वक्फ संशोधन विधेयक पर JPC की पहली बैठक, Jagdambika Pal ने कहा, ‘ज़रूरी बिंदु उठाए जाएंगे’

  • last week
वक्फ संशोधन विधेयक 2024 पर संयुक्त संसदीय समिति के अध्यक्ष एवं बीजेपी नेता जगदम्बिका पाल ने कहा, जो बिल आया है, सरकार ने उसे प्रस्तुत किया है। आज वह जेपीसी को रेफर कर दिया गया है। जेपीसी की आज पहली बैठक शुरू हो रही है, इस पर चर्चा की जाएगी और जो भी ज़रूरी बिंदु होंगे वे उठाए जाएंगे। जगदम्बिका पाल ने कहा, यह जेपीसी चर्चा केवल जेपीसी सदस्यों के साथ ही नहीं बल्कि जो भी हितधारक हैं, राज्यों के वक्फ बोर्ड के चेयरमैन, मुसलमान समुदाय के सभी वर्ग और मुसलमान समुदाय से जुड़े संगठनों के साथ भी की जानी चाहिए। सरकार का बिल को लाने का एक खास मकसद है और अगले सेशन तक हम एक अच्छा बिल सबके सामने लेकर आएंगे ।

#waqf_board #breakingnews #news
00:00The bill that has come, the government has presented it.
00:04Today, it has been referred to the JPC.
00:07And the Speaker's mandate is to refer it to the JPC
00:12and give it to us on the last day of the first week of the next session.
00:16So it is natural that the JPC meeting is starting today.
00:19All the members of the JPC will discuss this bill thread and wire.
00:26And whatever concerns there are, we will discuss them in the JPC.
00:32And to the extent that this JPC, I feel,
00:36that we should not only do it with our members,
00:38but also with the stakeholders.
00:40For example, the Work Board Amendment Act of 2024,
00:43which we are amending in 1995.
00:45So in that, the work board of the states,
00:48their chairman should also be called.
00:51The agnizations of our minorities,
00:56whether it is the All India Muslim Personal Law Board,
00:59whether it is the Jamaat-ul-Ummah-e-Hind,
01:01or our other agnizations,
01:03Sunnis, Siyahs, Barelvis, Deobandis,
01:06Ahle Sunnah,
01:08or whatever Agha Khanis are there,
01:10we will call all those people.
01:13We will give maximum opportunities to the people,
01:16so that we can bring this bill,
01:18or the government's bill,
01:20has a special purpose,
01:22that if people in the country,
01:24donate their properties,
01:28then its purpose is that,
01:30in the name of the God,
01:32any property dedicated for the religion purposes,
01:34pious purposes, and charitable purposes.
01:36So with this pure intention,
01:38if any of our property is of donation,
01:42then to fulfill that pure intention,
01:45so that the common Muslims,
01:47the poor Muslims,
01:49the backward Muslims,
01:51our women, our sisters,
01:53or the children of the minorities,
01:55for medical, for education,
01:57so that they can benefit from it,
01:59the purpose of dedicating the property,
02:02to fulfill that purpose.
02:04In the last few days,
02:06in the same way,
02:08in some places,
02:10people used to donate their properties,
02:12with a very pure intention,
02:14so today we have brought a reform,
02:16for that purpose,
02:18and the act that has been there,
02:20in that act, in 1995,
02:22there were 44 amendments,
02:24on all those amendments,
02:26we will talk in JPC,
02:28and will bring a good comprehensive bill,
02:30till the next session.
