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Family Friendly Gaming (https://www.familyfriendlygaming.com/) is pleased to share this video for Miitopia Episode 7. #ffg #video #funny #wow #cool #amazing #family #friendly #gaming #love #cute

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00:00:00Before we get in the video, please like, make sure to subscribe, turn on your notifications,
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00:00:47Hey guys, how y'all doing? Hopefully you're doing awesome. For those that don't know,
00:00:59need to be told. Paul Burry, Family Friendly Gaming doing another Twitch stream for Meatopia.
00:01:07So Mama wrote us a letter and gave us three outing tickets. Way to go Mama! I love your
00:02:17clear mind. I'm back to Meatopia tonight for another hour or so. They fell asleep,
00:02:28but they got closer. Yay. We're at the level 18. They can learn Last Wish.
00:02:36Ah, kill a friend with incredible damage. Yeah, yeah. All right. All right, let's go set off.
00:02:47Let's go. Me and my freaky yellow horse. My banana ring horse. Hmm.
00:03:08We have a different path we can take.
00:03:10Let's go. I'm doing good, JumpyScream. How are you doing? Having a good old Labor Day?
00:03:18I don't know if you're in the U.S. or not, but if you are in the U.S.,
00:03:22hopefully you're having a good Labor Day.
00:03:30We want to go up, and then we're going to take the bottom path this time.
00:03:41Let's show them what we can do. You don't say.
00:03:46Battle time!
00:03:52Two M's. First Coral, Sulk.
00:04:12Ow. She gonna heal him? Probably.
00:04:18Yep, she healed him.
00:04:19Still put him in the same spot.
00:04:27Oh, those two are fighting?
00:04:33That's right, I forgot to put them in a room together.
00:04:43Oh, these two again?
00:04:53Okay, that's weird. It worked out for me, but...
00:04:58When I get to the end, I'll have to put those two in a room together.
00:05:05Oh, she leveled up. Sweet.
00:05:06Another level!
00:05:11Learn whirlwind blades. Dance like the wind. Slice and dice a million times. Okay.
00:05:18We're gonna do devil food cake. Devil's food cake.
00:05:22Show me the monsters. Why'd you say that?
00:05:27Okay. We want this way.
00:05:33Taking the alternate paths is a great way to grind.
00:05:41They're getting at it. Yeah, they are. I'm not going for it.
00:05:43I see horses have a wide field of vision.
00:05:47They want their facing forward.
00:05:50I can see super far behind them to the sides.
00:05:54Is that true, Mr. Ed?
00:05:58Okay. Well then.
00:05:59Just say nay if you spotted an enemy.
00:06:06Does that mean he spotted an enemy? Because he said nay.
00:06:09I don't know why they hate each other so much. Like, it just came out of the blue.
00:06:17Or maybe it happened last episode and I forgot about it. It's possible.
00:06:24Oh, a trap.
00:06:29That helps me with the faces.
00:06:39Yes, you could go a few more rounds. That was easy.
00:06:43Only three people are going to eat though.
00:06:51Oh well. Put them in a room together.
00:06:55I think we've reached level 10.
00:07:05Do we have a horse fun for me?
00:07:08Lay it on me.
00:07:09Oh, they're cozy.
00:07:15Why do some horses not like to go outside? I don't know.
00:07:19I want to be friends with Paul again.
00:07:21They may not like nature.
00:07:29Nice, jumpy as grain.
00:07:32Ta-da! It's a flower. It's going to eat it.
00:07:35Horses will eat it.
00:07:36Just sneeze on it. Okay.
00:07:40Okay, they're getting closer.
00:07:51They like each other a bit.
00:07:53Level 13? I hope so.
00:08:13Maybe they'll get along now.
00:08:17I think we should be friends again.
00:08:21Yes, please.
00:08:24Quarrel's over.
00:08:27Quarrel's over. That's good. That's good. That's good.
00:08:29They're happy again.
00:08:32Tanya's forgiven. Paul's forgiven. Right?
00:08:40I think I just like to have drama in this game.
00:08:44All right.
00:08:45I didn't even realize it was back there.
00:08:46Are you serious?
00:09:04She bought a Mawaii dagger.
00:09:11I liked your little joke. That was cute.
