You Are My Secret (2024) Episode 33 ENGSUB Chinese Drama

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You Are My Secret (2024) Episode 33 ENGSUB Chinese Drama
00:30想念最美的窗口 Missing the most beautiful window
01:00想念最美的窗口 Missing the most beautiful window
01:30想念最美的窗口 Missing the most beautiful window
02:00想念最美的窗口 Missing the most beautiful window
02:30我叫靳宇恒 I am Ji Yuheng
03:00我叫靳宇恒 I am Ji Yuheng
03:16同学们 时间到了 Class, it's time
03:18把卷子放在桌子上 Let's put the papers on the table
03:20我去离开 I'm going to leave
03:38不计成立的伴侣做事 不用这么拼吧 You don't have to be so hard on yourself
03:40不计成立的伴侣做事 不用这么拼吧
03:41不计成立的伴侣做事 不用这么拼吧
03:42这次我一定得赢 I must win this time
03:47你平时在这方面也不中奖好说啊 You usually don't win awards for this
03:50一会儿让让我 Later, let me ask you
03:53那本笔记不是一直都很想要吗 Didn't you always want that notebook?
03:57成交 Deal
03:58好 听我口令啊 Okay, listen to my command
04:00预备 Ready
04:04是靳宇恒在跑了 He's running
04:06看看 Look
04:10他跑得好快好帅啊 He runs so fast and handsome
04:13你差不多行了 You're almost there
04:24你别跟我比我啊 Don't compete with me
04:26你这平衡病的速度 You can keep your speed
04:27都可以保持运动队啊 At the speed of running
04:29快走快走丢人 Go, go, it's embarrassing
04:35走吧 Let's go
04:45这套足巾饰品呢是我们限量发售的 全国只售一千套 售价八万八 这个款式和设计呢都很年轻化 绝对是带得出去的 This set of footwear is our limited edition. Only 1,000 sets are sold in China. The price is 88,000. This style and design are very youthful and can definitely be worn out
04:55看看 喜不喜欢 Look, do you like it?
04:57真的是不喜欢 I really don't like it
05:01这行长真的要买啊 八万八哎 You really want to buy it? It's 88,000
05:05既然是喜欢 那就这套吧 回去付款 If you like it, I'll pay you back
05:10这行长好有钱啊 You're so rich
05:12只要是你喜欢 给你买 If you like it, I'll buy it for you
05:17付款啊 就这套吧 I'll pay you back. This is it
05:20请跟我来 拿起来看一下 Come with me and take a look
05:25这不错 This is good
05:28先生 您是要一套还是要两套 Sir, do you want one or two?
05:30给您装一起还是分开装 Do you want to put them together or separate?
05:32一套就可以了 Just one set
05:34那要不你再看点别的 Otherwise, you can look at something else
05:38我想您可能误会了 I think you must have misunderstood
05:40这位是我太太 我们今天刚刚领证 This is my wife. We just got the certificate today
05:44真是不好意思 搞错了 I'm so sorry I made a mistake
05:46那我这边赏您 That's on me
05:47好 Okay
05:48好了 Okay
05:50谢谢啊 Thank you
05:54一套金子这么贵 一套金子这么贵 A gold is so expensive
05:55我打算把它当做传家宝 我打算把它当做传家宝 I plan to keep it as a heirloom
05:58一直传下去 Keep it
05:59Pass down the family heirloom?
06:00Then how is Mrs. Ji going to pass down the heirloom?
06:03If I give birth to a daughter, I'll treat her as a dowry.
06:06If I give birth to a son, I'll pass down the heirloom to my daughter-in-law.
06:09That won't do.
06:10This is for you alone.
06:11Even if it's a child, it won't do.
06:14Mr. Ji, why are you calling me like that?
06:19Husband, husband.
06:21Now you know to call me husband?
06:22Who kept calling you husband in the shop earlier?
06:27It's mainly because I'm not used to it yet.
06:29I was wrong.
06:32If you're wrong, you have to reward me.
06:38Mom, that uncle and auntie are kissing.
06:42Uncle and auntie are playing. Don't say anything to the kids.
06:46Let's go.
06:48Let's go home.
06:51The wedding photos you ordered can be chosen from a total of four outfits.
06:54His has already been chosen.
06:56It's already been chosen?
06:57I don't think there's much of a difference. It's still the same as before.
07:00They're all black suits, but different styles.
07:03To be honest, Mr. Lin is too handsome.
07:05His looks and figure can't be adjusted.
07:07Did you two get together when you were students?
07:11At that time, he had a secret crush on me. I didn't like him yet.
