Eternal Night at Hollow's End

  • last month
The Murphy family inherits a decrepit mansion in Hollow's End, rumored to be haunted. As they plan to restore it into a bed-and-breakfast, their teenage daughter Lily encounters a sinister figure outside her window. Investigating, she discovers a hidden room with texts about 'The Blood Moon Clan,' a family of vampires cursed to roam the mansion. As her parents fall under the clan's spell, Lily realizes their arrival was part of a dark, eternal fate.
00:00The moon hung in the velvety night sky like a voyeur, illuminating the decrepit mansion
00:06that stood isolated on the outskirts of the town of Hollow's End.
00:11This mansion was a relic of another time, its Gothic architecture imbued with an aura
00:16of foreboding.
00:19Stories of its sinister past whispered through the generations, but none as chilling as those
00:23experienced by the Murphy family.
00:27Sarah Murphy drove up to the mansion with her husband Jack and their teenage daughter
00:32They had inherited the property from Jack's eccentric old uncle, a man they barely knew
00:38but who had died under mysterious circumstances.
00:42The family had plans to restore the mansion and turn it into a bed and breakfast, a fresh
00:47start encouraged by the picturesque yet eerie landscape that surrounded it.
00:53Lily, being a curious young spirit, was fascinated by the mansion's history and immediately began
00:59to explore its many rooms.
01:02Sarah and Jack went about unpacking and discussing renovation plans.
01:08As dusk gave way to night, the wind started to howl through the cracked windows, producing
01:13unsettling wails.
01:16They gathered for dinner in what used to be the grand dining hall, now a room filled with
01:20shadows and fragmented light from the old chandelier.
01:25Just as they began to enjoy their meal, a sudden gust blew opened the large wooden doors,
01:30extinguishing the few candles they had lit.
01:34Sarah hurriedly relit them, trying to shake off the feeling of being watched.
01:40That night, as Lily lay in bed, she noticed a figure moving outside her third floor window.
01:47At first, she thought it was a trick of the light, but as it drew closer, she realized
01:52it was a man, dressed in old-fashioned clothes, walking vertically down the wall, his eyes
01:58glowing a sinister red.
02:01Lily was paralyzed with fear and couldn't even scream.
02:05The figure stood still, staring at her with an intensity that burned into her soul before
02:11vanishing into thin air.
