• last year


00:00Eight life lessons everyone learns too late.
00:03One, God knows when to send you exactly what you need.
00:06Two, being private, staying low-key, and not telling everyone everything is self-care.
00:12Three, seek respect, not attention. It lasts longer.
00:16Four, there will always be someone who doesn't see your worth.
00:20Don't let it be you.
00:22Five, time always exposes what you truly mean to someone.
00:26Six, be careful who you trust.
00:29Salt and sugar look the same.
00:32Seven, no regrets. Just do better next time.
00:36Eight, remember some things have to end for better things to begin.
00:40If you are not following us, you are probably never going to see us again.
00:44If you are, then congrats. You are growing every day.