them.
00:15In the 90s, everything was changing.
00:18It's a whirlwind. Way too messy.
00:19A crazy, amazing, astonishing time.
00:22The 90s turned the fashion industry upside down.
00:26Such magic in the air.
00:28It's time for a different era of fashion.
00:31Of sexuality.
00:32Of identity.
00:33Of freedom.
00:35The world was primed for a party.
00:37Way too much fun.
00:38Oh, God.
00:39I don't know if I can say it.
00:43I didn't know that.
00:45No comment.
00:55I've never seen anything like this.
00:58The 90s really changed our world.