Hilarious video footage shows a squirrel attempt to repeatedly climb a greased-up birdfeeder pole - but found itself sliding down to the bottom each time.
John Peterson, 74, set up a feeder outside his kitchen window, but found squirrels would climb the pole and steal the seeds meant for the birds.
He decided to put the skids under the squirrels and greased the pole to stop them reaching the bird feed.
Comical video shows a determined squirrel creep up the pole towards the food only to slowly slide down again - over and over again.
John, a tax accountant, from Reno, Nevada, USA, said: "I was laughing my butt off watching it.
"I wanted the squirrels to stop taking the bird seed, but found them trying to climb the pole and it was so funny to watch them slide down it."
John Peterson, 74, set up a feeder outside his kitchen window, but found squirrels would climb the pole and steal the seeds meant for the birds.
He decided to put the skids under the squirrels and greased the pole to stop them reaching the bird feed.
Comical video shows a determined squirrel creep up the pole towards the food only to slowly slide down again - over and over again.
John, a tax accountant, from Reno, Nevada, USA, said: "I was laughing my butt off watching it.
"I wanted the squirrels to stop taking the bird seed, but found them trying to climb the pole and it was so funny to watch them slide down it."
00:00I'm surprised he didn't stay up there. He made it. Maybe he's just having fun.
00:16I'll give him that he's persistent.