00:09:14Her attack went up, so.
00:09:17Let's feed him.
00:09:27Feed her.
00:09:35She'll love that.
00:09:38Double food can.
00:09:48Ooh, magic's up, not that she needs it.
00:09:58No more grub, sorry guys.
00:09:59We're all out of grub.
00:10:00Grub, grub, grub, grub.
00:10:11So I should get a flag on that one now, right?
00:10:13Yes, I get a flag, okay.
00:10:16So if we do this one again, and go take the bottom path.
00:10:23Go, go, go.
00:10:26That was so cuddly.
00:10:27I'm hoping that this will help me go fight that boss again.
00:10:31He's got glasses.
00:10:34They both got glasses.
00:10:38Lightning, plus one.
00:10:42Why don't you get to turn?
00:10:51The weapons look so funny after a while.
00:10:55They're so funny looking.
00:10:57We got one goblin hammer, but I still need more.
00:11:03Good job, Noah.
00:11:05You're making us run.
00:11:08Take the bottom path.
00:11:13Oof, my aching back.
00:11:16A chest.
00:11:19Oh, we got mouse treats and golem steak.
00:11:27Can we have a battle, please?
00:11:29One more battle?
00:11:35Maybe I shouldn't say yes so quickly.
00:11:39He's gonna help.
00:11:47He's still around.
00:11:57Take him out.
00:12:03She's gonna flambé him.
00:12:05He is fricasseed and fried.
00:12:09Oh, she's touched by the cranes.
00:12:25Princess, I'm streaming.
00:12:29More food?
00:12:33Come on.
00:12:41Are you helping or hindering?
00:12:44Okay, I want you to help, please.
00:12:50Alright, check on the team.
00:12:58Time for nice brushing, buddy.
00:13:02Wait, where's the brush?
00:13:14Oh, there it is.
00:13:16She found it!
00:13:19At what level are they?
00:13:24Level two.
00:13:26Oh, she can do a mountain attack now.
00:13:43It's better.
00:13:56Let's go with that.
00:13:59That brings his defense up.
00:14:05Luxury frying pan.
00:14:09That makes her attack a whole lot better.
00:14:13There we go.
00:14:19I think I might be able to take this boss out pretty soon, though.
00:14:36He likes mouse cheese.
00:14:44Her speed's low, too.
00:14:54Okay, the way your level is 75 on our channel is the longer you stay in our streams, it
00:15:01levels up pretty quickly.
00:15:02I don't know how it works exactly besides that.
00:15:06I mean, it just...
00:15:07Like, it seems to fly for people.
00:15:16But yeah.
00:15:19Her attack went up, even though she didn't like it.
00:15:28Get some goblin ham.
00:15:36Alright, get him full and...
00:15:38Okay, attack up one more time.
00:15:43She doesn't like it, but she needs it.
00:15:49Okay, we'll keep one goblin ham around.
00:16:04Yeah, I know it flies, I just don't know how that works.
00:16:14But I know it goes up pretty quickly.
00:16:23So I guess that's a flag there.
00:16:26Let's try to get a flag here.
00:16:29I guess that's how it's going.
00:16:32Yeah, I do more than Miitopia.
00:16:34In fact, um...
00:16:38Uh, was it Sunday I did an Evercade?
00:16:41So I did a retro.
00:16:48Are you cold, Mr. Red?
00:16:51New clothes?
00:16:54I know, right?
00:16:56Compliments went down well.
00:17:03Yeah, I guess I'll have to ask Peter how that works.
00:17:05I don't know how it works exactly.
00:17:08Alright, I'm gonna stay on the bottom path.
00:17:16Ooh, a chest.
00:17:27I haven't gotten to a battle yet.
00:17:31So hungry.
00:17:32There we go, there's a battle.
00:17:35Yeah, and then, uh...
00:17:38Peter also streams on our channel, so does Noah, so...
00:17:45Oh, that's fine, JumpyScream.
00:17:48If this is what you're into, that's totally cool, I get it, it's no big deal.
00:17:52You know, we're a variety channel and we play a variety of games.
00:17:59I'm working my way through Miitopia.
00:18:01When I'm done, I'll play another game, you know?
