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My views about Sanam Javed which is now brand for PTI. The lady has no IQ, no political vision just one of the particle of Cult she got media promotion and now PTI followers think that she is something very great leader. What my views, watch the video.

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Twitter Account: /Soch360

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00:00Assalam-o-Alaikum, how are you?
00:02I am here with another video from Soch360.
00:07There is a lot of development going on in the country politically.
00:14But today I am going to talk to you about the brand of PTI.
00:19As you can see in the title, the brand of PTI is Sanam Javed.
00:23There is no doubt that this should have been the brand of PTI.
00:28Because Sanam Javed has gained popularity.
00:32The popularity gained is based on two opinions.
00:38One opinion is that people are clapping for the popularity gained.
00:42The second opinion is that such popularity should not be gained.
00:47I am talking about this for two reasons.
00:52One is that I am talking about Sanam Javed as a political figure.
00:57The second is that I am talking on the basis of what the court has said.
01:03I was most surprised that the report in the court and the things that came out.
01:11And Sanam Javed and all her family, whatever, whatever lawyer came out laughing.
01:19That is, there was no shame that the court is saying that we have seen your video.
01:25In which you have used a very bad language.
01:28And now you don't want to use it.
01:31Tell the lawyer to give a guarantee and what do you say, it's okay.
01:35That is, the hate speech was ignored by the court.
01:40Then if they are not called honest judges, then what should they be called?
01:46You can guess that this is the brand of PTI.
01:51Disgusting, filthy brand.
01:56That is, such people are said in Punjabi.
02:00I will now censor it and say, whoever knows will add it in it.
02:12That is, there was no shame, they are considering it popularity.
02:16Undoubtedly, when a person becomes shameless, he is very happy about such things.
02:22He says that man, I have become famous.
02:25This is a matter of honor.
02:27Money is at stake.
02:29This is the state of all these youths.
02:32A decent person, in fact, a decent normal person will also stay away from this kind of fame.
02:39That man, if you have to be famous by doing this disgusting work, then God forgive me.
02:45That's why a lot of people don't go into politics.
02:48Because of the filth.
02:50Now you check, the people who are talking about children,
02:54didn't the lady remember her children when she was roaming on the streets?
02:59She was going on the streets and abusing people.
03:02And then what do they say, nights were spent there in Zaman Park.
03:06These are facts.
03:08I am not doing it on my own, I am not accusing anyone.
03:11But the nights were spent there.
03:13I am not saying what happened, what didn't happen.
03:15That PTI has an MPA, it has an audio.
03:19If you listen to it, you will find out.
03:21I am surprised.
03:23And if you talk to any PTI person, he will say that it is popularity.
03:30See how popular it is.
03:32He will not be ashamed at all that this is not popularity.
03:37A judge of popularity is saying that we have also seen you,
03:40that you have taken out such dirty abuses.
03:43And when she is leaving the court,
03:48then a man with shame would have drowned and died.
03:52First, a man with shame would not have done such a thing.
03:55But if he would have done it and he would have been called like this in the crowd,
03:59then he would have drowned and died.
04:01But when he came out, he was happy.
04:03He has been given the level of a state guest.
04:08He is meeting big leaders.
04:10By the way, their leaders are the same.
04:12There is no difference in that.
04:14But look at the body language of the judge, the political thinking of the judge,
04:19and make it a brand.
04:21In fact, the training of the judge Sanam Javed Sahiba
04:26and countless youths like this,
04:28was trained by Mr. Khan.
04:30Mr. Khan personally likes these things,
04:33that you keep the other one.
04:36The way Mr. Khan's life has passed,
04:39I still remember when I was a child, I used to read Aankh Macholi.
04:42So in that, Imran Khan was in the 92s.
04:46Before that, Khan was very famous.
04:48So he told about his childhood.
04:50So even then, I was very surprised that
04:54it was said about Mr. Khan that
04:56Mr. Khan had guests in his childhood.
04:58So when Mr. Khan came running,
05:00Mr. Khan asked the guest,
05:02quickly took a glass of sherbet and drank it.
05:04And what was portrayed to him,
05:06that he had a lot of confidence in him.
05:08The thing that came in the context of misbehavior,
05:12it was told to him,
05:14from then on, he started brainwashing,
05:16that Mr. Khan was very bold.
05:19He was very rich with the wealth of self-confidence.
05:24This is happening with the nation.
05:26So he, with his own hands,
05:28which I always say,
05:30that why don't they stamp their mark with iron?
05:34See, this has become a trend in the world.
05:37As I have told you in the video before,
05:39this has become the fashion of this thing.
05:43Why is the mom and dad class with Khan?
05:45Because this is a trend.
05:47It has become a brand.
05:49Imran Khan has become a brand.
