مسلسل قبول موسم 3 حلقة 15 مدبلجة

  • last month
01:30We should eat the whole plate always!
01:31What are you crying for?
01:33Tea and snacks?
01:35Tea and snacks?
01:36Come on.
01:37Good Lord.
01:39I have to do all the house chores.
01:42I have to work.
01:44My God, where is the village?
01:46Thank you, God!
01:48Your fever is no longer high.
01:51Now you will see, how you will get well and feel better.
01:59Hello, Madam.
02:01Sanam, the Asma family is downstairs.
02:06I want you to come down and take care of yourself here.
02:10But Madam, I'm with the old lady because...
02:15Don't worry about the old lady. I will take care of her.
02:19You go now and take care of the guests.
02:23Yes, Madam.
02:49How are you tonight, Satna?
03:20Don't be sad.
03:22I know I won't be able to ask you a question like this.
03:26If it was only two or three days, I would be fine.
03:31These 12 years...
03:33You've been living like this for 12 years.
03:39Maybe you don't know...
03:43You don't know what it means to be in good health.
03:47Don't be mad at me, Madam.
03:50I just want you to forgive me.
03:58Oh God, why do I feel guilty and apologize to you like this?
04:03Even though you're the only one responsible for what happened to me.
04:08If you hadn't stopped me from doing what I wanted...
04:12You wouldn't have had to live this life that you forced me to put you in.
04:17But I hope you believe me.
04:22I'm really very upset, Madam.
04:27And you...
04:29You must be tired of this life you're living.
04:35Okay, let's make a nice deal.
04:42And you...
04:44You're going to accept this deal.
05:11Let's go.
05:33Look how beautiful it is.
05:51People, unintentionally, bring big problems to themselves.
06:03I know that you don't like to talk a lot.
06:09But I know you understand everything.
06:12And you can open your mouth whenever you want.
06:17And if you need anything...
06:20I'm sure you'll try to say something.
06:28So, tell me, Madam.
06:31Tell me.
06:33If you decide not to say anything now...
06:36You won't have time to live.
06:42Come on, tell me.
06:44I want you to tell me where the Commander-in-Chief hid the will.
06:47The will that he spoke to himself before he died.
06:50Come on, tell me where it is.
06:55Actually, I know.
06:58I know that you don't love me, nor did you love me.
07:06But I also don't know why you're hiding all this hatred you have towards my son.
07:14Look, I love my son more than anything in this world, do you understand?
07:21And I won't let anyone stop the happiness of my son's future.
07:30Not even you.
07:35I know that you didn't want me.
07:39You married your son, the Commander-in-Chief, but you couldn't stop me.
07:47Even you always doubted me.
07:51And you treated me as if I was your only enemy, Madam.
07:55You told me that I was working for you.
07:57But Madam, I'm not your enemy at all.
08:01I love you.
08:03But I can't stand in front of my son's love.
08:09You hid the will from me.
08:11And you tortured me for many years.
08:13That's why I had to make you live such a difficult life.
08:16That's enough.
08:19Tell me, Madam.
08:20Where is the will that you want me to give you?
08:22Tell me.
08:25Or I'll kill you.
08:28Your death will be a terrible death.
08:31Now tell me, Yara.
08:33Tell me, where is the will?
08:37Tell me.
08:41You don't have much time left.
08:46Tell me, where is the will?
08:57Okay, fine.
08:59As you wish.
09:01Tell me slowly, where is the will?
09:09I beg you, tell me where is the will?
09:23Excuse me, Madam.
09:25I was saying, how much dinner do you want?
09:28A snake!
09:29A snake!
09:30A snake!
09:31A snake!
09:34Madam, be careful.
09:35A snake!
09:36A snake is here.
09:37Look, the snake is on the bed.
09:38Be careful.
09:42There is a snake on the bed.
09:44A snake.
09:45A very big snake.
09:47Oh God, how?
09:48How did it get here?
09:51Oh God.
09:52Go back quickly.
09:53Oh God.
09:54Madam, don't move.
09:57Latif, go quickly and tell someone anything.