07:14Oh my god, when he was a student, he must have been a boy.
07:18He actually had a secret crush on a girl.
07:19It's not just a secret crush in school.
07:23After I got a job, in order to have a blind date with her,
07:26I had to go through a lot of hardship.
07:30That's why you were moved and you were touched.
07:34Our store receives a lot of newcomers every day.
07:36Although every pair is very sweet,
07:38your stories and experiences are really one of a kind.
07:43What else can you do?
07:44Of course.
07:46Miss, why don't you try this one?
07:48The couples who came here from their student years really like this style.
07:51Is there a difference?
07:52I think it's a little sexy. I don't want to ask so many questions.
07:55Why don't you try it first? What if it works?
08:23It looks good. Do you like it?
08:26Come here.
08:28I don't know how to do it.
08:29As expected, handsome guys need to be paired with beautiful girls.
08:31Yes, the two of them look really good together.
08:35That's great. Do you like it?
08:39I think it looks pretty good. Do you like it?
08:43Do you like it? Then we'll take it.
08:46Sir, you have a good taste. Then we'll take this set.
08:50Sir, you have a good taste. Then we'll take this set.
08:52Let's try something else.
08:54Okay, I'll leave it to you.
08:56It looks good.
09:19I'm firmly leaning on you, even if the moon falls to the bottom of my heart
09:35It looks good.
09:36I'm a little tired.
09:38I'm so tired from getting my wedding dress. What should I do?
09:41I'm even more tired than running five roundabouts.
09:44If you're so tired today, what about tomorrow's photoshoot?
09:48Then you drag me.
09:50Okay, I'll charge you.
09:55Remember to eat after you eat.
09:59Isn't it just a thank-you party?
10:01Why do we have to live separately one day in advance?
10:06What's wrong? You can't sleep?
10:09It's strange.
10:10I used to come back to live here often.
10:14I didn't feel anything when I lived here for a few days.
10:17Why do I miss you so much today?
10:23Are you angry with me?
10:26No, I just miss you.
10:32I miss you too.
10:36Why don't you come to the balcony?
10:56Why are you here?
10:57To see you.
11:01I want to go down and hug you now.
11:04I'll wait for you.
11:06Wait for me.
11:11Wait for me.
11:32Why do you know me so well?
11:33You know I'll miss you so much that I can't sleep at night.
11:38Silly girl, of course I know you.
11:58You're really a woman.
12:00It's just one night.
12:02Look at you, you look like you're going to die.
12:05It's because I have a good relationship with your son-in-law.
12:09You were like this when you were young with my dad.
12:11You must be clingy to my dad, too.
12:14Old man.
12:15Are you talking nonsense with your daughter?
12:17I'll deal with you later.
12:19What did I say?
12:22Don't stay in the neighborhood.
12:23Come back soon.
12:24You have a lot of work to do tomorrow.
12:26Hello, mom.
12:27We all know.
12:28Xiao Ning will be back soon.
12:30Xiao Ji, be careful on your way.
12:34You and dad, too.
12:35Go to bed early.
12:36Good night.
12:44My mom likes you so much.
12:46She's so gentle when she talks to you.
12:48That's because I like her so much.
12:53Okay, it's too late today.
12:55Go to bed early.
12:57Come to pick me up early tomorrow.
13:00Come as soon as possible.
13:02Come when you wake up.
13:07Go back early.
13:08I'm leaving.
13:09Good night.
13:10Good night.
13:12Have a good sleep.
13:39Here you are.
13:41Brother, congratulations.
13:44You never drink juice when you have a party.
13:46Today is a good day.
13:47You have to drink some wine.
13:50It's good today.
13:55She said she likes me.
13:57What special situation?
13:58You are here for a leave of absence.
13:59What does this mean?
14:00Well, Zhao,
14:03Today is a special day for her.
14:05If you drink too much,
14:06you'll have ulcer.
14:10Come on.
14:10Let me pour it for you.
14:11Come on.
14:13Uncle, cheers.
14:19I'm not afraid of ulcer.
14:22It's just that Xiaoning and I
14:24are going to be pregnant.
14:34That's great.
14:37Your dad and I
14:37have never dared to urge you.
14:38We just thought
14:39you wanted to
14:40live in a two-person world or something.
14:42But in our hearts,
14:43we were hoping to have a grandson.
14:46It's not bad to have a granddaughter.
14:47Yes, yes, yes.
14:47It's all right.
14:48It's all right.
14:49Good thing.
14:50Let's drink together.
14:51Come on.
14:52Come on.
14:53Good thing.
