Tom and Jerry

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"Tom and Jerry" is a classic animated cartoon featuring the comedic rivalry between Tom, a cat, and Jerry, a clever mouse. With hilarious chases, clever tricks, and playful antics, the show entertains children with its slapstick humor and timeless charm, making it a beloved favorite across generations


00:00Sir, it's a me, Uncle Jerry!
00:10Hey, Tom! Heads up!
00:20Hey, Mr. Cat! You need to watch where you is going!
00:25Oh, I'm sorry. I didn't introduce myself. My name is Benny. I'm new in the neighborhood. Put it there!
00:35Well, you know, it's a shame I gotta prove my superiority by beating you up.
00:48Nice to meet the new neighbors!
00:56Oh, hey, pal! Just so you know, that cat is my personal punching bag.
01:01Actually, this is my territory now, so the only one beating on that cat is yours truly.
01:07You seem like a nice kid, so I'm gonna let you off with a warning.
01:10Either you let that cat alone, or you're gonna have to deal with me. Capisce?
01:15It sounds like you're looking for a fight.
01:18Well, maybe I am.
01:23Okay, that was a lucky shot.
01:30I'm the top dog in the neighborhood, so I can beat up on this cat as much as I want.
01:48You waiting for me, Mr. Benny?
01:50Yeah, I need more lemonade. And make sure it's extra cold.
01:54Of course, Mr. Benny.
01:56And put another steak in my dish, will ya? I'm starving.
02:00Yes, Mr. Benny. Right away, Mr. Benny.
02:03Oh, and Spike!
02:04Yes, Mr. Benny?
02:05Bring me a bag, will ya?
02:07One bag, coming up.
02:12Look here, Spike.
02:14Now that I'm not top dog, I gotta do whatever he says. I've got no choice, fellas. It's the canine code.
02:21Hey, guys. Wanna play some tennis?
02:24We don't have a tennis ball.
02:35Game, set, and match. Is there nothing I can't do?
02:40All the way between my stinky toes. Now hurry up, so I can take a nap.
02:47Good enough.
02:52Used tree gotta put that mutt in his place.
02:55I already tried.
02:57You tried the normal way. I gotta learn old Spike to fight the alley cat way. Dirty.
03:03Now the first thing you need to learn is the old horseshoe and the boxing glove trick.
03:13Here's another trick I know. It's the old misdirection.
03:17Hey, Tom. Is that a tuna truck across the street?
03:22Or you can just use your claws and teeth. Like this.
03:27Now, you try it.
03:28Hey, is that the world's biggest ball of yarn?
03:34Sorry, I'm too much of a dog. I can only fight fair.
03:37Don't give up, Spike. We're all behind ya.
03:40Stupid. Get over here and fan me. Can't you see the sun is out?
03:52Hey, slow down. You trying to give me a brain freeze or something?
04:13That's it, guys. I've embarrassed everyone. I've embarrassed myself.
04:17You won't be hearing from old Spike no more.