09:59Why are you hiding?
10:01A snake!
10:02A snake!
10:03A snake!
10:04Don't move, Grandma.
10:05Look, Madam.
10:06Oh God.
10:07Come on, come on.
10:08Nothing will happen.
10:11Latif, quickly, quickly.
10:12Where is the snake?
10:16Go back a little.
10:18Go back a little.
10:19Don't hide, Madam.
10:22Sanam, call Ahil.
10:24Call him.
10:26Oh God.
10:27Mom, what is this?
10:28Is it alive?
10:29It is alive.
10:36Grandma, don't be afraid of it.
10:51Slowly, slowly.
10:54Go back.
10:55Go back.
10:56No problem.
10:57Calm down.
10:58I will act.
11:00Don't come near.
11:01Don't come near.
11:02Don't come near.
11:03Ahil, leave him.
11:04Stay away from him.
11:06Don't leave him.
11:07Don't leave him.
11:10Oh God, protect us.
11:11Come in.
11:14Be careful.
11:24Be careful.
11:25Don't move at all.
11:40Oh God, protect me.
11:48Oh God.
11:54Oh God.
12:07Grandma, are you okay?
12:10Are you okay?
12:11Are you okay?
12:12Don't worry.
12:13What, Grandma?
12:15Are you okay?
12:18But how did this animal come here?
12:24Where did it come from?
12:25What is its name?
12:26Are you sure?
12:27Someone brought it here.
12:33But there was only the old lady.
12:36And she can't move at all.
12:38How will she bring life to the room?
12:45And there was only the madam here.
12:50Oh God.
12:51Are you saying that the madam brought life to this room?
12:56Why are you crying?
12:57Why are you talking from your room?
12:58I didn't say that.
13:02The madam was standing and didn't know that there was life.
13:05And when I came in, I warned her.
13:14I thank you, God,
13:16that our old lady is okay.
13:18We should be grateful to you.
13:21What would have happened if you didn't come at the right time?
13:26Oh God.
13:28Is it possible that there was life in this room?
13:31I was standing here and I didn't feel anything.
13:34I wish I could see.
13:36Oh God, the old lady
13:39would have paid the price of my work.
13:44Mom, look.
13:45The important thing is that we are all fine.
13:47Don't worry about anything else.
13:53The day you saved the old lady's life, Sana.
13:57I will never be able to repay you for this.
13:59You don't have to talk to me like that, madam.
14:01This is my duty.
14:04You don't have to say that while you consider me a family member.
14:10Anyone else would have done the same.
14:13Asma's family is here.
14:15We should all go downstairs.
14:18they will worry about us.
14:20Let's go.
14:21Let's go.
14:24My son's family.
14:26Wait a minute.
14:30Our old lady.
14:33Don't worry about anything.
14:36Everything is fine now.
14:39I will call you back in a while.
14:42You rest.
14:43And make sure
14:47that you are in my heart and you will always be in my heart.
14:50No matter what,
14:52I will come back to
14:55talk to you about something very important.
15:03I'll see you.
15:05Let's go.
15:13Brother Azhar.
15:14Brother Ahil is here.
15:16Come in.
15:17Peace be upon you.
15:18And peace be upon you, my son.
15:28Don't laugh.
15:30Starting tomorrow,
15:31we will start with this.
15:32The decoration.
15:36This is what we do with flowers and light.
15:39The decoration.
15:41That's right.
15:42The decoration.
15:46want to talk to you about something.
15:47Go ahead.
15:48Go ahead.
15:49I think
15:51we should postpone the wedding.
15:59Of course,
16:00after your permission.
16:05because honestly,
16:06my son called me from London today.
16:09He was going to come to the wedding,
16:12but unfortunately,
16:13my son is sick and a little tired.
16:19only have this boy,
16:21and he is sick now.
16:25That's why
16:26we want to go and see Ali.
16:27And that's why we will have to
16:29postpone the wedding a little.
16:36It's possible.
16:38postponing the wedding
16:41is not good at all.
16:43This is really not good.