00:18:05So, I'm not worried at all.
00:18:10And I think it's cool, I'm happy to have you by whenever we're playing a game you're interested in.
00:18:16When you're interested, cool.
00:18:24Oh, he is happy.
00:18:30Oh, got in the trap.
00:18:56How many heals she's gonna trip?
00:18:59Oh no, now they're mad at each other.
00:19:13Finish him off.
00:19:17Oh boy.
00:19:19I gotta put them together now.
00:19:22And hope.
00:19:28Oh, snap out of it.
00:19:39Oh boy.
00:19:54Oh boy.
00:19:59Get more food, a little bit of gold.
00:20:04Just have to deal with those two, I have no problem.
00:20:16The lawn and the horse are doing well.
00:20:19That's good to see.
00:20:21Level three, they can saddle up.
00:20:32It's been like 20 minutes and they're like, do you want to stop?
00:20:45I think I've seen this before with someone else.
00:20:47Horses are gonna eat both of them.
00:20:54Guess not.
00:20:56Guess it left the carrot.
00:21:23She's got even more powerful armor.
00:21:27Why, how is wooden stronger?
00:21:30I don't think it would break.
00:21:49Bronze is better than steel.
00:21:56Oh, whatever.
00:21:59Okay, much, much, much stronger.
00:22:04Feed me.
00:22:14Got her another hit point.
00:22:23Almost got his attack up.
00:22:32Yes, hit points up.
00:22:45There we go, save that one.
00:22:55My choice is wooden uniform.
00:23:06Actually, if I get the wooden uniform, that might be...
00:23:16Let's see if that works.
00:23:23Jolly John tickets?
00:23:33I don't know what that does.
00:23:39Oh, good money though.
00:23:41Good money.
00:23:55Come on, stop on yellow, stop, stop.
00:24:11Level them up.
00:24:15That's kind of handy.
00:24:28That's not going to stop where I want.
00:24:35It stops weird places at times.
00:24:42Try this one more time.
00:24:57Oh, well.
00:25:00I'm getting MP candy.
00:25:02Don't really want it, but...
00:25:16So now, do I do this again or do I go after the boss?
00:25:23Try this one more time.
00:25:26There's a middle path at least.
00:25:33I'm going to go down and up.
00:25:42And then next time I have to go up.
00:25:48Looking good in the neighborhood.
00:25:58There we go.
00:26:03Oh, a chest.
00:26:10Back over 3,000.
00:26:17Alright, so the only one we're missing is the...
00:26:20Oh, no.
00:26:23You've got to be kidding me.
00:26:29There's multiple paths there, too.
00:26:38The flamethrowers are my nephew, but since he's poor, he plays as always when nobody won.
00:26:44I can understand.
00:27:04I got two foods.
00:27:08If I get one more battle...
00:27:13Maybe get some more food.
00:27:27Hey, Kevin Hernandez, welcome, welcome, welcome.
00:27:29How you doing?
00:27:32No, not this tip in the heart.
00:27:36It's bad.
00:27:40Oh, I snared him.
00:27:42That was nice.
00:27:50Ah, she tripped me again.
00:28:01That guy's gone.
00:28:08Some MP candies we got.
00:28:12Snap out of it.
00:28:15That's nice of him.
00:28:20One guy left.
00:28:45I'm going to go through this area one more time before I go fight the boss again.
00:28:52And I can get a flag on this one.
00:28:55And I'm sure all the level up is helping me.
00:29:00Happy Labor Day, Kevin.
00:29:03Oh, nice.
00:29:34Let's check on them.
00:29:35Maybe they're going to make up.
00:29:39Yeah, they're going to make up.
00:29:41This will be good.
00:29:45I want to be friends again.
00:29:50Me too.
00:30:09They forgave each other.
00:30:13Except me and the horse.
00:30:21Fall down.
00:30:24You're in a good spirit today.
00:30:36Oh, snuggle up.
00:30:39That's nice to have.
00:30:45Looks like everyone wants food.
00:30:49Works for me.
00:31:01This attack is...
00:31:11Yeah, she'll just sit.
00:31:44A macho uniform.
00:31:57Can I get an HP banana?
00:32:00How is that even possible?
00:32:01I hit it only in yellow.