14:55Come on.
14:56Come on.
14:57Come on.
15:20You said you
15:21had to take a wedding photo
15:23before going to work in the morning.
15:25No, I...
15:25You're in a hurry.
15:26I'm sorry, uncle.
15:27You said
15:28you had time in the morning.
15:29It's only empty at this time.
15:31And we're in a hurry to go back
15:31to work, aren't we?
15:33It's lucky that the photographer
15:34was introduced by my friend.
15:35Otherwise, I wouldn't have come out
15:36to take the photo for you.
15:37Hurry up and take it.
15:37We still have to go to work.
15:38Okay, okay, okay.
15:38I'm sorry.
15:40All right.
15:41The two newlyweds are ready.
15:43Brother, take a picture for me, too.
15:43Take a nice picture of my wife.
15:45Don't worry.
15:46I'm good at this.
15:47Come and look at me.
15:50Keep smiling.
15:52Yes, be happy.
15:53Come closer.
15:57It's a little too close.
15:59This is a wedding photo.
16:00It doesn't fit anymore.
16:01It's a little too close.
16:02Okay, yes.
16:03Look at me.
16:04Come on, smile.
16:09Okay, good.
16:09Let's take a few more.
16:10So that we can have a game.
16:11Can I pose for a picture?
16:13It's a wedding photo.
16:14What pose are you posing for?
16:15We can take a bloodshot.
16:16Next time, you can pay me to take a bloodshot.
16:18Come on.
16:25Miss, here's the thing.
16:26We're just using a digital camera.
16:28It looks a little fat in the picture.
16:31But you don't have to worry.
16:32We can fix it later.
16:33Dude, what are you talking about?
16:35My wife has never been fat.
16:37She doesn't need to be fixed.
16:42It's a wedding photo.
16:43It's just for fun.
16:45Look at that picture.
16:46It's really fat.
16:50Did I get fat after I got pregnant?
16:54I think you've lost weight recently.
16:56I'll make you a few more dishes
16:58to make you fat.
16:59Look at you now.
17:00It's so obvious that you've lost weight.
17:03I must be fat.
17:05How about the photographer just now
17:06told me that
17:07the digital camera
17:09makes people fat.
17:10And he told me alone.
17:12He didn't tell you.
17:14You're really fat.
17:15I'll give you the perfume first.
17:17I'm talking to you about something serious.
17:20The digital camera
17:21can't take a selfie with the phone.
17:23But the actor said
17:25it can take a selfie with the phone.
17:29Didn't you want to go to the bathroom just now?
17:32I'll go with you.
17:34Come back and choose the tickets after you finish.
17:35We have to go to work.
17:38Don't worry.
17:39Be careful.
17:39Don't fall.
17:40You have to be honest.
17:52Can you do me a favor?
17:53Can you make me fatter
17:55and my wife skinnier?
18:19Let's go and choose the tickets.
18:20Let's go.
18:21Wait for you to come back.
18:21Let's go.
18:23Let me see.
18:32So it's true.
18:33After we took the picture,
18:35we really gained more than 20 pounds.
18:38My husband is usually
18:39a big-faced man.
18:41How come he looks like a pig?
18:43No, I think it's good.
18:45It's festive.
18:46It's happy.
18:47How happy he is.
18:48Are you satisfied?
18:49I'm very satisfied.
18:52Can you
18:53do us a favor?
18:55Don't worry.
19:00Hello, leader.
19:06I'll be right there.
19:16Let me do it.
19:20Mom, I'm here.
19:21What are you doing here?
19:22Let me hug you.
19:23I miss you so much.
19:24I miss you, too.
19:25Come here.
19:25I miss you so much.
19:27Mom, I miss you so much.
19:28I miss you so much.
19:30I'm worried about you.
19:31I'm tired, too.
19:33Mom, let's go home
19:34and have a rest.
19:37Shan Shan.
19:38I'm going to cry again.
19:41Who taught you
19:42how to speak?
19:46Of course, it's my son.
19:47He's very talented.
19:49He has a good memory.
19:51Can you kiss me
19:52when we get off work?
19:55We're off work.
19:56Come on, Shan Shan.
19:58Mom, you've worked hard all day.
19:59We have to learn
20:00how to walk on our own.
20:02Let's go.
20:03Let's go home.
20:04Get on the horse.
20:05What are you doing?
20:06You're treating me like a kid.
20:10Our son
20:11is so smart.
20:13He's been a good boy since he was a kid.
20:14He's learned how to love his wife
20:15since he was a kid.
20:17You like him, right?
20:18Give him a hug.