16:44Yes, of course.
16:45No, no, not at all.
16:48But their only son is sick.
16:50I think it's not wrong
16:51if we postpone the wedding
16:52in this exceptional situation.
16:59What is it, mom?
17:06can we postpone the wedding
17:07so that her brother
17:08can get better?
17:11of course.
17:13This situation
17:14doesn't need a question, of course.
17:19We, guys,
17:21have become one family.
17:26And your son has become
17:28like our son.
17:30We will have the wedding
17:31at the right time.
17:46I don't want to argue with you
17:47right now.
17:54I know I bothered you a lot.
17:58But I don't want
18:00to keep arguing with each other.
18:11Yes, but it's not always my fault.
18:14Every time I'm angry,
18:15you start giving me
18:16angry responses.
18:19You are
18:20pouring oil on the fire.
18:21That's why
18:22it's normal for someone
18:25to get angry with you.
18:27Because you are angry.
18:39I admit that I was wrong.
18:42But my heart is very kind and tender.
18:48I forgive you, sir.
18:53May God forgive you.
18:54We are done, Nada.
18:58You always get stuck in things.
19:03Don't be mad at me.
19:10I beg you, Wafi.
19:14Here you go, my love.
19:21Anything can happen in the world.
19:24The earth can rotate in the opposite direction.
19:26The sun can rise from the west.
19:29But this fridge won't change at all.
19:37I love you.
20:02I love you.
20:32I love you.
21:02I love you.
21:08I love you.
21:33Madam, excuse me.
21:34Madam, I beg you.
21:36Forgive me for not seeing you.
21:39Lily, are you okay, madam?
21:40Yes, I'm fine.
21:42But you...
21:43Why haven't you slept yet?
21:46I want to change the bed sheets
21:47in the big lady's room.
21:49I was going to her.
21:51I apologize, madam.
22:03Look, lady.
22:05I also changed the blanket for you.
22:07This is a little bigger than that.
22:10It's true that it's not very cold.
22:13if you feel a little cold,
22:16you can take this.
22:20Come on.
22:22Come on.
22:23Come on.
22:24Come on.
22:25Come on.
22:26Come on.
22:27Come on.
22:28Come on.
22:29Come on.
22:30Come on.
22:33Yes, yes.
22:36What do you think, lady?
22:38Tomorrow, we'll go out,
22:39we'll walk in the garden,
22:40and we'll get some fresh air.
22:42And the weather will change.
22:44And you'll feel better
22:45and better if you walk in the sun.
22:57I'll see you later, okay?
24:48Oh, God.
24:54Where is Lucia?
24:58Where is she?
25:02Twelve years.
25:06Twelve years,
25:07I've been holding on
25:09to this helpless girl.
25:13Twelve years.
25:19Could this girl
25:21have cut off Lucia's hand?
25:27For the sake of my son, Ahil?
25:29Could I have left something for him?
25:36It's impossible.
25:39But when will she talk?
25:41When will she tell me about Lucia?
25:44The state she's in
25:45can't reassure his son.
25:47But I have to know as soon as possible.
25:52What's the secret
25:53that Lucia is hiding?
25:54How long
25:55do I have to bear
25:56this danger?
25:57How long do I have to bear it?
25:59How long do I have to bear it?
26:26What are you doing?
26:27Didn't I tell you to stay away from her?
26:29What did you ask for?
26:31I asked for food
26:32because she didn't eat anything.
26:33If she didn't eat today,
26:34she wouldn't die of hunger.
26:38And honestly,
26:39she doesn't deserve
26:40your pity at all.
26:42I advise you
26:43not to be jealous of her innocent appearance
26:44because she's actually
26:45a very cursed girl.
26:47If you want to be good to her,
26:48in the end,
26:49you'll laugh at me.
26:50But we can't let her
26:51be like that.
26:52Don't be afraid.
26:53This curse won't happen to her.
26:54And then,
26:55what did you do?
26:57You never cared for anyone
26:58in your life.
27:00What's your problem now?
27:28I was just...
27:35What happened?