00:32:03Oh, well.
00:32:08That spin used to go great and now it's going horrible.
00:32:11I'm wasting all my tickets.
00:32:21Oh, yeah.
00:32:28Let's go through here one more time.
00:32:30We'll go up, down, up.
00:32:35So we can finish off this area.
00:32:47We want to go up.
00:32:52Next time I want to go down.
00:33:00I hope.
00:33:03Yeah, you can see his hairdo inside the hat.
00:33:18No more fighting, really?
00:33:23Walk by the empty treasure chest.
00:33:30Yes, no, you can take a nap.
00:33:35Up, up, up.
00:33:40Alright, now we have gone through all the paths on this one.
00:33:49Battle to battle!
00:34:01Double attack here.
00:34:08Two of them.
00:34:24Why do I always change the team that wins?
00:34:27That's weird.
00:34:30Now I got some double food cake.
00:34:32Or doubles food cake.
00:34:35One more enemy, please.
00:34:49Got the horse.
00:34:50Oh, the snorting.
00:34:59How did I not kill him?
00:35:12This is not good.
00:35:13Two of my people are turned evil.
00:35:25Of course.
00:35:27My one that can attack right now.
00:35:35Oh, you've got to be kidding me.
00:35:42I wonder if I...
00:35:43Okay, she got it.
00:35:50I wonder if the safe spot will change him.
00:35:55Oh my god.
00:36:03Oh, maybe it does work.
00:36:07So maybe the safe spot will heal him.
00:36:08I don't know.
00:36:09Hey, jumping is great.
00:36:10Just putting him in a safe spot will heal him from the evil.
00:36:18That's cool.
00:36:22Oh, you can enlarge your weapons.
00:36:27Double food cake.
00:37:01You can tell a horse is aged by its teeth.
00:37:03Wow, who knew?
00:37:07Or how old Mr. Red is.
00:37:2014, they like each other a lot.
00:37:53I don't like it, but it levels your stuff up.
00:38:05Oh, that's funny.
00:38:13Okay, nobody wants to do that.
00:38:21Alright, let's go fight that boss again.
00:38:25I think I'm sufficiently leveled back up.
00:38:28Now that I've flagged all the areas in here.
00:38:34Here we go.
00:38:35We've leveled up a couple times, I think.
00:38:41Alright, we can skip it this time.
00:38:42We've seen it before.
00:38:46General Daisy.
00:38:55And that's 4-2.
00:39:00Now we get to fight.
00:39:02I'm hoping the battle goes better this time.
00:39:04Now that we...
00:39:09We're stronger, we've got way better armor, way better weapons.
00:39:12Leveled up a couple times.
00:39:16Thanks, Kevin.
00:39:19First assist.
00:39:20Pinsir 2.
00:39:27Should be doing a lot more damage.
00:39:41A jump slash on General Daisy.
00:39:48Thanks, Jumpiest Grain.
00:39:51I think it should go better this time.
00:39:54We've got way better stats.
00:39:59I think everyone's leveled up twice.
00:40:03Plus, we have better armor, better weapons.
00:40:06So those have all gone way up.
00:40:12Yeah, we're doing it.
00:40:19Let's go.
00:40:22Let's go.
00:40:30Oh my.
00:40:33Did that do anything?
00:40:34Did it do more damage or not?
00:40:38Oh yeah, look.
00:40:41We've got General Daisy way down.
00:40:46I don't have anyone threatened this time.
00:40:48Okay, that one's threatened.
00:40:57I was going to say no one was threatened.
00:41:04There we go.
00:41:05We won the battle.
00:41:07Thank you so much.
00:41:14Nailed it.
00:41:19Tanya leveled up.
00:41:20Thanks, Kevin.
00:41:25Bonus experience.
00:41:27Oh, come on!
00:41:34What is with the spamming the symbols?
00:41:41Come on.
00:41:44I need to talk to Peter about that.
00:41:48Oh, it's Kakashi Sensei.
00:41:51Yeah, that was easy.
00:41:52That's what grinding does for you.
00:41:53Oh, you came with my lowest servants.
00:41:54There goes my good mood.
00:41:55I'm going to pay for this.
00:41:56I should pay.
