The Critter That Breathes Through Its Butt To Survive !

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The Critter That Breathes Through Its Butt To Survive ! - by Simply Awesome Planet

The Turtle That Breathes Through Its Butt !


00:00Hey there, nature lovers! Welcome to another episode of Simply Awesome Planet.
00:04Today, I'm going to introduce you to an absolutely fascinating creature.
00:09Meet the Painted Turtle, a remarkable little reptile that has one of the wildest survival
00:13strategies you've ever heard of. Now, you might be wondering, what makes the Painted Turtle so
00:18special? Well, during the harsh winter months, when temperatures drop and ponds freeze over,
00:24this turtle has a trick up its shell. I don't mean to be graphic here, but it breathes through
00:29its butt. No pun intended, however, that's right. The Painted Turtle, scientifically known as
00:35Chrysemys Picta, has a unique adaptation called cloacal respiration. When these turtles hibernate
00:41underwater, oxygen becomes scarce. Instead of using their lungs, they absorb oxygen through
00:47their butts or cloaca, which is a multi-purpose opening used for excretion and reproduction.
00:53It's like something out of a sci-fi movie, isn't it? But it's all real. This adaptation
00:58is crucial for their survival, especially since their metabolic rate drops significantly during
01:03winter. By utilizing their butts for respiration, these turtles can remain submerged for months,
01:09conserving energy and avoiding predators. Now, apart from their winter superpowers,
01:14Painted Turtles are pretty cool all year round. They're called painted for a reason. Just look at
01:20those beautiful, vibrant markings on their shells and bodies. They're actually the most widespread
01:25native turtle of North America, and you can find them basking in the sun near ponds and lakes during
01:30the warmer months. But it's not just their looks that are impressive. Painted Turtles have a varied
01:36diet, munching on aquatic vegetation, insects, and small fish. They play a vital role in their
01:42ecosystems by helping to control insect populations and maintain healthy aquatic environments.
01:48And here's another fun fact. Female Painted Turtles can lay up to 20 eggs at a time.
01:54They dig nests on land, often quite far from water, to lay their eggs. After a couple of months,
02:00the hatchlings emerge and make their way to the water, starting the cycle all over again.
02:06The Painted Turtle reminds us of the incredible adaptability of nature.
02:10So next time you're out exploring a pond or lake, keep an eye out for these colorful little
02:15survivors. They've got some amazing stories to tell, even if they are a bit shy about it.
02:21Thanks for joining me today. Thanks for watching and please like and subscribe to my channel
02:26as it really helps me produce more interesting Animal Kingdom videos. Thanks so much. Also,
02:33please stay tuned for more answers to the curiosities of our Simply Awesome world.
02:38Until next time, stay curious.