27:36Did you see this girl
27:37and you forgot about her?
27:40You don't usually forget about her.
27:54Oh God,
27:56what kind of person are you?
27:59How can you make everyone
28:00believe that you're a liar?
28:02First, my husband,
28:04and then, my sister-in-law.
28:07Oh God,
28:09help me get rid of them
28:10and get this witch
28:11out of the house.
28:19Do you want to tell me something?
28:21No, no...
28:23Try harder, grandma.
28:25Try to say something.
28:27Tell me.
28:28What do you want to tell me?
28:30A wall.
28:32A wall?
28:34What wall?
28:48A red wall?
28:50The red wall?
28:55Grandma, you look tired.
28:56Please, calm down.
29:05Salah al-Din?
29:06Salah al-Din?
29:10Who could it be?
29:12You're very tired.
29:13You shouldn't move.
29:18Salah al-Din.
29:19A red wall?
29:20What does that mean?
29:30Grandma, what's wrong?
29:32Try to come back
29:33and tell me again slowly.
29:36Without pressuring yourself.
29:37Tell me slowly.
29:39What do you want to tell me?
29:43Oh God.
29:45Okay, that's enough.
29:46Don't tire yourself at all.
29:48Thank you, God,
29:49because you started
29:50talking to me again and again.
29:53You have no idea
29:54how happy I was.
29:56And also,
29:57the madam...
30:00Everyone will be very happy
30:01when they see you
30:02talking again.
30:05The madam has been waiting for you
30:07for a long time
30:08to hear your voice.
30:09It's true that I didn't understand
30:10anything you said,
30:11but your family
30:12will surely understand
30:13what you're saying.
30:14That's why I'm going to call them now.
30:18Take some rest
30:19while I call them.
30:38The old lady is talking?
30:42Yes, madam, really.
30:43She was talking.
30:45I mean, she tried to say something.
30:47It's true that she was talking
30:48with a lot of understanding,
30:49but at least she said something.
30:52Although I didn't understand
30:53anything of what she said,
30:54but at least she tried to say something.
30:58Let's go see her.
31:00Let's go.
31:09Come in.
31:11Honestly, I'm still shocked
31:12and I still can't believe it.
31:14The old lady
31:15was really talking.
31:16Take a seat
31:17and listen to her.
31:22Come on, my dear old lady.
31:23Thank God you're talking again.
31:27Listen to me, old lady.
31:29Listen to me.
31:30I really miss hearing your voice.
31:32Come on, talk.
31:34Sanam told me
31:35that there's something
31:36you want to tell me.
31:38You know,
31:40I really want to hear you
31:41talk again.
31:43Come on, talk, old lady.
31:44Tell me what you told me
31:45a while ago.
31:47Tell me, old lady.
31:48Can you?
31:57Do you remember what you said?
32:01Oh, God.
32:03What happened to her?
32:04She hasn't been quiet for a while.
32:06She was trying to say something.
32:09I think it's best
32:10to go and call them all.
32:13Maybe you'll be encouraged
32:14when you see them
32:15and you'll be happy
32:16to have them around.
32:17I'll go and call them.
32:18No, Sanam.
32:21Don't tire yourself
32:22and call someone.
32:23But why don't I call them, ma'am?
32:27The reason, Sanam,
32:30is that the old lady
32:31is impossible.
32:33She can't say anything.
32:36That's not true, ma'am.
32:37I swear to you.
32:38I swear to you
32:39that the old lady
32:40was talking.
32:41She was trying
32:42to say something.
32:44I couldn't understand
32:45what she was saying.
32:46Her name was
32:50She was calling
32:51Salahuddin's name.
32:52And there were four walls
32:54and a red line.
32:57Yes, the red line.
32:58She was saying that.
32:59But I couldn't
33:01what she was saying.
33:02That's why
33:03I called you.
33:04Maybe you'll understand
33:12This is not the first time
33:13something like this
33:14has happened before.
33:17What do you mean?
33:19This is not the first time, Sanam.
33:21We always feel
33:22like she's going to say something.