00:41:57Just you wait.
00:41:58We're going to have to talk to Peter about Nightbot and figure out what's going on.
00:41:59I'm going to have to talk to Peter about Nightbot and figure out what's going on.
00:42:00I'm going to have to talk to Peter about Nightbot and figure out what's going on.
00:42:01I'm going to have to talk to Peter about Nightbot and figure out what's going on.
00:42:02I'm going to have to talk to Peter about Nightbot and figure out what's going on.
00:42:03I'm going to have to talk to Peter about Nightbot and figure out what's going on.
00:42:04I'm going to have to talk to Peter about Nightbot and figure out what's going on.
00:42:05I'm going to have to talk to Peter about Nightbot and figure out what's going on.
00:42:21At least the princess is safe.
00:42:25He thought he was worthless.
00:42:30Let's check up on her right away.
00:42:36Let's go see Daisy.
00:42:38Come on.
00:42:39She doesn't want me to move.
00:42:48Squidward, Iron Man, and Sonic.
00:43:00Why don't they try to get their faces back and it just pops on.
00:43:07Yeah, it didn't used to do this, but I don't know what happened to my butt.
00:43:15Oh, thank you.
00:43:16You don't know how good it feels to have my face back.
00:43:21You've come through for us again, it seems.
00:43:24Least we can do is reward you.
00:43:29I appreciate the money, that's handy.
00:43:38Most impressive view is while it blinks.
00:43:42With your majesty, truly I did nothing.
00:43:47We saw you rush off to save the princess in her hour of need.
00:43:54I'm sorry, the framerate dropped to zero for you.
00:44:02Well, we might see our way to a longer relationship with the princess.
00:44:10Oh, Daisy.
00:44:12Oh, blinks.
00:44:24But seriously, that prince cloud.
00:44:28Love pathetic specimen, you turn out to be a munch munch.
00:44:43We are greatly indebted to you.
00:44:45Now give that dark lord what for, off with you.
00:44:48Om nom nom munch munch.
00:44:54Oh, the king made the framerate drop?
00:45:02Got it.
00:45:15We're going in here.
00:45:18Paul, if you'd wait just a minute, sir.
00:45:23It's good word of the castle guard, sir.
00:45:26We're about to enter next door, the neighboring kingdom.
00:45:29Do be careful, sir, because it's next door.
00:45:31Now I must return to the castle.
00:45:33By your leave.
00:45:35On my way to next door.
00:45:38Nice name, Nintendo.
00:45:47I've seen the lights.
00:45:56Battle to battle we go.
00:46:00Oh, look at these rocks.
00:46:04They show off.
00:46:08We hit 250.
00:46:14Still in one piece.
00:46:17Just a couple chalk rocks.
00:46:21La dee da dee da.
00:46:24Someone's chirping.
00:46:27There's lots of battles in this one.
00:46:45Bye bye.
00:46:51What's that?
00:46:54Oh, more gold.
00:46:56No food.
00:46:57Let's do this.
00:47:00Oh, the satisfying meat tummy's almost here.
00:47:02Uh oh.
00:47:03Uh oh.
00:47:04It's getting dark.
00:47:07Oh no.
00:47:08All we need now is a bit of banter.
00:47:13And then.
00:47:15And then.
00:47:18She heard a voice.
00:47:21It whispered to her from the darkness.
00:47:24Who was it?
00:47:27Hold me.
00:47:29Voice creaking like a coffin lid said.
00:47:33And then.
00:47:36Where's my face?
00:47:44A lot of the conversation went through the night.
00:47:53After a long night, dawn dawned.
00:47:57Oh, come.
00:48:01I'm sorry, Jimmy's friend.
00:48:02I guess I have to go.
00:48:03I have to remember to fix the nightbot.
00:48:05Hey, honey.
00:48:07Can you write down nightbot on a note for me and put it on my computer, please?
00:48:11I gotta figure out why nightbot's being crazy.
00:48:31Oh, you're mean.
00:48:36I want to put her in a safe spot.
00:48:41There we go.
00:48:43It's an automated program, Kevin, and I think it must have added something.
00:48:51The only thing I can think.
00:48:57Oh, wow.
00:49:06The only thing I can think, it's gone absolutely insane.
