Explosive display by gin dogs at Holsworthy Show 2024

  • 2 months ago
Explosive display by gin dogs at Holsworthy Show 2024


00:00I'm going to get Prunicella when I throw this ball, you ready Prune, ready, get on, good girl,
00:11good girl, yeah, good girl, well done Bunchy, well done, good girl, good girl, thank you.
00:20So she stayed quite well for her, she doesn't stay particularly well, she's a spaniel, they want to
00:25be with you all the time, so I'll show you Ruby who's our Labrador, she's older and has been
00:31trained for quite a lot longer, would you like the ball? So her, Rubs, she gets a bit confused with
00:38this, but her sit and stay is quite different and also her training wise, isn't it Rubs? So she's
00:46six, so she's done about four seasons now, Labradors tend to mature slightly, it takes them a little
00:52bit longer than it does the spaniels, they are quite babyish for a little bit longer, but they
00:56grow for a lot longer as well. Right, can you stop following her around please, because she's not so
01:01keen, thank you, you can just stay there, or do you want to go and stay in front? Right, let's go there,
01:10so Ruby, yeah, I haven't got the whistle yet, already she's thinking I know exactly what you're
01:15doing, we've done this before several times, right, Ruby, so Ruby sits on the whistle, so all my dogs
01:25are taught to sit and come back on the whistle, the sit whistle is the same as the stop whistle, it's
01:31basically stop wherever you are and stop what you're doing, because I need you to sit down and
01:35stay there, it's a very important one for me, where we go, we have a lot of roads, we have a lot of
01:42racing rabbits that run across roads, things like that, the last thing I want is to lose one of my
01:46dogs across the road and end up with an accident for either the person in the car or my dog,
01:51so I like to know my dog stops, so she knows, once I've learned that, she has to stay there
01:56until she's told to move, so she will stay there and she'll stay there for 45 minutes if I let her
02:00there, which I won't because that's a bit mean, but I know she's well trained, I know she will,
02:06the younger dogs it takes longer, so I just take a bit of time to do this, I build up to the amount
02:11of time, don't I? So I use a release cue, so like that, she knows not to move until I get back and
02:20release her from where she is.