33:23But then
33:24this doesn't happen
33:25and we are left
33:26with nothing.
33:28But this is the reason
33:29for the shock.
33:35The shock
33:36she was in.
33:37When she heard
33:38that her husband
33:39had died,
33:40she got emotional.
33:42That's why.
33:45And other than that,
33:47all the doctors told us
33:51that she started
33:52imagining strange things.
33:55Things that don't exist.
33:58Things that we don't see
33:59in reality.
34:01Things that only exist
34:02in our imagination.
34:03Oh, God.
34:04But, Madam,
34:05I think
34:06I should go
34:07at least
34:08to tell
34:09the executioner.
34:13Mr. Ahil's instructions
34:14are clear.
34:15I have to put him
34:16in a healthy state
34:17for the first time
34:18with the old lady.
34:19That's why
34:20he has to know
34:21what happened.
34:22That's why
34:23I'm going to go
34:24and tell him.
34:25No, no, no.
34:26No, Sanam.
34:28You know what?
34:29When this happened
34:30to my grandma,
34:32Ahil was very happy
34:33at the time.
34:34But then
34:36he was very sad
34:37and upset.
34:40That's why
34:42I don't want him
34:43to get upset
34:46about something
34:47that might not happen.
34:56What Madam said
34:57is very logical.
35:00my heart tells me
35:01not to answer her
35:02and tell Ahil everything.
35:04Because when I look
35:05into the old lady's eyes,
35:06I feel like
35:07she's going to tell me
35:19You've been working here
35:20for a long time, right?
35:22Yes, I have.
35:24I've been here
35:25in this house
35:26since I was born.
35:27Even when I was growing up,
35:29I always watched
35:30the little man
35:31grow up.
35:32And I'm pretty
35:33and not a little girl.
35:35Okay, listen to me.
35:37Is there someone
35:38called Salah Al-Din?
35:40Do you remember him?
35:41No, I don't.
35:43And who is this?
35:45Who are you talking about?
35:46Tell me.
35:48so you're talking
35:49about your boyfriend,
35:51Oh, God.
35:53This must be
35:54someone I like.
35:55You know,
35:56I'm a very nice girl.
35:57No, no,
35:58why are you saying that?
36:00It's just a question.
36:06sit down.
36:08Sit down.
36:11I have a strong feeling
36:13the old lady
36:14wants to tell me
36:15something important.
36:16And there's something
36:17behind her
36:18that's very dangerous.
36:20What is it?
36:36Oh, God.
37:02No, no, no.
37:04Why do you hate me so much?
37:07Why do you hate me
37:08and my son so much?
37:10What did I do to you?
37:11What did I do to you
37:12to make you hate me
37:14and do this to me?
37:19Okay, old lady.
37:24Okay, calm down.
37:25I know I made you nervous.
37:29That's enough for today.
37:30That's enough for today.
37:33I can't say anything anymore.
37:36Just tell me
37:38just tell me
37:39what's the secret, old lady.
37:41Tell me where's the old lady
37:42and then
37:44tell me, dear,
37:45who's Salah Al-Din?
37:48And what's the story?
37:50The red wall?
37:54Okay, old lady, tell me
37:56what's the secret?
38:01you're blind
38:03and can't see.
38:05But blind doesn't mean stupid at all
38:07and it's not easy to trick me.
38:12I know you can talk.
38:16So don't try to hide it.
38:20Your secret was revealed
38:21and it's not the case, old lady.
38:22Do you understand?
38:26That's it.
38:28I sacrificed a lot
38:30to get this will.
38:32I married your son.
38:34I married your son, Al-Khatiyar,
38:36to get this will
38:37and know what's written in it.
38:41It's been a long time.
38:44Twelve years.
38:46I put up with it all in prison
38:47and the suffering I went through there.
38:49I suffered a lot and got tired.
38:53Look at me, Al-Khatiyar.
38:54But I got weaker.
38:55But I got weaker?
38:57No, never.
38:58You didn't.
38:59I'll never get weaker.
39:01I'll take care of my son.
39:03My beloved son, Noor Ayyouni.