00:49:15So, safe spot does cure him.
00:49:26Hey, another level.
00:49:32We're almost to 25 for them.
00:49:38If I have to turn nightbot off, I will.
00:49:41I'm going to see if I can fix it first.
00:49:43I have to finish with this dream before I can go in there and play, but.
00:49:53I love that kick.
00:49:56It's a big ol' mule kick.
00:50:08The camera.
00:50:09I think nightbot's the one that does a bunch of posting for us, so.
00:50:12They must have changed something in nightbot recently, and I just haven't gone in there to mess with it.
00:50:20I'll have to figure out.
00:50:21I'll just turn that off.
00:50:24I don't care if people spam symbols.
00:50:33Good job, Noah.
00:50:36He had a big ol' attack there.
00:50:41Ooh, lots of food.
00:50:43Makes me happy.
00:50:44Are we about through this?
00:50:46Yes, we're to the end, finally.
00:50:59We made it to the far reaches of Greenhorn.
00:51:02Heaven's lies in the land.
00:51:04Next door.
00:51:05I wonder what sort of place it is.
00:51:07Exciting stuff.
00:51:09According to rumors, next door is all about.
00:51:12Tell me.
00:51:13Never mind, I'm not picking spoilers.
00:51:15Oh, come on, don't do me like that.
00:51:18Well, anywho.
00:51:19Had a bit of fun for a while to land in Greenhorn.
00:51:22But more importantly, time to say hello to the land of next door.
00:51:27It's yours for the start of a brand new journey.
00:51:30Hooray, hooray, hooray.
00:51:35You've rescued 250 people.
00:51:40HP sprinkles upgrade.
00:51:55Sad parts coming.
00:52:10Is he going to take our faces?
00:52:14Or take three?
00:52:15Oh, take three of my people.
00:52:21My peeps.
00:52:25Where'd everyone go?
00:52:28Oh, you're not having the best times, are you?
00:52:30Dark Lord Kakashi came while you were sleeping.
00:52:33He's buried your friends away.
00:52:35And I cannot tell you where he has taken them.
00:52:37But if you hurry, you might just be able to save them.
00:52:40And there's no time to lose.
00:52:43Wait, what?
00:52:45Oh, he put a curse on you and sealed away your powers.
00:52:48So here's a little hurdle.
00:52:50So there's a little hurdle.
00:52:51Hey, what?
00:52:52As soon as you are now, I can prove a trifle difficult.
00:52:55So I shall grant you a new power.
00:52:57Now choose.
00:52:59This thing looks a bit like throwing some new jobs.
00:53:03I can't be a warrior?
00:53:11I can be a cat and an emperor scientist.
00:53:22I can't be the warrior.
00:53:32I can't be a cat and an emperor scientist.
00:53:39I can't be a cat and an emperor scientist.
00:53:47I can't be a cat and an emperor scientist.
00:53:52I can't be a cat and an emperor scientist.
00:53:56I can't be a cat and an emperor scientist.
00:54:05I can't be the cat and an emperor scientist.
00:54:11This cannot be true.
00:54:13Alright, we're on the fourth pop-star, Paul.
00:54:23So Warrior's locked away now?
00:54:24Or can one of the new people be Warrior?
00:54:30Where on earth are we?
00:54:34The last thing I remember is the Dark Lord attacking us.
00:54:40That thing must have dropped us down here.
00:54:42Hang on, where's Paul?
00:54:45Paul, I'm not seeing him anywhere.
00:54:48Paul can take care of himself.
00:54:49Why didn't he get all of them?
00:54:50He'll come and find us, I just know he won't.
00:54:52Yep, you're right.
00:54:56I guess I gotta figure out who I'm adding.
00:55:06I'm gonna start by eating some gold.
00:55:08Or eating.
00:55:14Not tasty, but...
00:55:18Level them up.
00:55:32I was hanging out with a horse.
00:55:38Off we go.
00:55:44So my team has been kidnapped.
00:55:48And they start me over.
00:55:54That looks like Kakarot.
00:55:56Next door desert.
00:55:59This looks bad.
00:56:04Let's go.
00:56:05There we go.
00:56:08What was that I ate yesterday?