20:19Let's go.
20:20You should give your son a hug.
20:22You should give your baby a hug.
20:23You should give your baby a hug.
20:26Come on.
20:27I'm going to do it.
20:29I'm going to get a lot of weight
20:30after I get married.
20:31It's okay.
20:32I can carry you
20:33no matter how heavy you are.
20:36Let's have a game.
20:37Let's see who goes home first.
20:39I'll count three, two, one.
20:43Don't count.
20:44I'm going home.
20:45I'm going home.
20:47I'm going home.
20:48I'm going home.
20:49I'm going home.
20:50I'm going home.
20:51I'm going home.
20:52I'm going home.
20:53I'm going home.
20:54I'm going home.
20:54I'm going home.
21:04Zhao Fanggang, don't touch him.
21:05Stand up.
21:07Zhao Xiaoshuai,
21:07I'm talking to you now.
21:10Didn't we agree
21:12that we can only buy one toy a month?
21:14Have you used up
21:14the amount of money this month?
21:18Don't be angry.
21:18Don't argue with a three-year-old kid.
21:19How can I not be angry?
21:20Let go of my hand.
21:22Three-year-old kid,
21:22are you a man?
21:23Didn't I tell you
21:25that a man should have a contract spirit?
21:27I want to buy a toy.
21:28Did I give birth to a repeater?
21:30Zhao Fanggang.
21:30Honey, don't worry.
21:31Don't worry.
21:32How can I not worry?
21:33I'm not.
21:33I'm telling you.
21:33Stand up.
21:35Look, a lot of people are looking at you.
21:36Take a deep breath.
21:37Honey, look at the fish first.
21:38I'll solve it.
21:41Let's go.
21:44we can't make mom angry.
21:48Did you promise me
21:49to protect mom?
21:52Are you a man?
21:54A man who can't do anything
21:55can't do anything.
21:57You're not a man who can't do anything, right?
22:00Then what should a man do?
22:01Buy a repeater next month.
22:04That's right.
22:05This is my son, Zhao Fanggang.
22:07Good boy.
22:08Since you know you made a mistake,
22:10I'll buy you a repeater
22:15next month,
22:16the next three months,
22:18you'll still make a mistake.
22:21Let's make a pinky promise.
22:24Pinky promise.
22:24No change for a hundred years.
22:27One more thing.
22:28When you go back,
22:29you have to say sorry
22:30to mom,
22:33I'm so angry.
22:40Mom, I'm sorry.
22:42It's okay, son.
22:43I'm sorry, too.
22:44I was so mean to you just now.
22:46I'm sorry, baby.
22:50Zhao Fanggang.
22:52Why is my son so good all of a sudden?
22:54You didn't hit him, did you?
22:55He must have used
22:57a special method.
22:58A special method?
22:59Did you hit him?
23:00How could that be possible?
23:01How could I hit him?
23:03Xiaoshuai knows
23:05how much he loves his mom.
23:06It's a matter of course.
23:08This is
23:08a matter of course.
23:09He's a good boy.
23:11Just like me.
23:15All right, all right.
23:16Don't be angry, honey.
23:17It's not easy for the three of us
23:18to come out and play.
23:19Then let's play happily.
23:21Don't think about that toy anymore.
23:23Come on, come on, come on.
23:24Look at that.
23:25Isn't it clean?
23:26Xiaoshuai, look.
23:28It's frozen.
23:28Look at that.
23:29The seagull is coming.
23:31The seagull is coming.
23:37Mr. Jia, don't worry.
23:38There's one thing I can promise you.
23:40The interest rate given by Jian'an Branch
23:42must be the most favorable one.
23:45Mr. Ji.
23:46Ms. Tu.
23:47Mr. Jia, you're here, too.
23:49What a coincidence.
23:51I was going to bring my two apprentices
23:53to learn from Mr. Ji today.
23:55I didn't expect to meet you by chance.
24:08Are Ms. Tu and Mr. Ji old colleagues?
24:16How did Ms. Jia meet
24:18Mr. Tu?
24:19I'm a fan of Ms. Jia.
24:21I've seen a big scene
24:22of Getong's play at the Feng-meng Symposium before.
24:25Immersion is a virtual interaction application product.
24:28It's really amazing
24:30I admire you.
24:31I heard that our Getong
24:33needed a loan.
24:34So I went to see Mr. Jia.
24:37the interest rate
24:38was not suitable.
24:40I'm relieved to see
24:42Mr. Ji here today.
24:45Ms. Tu, I'm flattered.
24:48Since we're all friends,
24:50I won't be so polite.