39:05I'll make sure he gets what he deserves.
39:07Do you understand?
39:09I hope you understand.
39:18What happened, my love?
39:20Why do you look so upset?
39:22What happened to you?
39:26What do you think?
39:27The house is all dirty
39:28and needs cleaning and tidying.
39:29And I'm worried about Rahat.
39:31You know,
39:32he locked himself in the room
39:33again and again.
39:35And he didn't eat anything since yesterday.
39:36Can you imagine?
39:37Maybe I told you something
39:38that bothered him.
39:39Yes, you do that.
39:40Yes, right.
39:41I'm the only one who talks to him like that.
39:43And I'm the bad one
39:44who gives him the rest.
39:46You know,
39:47You know,
39:48you've been so angry
39:49and you can't take a word from me.
39:51But I wanted to ask you,
39:52why is Rahat doing this
39:55and not more?
39:56It's nothing.
39:57He's isolating himself
39:58from the world
39:59and sitting alone.
40:00These are all his past memories
40:01that he always
40:02holds on to and never forgets.
40:05You know,
40:06each one of us
40:07has old memories.
40:08But this doesn't mean
40:09that we'll all be like him.
40:13The last time he locked himself
40:14he didn't come out.
40:15Two days and this time
40:16God knows
40:17when he'll come out.
40:19I'm so scared.
40:21When will he come out?
40:26Is it possible that Rahat
40:27is delaying?
40:28Oh, oh.
40:29You're asking as if
40:30you don't know
40:31how my brother behaves.
40:33When Rahat locks himself
40:34in his room and comes out,
40:35he doesn't care
40:36what's going on
40:37outside the room
40:38or cares about anyone in the world.
40:41Oh God.
40:42I don't know
40:43how to deal
40:44with this guy
40:45and I don't know
40:46what to do.
40:48Don't worry
40:49and don't worry.
40:50Show me
40:51your beautiful smile
40:52that I can't live
40:53without seeing it.
40:55It's not like today
40:56you were going to go
40:57to your friend's house
40:58to have fun,
40:59weren't you?
41:02I was going to go
41:03but I stopped.
41:06I mean,
41:07if I go out,
41:08who's going to do
41:09the housework
41:10in my absence?
41:11Don't tell me
41:12that's the problem.
41:13I'm here.
41:14What's wrong, Shuaib?
41:15It's like you're
41:16chasing me
41:17to get out of the house.
41:19My wife
41:22needs to doubt me.
41:23I don't deserve this.
41:26Can I live far away
41:27from you, my love?
41:28I'd die.
41:29All I want
41:30is for you
41:31to go out
41:32and have fun
41:33with your friend.
41:34And now,
41:35I also have a meeting.
41:36I'm not sure
41:37about it yet
41:38but I should go
41:39for the most part.
41:40My love, Shuaib,
41:41thank you so much.
41:42Okay, go.
41:49My wife,
41:52you'll change my mood
41:53when you leave the house
41:54and I'll also change
41:55my mood here.
41:56And I'll also have
41:57a lot of fun.
41:59My soul,
42:00my love,
42:01the sweet,
42:02the sweet,
42:03the sweet.
42:09you'll definitely
42:10feel better
42:11and walk again
42:12and be able
42:13to talk with
42:14the whole family.
42:16You know,
42:17my wife
42:18came to you
42:19and she was hoping
42:20to hear your voice
42:21and talk to you.
42:24But don't worry.
42:27your expectations
42:28will come true.
42:35Yes, soon.
42:37Don't worry, my love.
42:50What do you mean by danger?
42:56You imagine
42:57very strange things.
42:58Things that are
42:59different from reality.
43:02And they only exist
43:03in your imagination.
43:07Shuaib, don't worry.
43:08There's no danger for us.
43:09Look at me.
43:10I'm sitting at home.
43:12I'm always with you
43:13and everyone is with you.
43:15I'm sitting with your family
43:16and your loved ones.
43:18There's no need
43:19for all this fear.
43:23There's no need.
43:24There's no need.
43:25There's no need.
