• 2 months ago
Students arrived from first thing to collect their results
00:00Marie Lannigan will be head here at St Anthony's as of the 1st of September. How have we done?
00:07We've done absolutely fantastic, absolutely amazing achievements this year. We have over
00:1380% of our students who have achieved 5 or more GCSEs including English and Maths, which
00:18is phenomenal. Over a third of our grades are at level 7 or above, so 7, 8 and 9, and
00:24many of our students have a clean sweep of those top grades. So really, really thrilled.
00:30You know, that's testament of the hard work, the determination of all of our students and
00:34a great team of staff. And of course our parents who supported and encouraged the students
00:38all the way through school. So really happy today. We are really, really proud of everything
00:42that they've achieved.
00:46Abigail Emerson is here at St Anthony's. How have we done?
00:50I've done really well actually. 7s, 8s and 9s and I'm very proud of that.
00:55And how does that compare to what we were expecting?
00:58I'm very relieved. Most of them have gone up. A few bang on targets. I'm really happy.
01:05Not stressed out. It's going okay.
01:07And what's the plan from here?
01:08And the plan from here is to stay at 6th form at St Anthony's and we're going to do French,
01:15History and something else for my A levels. I just need to decide what to do.
01:20And then what would you like to do in the long term?
01:21In the long term, I think I'll probably do something along the lines of French and International
01:26Relations at uni and see where that takes me.
01:31Eve Tate is here at St Anthony's. How have we done?
01:33I've done really well. Got lots of 8s and 9s. I'm absolutely over the moon.
01:37And how does that compare with what you're expecting?
01:38Much better than what I expected. I thought I was going to get a lot lower than I did.
01:42And what's the plan now?
01:43To do my A levels in 6th form. Hopefully do just as well.
01:46And what would you like to do in the long term?
01:47Possibly go to uni, settle down, have a career, but who knows?