24:55we've consulted many banks.
24:58But you're the only one
25:00who can do it
25:01like Mr. Ji.
25:03Of course,
25:04Ms. Tu is also my favorite client manager.
25:08The plan you made for Getong
25:11is also very suitable
25:11for our current development stage.
25:15Mr. Jia, you're flattering me.
25:17We will not let you down.
25:20I'll vote for you on this.
25:21As long as Mr. Ji says it,
25:23he will definitely do it.
25:27if Mr. Jia has anything to do with the loan,
25:30you can call me at any time.
25:34Can you help each other
25:35between your branches?
25:37Of course.
25:38I thought your business
25:39was perfect.
25:45It does happen occasionally.
25:48But some clients don't like it.
25:50After all, the process will be more complicated
25:52and it will take longer.
25:54The process
25:55is definitely a test for the client manager.
25:57If you have a long working time and a lot of experience,
26:00and you have enough manpower,
26:02you won't be slow,
26:04Mr. Ji.
26:08Ms. Tu is right.
26:11Big branches have the stability of big branches.
26:14Small branches have the convenience of small branches.
26:17In Ji'an,
26:17I was wrong about everything.
26:19So if you need anything,
26:21you can tell me directly.
26:23Mr. Ji is so anxious.
26:26In addition to the post-loan and sub-loan in Ji'an,
26:28the rest of the loans in Dai Rui belong to Shu'er.
26:36Ms. Tu,
26:37did you mention it
26:38in your proposal before?
26:40Yes, I mentioned it in the proposal before.
26:42I just didn't focus on the analysis.
26:44But in theory,
26:46the sub-loan is definitely a very important part
26:48for our transaction.
26:52Mr. Ji,
26:52we have been communicating for a while.
26:55You know me well.
26:57I know your needs very well.
27:00This is a great advantage
27:02for our subsequent cooperation.
27:13Mr. Ji,
27:16if we cooperate in the way Ms. Tu said,
27:19I don't know if there is any problem with you.
27:25The way?
27:26Of course, it's up to you.
27:28But I think I have to discuss the details
27:31with Ms. Tu again.
27:33We will reply to you as soon as possible.
27:35Don't worry, Mr. Ji.
27:36We will definitely consider the problem
27:38from the perspective of the enterprise.
27:39We will definitely customize
27:41a plan that best suits our enterprise.
27:44Don't worry.
27:45Our Dai Rui brand is here.
27:47One plus one is definitely greater than two.
27:49Okay, I trust you.
27:50If there is no problem,
27:52Mr. Ji,
27:53happy cooperation.
28:01Okay, okay.
28:15Why do you start to pretend to be deep here?
28:17Didn't you do a good job in the daytime?
28:19You came to rob a client openly.
28:21Can you be more clear about the company?
28:23I was just trying to be reasonable.
28:26Trying to be reasonable.
28:29Since you have already signed a big client,
28:32why are you still in a bad mood?
28:33Because of Rao Jing?
28:37Ms. Jing will go to the headquarters to report.
28:40I'm the only one left.
28:42In the past,
28:43no matter big or small,
28:44Ms. Jing would discuss with me.
28:47Ms. Jing will go to the headquarters tomorrow.
28:49I'm the only one left.
28:51No matter how big the matter is,
28:52I will discuss with her.
28:54Even if she doesn't help me,
28:55I will feel at ease.
28:57I'm a little afraid of being alone.
29:02I'm a little worried.
29:04But I trust you.
29:06I think you can handle it by yourself.
29:08Think about it.
29:09You came all the way from the capital of Tang.
29:13Although it's not smooth sailing,
29:15but it's worth it.
29:18I think the most important thing
29:19is your own efforts and efforts.
29:25you have been promoted to the position of the general manager of the first department.
29:29Isn't it worth celebrating?
29:34Of course it is.
29:43Mr. Li.
29:44You have to work hard.
29:46What if
29:47I'm lucky enough to be promoted to the position of the general manager in a few years?
29:52If you are still the general manager at that time,
29:55what will you do?
29:57Being promoted to the position of the general manager is a good thing.
30:01I will be at home teaching my wife and children.
30:04You will be tired.
30:05I didn't think about it.
30:07I'm happy.
30:10How is that possible?
30:12I'm a good general manager.
30:17Xia Di.
30:19Believe me.
30:20Our future will be better.
30:42Baby, my heart belongs to you and no one else.
30:49The fireworks in my heart will never stop.
30:54Baby, it's you.
30:56No one else.
31:00Baby, it's you.
31:02Hope you know.