05:51A person lies in front of you.
05:53Lies a hundred times.
05:55But why is it liked?
05:57Because it is a brand.
05:59It is liked.
06:01You will often find these big brands,
06:03these Khusra type.
06:05Why do people still buy their things,
06:07like them?
06:09The reason is that it becomes a brand.
06:11Being associated with it is a very proud thing.
06:13Wearing his clothes is a very proud thing.
06:15So in the same way,
06:17being associated with Mr. Khan,
06:19they feel proud.
06:21They don't understand that this is a matter of shamelessness.
06:23This is a very disgusting tag
06:25that is put on a person
06:27if you call someone a youthia.
06:29The meaning of saying youthia
06:31comes to mind that
06:33he is also a person who
06:35has closed his eyes and
06:37is in love with Mr. Khan.
06:39And who does not want to talk on the basis of facts.
06:41Who has only one mantra to sing.
06:43See, I have been saying for a long time.
06:45It is almost a year.
06:47It has not been a year yet.
06:49But it is almost a year.
06:51I am saying the same thing again and again.
06:53That this is a project.
06:55And there is only one task of this project.
06:57To destroy Pakistan.
06:59You have to deal with it wisely.
07:01As I said in the last video.
07:03It will have to be dealt with wisely.
07:07Wisdom is that
07:09where you have to play on the front foot,
07:11where you have to stay quiet.
07:13For example,
07:15there was a press gathering of Umar Ayub.
07:17He had to address it.
07:19Let him do.
07:21But where there are
07:23judicial matters,
07:25where someone acts like this,
07:27then you should not be there.
07:29Don't delay there.
07:31The second year has started.
07:33How long will you wait?
07:35We have been hearing all this.
07:37That there is a red line.
07:39There is a red line.
07:41There is disrespect for the army.
07:43We will not leave it.
07:45Brother, shut up.
07:47The conversation started with Sanam Javed.
07:49Which is the most important topic of today.
07:53I always thought
07:55and thank God,
07:57that it has become a shameless nation.
08:01it is not only in Pakistan.
08:03It is happening the same in America.
08:05It is happening in Brazil.
08:07It is happening in England.
08:09It is happening in India.
08:11It is happening through social media.
08:13It is the destruction of social media.
08:15It is happening
08:17that those who have money,
08:19who have an organized thinking,
08:21and think that I want to destroy this,
08:25they run all these things
08:27through social media.
08:29You don't know anything
08:31that the video is fake,
08:33what is real, what is not.
08:35But in your mind,
08:37little by little,
08:39they keep putting and your mind
08:41gets spoiled. What to do?
08:43If you have a mobile phone,
08:45you have to use your thumb
08:47and your mind gets spoiled.
08:49This has happened with the youth.
08:53the weakness of the mind is so much
08:55that first Khan said that it is not as great as the army.
08:57He accepted it.
08:59Then he said that there is nothing as bad as the army.
09:01He accepted it.
09:03This insolence,
09:05all these disgusting acts,
09:07all these boys,
09:09all these degrading words,
09:11they are fit on them
09:13and thanks to Imran Khan.
09:15I have told you many times that
09:17this generation that we have prepared,
09:19it will take many years for some improvement to come.
09:21And they will also suffer
09:23like the youth of today.
09:25You can bet on me.
09:27So see, in the coming days,
09:29and this is known in the case of Sanam Javed,
09:31two or three things
09:33have become clear to you.
09:35Number one, Sanam Javed being a
09:37ill-mannered woman,
09:39an ill-mannered woman
09:41who does not even know how to speak politely.
09:43There are manners
09:45that even if you want to oppose,
09:47there is a way.
09:49How dare she,
09:51I can't even run her video.
09:53Sanam Javed is a brand of PDI.
09:55PDI is full of
09:57ill-mannered, ignorant,
09:59stupid people.
10:01The judges
10:03have become
10:05like Imran.
10:07You can imagine that
10:09the objections of the judges
10:11are being removed by themselves.
10:13They say,
10:15bring it, we are waiting for you.
10:17This is the condition of the judges
10:21Your court is not like that.
10:23It is obvious that
10:25Imran Khan's supporters will say
10:27that Sakat is the best judiciary
10:29because the decisions are in his favor.
10:31No one looks at the law.
10:33Put the law in the heart
10:35If the mind cries,
10:37then the people also cry.
10:39The coming days are getting very severe.
10:41You will see for yourself.
10:43I will keep doing
10:45more videos on this.
10:47You also let me know
10:49in your comments
10:51and subscribe
10:53and ring the bell.
10:55But keep one thing
10:57in mind.
10:59Don't do blind following
11:01and keep your ears
11:03open and alive.
11:05Allah Hafiz.