00:56:17What about me?
00:56:18There's an idea.
00:56:20Looks like something's buried in here.
00:56:24Dig it up.
00:56:28Nothing there.
00:56:31Puff, puff.
00:56:33Oh great!
00:56:38Dig deeper.
00:56:45Still nothing there.
00:56:49Is there ever gonna be anything here, or should I just give up on it?
00:56:55I guess I should just give up.
00:57:01Or dig deeper.
00:57:05Do you ever find anything by digging deeper?
00:57:08Or not?
00:57:20I guess I can use HP sprinkles.
00:57:27Got something!
00:57:31I got money.
00:57:32Wow, that's it?
00:57:3325 genes?
00:57:36That was worthless.
00:57:38Lose all that health.
00:57:53Well, the other thing is I'm getting to the end of my screen.
00:57:59I don't know if I have a new player.
00:58:00I don't know if I have a new player yet or not.
00:58:03Scary scorpion.
00:58:30I won!
00:58:34Oh, barbecue scorpion.
00:58:37Looking forward to tonight's dinner.
00:58:40Barbecue scorpion sounds...
00:58:48I love you.
00:58:54Is that?
00:58:56Okay, it's time to rest.
00:58:57It's time to rest.
00:59:00No, no!
00:59:01Oh, dude, no.
00:59:07Ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow.
00:59:09Salad meals.
00:59:23Can we find an end soon, please?
00:59:27Ha ha ha.
00:59:30Oh, no.
00:59:46One more hit.
00:59:57Hey, I don't know why he keeps doing things that get him hurt.
01:00:03At least I leveled him up.
01:00:04Leveled him up too, finally.
01:00:07There's a pop star.
01:00:10And I got an encore.
01:00:19Oh, that's right.
01:00:20Leveled up so I maxed out.
01:00:21An N?
01:00:22Oh, a chest.
01:00:25Oh, game ticket, sweet.
01:00:33The N!
01:00:35Oh, I made it to the N.
01:00:42I guess I'll get a new game ticket.
01:00:46Oh, I missed it.
01:00:47I guess I'll get a new teammate next time I stream this game.
01:00:55Or maybe now they're coming out.
01:01:02Is it trough, travel, and loan, yes, well thank you for your patience.
01:01:08A new adventurer will come to join you.
01:01:12New travel companion for new lands.
01:01:33I don't like any of those.
01:01:42I don't like that one either.
01:01:47That one's okay.
01:02:04What about Mary?
01:02:21I can make her a warrior.
01:02:29Or a cleric.
01:02:39There we go.
01:02:40We'll have a cleric.
01:02:49Yeah, I just got a random person.
01:02:52Hello, I'm Mary and I'm a cleric.
01:02:54I wasn't sure about all this, but I'll try my hardest.
01:02:57Let me try some different job classes next time too.
01:03:03Never seen that before.
01:03:05Mary's a very experienced, so keep an eye on her.
01:03:07You got it.
01:03:09Well, I've called two more party members for you.
01:03:11You should show up soon.
01:03:13Until you rescue your captured friends, travel with your new party.
01:03:16Ho ho.
01:03:37She really wants some new gear.
01:03:40Morning investments.
01:03:44I'll use that.
01:03:47Sounds like you're starting back in the new land at like zero.
01:03:54I don't know if it'll be random people for all of them or not.
01:03:56I'll figure it out along the way.
01:03:59I'm gonna feed them real quick.
01:04:01Oh, doesn't like that. Okay.
01:04:08You like chock rock?
01:04:11Do you like chock rock?
01:04:13You like chock rock?
01:04:15I don't know if...
01:04:16What should I name you?
01:04:17Don't worry about it.
01:04:22I love it.
01:04:23What should I name you?
01:04:25I'll give it to you.
01:04:26Oh my god.
01:04:27Oh my god.
01:04:28I don't know if I can do it.
01:04:30Do you like Chalk Rock?
01:04:49Wrong thing.
01:04:51Alright, so...
01:04:54Save and quit here.
01:04:55Um, superstars of the stream are going to be JumpiestGrain38 and Kevin Hernandez Gaming.
01:05:02I thank everyone for watching.
01:05:03I hope you have a wonderful rest of your day.